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50 SHADES of SEX: Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Short Sex Stories (Daddy Daughter Sex Stories,Babysitter Sex Stories, Hot Wife Sex Stories, Quickie Sex and More)

Page 31

by Hunt, Lexi

“Oh fuck she’s tight!” Jake groaned. He thrust himself deeper into my ass and tugged at my hair. I felt his cock twitching inside me and I knew he was close to orgasm. But I was more concerned with my stepdad’s cock.

  “Fuck me, Daddy!” I cried “Fuck my pussy! Fill my asshole! Fill me with cum!”

  The sudden, dirty outburst took them both by surprise – and they each quickened their pace still, slamming into me so hard that the desk rocked!

  “That’s it, take it! Take it like the naughty little slut you are” my stepdad cried, rubbing my clit harder and faster. I felt my orgasm building and screamed at the top of my lungs as both men erupted inside of me at the same time. Hot spurts of cum filled up my ass and pussy, causing me to moan like a little whore as my stepdad roared and grunted in ecstasy. I couldn’t take it anymore! I wailed and cried, my pussy and ass clenching as I squirted my juices all over my stepdad’s crotch and onto the desk beneath us. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced in my life!

  They both slowly pulled out of me and allowed me to roll onto my back, gazing up at them and panting. They were both smiling.

  “What do you think, Jake?” my stepdad said, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on me as I laid there with a sedated smile on my face “do you think she’s junior assistant material?”

  Jake nodded and grinned in response “I think so. But I think you’ll have to keep her in check, Boss. She’s clearly a feisty one!”

  My stepdad chuckled at that last comment, then nodded. We looked at each other for a few moments in silence. Nothing else needed to be said. It was clear that I was the best candidate for the position, and I had been all along. I just needed to learn the meaning of discipline – and I knew from that moment that my daddy would certainly succeed in teaching me all I needed to know along the way.

  Daddy’s Little Cum-Slut

  “A Rough Sex Encounter Between ‘Daddy’ and Daughter”


  Cindy is the sort of girl who is determined to get what she wants. That’s why, when her stepdad refuses to allow her to have her friends over for the evening, she devises a plan to make him pay! She flirts with her dad’s friends, flashing her shaven little pussy and her perky tits to the point that it makes her stepdad explode with rage! He throws his friends out, and Cindy is left to endure her punishment... but it turns out to be far less ‘punishing’ than she first anticipated.

  "Fine, be that way!" I shouted down the stairs. My fists were clenched and I was practically shaking with rage. I couldn't believe my stepdad could be so self-centred and obnoxious. He and I had never really got along, I thought that since I'd been on my absolute best behaviour all weekend that he might allow me a couple of little luxuries.

  But obviously, I was mistaken. My mom had gone away you on a business trip, and my stepdad was considering going camping with a couple of his buddies from work, so naturally I leapt at the chance of having a few friends round since I would have the house to myself.

  On the Friday night that my mom left for the airport I promised my stepdad faithfully that I would cook, clean and do whatever else he bid me to over the weekend, if he would just let me have a little party on Sunday night. I was home from college for the summer, and had been rattling around the house for weeks with nothing to do. The prospect of having a party was too irresistible not to pursue.

  My stepdad agreed, saying that if I cooked his meals, ironed shirts, washed the dishes and did the laundry then he might just let me have three or four friends over to chill out in the games room. We lived in a large house, and the games room was perfect to hosting a little get-together. Obviously I was planning on having more than four or five friends over – but he would be far away on a camping trip would be none the wiser. I just smiled sweetly as he laid down the terms and nodded enthusiastically, keen to please him to get what I wanted.

  I did so with gritted teeth and a false smile; it did pain me to have to submit to him like this. Like I said, we'd never really gotten along. He'd moved in with me and my mom when I was about 12 years old, and while the first few years of him being with us were okay, as soon as I became an older teenager we started having problems, and when I turned eighteen it got a whole lot worse. It was like we were both competing for my mom's attention all the time, and the worst part of it was that he was probably twice as childish as me.

