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Destroyed: Falcon Brothers (Steel Country Book 2)

Page 18

by Mj Fields

  “I drove to that old motel. I sat there, looking at room 25. I pleaded with you to feel me, hear me, come back to me. I got out and went for a walk because I couldn’t breathe. I drank those wine slushies on the boardwalk. Then I was so messed up that I didn’t know where I was, and I knew I couldn’t drive, so I took a taxi home.”

  “That was a responsible thing to do, Juliana.” He kisses my head.

  I can’t stop the sob from escaping. “It was three days later when I ended up somewhere I didn’t recognize with...Oh God, Garrett, I can’t.” I cover my face.

  “Let it fucking go. Please, Juliana, let it go. For you, for me, for us.”

  “I don’t know how, why, what, but there were men and drugs, and—”

  “Did they fucking hurt you?” he growls.

  I shrug. “They were as messed up as I was, and I don’t know what happened.”

  “That’s rape. That’s fucking rape. Who did this? Who!”

  “I don’t know. And how...? How is it rape? All of us were messed up. All of us.”

  His body trembles in anger. “Because would never fucking do that unless you were out of your fucking mind.”

  “When I got home, Gage, your mom and”—I sniff back more tears—”Brandon were there. It was awful. The way I felt about myself, the way Gage looked at me, the way Gail looked at me, and the way Brandon cried because he wanted to stay with Gage. A month, Garrett, a month. So, no pain pills.”

  He gets up and walks to the counter, grabs the pill bottle, opens it, pours one in his hand, and grabs a bottle of water. “I’m not watching you punish yourself for my fucking mistakes. I’m not watching you suffer because you aren’t fucking listening, Juliana. Like I said, it’s not the fucking pills. Now take it.”

  “He’s right.” We both look toward the door and see Phoenix standing there.

  “You know how to fucking knock?” he snarls at her.

  “Brand and Gage are down by the lake. I just came to check to see if they had the all-clear.” She shrugs. “Heard your voices, and although I’m not a friendly face, I offered to come in while he got Brand away. Good thing. You probably don’t want him to hear all that.”

  She walks over and sits down. “You look like shit. Take the pill.”

  I scowl at her. She doesn’t give it back.

  “I’m gonna have to tell you to get the fuck out,” Garrett snaps at her.

  She doesn’t even look at him, just looks at me as she says, “Take the pill, because we’re going to set off fireworks with a bunch of half-drunk half-Italians, their wives, their kids, and your son misses you like crazy.”

  “I don’t understand you. You hate me,” I remind her.

  She shrugs then sits back. “I understand you a little better now. I just don’t like you.”

  “How the fuck do you come in here and say that fucked-up shit to her?” Garrett throws his hands in the air as if he’s totally had it.

  She still doesn’t look at him. “I can’t be your bestie; you banged my man.”

  “I didn’t like it,” I tell her, to which she bites her cheeks, trying not to smile.

  “But I can’t be your bestie because you’re...” I stop. I have no clue what to say. None.

  “China doll?” she asks.

  Now I’m trying not to laugh.

  She smiles and holds her hand out. “Give me the pill.”

  “No,” Garrett says, still confused.

  “Fine, fine, but—”

  “If you try to run, you won’t get far. If you piss him off, he can toss you in the lake,” Phoenix says with a smile, cutting me off. “And not that we’ll ever be besties, because I totally think you’re a bitch.”

  To that, I smile.

  “People are kind of my thing, so...” She stops when I laugh out loud, and so does she. “No shit, they are. Got the degree to prove it.”

  I can’t help myself. “You should stick to bartending.”

  “Take the pill.” Her tone softens. “Brand wants to see you. You’re hurting, Juliana, and this guy”—she tosses her thumb over her shoulder—”he’s right. The pill isn’t the poison.”

  I take the pill from a gaping mouthed Garrett. I take the water, and I swallow it down, praying it’s fast-working, because this pain...this pain is excruciating.

  “You heard everything?” Garrett finally gasps.

  She looks up at him and shrugs. “You’re stuck with me, and apparently, I’m stuck with you.”

