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Destroyed: Falcon Brothers (Steel Country Book 2)

Page 25

by Mj Fields

  “You sure—”

  “Mom, go. It’s your honeymoon.” He throws his hands in the air like I am frustrating him.

  “We love you, Brand,” Garrett tells him.

  “Love you both, too.” He looks at the door and holds up his finger. With pure determination in his eyes, he then starts walking toward the dance floor. As he walks by a chair, he grabs it and drags it behind him.

  “Oh, fuck.” Garrett laughs.

  “What? What is he...?” I stop when I see him step up onto the chair and tap Bell Steel on the shoulder. When she turns around and looks up, he grabs her face and plants one right on her lips. Then he says something, and I have no clue what it is, but her face drops.

  He steps down from the chair, throws two fingers in the air, and walks right past everyone, chin up high, and toward the door.

  I look at Gail, who is looking at me. She starts to laugh, and I shake my head, knowing it will annoy him in the state he’s in. She follows my son out the door.

  I look at Garrett, and we both start laughing. When Carly walks over, we stop, but then she laughs, and now I can’t help it. I laugh so hard tears are rolling down my face.

  “What did he say?” I ask, trying to stop laughing.

  “She won’t tell me,” Carly say through her laugh. “But I hope Kiki didn’t see it. All she talks about is Brandon Falcon and how much she loves him.”

  “What the hell was that?” Gage asks from behind us, and I look back to see he’s laughing, too.

  “Brandon has his first crush,” Garrett tells him.

  “It’s a good damn thing he’s five, or Jase might wanna kick his little ass.”

  “Did she tell him what he said?” Carly asks.

  “Yeah, she sure did,” Gage tells her.

  “Spill it,” Carly says, still laughing.

  “Something about planting a seed deeper inside than just a necklace?”

  “Oh, fuck.” Garrett chuckles.

  “What the fuck kind of seed is he talking about?” Jase asks as he walks up, holding their son Maximus.

  “Friendship seed.” Garrett snorts. “He wanted to propose, but I told him they had a lot of growing to do and he should plant the friendship seed and let that grow.”

  “Max,” Jase says, looking at his son. “You need to grow up fast. You got two sisters who need you.”

  “Sorry, man, I thought I was giving sound advice.” Garrett shrugs. “Had nothing to do with kissing the girl.”

  “I saw Kiki plant one on him earlier.” Jase rolls his eyes. “She acts like her mother.”

  “Oh, please,” Carly says, taking her son from Jase. “Come on, Maximus Hillary Steel; your mom is gonna breastfeed you.” She looks at Jase. “Until you’re two.”

  “Carly, that shit’s not funny. We agreed to six months,” he says, following her.

  “You two take off.” Gage smiles. “I’ll keep Romeo in check.”

  “You gonna be okay dealing with Mom?” Garrett asks.

  He shrugs. “She’s got her reasons. Everything worked out the way it should.”

  I smile and look down, happy that he’s willing to try with her.

  When I look back up, he shakes his head at me. “I hope to hell you two have a good wedding night.”

  “We will,” Garrett says, smiling at me, obviously not catching the fact that he was making fun of my first wedding night.

  He nods to the door. “Get out of here.”

  “Thank you,” I mouth to him, and he nods to Phoenix and smiles.

  “Life is good.”


  Three hours later, I wake to Garrett opening the door.

  I look up at him, and then out the car window.

  “Got room 25,” he says, looking at me.

  “I love it.” I step out of the truck. “I love it.”

  “So fucking glad you do, Mrs. Garrett Falcon.”

  I wrap my arms around my husband’s neck. “Take me to bed.”

  “That’s the plan.”

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  Hammered, Gage and Pheonix’s story, is available now!

  Grab your copy

  Excerpt from

  Haunted and hidden.

  Mysterious and sexy, Grayson Falcon steers clear of commitment in all forms. He takes the road less traveled, avoiding the demons of his past and the nightmares they cause. He uses his good looks and country charm to attain pleasure, but it is always a short-lived reprieve.

  Sweet and scarred.

  Once believing that love can conquer all, Mandee Carlain’s life was then turned upside down and inside out. Her beauty queen good looks and sweet smile always caught the eye of the wrong kind of man. However, as a survivor, she still holds on to hope that one day she will come face to face with the man whose whispered words will give her strength to still believe.

  What happens when the hopeless find hope the wrong time?

  Love is...Wasted.