  As time went on it became the norm for us to argue and bicker like siblings rather than like stepfather and daughter. My mom learned to ignore it, I learned to tolerate it and he learned that if he was persistent and controlling enough, more often than not he got what he wanted. That was just the sort of man he was; completely unreasonable and desperate for control.

  Knowing his traits and his flaws so well, I realised it was best to indulge him and go along with whatever he said. It hurt my pride, I'm not going to lie -- and when he spent half an hour complaining that the dinner that I'd cooked wasn't up to scratch, I nearly lost it -- but all the while I kept a false smile plastered to my face. I was determined to get what I wanted.

  But when Sunday night came along, and I was getting antsy and trying to usher him out of the door to get on with his stupid camping trip, he broke the news to me that he wasn't even going.

  "Oh didn't I tell you?" He had said, with a smug smile creeping across his face "the boys didn't want to go camping, so I invited them over for a few drinks instead. Obviously you can invite your friends over some of the time, maybe. After all, your mom wouldn't be pleased if she found out that we'd had a house full of people.”

  I couldn't believe it! He had me act like his personal slave all weekend, and now he wasn't even going to repay me with what he had promised. It made my blood boil, and I began to see red as I glared at him from the top of the stairs. He folded his arms in front of his chest and smiled up at me, triumphant. That was when I lost it, and began screaming at him.

  "You're a piece of work, do you know that?" I shouted, clenching my fists so hard that my nails dug into the palm of my hand painfully "you have me do your bidding all weekend, treating me like a fucking slave -- and now you're going back on your part of the bargain? I knew you were low! But I didn't know you were this low!"

  My stepdad’s changed immediately the moment I swore at him. His eyes went wide, and his mouth pressed into a thin line. He too began to clench his fists, and I knew at that moment I had crossed a line. But there was no going back, I had said what I needed to say and I had to deal with the consequences.

  "How dare you talk to me like that!" He shouted up the stairs, his voice rising with every word "I'm your dad, and as long as you're staying under my roof he will abide by my rules. What I say goes, and there’s not a dammed thing that you can do about...”

  He was cut short mid-sentence by the sound of the doorbell ringing. He glared at me and then looked back at the door, contemplating whether or not to continue with the argument or to go answer it. He decided on the latter, turning on his heel and stomping over to the door while I took the opportunity to escape to my bedroom. I heard the door open and the sound of voices, men laughing and shouting together. That noise made me feel even more bitter. I was still seeing red, and I was determined at that moment to make him pay!

  I stomped across my bedroom and threw up in my closet door, sifting through piles of clothes like a mad woman, before settling on one perfect outfit. It was my tightest pink sweater, and my shortest pleated skirt. I teamed it with knee-high cotton socks and deliberately didn't put on any underwear. Oh yes, I was going to make him pay alright.

  After spending half an hour curling my long blonde hair into glossy ringlets, and applying some make-up and perfume I stood back to admire my handiwork in the mirror. I was still angry, but my heart was also beating with excitement at this point. I knew I looked good, and I was going to make sure that Daddy's buddies knew it to. I couldn't wait to see the look of shame and embarrassment on his face as I began to work my magic on them.

  I practically skipped out of my bedroom and down
the hallway, feeling light on my feet as I descended the staircase and made my way across the house to the games room. I could hear them laughing and shouting together as I approached, and it flared up that little spark of anger inside me -- giving me just enough courage to go through with what I was planning. I pushed open the door and walked into the room, swaying my hips as I did so.

  "Hi guys" I said with a sweet smile on my face, and walked over to the mini fridge in the corner of the room. They all stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me, their eyes immediately drawn to my perky tits, drinking in the sight of my slightly erect nipples through my tight sweater. This was going to be so much fun.