  The door opens and Brand runs in. Then he stops and covers his mouth.

  “I’m okay, Brand, just clumsy,” I tell him.

  He nods and looks at Phoenix. She moves over and pats the spot between us.

  “Everything okay in here?” Gage looks at Phoenix, then me, then back at her.

  She nods. “It is.”

  “You sure?”

  “Gage...” Garrett mumbles a warning under his breath.

  “Garrett...” I shake my head, hoping he doesn’t argue with him.

  He sighs, walks over, and sits at the end of the chaise.

  “You need anything?” Gage asks Garrett.

  “Everything I need is here.”

  Brand is looking me up and down.

  “I fell down some stairs,” I tell him.

  He nods.

  “It was pretty gross. The bone was sticking out of my leg.”

  “Ouch, Mommy.” He calls me Mommy for the first time in a very long time. “Did it hurt really bad?”

  “Yeah, really bad,” I admit.

  “Still hurt?” he asks, and I nod. He looks at Garrett. “If she was a horse, we’d have to put her down, huh?”

  Garrett laughs, and then everyone else does, too.

  “It’s not funny!” Brandon yells at them all. “It’s not. This little lady”—he uses that damn voice and now I want to laugh, so I pull him into my chest and try to hide my face in case I fail at suppressing it—”got hurt really bad.” His voice, though now muffled, is heard by all.

  “You taught him the John Wayne voice?” Gage asks, looking at Garrett.

  Garrett nods as he rubs Brandon’s messy locks.

  “We need to talk about shit like that,” Gage says.

  Garrett nods and smiles at him.

  “You said shit,” Brandon points out, trying to lift his head. I hold it tighter because now I can’t stop the smile. “Shit’s a bad word.”

  “Yes, it is,” Garrett laughs. “Yes, it is.” Then he raises his eyebrow at Gage, and Gage flips him off.

  I look at Phoenix and whisper, “I’m glad you found each other.”

  “I’m glad you”—she pauses and mouths, “lied to him.”—”My gain.” She shrugs.

  I smile, finally releasing Brandon’s head.

  He looks at me. “You two friends?”

  “Pretty sure we’re all gonna have to be.” I lean down and kiss his nose.

  He smiles and points to himself. “‘Cause me?”

  “Yeah, Brandon, ‘cause you.”

  “You tired, Mommy? You look tired.” He holds his hand against the side of my face like I have seen Mags do a million times to him, to Gage, to all those she holds near and dear.

  “I am,” I answer, closing my eyes and leaning into his hand.

  He leans in. “You can’t go places alone, Mom. Girls can’t because they need a cowboy with them.”

  “You’re going to be the most amazing cowboy ever when you get bigger.”

  He leans closer to my ear. “Bell Steel is going to be my little lady. Don’t tell anyone.”

  “I promise I won’t. But can I meet her?”

  “If you promise not to tell her.”

  “I promise.”

  He grins. “She’s camping here.”

  “Can’t wait.” I grin back.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Make Her Feel Beautiful


  We have had Brandon with us for three nights in a row, smack dab in the middle of us in the bed. How fucki
ng amazing is that? It’s fucking amazing.

  He’s a kicker, but I don’t care. I have a son I don’t deserve, who calls me dad and tells me he loves me. I have Juliana, who I don’t deserve, and she loves me, too.

  Okay, yeah, I do. As fucked up as everything has been, I do deserve them, and I will make damn sure they know how lucky I know I am.

  It’s not just sex; I told her that the last time I was inside her, and now I know she knows it, too. I haven’t fucked her in a week, a fucking week. But that feeling, the feeling that is everything after you come, that’s what I have all damn day.

  During the day, Brand is all into playing with the Steel kids. I go up with him in the morning, hang out, and then come back down to the cabin. I shower Juliana, feed her. Fuck, I even offered to wipe her ass. Of course she wasn’t having it, but I swear to God above, I would wipe the literal shit right out of it.

  I want to stay in here and flip through magazines with her. I could sit here all day long, but when I’m standing at the sink, looking at the pile of lumber outside this two-bedroom shack, wanting to build a castle on the hill, I sometimes get antsy.

