Arousing Love, a teen novel (complete)

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Arousing Love, a teen novel (complete) Page 7

by M. H. Strom

  “Maybe we should let them.” Joanna’s mother surprised us both. Her parents stared at each other for a moment as if silently communicating with their eyes, then they went off some distance from me and talked quietly. I heard her mother say something about young love and not wanting to look like they were coming between us. Joanna’s father came back and stood there looking me over as if trying to make up his mind about me.

  “Can I trust you, Zach?”


  He sighed. “Alright, we’ll let you take her out on one date, but I want her back here as soon as the movie is finished.”

  Wow. “Okay.” I nodded, almost in shock that he’d said yes.

  “And no fast driving or going anywhere dangerous.” Joanna’s mother added.

  “I won’t.”

  “What movie will you take her to?” She was starting to sound anxious now.

  “I donno, I’ll let Joanna decide.”

  Joanna came out of her tent wearing a short, little dress.

  “What?” She looked at us all staring at her.

  “Nothing.” I smiled. I wanted to keep our date a surprise.

  After lunch, Joanna and I went down to the beach. The ocean looked beautiful with big sets of waves coming in. We climbed a sand dune and sat and watched the surfers. Wisps of Joanna’s golden hair spiraled and fluttered around her in the breeze.

  “I’m so lucky I have such a beautiful girlfriend.”

  She smiled. “Am I your girlfriend?”


  She giggled happily. “I’ve never had a real boyfriend before.” She looked off into the distance, her smile fading. “I want us to have a future though, Zach. I’m leaving in a few days and I’m scared we’ll never see each other again.”

  “I thought you were here for two weeks?”

  “It’s already been a week. We’re going home on Saturday.”

  I felt a fist tightening around me. I didn’t want her to go. I didn’t want to lose her.

  Joanna must have sensed how I was feeling. She leaned over and kissed me, gently at first, then with growing passion, pressing me back against the sand until she was on top of me, her legs straddling me. My hands slipped under her dress, but she sat up.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” She climbed off me. “We have to honor my parents’ trust in us. They gave us time to be alone together, but not to do this.”

  I just looked at her. I knew she was right but I loved doing this with her.

  “I’m sorry, Zach, I know it’s hard, but we need to do what’s right.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, but it’s literally hard for me.”

  She smiled sympathetically. “Poor Zach. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “Poor me.” I mock-pouted.

  She lay down beside me, resting her head on my chest, and I put my arm around her, closing my eyes to the sun’s glare. It was peaceful lying there with only the sounds of the surf and the occasional cry of a seagull. I felt contented with her in my arms. I didn’t want to think about anything else, especially her leaving.

  “I wish we could stay like this forever,” I whispered.

  “Mmm, cuddled up in your bed all night.”


  “Naked.” She giggled.

  “Yeah.” I laughed.

  She sighed. “We shouldn’t talk like this. It just makes it harder, I mean more difficult.”

  “I have a surprise for you.” I changed the subject.

  “What is it?”

  “I asked your parents, and they said I could take you out on a date tonight.”

  Joanna sat up. “Are you serious? My parents wouldn’t let me go on a date?”

  “Your mom doesn’t wanna keep us apart. She knows we’re in love.”

  “How does she know that?” Joanna blushed.

  I laughed. “I guess she can tell somehow.”

  “I can’t believe this. I’m going on my first date.” She stared vacantly at the horizon. “Wow, my parents must think it’s okay for us to be in love.” She looked at me, her eyes wide with excitement. “So where are we going? What are we doing?”

  “I was thinking dinner and a movie.”

  Joanna looked so excited and happy and amazed all at once.

  “I should go get ready.”

  I laughed. “It’s not even two o’clock yet.”

  “I can’t wait!” She laughed. “My parents must really like you, Zach.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s weird.”

  She jumped up. “I’m too excited to just sit here. Come on, let’s do something.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know.” She looked around then suddenly cart-wheeled down the sand dune, grinning back at me from the bottom. I laughed, and somersaulted down the sand to land at her feet.

  She laughed at me. “Try doing this.”

  She did another cartwheel with perfect technique, flashing me her underwear in the process.

  “You’re good at those.”

  She did a handstand, and I caught her legs as she balanced on her hands, her dress falling down around her. She squealed as I kept hold of her.

  “Zach . . . Stop looking . . . at my panties!” She giggled, and I let go. She fell back on the sand, her face flushed, giggling up at me. I smiled down at my crazy, beautiful girl and I felt so much love for her. I offered her my hand and she pulled herself up, then danced away down the beach. I chased her and she squealed as I caught her around the middle and spun her into my arms, drawing her giggling mouth to mine. We kissed, completely oblivious to everything else, too in love to care if people were looking.

  We held hands and strolled along the beach, Joanna playfully bumping her hip against mine, giggling and saying silly little things to make me laugh. It felt so good to be with her, like everything was perfect.

  We saw her friends on the beach and Lizzie waved to us.

  Joanna waved back. “Should we go talk to them?”

  “If you want.”

