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Arousing Love, a teen novel (complete)

Page 19

by M. H. Strom

  “That’s right. I feel she’s too young and this is a compromise. You have her as your wife and we have her as our daughter for a little while longer until we think she’s old enough. I just want to make things easier for you so you get a good start in life and don’t have to struggle to survive.”

  “But we need our independence, Mom. We need to learn to live on our own and take care of ourselves. We’ll get by, and we’ll always have you to come to if we need you.”

  Her father nodded. “Yes, you need your independence, and if you choose to stay here until you’re better able to support yourselves that should be your decision, not something we force on you. But I can also see why your mother feels this way. You’re not an adult yet until you turn eighteen. We’ll have to give our permission for you to marry while you’re legally still a child, and we’d both feel better about it if we could see a way to make sure you’re cared for and not thrust out into the world prematurely to face life’s hardships.”

  “That legal age thing is just an arbitrary age the government came up with. Every country is different, in Canada it’s only fifteen. It doesn’t really define who’s an adult and who isn’t.”

  “Well it’s the only way we have to differentiate an adult from a child. We don’t have a measure of maturity we can use.”

  “You can measure Joanna’s maturity though. You know her—”

  “I do know my own daughter, Zach, a lot better than you do.” Joanna’s mother raised her voice. “And I feel she isn’t ready for marriage yet. That’s why I want her to live here with us until she’s old enough. You get what you want and we get to take care of her until she is an adult.”

  “I don’t wanna be taken care of by my parents, I want to be taken care of by my husband, and I’ll take care of him. I know God will help us through the tough times. I don’t expect everything to be easy, but we’ll stick together through everything. It’s not good for us to be treated like children and cared for by my parents after we’re married. We need to be on our own. I’m sad that you don’t trust us to take care of ourselves. I can handle a lot more than you think. I’m not just a child anymore, and I definitely won’t be a child when I marry Zach. I’m a young woman, and if you gave me a chance you’d see that I’m a lot more capable and mature than you think.”

  “We love you, Joanna.” Joanna’s mother spoke in a calmer voice. “We just want the best for you.”

  “I don’t think you want us to get married at all.”

  “Yes, I do, actually.”

  “You do?” Joanna looked surprised.

  “Yes. I like Zach very much, and I realize you truly love each other. I just want you to be happy.” Her mom signed. “Alright, I won’t make it a condition that you have to live here after you get married, but I hope you’ll still consider it, at least until you find your feet and get established.”

  I felt relieved. I smiled at Joanna’s mother and she gave me a resigned smile in return.

  “Okay, so we won’t make that a condition of betrothal, but this home is always available to you for as long as you need it, and we’re happy to have you live here with us if you choose to.” Joanna’s father looked like he was enjoying all this hammering out. He smiled at me. “So you’re willing to pay the bride price, Zach? Nothing sexual at all until the day we give her to you as your wife?”

  “Yes . . . but I think it would be good if we could define it more clearly, because two people in love are always touching and kissing and cuddling. We should define when it becomes sexual.”

  “If we try to define it, it will leave loop holes you can exploit. If there’s even the slightest thing sexual about it don’t do it.”

  “I think that might be a little harsh.” Joanna’s mother surprised us. “We should let them do the normal romantic things a young couple do without worrying about it breaking the rules.”

  “Well how do you define normal romantic things?”

  “The thing I’d be worried about is any nudity or touching of private areas, even through clothing. Other than that, kissing and cuddling each other should be alright as long as it doesn’t get too heated so you lose all self control.”

  “Okay,” Joanna’s father looked amused. “I think that’s a workable definition. Do you agree with that, Zach?”

  “Yeah, it makes it clear enough.”

  “Wait, I think you should define what is a private area, because we might be cuddling and Zach might accidentally touch my breast or butt or something.”

  We all laughed and Joanna blushed. “Well, it’s just that some areas might be harder to avoid when we’re doing normal romantic things.”

  “I guess we can give them that one.” Her father said, still laughing. “Alright, so no touching each other under clothing in private areas, and no touching each other through clothing in the genital area. Is that specific enough for you, Joanna?”

  Joanna nodded.

  “So you agree to this as your bride price, Zach? Do you solemnly promise to us that you won’t do anything sexual with Joanna until we give her to you as your wife?”

  I took a deep breath. “Yes, I promise.”

  “Then I agree to give my daughter to you in marriage on the day she turns seventeen. Let’s shake on it.” He stood and offered me his hand. I stood up and we shook hands over the kitchen table. “Congratulations, you’re now betrothed.” He smiled.

  I smiled too, though the full weight of his words were still sinking in.

  “We’ll go out tonight and celebrate. This is a happy occasion.” He grinned and slapped me and Joanna on the back, then went out of the room. Joanna’s mother gave us a resigned smile and quietly excused herself from the table.

  I looked at Joanna, my betrothed, and she gave me the most beautiful smile.

  “I can’t believe it, we’re actually betrothed. We’re gonna be married. Can you believe it Zach? It’s really happening.”

