Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 19

by Rainey Daye

  * * * *

  Rather than being disgusted, she was instead titillated. She carefully watched their technique, determining that if anyone would know how best to give a blow job, it would be another man. She took mental notes so that she could perform the same moves in the future. She noticed that both Alex and Jess employed moves that were very similar to ones that she had used on both of them the previous day and gave herself an invisible pat on the back that she was doing something right when it came to blow jobs.

  And she watched in fascinated wonder as the men sucked each other to completion while stroking and probing each other’s anuses. They both made sure to lick their perineums and run their fingers along it, and Jess even bit into Alex’s butt cheek, causing him to squirm. They both eventually threw back their heads and roared at different times, the veins and tendons on their necks straining with the force of their release. And they continued to slowly stroke and suck until they both collapsed with their arms wrapped around each other’s waists while their penises once again became flaccid.

  Maggie had her hand over her mouth by this time to stifle any sounds of appreciation, interest, or awe that she might make that could cut through the men’s mutual pleasuring of each other.

  Alex seemed to come to his senses first. He gave his head a shake, looked around a bit dazedly, and pulled his swim trunks back up before giving Maggie a sheepish look. “Uh, sorry about that, Mags. We got a bit carried away.”

  “But you didn’t have sex!” She couldn’t help but protest.

  “Uh, we both came. I would call that sex,” Jess said as he pulled up his own shorts and moved back to his original chaise.

  “But that was oral sex.”

  “Yeah, oral sex. What’s your point?” Jess asked.

  “But I didn’t get to see you two actually do it,” she said lamely.

  “Do it?” Alex asked with a quirked eyebrow in her direction.

  “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

  “Well, if you want us to answer your question, then we need to fully understand the question,” he teased her.

  Maggie bared her teeth at him and snapped, “Why didn’t you fuck each other the way you described that you would?”

  “Uh, because we got caught up in the moment and came before we could?” Jess asked with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Oh, you just suck, you know that?”

  “Yeah, I do. In fact, you just saw me suck. I sucked Alex good and hard,” Jess said and burst out laughing when Maggie threw a pillow from her chaise at him. He caught it easily in his hand and set it aside, still laughing at her glares.

  “We didn’t fully make love to each other because, number one, neither of us has a condom on us. And number two, we really didn’t think you were ready to actually witness that. But we did tell you that we both fuck each other and that there are different positions that can be employed. I think a visual demonstration of oral sex was more than enough, don’t you?” Alex asked her.

  Then, turning to Jess, he asked, “Where did you come up with that one move with your lips gumming the underside of my cock? I don’t recall you doing that before.”

  Maggie was suddenly uncomfortable as she recalled that she had employed it on Jess the previous night, but Jess covered by easily replying, “Gotta keep things fresh and exciting. Been thinking about trying that out on you. I’m glad you liked it. And I’ve gotta say, that swirly thing you were doing on my perineum? It felt like you were spelling a word down there with your tongue.”

  “That was the alphabet,” Alex said. “Thought I’d see if any particular letter turned you on.” And again Maggie was relieved that Alex didn’t reveal that that was a move she had used on him in the motel as she spelled her name out on him.

  “Well, it felt really good,” Jess said. “Feel free to spell whole words next time. Maybe try cursive?” Alex laughed in response.

  “You taking notes, Mags, so you know what we like?” Alex teased her.

  “What makes you think that I would want to give either of you a blow job?” she asked archly.

  “Ah, Mags. Guys live for blow jobs. Don’t tell me you’re gonna deny us the feel of that delectable mouth of yours on our cocks,” Jess whined good-naturedly.

  “I’ll give it serious consideration,” Maggie promised gravely.

  “So, Maggie,” Alex asked, completely serious now. “Are you disgusted by what we do to each other? If you are, we can try to refrain while we’re with you.”

  “You mean make it all about me?” Maggie asked.