  “Desserts are for after dinner,” Mommy tells me as she smiles and takes away the box of chocolates her friend Mags sent from the United States of America.

  “But, Mommy...” I whine, sticking out my lower lip and pouting slightly. This usually works.

  “But, Grayson...” She smiles, mussing up my hair then placing a kiss on my nose. “After dinner.”

  Then she’s gone, but the chocolates, they are sitting on top of the refrigerator. I know I’m going to get in some trouble, but I just can’t help myself.

  Pulling out the bottom drawer, I step onto it. Then I pull myself onto the counter, reaching up to grab the box off the refrigerator. I sit on my bottom on the counter then slide off, shoving the box under my shirt as I run down the hall, up the stairs, and into the bedroom I share with Garrett. We have our own rooms, but now I stay in his.

  A few months ago, when I heard him crying at night, it scared me, so I went in and he was sleeping under his bed. I laid next to his bed and held his hand. He didn’t cry anymore, and he didn’t tell me to leave, so now I stay in there every night.

  Today I heard him cry and it’s not even dark. Chocolate will make him happy, I think as I walk in.

  “What?” he asks, wiping his nose, his eyes angry.

  “I got chocolate.” I pull the box out from under my shirt and show him.

  “Just go, Gray,” he says, burying his face in his knees. “Chocolate doesn’t fix everything.”


  “Just go!”

  I run down the stairs, out the door, and toward the big barn, the one with all the equipment. I want to cry, too. I want to because my brother, my best friend, he’s mad at me and I didn’t even do anything wrong.

  I slide under one of the trucks and open the box. I don’t care if I get in trouble. I just don’t care. I eat a piece of the yummy chocolate, and then another and another. They are delicious.

  “Hey!” I hear Gage, my big brother, and cringe. I’m going to be in trouble.

  I peek out and see him throw a stone. I watch it fly through the air as if it’s in slow motion. Then I cover my mouth when I see it getting closer and closer to Mr. A. Then it hits him in the side of the head and he falls. He falls a long way before he lands on the ground.

  I look at Gage, who has a weird smile on his face. A mean one. One I have never seen before.

  He walks over to where Mr. A. lies, kicks some dirt on his face, and then spits on the back of his head. Then he squats down, his fists balled at his sides, as he sneers, “Told you not to come back. Should have listened.”

  He stands up and walks away, kicking dirt behind him as he does.

  I see blood. Lots and lots of blood. It’s coming from his head, his mouth. It’s getting closer and closer to me.

  Terrified, I scurry out from under the opposite side of the truck and run toward the trees.



next to Mom’s bed, I held her hand. They say it wouldn’t be long now. I didn’t believe them.

  Since I found out about her cancer in ninth grade, I had heard that so many times. Too many times. And every time, she made it. I attributed it to many prayers, and the promise the trees made me one night.

  Yes, the trees.

  “Be strong, Mandee. She needs our strength.” Dad’s eyes would never shed the tears I knew were there, not ever. And neither would mine. Well, not in front of them, anyway.

  When I was sixteen, it had been bad, really bad. I had gone to the store to get some things Dad had asked me to get, knowing I was being sent away because Mom couldn’t hide the pain any longer and neither of them had wanted me to see her cry.

  On my way, while driving, I had heard a song on the radio I had heard a million times. “If I Die Young” by The Band Perry. I cried so hard I couldn’t see. I cried so hard I couldn’t breathe. I cried so hard I swore my heart would break.

  I had then pulled over on the side of the road by the lake and ran into the woods so that no one could see me break down, so no one could see me being weak. After all, everyone would tell me how strong I was all the time.

  I wanted to be. I wanted to be as strong as they thought. Hell, I had been.

  Then, when I was quiet, I heard the song “Hallelujah.” I didn’t know the song, but it was beautiful. And it seemed to calm me ...the chorus, the voice.

  Later, when I googled the words, I realized it had been the voice that was calming, the lyrics, hauntingly beautiful.

  A year later, when she was gone, I returned to that spot for the hundredth time. I heard the most beautiful sound, one I had yearned to hear every time I had returned. I had told myself it wasn’t real; it was a figment of my imagination, words whispered in the woods.

  I was wrong. This time, the song was much more uplifting. I walked through the woods, trying to find it, all the while listening to whoever was singing “It’s a Great Day to be Alive” by Travis Tritt.

