Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 20

by Rainey Daye

  Alex tossed them onto the pool deck and ran his hands over her bare ass while Jess lifted her head and claimed her lips in a deep kiss. Alex abandoned her ass and moved away while Jess continued to kiss her and squeeze her breasts.

  In a daze, Maggie returned to kissing and licking Jess’s chest after he released her lips. She ran her hands all over that beautiful, smoothly muscled flesh and delighted in his moans of appreciation. And then Alex was there behind her once again, running his hands over her ass and along her cleft before pushing her legs apart. He then moved his hand around her waist so he could stroke her mound. He cupped her between her legs and separated her folds with his fingers. And then he suddenly thrust into her from behind.

  Maggie cried out at the unexpected invasion and straightened up in shock. Jess immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and captured her breast in his mouth, suckling strongly and deeply while Alex dug his fingers into her waist to keep her from getting away. Jess moved a hand up to cup one heavy breast and heft it while Alex slowly thrust deeply inside her, his grip on her waist implacable. When she finally went boneless and cried out in bliss, Alex transferred one hand back between her legs so that he could stroke her in time to his thrusts.

  Jess slid off the bench and went on his knees before Maggie. He added one of his own hands between her legs while he sucked hard on her neck. With his other hand, he reached around both of them and squeezed Alex’s ass while Maggie squirmed blissfully in their dual embrace. She turned her head to the side, and Alex’s lips were there to claim a kiss while he continued to thrust deep inside her. He ran his hand up from between her legs to cup her breast in his hand. He then held it while Jess dropped his head down to suck it deep inside his mouth, pressing her nipple to the roof of his mouth with his tongue.

  Maggie found her arms wrapping around both their heads as she writhed in their arms. As her orgasm overtook her, Alex dropped both hands back to her hips and gripped them almost painfully as he pounded inside her. Jess pulled back and watched her breasts bounce against her chest while he continued to stroke her hard between her legs, murmuring words of encouragement. With a scream, Maggie exploded in a blinding flash of pleasure. Alex increased his tempo until he stiffened behind her and joined her nirvana.

  Jess moved back toward the bench, peeling off his swim trunks and twisting around to grab the other condom that he must have brought out to the hot tub. He stood up and unrolled it over his hard cock before sitting back down on the bench and reaching for Maggie. Alex walked her toward him on their knees while he was still firmly ensconced inside her. Once he reached Jess, he slipped out of her and lifted her legs to either side of Jess’s lap. Jess sat there with his cock in hand, and Alex slowly pushed Maggie down on him until she was fully impaled on Jess. Maggie and Jess both moaned at the same time, and Alex moved aside so that he could peel off his condom and toss it onto the pool deck. He took another drink of wine before returning to where Maggie was slowly riding Jess. He gently touched her cheek and turned her face to him. He then tilted the wineglass to her lips before doing the same for Jess. Alex then moved back to watch Jess make love to Maggie.

  Another two deep sips of wine, and Alex set the glass aside and moved to join them. He knelt behind her and pressed his chest fully against her back. He reached between them and encircled the base of Jess’s cock with his fingers, adding pressure to Jess and tickling Maggie at every down stroke. He leaned forward and kissed Jess deeply before turning his head and claiming Maggie’s lips. Maggie moaned and leaned into Jess, dragging Alex with her, and the three of them entwined tongues and exchanged heated kisses while Maggie reached over and stroked Alex’s length.

  When Maggie began to quicken her rhythm upon Jess, they both gripped her firmly, Jess with his hands on her hips, and Alex with his hands on her waist. They urged her on while Jess flexed his hips and drove deep inside her. With another scream, Maggie arched in their arms and then collapsed upon Jess’s chest. Alex reached down beneath Maggie where she was still joined to Jess and encircled Jess’s shaft once again, squeezing him as Jess pumped his hips against Maggie. Jess then threw his head back, and the tendons on his neck stood out, and his jaw locked with the power of his own orgasm.

  Alex moved to sit beside Jess and drew Maggie into his arms when Jess slipped out of her. He moved away and removed his own condom, tossing it over his shoulder onto the pool deck before he drew them both into his arms for some post-coital snuggling.

  Chapter 14

  Maggie finally disengaged herself from the two men and climbed out of the hot tub without a word. She retrieved her bikini and walked back into the house without putting it on and without looking back.

  “Do you think that’s an invitation for us to take this inside?” Jess wanted to know.

  “I’m not sure,” Alex admitted. “If she had looked back at us, then I would have said it was. As it is, I think she needs her space and some time alone.”

  “Did we fuck up again?”

  “I don’t think so,” Alex said slowly.

  “But she said she wasn’t ready for group sex. And what do we do? We engage her in a threesome less than an hour after she tells us that.”

  “True, but she also said she really wanted to have one with us but was concerned about performance anxiety on her part. And you were the one who brought out the condoms. You made that decision on your own.”

  “Yeah, but I figured it would be you and me going at it in the hot tub later. I didn’t plan what actually happened,” Jess confessed.

  “But it did happen, and we can’t take it back.”

  “True,” Jess sighed.

  They sat in contemplative silence for a bit before Alex asked, “So, was it as good for you as it was for me?”