  “I know. I can hardly believe it either. He’s actually given you to me.” The immensity of it started to hit home as I realized what a huge thing Joanna’s father had done. He’s given me his only daughter.

  “One year from today we’ll be waking up in each other’s arms. We’re going to be so happy, Zach.”

  “I love you, Joanna.”

  She smiled up at me. “I love you too, my husband.”


  I applied some aftershave to my face and looked at myself in the mirror. It felt so surreal getting ready for this knowing we would soon be making love for the first time. I’d thought about it so many times and now it was actually happening.

  I wondered how Joanna was feeling. Her parents had thought it best for us not to see each other the last few days before our wedding.

  I took a deep breath, grabbed the car keys, and took a last look around the apartment—everything was ready for her.

  Driving to her house, I tried to stay calm taking nice steady breaths. Every part of me was tingling with anticipation.

  I knocked at the door and Joanna’s mother let me in. She looked nervous and excited and emotional all at once.

  “Joanna’s still getting ready.” She smiled.

  Their house was decorated for the celebration party tomorrow.

  “The house looks great.” I smiled. I felt awkward, not sure how I should act around her.

  She pulled me into a big hug. “You’re part of our family now, Zach.” She started tearing up. “I’m sorry, I’ve been a bit emotional lately.” She pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed her eyes.

  “That’s understandable.”

  She recovered her composure. “We’ve invited everyone to your wedding celebration tomorrow. Your parents said they’d be coming.”

  “Hey, Zach.”

  I turned to see Joanna’s father arriving home. He smiled as he came through the door. “How’re ya feeling?”

  “A little nervous.” I admitted.

  “Yeah, I bet.” He grinned. “Where’s Joanna?”

  “Still getting re
ady.” Her mother pointed at the ceiling. “I’m going to go up and help her. I’m sure she’ll be down soon, Zach.” She gave me a smile as she passed me to go up the stairs.

  Her father and I went into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait. He seemed very relaxed which made me feel a little more at ease. He put his hand on my shoulder.

  “This is a great day, Zach.” He grinned. “It’s been such a pleasure for me watching the two of you grow and mature in your faith over this past year. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband for my daughter.”

  I just smiled, I didn’t know what to say.

  “You’re like a son to me already.” He wiped his eyes. “Now I’m getting all emotional.” He laughed. “This is such a big day.” He smiled as he tried to compose himself. “I don’t even need to ask you if you’ve kept the bride price.”

  “I want you to ask me.”

  He laughed. “Okay. Zach, have you kept the bride price and not done anything sexual with Joanna as you promised?”

  “I’ve honored my promise to you, and with God’s help I’ve paid the bride price in full.”

  Joanna’s father smiled and nodded. “Good man.” He patted my shoulder.

  I was starting to feel all jittery now. My heart was racing and my breathing was a little unsteady.

  “Are you okay, Zach? You’re not gonna be sick are you?”

  “No, I’m fine.” I took some deep breaths.

  He gave me a sympathetic smile. “Remember, it’s not just about the first time, you’re going to have her for the rest of your life.”

  “I know.”

  “This is God’s gift to us, Zach. He gives us the gift of her beauty, and her love and all the delight that she brings us. And you are God’s gift to her, your strength and your love and care. Be blessed and enjoy each other.”

  “She’s ready,” Joanna’s mother called down the stairs.

  “Come on, let’s go see your bride.”

  We got up and went into the hallway. She appeared at the top of the stairs and for a moment I forgot to breathe. She was wearing a long white dress, her hair tied up in a special way with little wisps hanging down to frame her face. She smiled at me so happily, a pink glow to her cheeks. I stood there breathless, in awe. I blinked the tears away not wanting to see her as a blur, as she floated down the stairs towards me. I held out my hands to her and she took them in hers as she stepped from the last stair, and we stood face to face, her eyes shining with excitement.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I barely whispered.

  She didn’t say anything, she just smiled, and my heart overflowed with love.

  “Happy birthday,” I said hoarsely. I had a big lump in my throat, I was so happy for her, and for us.

  Her mom had come down the stairs behind her holding a camera in her hand.

  “Let me get some photos of the two of you.”

  “Getting a before and after shot?” Joanna’s father joked.

  She took some photos, then her parents ushered us towards the front door. At the doorway, Joanna turned to her mother with tears in her eyes.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “Oh sweetie, I love you too.” They hugged, her mother’s face flushed with emotion. She fixed a stray wisp of Joanna’s hair and smiled lovingly at her daughter. “My little girl’s all . . . grown up . . . and . . . what a wonderful woman you’ve become.” Tears rolled down her face. She kissed Joanna on the cheek.

  Joanna’s father had tears in his eyes too. He hugged his daughter and said some quiet words to her. Then he turned to me. “I’m giving you the most precious thing I have in this world, Zach, and it’s my pleasure to give her to you. Look after her and be blessed.” He smiled and shook my hand. “Go and enjoy each other. We’ll see you tomorrow at your wedding celebration.”