  When I came upon him, his back was to me, black hair curled up under a backward Yankees hat, the material of his gray Henley stretched over his back. He had the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, his arms covered in tattoos, the muscles beneath the ink bulging as he played the guitar in his hand. He was sitting on a fallen tree with a fire going in front of him. My heart skipped a beat, several beats.

  As awful as that day was, I will always remember the first time Mom, my angel, sent me to the woods to listen to this man whisper a promise that things would be okay.


  To the reader of this book,

  You are my blessings. Thank you so much for reading my words, my stories, sending messages, emails, being part of my group, commenting on posts, leaving reviews…basically thank you for anything and everything you do for the love of my words.

  To the blogs who read and shared Destroyed, you amaze me.

  Thank you A geordielass honest blog on reviews, A Literary Perusal, A Naughty Book Fling, Angela’s Opinion, Author Groupies, Bbbf-sizzlereads-bestbookboyfriends, Book Bangers Blog, Book Boyfriends Central, Books Laid Bare, BOOKS to LUST BY, Bookworm, Brandy Paige Roberts Facebook page, Cat’s Guilty Pleasure, Cyndy’s Read’s, Danielle’s Domain, I’m A Book Shark, Indie Wish List, johnnarc, kdrbck, Little Shop Of Readers, Mama Fashionista, Mama Fashionista Reviews, Sweet Red Reader, Mixed Emotions Book Blog, Nicole’s Book Musings, OMGReads, Readers World Book Haven, Real Tasty Pages, Reflections Of A Book Geek, S-n-M Book Blog, SBB Reviews, Shakespeare’s Wench Book Blog, Sweet Spot Sisterhood, TDC Book Reviews, The Book Addict’s Reviews, The Leatherbound Rose, The Opening Hook, The Power of Three Readers, Two Crazy Bookaholics, Wendy’s Book Blog, Wicked Tales of Racy Reads

  To my first readers, my ARC/Beta girls,

  You are love, you are Steel, you are Forever Steel!

  To Ena and Amanda at Enticing Journey,

  Thank you for everything you are doing behind the scenes, include listening to me rant. I am so glad to have been hooked up with not only women who work in the industry but love to read.

  To Kim G,

  Love you girl.

  To C&D,

  You are precious to me. Not only do you pretty up my words, your feedback and direction makes me a stronger writer. Much love.

  To Jules, (our Juliana)

  Talen, love, great mommy, friend. They say never to do business with family or friends. To me you are both and they are so full of shit. One of my besties, my rock, my daily phone call, my beautiful and talented formatter, cover designer, PA, sister, I. LOVE. YOU. You’re kind of everything.

  To Nathan,

  Thank you for being the face and abs of Garrett. The flannel…. Swoon.

  To my Little Chick,

  Love you more!

  About The Author

  USA Today bestselling author MJ Fields write books that scorch pages and melt hearts. Her style is raw, gritty and authentic. Love an alpha and a strong heroine? She does too.

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  Other Titles By MJ Fields

  The Men of Steel Series

  Forever Steel


  Jase and Carly




  Forever Family


  Momma Joe

  The Ties of Steel Series





  The Rockers of Steel Series

  Memphis Black (Memphis and Tallia)

  Finn Beckett (Finn and Sonia)

  River James (River and Kianna)

  Billy Jeffers (Billy and Madison)

  UnSocial Daters Club: Matched Duet

  Match This!

  ImPerfectly Matched!

  Steel Country Series



  Wasted (June 26, 2017)

  LRAH Legacy Series (These families’ stories are intertwined starting with The Love series, they move to the Wrapped Series, the Burning Souls series, and end in Love You Anyways.

  Many more series will spin off from these characters already written and each will be a standalone series but for those of us who love a story to continue I recommend reading in this order.

  The Love Series

  (Must Be Read In This Order)

  Blue Love

  New Love

  Sad Love

  True Love

  The Wrapped Series

  Wrapped In Silk

  Wrapped In Armor

  Wrapped In Always and Forever

  Burning Souls Series




  LRAH Legacy Additions

  Love You Anyway

  Love Notes

  The Truth About Love Series

  27 Truths (Ava’s Story)

  27 Lies (Luke’s Story)

  The Norfolk Series

  Irons (Jaxson and Frankie, book 1)

  Shadows (Shadows and Mary, book 2)

  Titan (Coming 2017)

  Published with Loveswept/Penguin Random House

  The Caldwell Brothers Series

  (co-written w/ Chelsea Camaron)





  Visibly Broken

  (co-written w/ Chelsea Camaron)

  Offensive Rebound




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