  Jess rolled his head toward him and grinned. “Oh, yeah,” he breathed reverently.

  * * * *

  Maggie stepped out of her shower and dried off. She dropped the towel and then stood looking at herself in the mirror. She didn’t look any different, but she sure felt different. Sighing, she began to blow-dry and brush out her long hair while wondering if she should be embarrassed or outraged over what had happened. She couldn’t seem to work up any strong emotions about it. She was simply numb and in a mild state of shock.

  At least now all their first times were out of the way. And that thought brought the first blush to her cheeks as she felt the nerve endings in her groin tighten in response.

  Maggie left the bathroom and contemplated what she should change into. Did she want the armor plating of jeans, or should she simply put back on her outfit from earlier in the day? Figuring that the guys would actually heed her if she voiced the word “no” to them, she decided on the tank top and shorts.

  She went back downstairs and into the kitchen to pour herself some iced tea to try to counteract the effects of the wine she had drunk. Inside the kitchen she found Jess digging through the fridge.

  “Hey, Mags,” he said easily as he straightened up and saw her. “Alex and I decided to grill some steaks for dinner. Hope you’re hungry.”

  “I’m starving,” she replied and then blushed as she realized that one of the reasons she had worked up an appetite was standing right in front of her. Striving for nonchalance, she told him she had just come in for some iced tea.

  “Oh, I bet Alex would like some, too. Can you take a glass out to him while I prepare the steaks?”

  “Sure. Where is he?”

  “Out on the kitchen patio preparing the grill. Oh, here, he also asked me to check to see if we had any corn on the cob left. You can take them out to him with his tea.”

  Maggie poured two glasses of iced tea and then tucked one into the crook of her arm and took the other in that hand before she grabbed the clear plastic grocer’s bag of corn that Jess had pulled out of the fridge and laid upon the counter. She then used her hip to press down on the handle of the French door that led from the kitchen to the adjoining patio.

  She stepped out onto the large ro
und patio that was encircled on three sides by a waist-high stone wall and placed her items on the patio table. She took a sip of her tea before she carried the second glass over to Alex, who was lighting the charcoal. He accepted the glass from her gratefully and took a thirsty swallow from it before handing the glass back to her.

  “I like the taste of steaks over charcoal with a little mesquite thrown in,” he explained even though she hadn’t asked or even wondered, not having a culinary bent so not knowing to even ask the question. “That’s why I’m going with the regular grill instead of the gas,” he finished his reasoning to her.

  “There’s really a difference in flavor?” she asked to be polite.

  “Definitely,” he answered.

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “You can prepare the corn.”

  “And how do I do that?” she asked, eyeing the bag of corn doubtfully.

  Alex chuckled at her expression and led her back over to the patio table. He pulled out an ear of corn and explained what to do while demonstrating for her. “You peel back the leaves like this and pull off as much of the corn silk as you can. Then push the leaves back up to cover the ear and place it aside. When you finish all of them, you take them back into the kitchen and cover them with water in the sink until I’m ready to put them on the grill.

  “Okay. I don’t think I can screw that up.”

  Laughing at her doubtful tone, he leaned down and brushed a kiss on her cheek, telling her to just toss the corn silk over the patio wall because birds could use it to line their nests, before he took another drink of his iced tea and then returned to the grill.

  Maggie worked on the ears in silence. After Alex had the coals glowing, he came over to check on her progress. Maggie looked up as his shadow fell across her. She sucked in her breath as she felt suddenly overwhelmed by his presence.

  “What happened?” she whispered.

  Correctly interpreting her question and obviously deciding not to pretend to misunderstand it, Alex cupped her cheek in his hand and whispered, “That was Jess and I showing you how very much we love and desire you.”

  “Will it happen again?” she asked softly.

  “Only if you want it to,” he answered just as softly.

  “Do you want it to?” she asked, and Alex could only incline his head in acknowledgment.

  Maggie stood up then and gathered up the ears of corn before picking up her glass of tea. “I better get these into the sink,” she said and walked back into the kitchen.

  Jess had the steaks ready on a platter and was washing three potatoes in the sink. “Alex said to cover these in water,” she said as she set the bag of corn on the counter next to him.

  “I’ll take care of it,” Jess said while Maggie took a step back. She turned to walk away and then paused before she turned back around to face him.

  “Why did you do it?”

  “Do what, Mags?” Jess asked as he placed a stopper in the other part of the sink and ran water in it.

  “What happened in the hot tub.”

  “Shit,” Jess breathed as he turned off the water and turned to face her. “I knew you were going to be pissed. I’m sorry, Maggie. I truly am. We got carried away with you again.”

  “Did you plan it?” She wanted to know.

  Jess sighed. “No, Maggie,” he said earnestly. “We neither planned for it nor discussed it beforehand. We simply saw you from our bedroom window when we got home and felt compelled to join you by the pool. And when we saw that you were hurting, that your thigh muscles were causing you pain, we felt it necessary to try to ease your discomfort by putting you in the hot tub. And then we both lost control of our good intentions and wound up seducing you.”