  “Of course,” Jess said earnestly. “We would never want to do something with you that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

  And with those words, Maggie felt tears overflow her eyes. “You two are too good to be true,” she said earnestly. “How did I ever get so lucky as to become your girlfriend?”

  “Are you, Maggie?” Alex asked softly. “Are you still our girlfriend?”

  “Now and forever,” she pledged, and both men walked over and sat down beside her for a group embrace.

  Chapter 13

  When Maggie went to stand up to go back inside the house, she had to stifle a moan from the twinges in her legs. But both men were fully attuned to her and sat up on their individual chaises at her moan.

  “What’s wrong, Mags?” Jess asked worriedly.

  “My legs are still a bit sore.” She tried to wave off his concern. “And before you offer, no, I do not want a massage from either of you. That’ll just lead to trouble,” she added, and both men had to grin in agreement to that.

  “Did you soak in the hot tub?” Alex wanted to know.

  “I don’t know how to operate the controls and didn’t want to risk breaking it. But I did fill my bathtub with Epsom salts earlier and then came out here to swim a few laps to try to work the kinks out.”

  “Well, we’re home now and can show you how to operate it in the future,” Alex said as he stood up and took her hand, leading her over to the hot tub while Jess disappeared inside the house.

  Maggie clutched his hand and allowed Alex to support her while she carefully stepped down into the hot tub and sat on a bench along the side before he then knelt on the edge and turned on the jets and adjusted the temperature settings. She sighed as she felt the jets turn on and sank lower into the water before she laid her head back to rest on the edge.

  She barely noticed that Alex had joined her in the hot tub, but she did feel compelled to raise her head when Jess said, “Here, Maggie.” She opened her eyes behind her sunglasses to see him kneeling next to her head, proffering a glass of red wine to her. She raised her brows at him but accepted the glass without comment. She sipped at her wine and watched him pick up two more full glasses and enter the hot tub to sit down on another bench. He leaned across her and handed one of the glasses to Alex before he leaned back and sipped from his own glass. He then returned his glass to the edge of the hot tub, and she finally noticed the bottle of wine sitting there.

  “Trying to get me drunk?” She couldn’t resist asking as she took another sip of wine.

  “We haven’t had to before, so why should we begin now?” he asked seriously as he took her glass out of her hand and placed it next to his.

  Since she couldn’t refute or argue that statement, she leaned her head back and relaxed into the tub. She felt movement in the water and realized that someone had joined her on her own bench but didn’t bother to look to see who it was.

  “Have some more wine,” Alex’s voice spoke softly near her ear, and she turned her head and opened her eyes to see him sitting next to her with her wineglass held out to her while he sipped from his own. She raised her head and reached for it, but before she could take it from him, Alex had tilted it to her lips and held it there while she sipped. She allowed this action on his part and then pulled back to rest her head against the back of the hot tub again.

  She felt movement on her other side then and knew that Jess had joined them on her side of the tub. For t
he next few minutes, the men sat next to her and took turns offering her wine and holding the glass while she sipped, yet neither made any advances toward her other than Alex rubbing her neck whenever she raised her head to take a drink. Fully relaxing now, she allowed the two men to pamper her.

  She didn’t protest when Alex finally draped his arm around her while he fed her some wine, and she dropped her head back to lie against his upper arm when she was finished. Jess was more active with his movements in the hot tub, and she realized that he was the one who was constantly topping off their glasses.

  Alex ran his fingers up and down her arm with featherlight strokes as he mused, “You know, this is almost like a fantasy of mine.”

  She rolled her head toward him when he didn’t elaborate beyond that.

  “Sitting in the hot tub with a beautiful woman,” he told her at her unspoken request for clarification. “But in my fantasy, she’s topless,” he finished with a dreamy sigh. Looking down at her then, he gave her a hopeful smile. “How ’bout it, honey? Care to make my fantasy come true?”