  As we approached them the guys started calling out—

  “Here’s the famous rock star.”

  “Hey Joanna, can I have your autograph?”

  Lizzie stood up. “We saw you last night, you were amazing.”

  “Thanks.” Joanna beamed.

  “You were great up there too, Zach. You really looked like you knew how to play that thing.” Matt laughed.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I grinned.

  Lizzie took Joanna by the arm and the two girls wandered a little way from the group, talking quietly.

  I sat down with Matt and his friends.

  “Seriously, that was pretty cool what you did for Joanna.”

  “Was it that obvious?”

  “Uh, yeah.” They all laughed.

  Joanna and Lizzie joined us and we sat around talking and laughing like yesterday never happened.

  “We’re having a fire on the beach tonight if you wanna come. You could bring your guitar and sing for us if you want.” Matt raised his eyebrows at Joanna.

  “Oh I can’t, Zach’s taking me on a date tonight.”

  “Ooo, sounds serious.” Matt laughed.

  “It is.” Joanna blushed and smiled a shy, happy smile.

  “You have to tell me all about it afterwards, okay?” Lizzie gave Joanna a wink.

  We eventually said our goodbyes and walked back along the beach.

  “What were you and Lizzie talking about before?”

  “Oh, she told me my song really touched her last night, and we were both sorry about yesterday. I told her I didn’t judge her or her friend, I said none of us is perfect but God’s love is bigger than anything and he forgives everyone who comes to him for forgiveness. I am so glad I sang that song and not something else like I wanted to. It’s all ‘cause of you.” She wrapped her arm around mine and leaned her head against my shoulder. “You’re such a great guy.”

  When we got to the end of the beach she released my arm.

  “I’m gonna go
get ready for our date.”

  “It takes you that long to get ready?”

  “I have to take a shower, do my hair, choose a dress to wear. . . you’re lucky I don’t have all my clothes with me.” She giggled. “I wanna look my best for you.”

  I smiled. “Okay, well I’ll pick you up around six.”

  She gave me a beautiful smile. “I can’t wait.”

  I didn’t think Joanna would appreciate going on her first date on the back of my motorcycle, so I asked my mom if I could borrow her car. She was reluctant at first when I told her what I needed it for, but after I explained I had her parents’ permission she handed over the keys.

  I went back to the shack, took a quick shower to wash off the sand, and changed into my best casual clothes. I checked myself in the mirror. Looking pretty good Zach, if I do say so myself.

  I still had some time to kill before I had to pick her up, so I got on my computer and started looking up art schools in Colorado. If I could get into college there it would solve everything and we could be together.

  At six o’clock I drove to her campsite.

  “Hi Zach,” her mom greeted me with a warm smile. “Joanna’s still getting ready but she won’t be long. She’s very excited.”

  Joanna’s father was sitting at the table and gave me a little wave without getting up.

  I heard the sound of her tent zipper and turned to see Joanna coming out, her hair tied up in a pretty way revealing her slender neck. She had bare shoulders and a low cut dress that showed her cleavage, the long dress hung sleek against her body. She looked so elegant and sexy.

  “Wow, you look amazing.” She’s treating this like a prom or something.

  She gave me a huge smile. “You look nice too.”

  “Let me get a photo of the two of you.” Her mom waved a camera at us. “Move a little closer, Zach . . . put your arm around her.”

  She took some photos, then I turned to Joanna, her eyes bright with excitement.

  “Shall we?” I took her by the hand and opened the car door for her.

  “Zach, remember, straight home after the movie.” Her father called after us.

  “Yes sir.”

  Her mom had tears in her eyes as we drove away.

  “Your mom gets pretty emotional.”

  “Yeah I know. I guess it’s hard for her to see me growing up so fast.”

  I kept glancing at Joanna as I drove. “You look so beautiful. I didn’t expect you to get this dressed up with your hair and everything.”

  “You like it?”


  She smiled. “My mom helped with my hair. She’s such a romantic, she was almost as excited as I was.”

  “She didn’t mind you wearing that dress for our date?”

  “No, why?”

  “It’s very sexy.”

  She looked down at herself. “You think it’s too sexy?”

  “It’s sexy in an elegant way.”

  “Well that’s alright then.” She giggled. “Where are we going for dinner?”

  “There’s a great, little Italian restaurant in town. It’s got a nice ambiance.”

  “Ambiance? Really?”

  I laughed. “It means atmosphere.”

  “I know that.” She laughed. “It’s just that I’ve noticed you have a good vocabulary but you don’t always use it.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “I think you’re very smart, Zach, and I really like that about you.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I like not conforming to the typical surfer stereotype. You’re not exactly the stereotype pretty blonde, either. You’re smarter than all the other girls I’ve known even though you’re still only fifteen. I love that about you.”

  She smiled. “Have you known a lot of other girls?”

  “Uh, yeah, I guess.”

  “Have you dated much?”

  “A few times, nothing serious.” I stopped myself from adding ‘like this.’

  We turned into the parking lot and parked in front of the restaurant. I went around and opened the passenger door for Joanna.