  I bent low and opened the fridge, knowing full well that my dad's friend John who was seated just a few feet behind me would get a nice little flash of my shaven pussy. I heard him gasp a little as I pulled out a beer, and removed the cap with my teeth. The rest of the guys were still staring at me, with mixed expressions on their faces. My stepdad's face was bright red, and he looked like he was about to explode.

  "How are you all doing tonight?" I said, taking a sip of my beer and trying my best to keep my face looking neutral. They all checked themselves and averted their eyes, murmuring that they were having a good time etc. The only one who didn't answer was my stepdad.

  "Does anyone fancy a game of pool?" I said, once again try my best to look neutral and innocent.

  "Look, Cindy, the guys don't want you bothering them, okay?" My stepdad managed to say in a restrained voice. He was doing his best not to lose control, and I took great delight in watching him squirm.

  "Oh it’s okay, Dave" I heard John say from behind me "she's not doing any harm, let her have a game or two"

  The other guys chimed in, telling my stepdad to lighten up. He was cornered, I knew he wouldn’t be able to protest without making himself look like an ass. It was perfect.

  I grabbed a pool cue and watched one of my dad's friends place the balls in the centre of the table. I leaned over as low as possible, giving the guys in front of me full view of my delicious cleavage, and allowing John another glance at my little pink pussy from behind. I was enjoying myself so much, drinking in the sight of my stepdad's tortured face as he watched his buddies ogling me, and took a little too long to break. My stepdad knew exactly what I was doing.

  Throughout the entire game of pool hardly anybody spoke, they were all mesmerised by what I was doing. It was the easiest game of pool I'd ever played!

  As I potted the last ball, I watched my stepdad's face turned from crimson to dark purple. None of his buddies seemed to notice the obvious torment that he was going through. Not that any of them probably would have cared anyway; I was putting on too good a show.

  "Another game?" I said, standing up straight and running the pool cue between my fingers. My dad's buddies all called out ‘yes’ simultaneously and I couldn't help but giggle. That was the last straw. I wasn't prepared for what happened next, as I watch my stepdad physically explode. He threw his bottle of beer to the floor where it smashed, sending flecks of glass scattering throughout the room. I shrieked, and his buddies cried out. But any sounds that we made were dwarfed by his shouting.

  "OUT!” He shouted at the top of his lungs "everybody out. Right now!"

  "Jesus, Dave "John said, his voice shaking slightly with shock "relax. There's no need to...”

  “NOW!” My stepdad bellowed, and this time nobody argued. They all got up quickly, and stumbled out of the room. It really was a frightening sight, to see him standing there clenching and unclenching his fists -- the colour of his face alternating between bright red and deep purple. As I heard the front door slam, I felt feeling of dread wash over me. I knew that I crossed the line, and I was frightened. But there was also part of me that was deeply excited by what just happened. I pushed his buttons in a way I'd never been able to do before, and the feeling of power and elation that it gave me was indescribable. That, coupled with the feeling I got from having my stepdad's friends marvel at my body like that made me feel weak at the knees.

  "You should be fucking ashamed of yourself!" he hissed, walking towards me slowly "acting like a cheap little slut, what did you hope to achieve from that? Huh?"

  I didn't answer him. I just stood there, holding his gaze but feeling the sense of dread and worry getting stronger. He really was angry. But there was something else inside the anger that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Something about him was different, and I could see it in his face as he walked towards me.

  "You think that just by acting like a little whore, you'll get whatever you want?" My stepdad said. He was stood right in front of me now, and I could see that his heart was thumping in his chest beneath his tight white T-shirt. His pupils were dilated, and a slight sweat had broken out at his brow. "You need to be taught a lesson, Cindy. No little slut is going to manipulate me. Not ever!"

  He was uncomfortably close now; so close that his lips were literally just a couple of inches from mine. I could smell his cologne, and feel his breath softly caressing my cheek as he spoke. I immediately felt woozy and confused, but I said nothing and did nothing.