  I opened the passenger door for Joanna and she got in, carefully keeping the bottom of her dress from touching anything. Her father brought her bags and I helped load them into the trunk. He gave me a hug before I got into the car and he closed my door for me. Her parents stood arm and arm on the driveway waving to us as we backed up and drove away.

  We were both silent as I concentrated on the road, taking only little glances at Joanna as I drove. She looked at me and smiled, and I gave her a shy smile.

  I parked in front of our apartment.

  “We’re home.”

  She grinned. “Are you gonna carry me over the threshold?”


  We both laughed.

  I unlocked the door and put her bags inside, then I picked her up and carried her, giggling, across the threshold. I kicked the door closed behind us and gently placed her down in the middle of the room. We stood there looking into each other’s eyes, my love for her overwhelming everything else I was feeling. I drew her into my arms and we kissed. She smiled up at me, blinking back tears.

  “I’m so happy this day has finally come.”

  “Me too. I love you. . . so much. . .” I was feeling overly emotional and a little giddy.

  “You wanna go into the bedroom?” She asked meekly.

  “We don’t have to yet if you don’t want—”

  “I want to.”

  My heart surged. “Okay, wait here a sex . . . uh . . . second.”

  I went into the bedroom. This was the most exhilarating feeling ever. All of my senses were heightened and my heart was beating so fast.

  I started lighting the candles I’d placed around the room. My hand was trembling as I lit them and I had to steady the lighter with both hands. When I went back out to Joanna, she was standing exactly as I’d left her, waiting for me, her cheeks slightly flushed.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “I’m shaking.” She smiled. “But I’m not scared, just excited.”

  “Same.” It wasn’t scary, it felt so natural doing this with her, my best friend and soul mate, the one I loved more than anything else in the whole world.

  I took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom. She looked around in amazement as she took in the four-poster bed I’d bought for us with its white lace canopy, the candles surrounding us adding their warm, sensual glow to everything.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. She looked at me with an unreadable expression.

  I combed a wisp of hair from her face and her breath quickened at my touch. She closed her eyes as my fingertips caressed her cheek and the smoothness of her neck down to her bare shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked at me with such desire. My fingertips lightly traversed the delicate skin above her cleavage before slipping beneath the thin strap of her dress, lifting it gently from her shoulder. She was breathing harder now and I kissed her parted lips as my fingers moved to the other strap, easing it off. Her dress fell away, crumpling at her feet.

  She was wearing lingerie and I could see all of her through it. I saw a tie holding the top piece, and with shaky hands I started untying it. She helped me slip it off and stood there topless, her smooth skin shining in the warm glow of the candle light. She was beautiful. I kissed her as my fingers traced the firm softness of her breasts, her body trembling with each gentle caress. This was so good, even better than I’d ever imagined it. Every caress of her was pure delight.

  My hands traveled down her body reaching the bottom piece of her lingerie, my fingers slipping beneath its band, sliding it down over her hips until they dropped away falling down around her ankles. She stepped out of them and my eyes took her all in. She was even more beautiful now than I remembered.

  She smiled at me and my heart overflowed with love and desire. She took my hand and stepped back towards the bed. “Come make me your wife.”

  She let go of my hand as she sat down on the edge of the bed, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I started unbuttoning my shirt while she undid my belt buckle. I helped her with it, pushing my pants and underwear off and kicking them away. I stood naked before her, my whole body quivering with anticipation. I was breathing hard, everything felt
so heightened.

  She reached out and touched me, my body tensing at her gentle caress as her hands moved slowly, feeling all of me.

  I eased her back on the bed and she lay beneath me. She touched my face as I lowered my body to hers.

  She breathed out a deep sigh and we were one, moving slowly, gently, as she moaned. I watched her face as she closed her eyes, biting her lower lip. We were one and it was amazing. Her body felt so good and I loved her so completely. We moved together in rhythm as her moans became a beautiful song. I felt a deep joy within me growing and filling me, gaining intensity until it broke forth in pure ecstasy, my soul rejoiced.

  We lay there entwined. She knew all of me now, and I knew all of her so intimately. It was such a beautiful feeling lying in each other’s arms after making love. A feeling of profound peace and contentment washed over me. Thank you Lord.

  “We’re one flesh now, Zach. We’re married before God.” Joanna spoke quietly, almost reverently.

  “I know.” I stroked my fingertips over her beautiful skin. “How do you feel? Did you like it?”

  “Yes, I loved it.” She smiled. “I love making love to you.”

  “It didn’t hurt?”

  “A little, but I hardly noticed after a while. Did you like it? Did it live up to your expectations?”

  “Yes, it exceeded them all. Not just because of what it felt like, but the feeling it gave me, you know what I mean? It was wonderful.”

  She smiled so lovingly. “I’m glad. I want to please you in every way.”

  “You do please me, in every way. You please me with your love and your beauty, you satisfy my soul and my body. You make me so happy.” I kissed her petal soft lips. “I’m so happy you’re my wife.”

  “I love you, my husband.” She looked into my eyes. “You wanna do it again?”


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