  “I don’t think that would be wise,” she replied and then felt compelled to raise her head from his arm and turn toward Jess when he offered her more wine. As she sipped from the glass that Jess held to her lips, she felt Alex tug on the back of the band of her bikini top as he whispered, “Please?”

  Before she could tell him no, he quickly undid the hook in back. He then wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her back into his embrace before she could scoot away from him. Surprised at his swift action, she clasped both her hands over her breasts to keep her top from floating free. Rather than trying to tug the top away from her, he simply reached over to the edge of the tub and reclaimed his wineglass with his free arm. Taking a slow sip, he moved the hand that had brought her back flush to his body and gently ran his fingers along her collarbone and neck. His fingers then gently tugged at the ties of her bikini that crisscrossed over her chest, and they fell loose from her neck, letting her know that at some point he had managed to untie them from around her neck without her being aware of it.

  She gasped in outrage and turned her head to glare at him. When she raised one hand to grab the strings, his hand quickly dipped down, and he tugged her top away. He nonchalantly tossed it to the pool deck as he grinned at her while Maggie covered her bare breasts with her hands and sank lower into the hot tub.

  “That was a dirty rotten trick, Alex Cavalerri,” she grumbled at him.

  “I know, sweetheart,” he easily replied without a hint of remorse and leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek.

  “Have some more wine, Mags,” Jess offered as he held the glass toward her again.

  “You’re just as bad as he is.” Maggie transferred her glare to Jess. “You’re both trying to get me drunk so I won’t protest.”

  “We don’t need to get you drunk, because you never protest,” Jess stated matter-of-factly and pressed the glass to her lips so that she had no option but to raise her head and sip if she didn’t want it spilled on her. Heaven forbid that she spill her wine, because if she did they would both be there instantly, cleaning it up with their tongues!

  When Jess removed the glass, she sank even lower in the water but kept her head raised this time instead of returning it to rest against Alex’s arm. “I guess you’re going to share your fantasy with me next,” she snarled at Jess.

  “Not yet,” he replied easily as he topped off the glasses again. “I’m enjoying Alex’s fantasy too much right now.”

  She glared at the two men in turn but neither seemed intimidated or remorseful. She reluctantly admitted to herself that she loved their undisguised desire for her and their slow seductions. Their totally focused attention and regard, along with the fact that they cared about her and lusted after her. They were her friends and her lovers, and they made her wet and crazed for them.

  Unable to remain mad, she sighed back into the jets and leaned her head back on Alex’s strong arm before she eventually let her hands fall away from her breasts, although she did make sure that she was neck-deep in the water first. She kept her eyes open behind her dark sunglasses to see if the men noticed her capitulation, but they gave no indication that they had noticed as they both sipped their wine.

  Jess returned his glass to the pool deck and then moved away from them on the bench and into the deeper center of the hot tub. He surprised her by grasping her legs and moving them up onto the bench where he had been sitting so that she was now almost fully reclining against Alex.

  “There,” Jess said in satisfaction as he patted her leg. “Now the jets can reach your legs better.”

  Alex brought his arm down from where it had been lying along the edge of the tub and wrapped it around her waist, the movement causing her to start to slide off the bench. He quickly brought his other arm around her to keep her from sliding anymore, and she found herself completely enfolded in his arms, his hands locked together over her stomach, his thumbs very gently stroking the undersides of her breasts.

  Jess retrieved her wineglass and one other before he moved to her side, raising himself on his knees so he was kneeling beside her. She was surprised that he didn’t press the glass to her lips this time. Rather, he simply held it out to her. She raised herself up and reached for the glass. Taking it in her hand and automatically bringing it to her lips for a sip, she noticed Jess tilt the other wineglass to Alex’s lips and feed it to him so that Alex would not have to remove his arms from around her.

  “Thanks, Jess,” Alex sighed after Jess had removed the glass and then gently licked a drop from Alex’s lips before he also took a sip of wine before returning the glass to the edge of the tub, leaving Maggie still holding her own glass.