  “Go,” she urges on a laugh from behind me.

  I turn around. “What?”

  “You’ve been staring out the window for ten minutes, looking at the wood. I know this is pretty boring, just sitting here watching me. I promise, I’m fine.”

  “Wasn’t just thinking about the wood, Juliana. I was thinking how awesome it is to have him in bed, kicking the shit out of me all night.” I grin at her, and she laughs. “I was also thinking I fucked you a week ago and not since, but I swear, I feel like I just came every damn day, all day. Then...Then I thought about the wood. But all that was before.”

  “You want me to go get in bed, so I can kick the shit out of you with my cast?” She puts one hand on her sassy, little hip.

  “How about you go get into bed and I’m gonna lick the hell out of you.”

  She laughs. “You do know I need a bath, right?”

  “Showered yesterday; you’re good.” I take a step toward her.

  She holds her hand out. “No. No way are you doing...that when I need a bath.”

  “You sure you’re in any position to tell me no?” I take another step.

  “I’ll fuck you, but that’s not happening.” Both her eyebrows rise.

  “If that didn’t make me instantly hard, I would be offended. I’m not just a piece of meat, you know.”

  She looks up and rolls her eyes, which gives me the chance to ambush her ass.

  I swoop her up and carry her into the bedroom, setting her on the edge of the bed. Her eyes are as big as saucers; her smile, fucking beautiful. All I can do is stare and thank my lucky stars I have her.


  “Hi.” I lift her arms up and pull my tee-shirt she is wearing over her head. Her nipples are stone.

  I lean down and give them each a lick and a tug. Then I have to do it again because her hands are all knotted in my hair and she’s arched into me.

  I push them together and rub my beard across them from side to side, and she makes a fucked-up noise. I’m not sure if it’s a moan or a giggle.

  I do it again, and so does she.

  “Definitely a miggle.” I say out load.

  “Huh?” She pulls my hair and head closer to her head.

  “You miggled,” I tell her before taking her tit in my mouth as I push down my pants.

  “What?” she cries out.

  I let her tit pop out of my mouth. “Moan and giggle—you miggled”

  “‘Kay.” She grips my hair and pulls it to her tits again.

  “My little lady likes her tits played with. Good thing I love these things.” I suck on her nipple hard as I lean forward, forcing her to lie back.

  “Can’t say that in bed,” she pants out.

  “What?” I ask, kissing down her abdomen.

  She tugs my hair, and I look up at her. “No little lady in that voice in bed. No miggle, either.”

  I kick my pants the rest of the way off and straddle her, pushing her tits together as I move up.

  “What are you—”

  I lick my hand then rub it up and down my cock. Then pull her nipples as I shove my dick between them. “Fucking your tits.”

  She looks down at my cock and licks her lips. She opens her mouth on the upward thrust and tries to grab it.

  I pull back and do it again, tugging at her nipples as I watch her greedy, little mouth try to catch my cock. Then I take both tits in one hand and reach back with the other. I push my finger inside her panties and run my finger up and down her hot twat.

  Her knees fall apart as I slide a finger inside her as she thrusts into my touch. I’m fucking her tits, while she’s licking my head and grinding into my hand.

  “So fucking beautiful,” I tell her.

  “I-I,...Oh yes, yes,” she groans.

  I push another finger in her, and she cries out my name. Mine.

  Closing my eyes, I thrust between her tits harder, faster. She catches my cock and sucks hard, rubbing her tongue in circles and flicking the steel rod.

  I move my fingers faster, harder, and her mouth opens as she cries out again.

  “Fuck yes.” I work her deeper, harsher, as I watch her beautiful face contort, her mouth falling open, listening to her fucking moans. “Need inside you.”

  When I lean down and kiss her, she grips my hair and sucks on my tongue like she would my cock. Meanwhile, I try really fucking hard to be careful with her leg.

  I move us to the end of the bed and lift her leg as I stand. I grab my cock and smack her soaked pussy with it, making her moan, “Again.”

  I do it again and she hisses, “Yes.”