  “Your good intentions?” she asked disbelievingly. “You brought wine and condoms out to the hot tub. How can you call that ‘good intentions’?”

  “Because Alex and I always have red wine whenever we soak in the hot tub. This time I simply brought out a third glass for you, too. And the condoms were for us. Alex and I had worked ourselves up earlier, and I figured that we would probably wind up making love in the hot tub after you went back inside.”

  “Oh,” Maggie said in a small voice.

  “Honestly, though, I can’t bring myself to be sorry that it happened, Maggie. It was frankly fantastic and blew my mind. But I am sorry if it was too soon for you,” Jess said sincerely. “We did seduce you. We seduced you into having group sex with us even after we had told each other that we would proceed at your own pace and would respect your wishes if you never wanted to be with us that way. You have every right to be angry with us.”

  “I’m not sure if I’m angry,” Maggie confessed. “But I’m certainly confused right now.” She then left the kitchen with her iced tea in hand.

  * * * *

  Thirty minutes later, Maggie came back out onto the kitchen patio carrying three place settings. She set out the plates and utensils on the patio table without a word to either of the two men, who were hovering over the grill, and then went back inside. She returned shortly with a full pitcher of iced tea, which she placed on the center of the table along with her own glass of tea. She took another sip of it and then looked at the men to see if Jess had his own glass or if she needed to return inside for one. Seeing that he did, she placed her glass next to her plate and walked over to them.

  “Dinner smells great,” she commented.

  “Should be ready in another few minutes,” Alex replied easily as he flipped the steaks again.

  Maggie noticed the corn laid out along the edges of the grill and cocked a brow. “I didn’t know you could grill corn.”

  “You can grill just about anything,” Alex told her without a hint of condescension in his voice. “That’s why I had you leave the leaves on the corn. It protects it while it’s on the grill and even helps to seal in the flavor. I think you are going to find that corn on the cob tastes better this way compared to being boiled on the stove. We grill corn all the time when it’s warm.”

  “I better go nuke the potatoes,” Jess said. Appearing nonchalant, he leaned over and kissed Maggie’s cheek before he gathered up his glass of tea from the ledge, where it had been resting next to Alex’s, and went back inside.

  Alex used the tongs to turn the corn while Maggie stood silently beside him. “Something on your mind?” Alex asked without looking up.

  “Something is always on my mind,” Maggie muttered under her breath.

  Alex looked at her then with an arched brow and waited patiently.

  “All right. What’s the sleeping arrangement, now?” Maggie wanted to know.

  “The sleeping arrangement? Why would we need to discuss the sleeping arrangement?”

  “Because we had group sex. Even though Jess tried to reassure me and said that neither of you would ever try to trick me into doing that again, he also said that it had been mind-blowing for him. And knowing the two of you like I do, anything you find mind-blowing, you’re going to want to do again and again.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It was mind-blowing, and I would love to do it again. And I would love to have a true three-way with you in the future.”

  “What does that mean? ‘A true three-way’? There were three of us, and we had sex together. Isn’t that the definition of a three-way?”

  “Yeah, but Jess and I only had sex with you. We didn’t have sex with each other. A true three-way would have one of us banging you while the other was banging the banger,” Alex said in that blunt way of his.

  Maggie blushed as she pictured what he was describing, and she felt her cheeks flame. Worse, she was titillated at the thought. What would it be like to have the “banger” being “banged” at the same time?

  “Is that a fantasy of yours?” he couldn’t help but ask.

  “Yeah, it is,” Alex admitted. “I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have your cock buried in a woman’s pussy while being filled up with a cock yourself.” He actually gave a little shiver at t
hat thought. “Though now the only pussy I want to be buried in is yours,” he confessed.

  Maggie stood there thoughtfully while she contemplated it, pleased by his confession. She realized that the hot tub incident had been all about her pleasure once again. And it had been pleasurable indeed. She had been fully sated. She had not had time to experience the brief mourning period that she always felt when a man came and she realized that his cock wouldn’t be inside her much longer. Instead, one had been immediately replaced with another, ensuring continual pleasure on her part.

  Maggie looked at Alex then as she realized that although both of her boyfriends were intense and went after what they craved with no hesitation on their parts, it all boiled down to her. Her pleasure, her satisfaction, what she wanted, whether she was able to admit it to herself or not. And she recalled their words from earlier by the pool. They loved her. It wasn’t just lust on their part. They could just as easily find some anonymous woman who would be quite willing to participate in a threesome with them. And the woman probably wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow if they did each other while doing her. Not with the skill that they obviously possessed when it came to delivering pleasure to their sexual partner and their drop-dead-gorgeous good looks. A woman would be willing to do just about anything to see those two naked.

  No, they didn’t want an orgy with just anyone. They only wanted to experience this with her. She was special to them. Sharing themselves with her was special to them. And being able to be themselves around her was the greatest gift she could give them. Was she really so self-centered that she would deny them this?

  “So, about our sleeping arrangement,” Maggie said again.

  “We told you before, you can continue sleeping alone if you want, or you can ask either of us to join you in your room if you’d rather. We promised each other that we wouldn’t get mad or jealous because we know you’ll be fair about making sure that we both get to spend equal time in your bed.”


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