  Maggie relaxed even further then and took a long, deep drink from her glass before she raised her arm and set the glass on the edge. She didn’t even twitch when she felt Jess’s hands on her outside leg. She sighed in contentment as he expertly massaged her sore thigh muscle.

  Alex kissed the top of her head and then removed her sunglasses, laying them on the edge of the tub before he cupped her chin and tilted her face up to his. He then leaned down and claimed her lips in a deep, drugging kiss. Before Maggie could fully return his kiss, he released her and lowered his hand back into the water. But instead of returning to rest upon her stomach, he cupped his hand over one of her breasts, which were now both completely out of the water. When Maggie couldn’t bring herself to protest, he began to slowly squeeze and massage it.

  She moaned in response, and Alex brought his other hand up so that he could lavish equal attention on both her breasts. He cupped them from underneath and pushed the mounds together and then Jess’s mouth was there, licking and suckling them while he squeezed her thigh.

  Just as she thought she was going to come, Alex removed his hands and placed them on the back of her shoulders instead, pushing her away as Jess pulled back at the same time. She let out a whimper, but before she could protest, Jess swung her legs off the bench and sat down in their place while Alex repositioned her so that she was now reclining on the bench against Jess while Alex lifted her legs back onto the bench.

  “We need to let the jets do their work on your other leg,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  She rested fully against Jesse while the water bubbled around her and lapped at her exposed breasts. She expected Alex to attack them, but instead he moved to the side and retrieved her wineglass. Returning with it, he tilted it to his own lips and then leaned down to capture hers. When her lips parted beneath his, he transferred the wine into her mouth. She moaned in bliss and demanded more while Jess slowly stroked her breasts this time.

  Alex fed her several sips of wine in this manner before she insisted that he give Jess some. She leaned her head to the side so she could watch the two men kiss. Alex finally pulled back and returned the wineglass to the edge of the tub, topping it off once again. He then moved to stroke her legs like Jess had done earlier.

  “Tell me, Magg
ie,” Jess asked. “Is the zipper on your bikini decorative or functional?”


  “I’ve been curious since I saw it,” Jess revealed, and then he reached down and unzipped the zipper on her bottoms. “Ahh, it’s functional,” he breathed in satisfaction as he separated the material and reached down to stroke her mound. Maggie threw her head back on his chest and moaned in pleasure while Alex moved forward to suckle her breasts.

  Again, she was just on the verge of coming when Alex moved away from them and sat down on the opposite bench. “I want to watch you lick Jess’s chest, Maggie. Will you do that for me?” he asked in a passion-laden voice.

  Moaning, Maggie twisted around and dragged her tongue across Jess’s smooth pectorals while he cupped her head to him, and Alex groaned in appreciation. She swirled her tongue around his nipples and then nipped them with her teeth before she suckled. Jess sat up straight on the bench and leaned back against it, forcing Maggie to move off the bench so that she was kneeling in the middle of the tub as she ran her hands and mouth all over Jesse’s glorious chest. He brushed the stray wisps of curls off her face that had escaped her bun before he ran his hands over her shoulders and back.

  And then Alex was suddenly there, his front firmly pressed against her back as he leaned over her and helped her kiss and lick Jess’s chest. Jess threw his head back with a blissful moan and buried his fingers in both of their hair, holding them to him.

  Alex licked his way up Jess’s chest and along his collarbone. He licked his throat and then kissed Jess deeply. He pulled away from Jess and leaned forward even more so he could reach a wineglass and take a drink. He replaced the wineglass and palmed one of the items that Jess had brought out of the house along with the wine. He then kissed Jess one more time before he moved away from them, trailing kisses down Maggie’s bare back as he did so, while he ran his hand down her side. When he reached her black bikini bottoms, he grasped the waistband and pulled them down, and Jess tightened his arms around her while Alex raised her up in the water so he could remove them.


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