  I do it again as I watch my cock smacking against her clit over and over until I just can’t take it anymore. Then I thrust into her slowly, knowing the way I want to fuck her would make this cowboy fall faster than an eight-second bull ride.

  I lift her leg up to my shoulder and watch my cock slide in and out of her as I squeeze her tits.


  I know what’s coming next, and it’s definitely her.

  “I’m gonna come!” she cries.

  “Fuck yes, you are,” I groan. “Fuck. Yes.”

  And she does, hard and beautifully.

  I don’t slow down. I want her cunt contracting around me as I watch it, and I fucking do watch it.

  My cock glistens with her pussy juices, the evidence that she and I fucking rock in every fucking department.

  “ you. I love you. Oh God, I love you!” She reaches up and grips my biceps. I feel her come harder than ever. Hot. Wet. I’m fucking done.

  “Baby, I’m gonna blow. Gonna do it inside,” I groan out as my balls tighten painfully.

  “Yes.” She nods. “Yes. Oh God, yes.”

  And I do.

  “Incoming!” I hear Gray and pull out really fucking quick-like then kick the door shut.

  “Dad?” Brand yells.

  I throw Juliana the shirt, yelling, “Two seconds,” as I hear his footsteps closing in.

  “Brand, I don’t think that’s a good—” Gray stops midsentence and laughs as the door opens.

  I grab my jeans and dive toward the other side of the bed, shoving my feet into my pants, rolling around like a fucking teenager trying to hide from his girlfriend’s parents.

  “Hi, Mom,” he says. “You’re awake?”

  “Yep,” she says breathlessly.

  “Where’s my dad?” he asks.

  “Down here,” I say as I sit up, shimming my pants up.

  He starts to bound over, while my cock’s still hanging fucking free.

  “Brand, no hug?” Juliana says, making him stop dead in his tracks.

  “Sorry, Mom.”

  I get my dick tucked in, still half-mast, and zip up.

  Gray kicks my shirt over to me, and I duck down, pulling it over my head. Then I manage to stand up just as Brand lea
ns over.

  “Whatcha doing down there, Dad?”

  “Looking for an earring,” I lie, to which Gray chuckles. I kick him in the shin, and he stops.

  “Cool.” He looks at Juliana’s ears. “Dad, Mom’s got ‘em.”

  “Well then, that must be why I couldn’t find them.”

  He nods. “Right. So, all the kids are camping in tents by the lake. Dad—well, Gage...” He pauses and shakes his head. “Well, he said I should ask you if you wanted to camp with me.”

  “I’d love to,” I begin.

  “But he said if Mom needed you, he would love to sleep under the stars with me.”

  “Well, that’s cool, too,” I tell him, sitting on the bed.

  “But he also said that you and Mom should come up tonight ‘cause we’re having a bonfire.” He looks at Juliana and gives her some sort of look.

  “Oh!” Her eyes widen, and she smiles. “Well, I’d love to.”

  He throws his arms around her and whispers something in her ear that makes her giggle.

  Chapter Twenty-Five



  I don’t want to go up there, I don’t. But Brandon asked me to, and I want to see this little girl he’s crushing on. Judgement, though, I don’t want to face.

  I have met them all, been to functions with the perfect nails, perfect hair, perfect Stepford wife smile, as I lived a less than perfect lie. Now it’s time to face the music, and I should be devastated by this. It should make me want to run and hide, and it does, when I allow it. However, three weeks of seeing him, being with Brandon, watching the boy who ran then faced his demons, I know I can face mine, too.

  “Wow.” Garrett walks into the bathroom as I sit on the counter, trying to put on makeup for the first time in a couple weeks. “You look...different.”

  The smile falls from my face because, as we all know, different isn’t always better. I look back in the mirror as I second-guess myself.

  He sighs. “You look beautiful, fucking beautiful, but I’ve been pretty damn spoiled seeing you with your hair knotted up on top, face bare, and dressed in my tee shirts, like every dream I had for all those years. I’ll take you all made up, too, but give me Juliana in the raw any day and you’ll have my dick and heart jumping out at you.”


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