  "If you're going to act like a little slut" my stepdad continued, his voice now a raspy whisper "then I guess I'm just going to have to treat you like one!”

  Pain and exhilaration suddenly flashed through my body. My stepdad slapped me across the face, causing a ringing in my ear -- before grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me towards him in a rough and passionate kiss. I couldn't believe it! This was my stepdad! And now he had his tongue down my throat.

  But the funny thing was, after the initial shock of what was happening, I found that my own tongue was massaging his. I was responding to the kiss almost automatically. It was like there was something inside me spurring me on -- like I wanted this!

  He ran his hands down my back, and placed them on my ass, squeezing my cheeks and then pulling me closer to him. Our groins pressed up against one another, and I could feel his hard erection through his pants. I couldn't believe that my stepdad was hard for me. It was absolutely surreal, and I knew in my heart that it was wrong. But that didn't stop me.

  He pulled away from the kiss and held me at arm's-length, his eyes glazed over with an animal lust. I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me. I didn't even have time to draw in another breath before he forced me down to my knees, keeping his hands firmly planted on my shoulders. I looked up at him with pleading eyes, and had just enough time to gasp as he pulled out his huge throbbing cock. I couldn't believe how big he was, or how hard and swollen. But he didn't give me time to drink in the sight of it, he just took advantage of my open mouth and thrust his hips forwards. My mouth was immediately filled with cock, causing me to cough and splutter as he rammed it down my throat. I grasped his wrists, trying to steady myself on my knees as he furiously began to thrust himself inside my mouth. I'd never given deep throat like this before, and feeling his huge member hitting the back of my throat hurt like crazy. But it was a strange kind of pain that seemed to make my pussy grow wetter by the second.

  "That's right" he hissed, “open wide and take Daddy’s cock. Good girl”

  I felt so dirty and degraded, and yet so completely turned on! I wanted his cock in my throat, almost as badly as I wanted to feel him stuff it inside my tight, wet cunt. I groaned with anticipation, and ran my tongue over the ridges of his shaft. I couldn't believe I was tasting my daddy's cock for the very first time, and it felt so dammed good.

  "Oh baby" my daddy groaned, "you suck a dick like a little cum slut don’t you! Dirty bitch...”

  The disgusting and insulting words that were coming out of his mouth only turned me on even more. I was a dirty little cum slut. I was Daddy's dirty little cum slut, and I was so hungry for his cock that I couldn't help but moan and whine as he slid himself in and out of my mouth. His pace was quickening, and I felt even more turned on by the fact that he was getting so excited so quickly. I could feel my pussy positively
dripping now, and quickly let go of one of his wrists and stuffed my hand up my skirt. I plunged my fingers into my pussy, rolling my thumb over my clit as I slid my digits in and out of my tight, wet hole.

  My stepdad saw what I was doing, and immediately removed his cock from my mouth. The look of anger and lust in his eyes was indescribable, and he shoved me backwards, roughly. I hit the floor with a thud, my hand still firmly up my skirt, and he gasped at the sight of my completely shaven pussy. He wasted no time in climbing on top of me, bending down for another rough kiss. My heart was racing, and I felt dizzy. Every fibre of me willed him on. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them up above my head, intertwining my fingers with his and feeling the slick wetness of my pussy juices on my hand.

  "You’re so fucking ready" he gasped, and without a moment’s hesitation he thrust his hips forwards and rammed his cock into my tight, teenage couldn't. I squealed with delight and pain, he was so big! He was bigger than any guy I’d ever had before, I could fill my pussy stretching around the thick base of his shaft as he rammed himself into me even harder. But I didn't tell him to stop. I just continued to gasp and squeal his he slammed into me over and over. There was no slow, sensual build up to this -- no easing into it. He just rammed his dick inside me and began to pound -- and I didn't want it any other way.


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