  “What a gentleman.” She beamed, putting her arm in mine, and we walked into the restaurant.

  Everyone seemed to notice Joanna as we crossed the room to be seated. We ordered some drinks and Joanna took a look around our dimly lit surroundings.

  “This is nice. It’s very romantic.”

  She looked beautiful in the soft candle light. She looked across the table at me with large eyes, holding my gaze for a few seconds before glancing away.

  “You’re not nervous are you?”

  “A little.” She smiled sheepishly.


  “I don’t know. It feels different being on a date with you. It’s more romantic and special.”

  “I’m the one who should feel nervous. You look stunning.”

  She smiled shyly, taking little glances at me while she studied her menu.

  When the waiter came back, I ordered the stromboli and she ordered the grilled chicken spinach salad.

  “You eat healthy.” I smiled.

  “Yeah, I even exercise sometimes too.” She giggled.

  “Do you do any sports?”

  “Um, I do ballet if that’s a sport?”

  “I guess it is.”

  “I think it’s more of an art, but it’s still athletic.”


  She took a sip of her drink. “I can’t believe I’m actually out on a date with you.”

  “I know.”

  “Why haven’t you dated more, Zach? You’re good looking and smart and funny. Why haven’t you had a serious girlfriend before?”

  “I can be a little shy around girls sometimes, especially really pretty ones like you. Until now, I’ve never really met anyone worth getting over that awkward stage to get to know properly. You know what I mean?”

  “You weren’t shy with me?”

  “I was, you just blew it all away somehow. I don’t even know how.” I laughed.

  “You thought I was worth getting to know?”

  “Yeah, definitely.” I grinned.

  “What’s so special about me?” She looked into my eyes.

  “Everything. You’re beautiful, and talented—”

  “Is it just my looks?”

  “No,” I smiled, “it’s everything about you. I love how impulsive you are, and how joyful and exciting you are. You don’t hide what you’re feeling, you just show it all, and you’re so happy and playful and crazy, and sometimes you’re not, you’re just quiet and soulful and deep. I love all that about you. You have a beautiful soul. It shines in your eyes and through your smile and lights up your face, and that’s when you’re so beautiful you take my breath away.”

  Joanna lowered her eyes from mine taking only shy glances at me, the corners of her mouth curled into a little smile.

  “You’re pretty close to my ideal guy, too.”

  “Pretty close?”

  “If you were a Christian you’d be the perfect man for me.”

  “Well, I guess no one’s perfect.”

  There was a long silence as I tried to think of something else to say.

  “What made you become a Christian?”

  She blinked. “Um, well, I’ve always believed it was true, even if I don’t always live like it sometimes. Some people might think I’m worldly and superficial, but I love God with all my heart.”

  “You’re not superficial. Why would they think that about you?”

  “I don’t know, I guess I’m not overly zealous or anything. But I wanna live for God, I’m just not sure how I’m supposed to do that. I still have fun and enjoy my life, and sometimes I get caught up in worldly desires, you know, like with you.” She blushed slightly. “You must think I’m really weird being a Christian and being so flirty with you all the time.”

  “No, I like it. You’re naughty and nice.” I laughed. “Maybe worldly Christians get the best of both worlds. They get to enjoy life and have a
happy Christianity as well.”

  “Yeah, but that’s why it’s so hard to be a real follower of Jesus. It’s easier to be a lukewarm Christian and enjoy this world, but it’s like a weed that chokes your faith and keeps you from doing anything good for God.”

  “It’s funny, I love talking about all this stuff with you even if I don’t really understand it all. I used to find it boring but now it’s kind of fascinating.”

  “Are you gonna become a Christian then?” She smiled.

  “No.” I laughed.

  “Why not?” She seemed hurt though trying to hide it.

  “It’s not for me. I don’t wanna be like one of them.”

  “That’s just your pride getting in the way, Zach. You don’t want to be like them because it doesn’t fit the image of who you think you are. But which do you love more, your self image or the truth? Jesus said you have to become like a little child to come to him.”

  Our food arrived and I was glad for the interruption.

  “Mm, this looks good.” She started picking out the tomatoes from her salad and putting them aside.

  “You don’t like tomatoes?”

  She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “You can have them if you want.”


  She laughed as I took her discarded tomatoes from her plate.

  Neither of us spoke for a while as we ate.

  “What were you like when you were little?”

  She laughed. “Um, I was a typical little girl, I guess. I played with dolls and stuff.”

  “I bet you were really cute though.”

  “Yeah, I had really blonde hair, even blonder than this.” She grasped a wisp of her hair.

  “I love your hair.”

  “You like it up like this?”

  “Yeah, I do. I like it all the time.”

  She smiled.

  There was another long silence.

  “You’re right, it’s different being on a date, it feels less natural and makes you have to think of things to talk about.”

  “Yeah.” She smiled. “It’s good though. We’re getting to know each other better. I wanna know everything about you, Zach.”

  “Yeah, me too. I mean about you.” I laughed. “I was gonna tell you something . . . I found some colleges in Colorado I’m going to apply to.”


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