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Break and Enter: A Sexy, Thrilling Romantic Suspense (Callahan Security Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Lori Matthews

  Leo assessed her and then gave the barest shrug. “Okay, then I guess we have to go with it.”

  All the air rushed out of her lungs. She hadn’t needed to lie to Leo after all, and he’d given her the green light anyway. Sure, she hadn’t told him everything, but she didn’t want Leo to worry that Mitch was already on to her. She was worried about that enough for the both of them.

  “I’m going out with him tonight. Hopefully, it will be enough to get an invite to the barbeque this weekend. Do you have the things I’m going to need?”

  Leo got up and went over to the kitchen counter, grabbed a bag, and came back to the sofa. He sat down and upended the bag. “This is everything. I still have no clue what any of it is.”

  She got off the chair and joined him on the sofa. “So”—she picked up a square plug-looking thing—“this is an ODB2. It’s a car diagnostic scanner.”

  “You’re telling me that thing-a-ma-bob will scan the car? But I bought it on Amazon for seven-fifty.”

  Alex nodded. “Yes. They aren’t expensive.”

  “So why do people spend all that money going to the garage to find out what’s wrong with their cars?” Leo asked.

  “Because it needs software to work, and that’s harder to get. And, besides, even if they knew what was wrong with their car, would they know how to fix it?”

  Leo scratched his chin. “Huh. Ya got me there, I guess. So, do you think there’s something wrong with the car then?”

  “No. Diana gave all of the keys to Drake. I need this to reprogram the blank car key you got me so I can start the car. It’s Bluetooth enabled, by the way. Cool, huh?”

  Leo shook his head. “It’s beyond me lass, but if you say so.”

  She grinned. “If people only knew what can be done with these things. I already downloaded the app to my phone, so I am set to go. All I need is access.”

  Alex grabbed the bag, put the key back in it, and then added the ODB2.

  “Can you walk me through it? Maybe I can learn something.” Leo said as he leaned back on the cushions.

  “Assuming the car is unlocked, I plug the ODB2 into the car underneath the dash. The Bluetooth will connect automatically to my phone. I’ll use the app to pair the blank key to the car, and voila! I’ll be able to start it and drive away.” She leaned back on the sofa next to Leo. “I gotta say, the hardest part of this job is getting invited to the party and getting into the garage. Leaving with the car should be a breeze once I have access to it.”

  “What happens if the car is locked?”

  “That’s harder but not impossible. I have several options. None will take very long, though, so it shouldn’t add too much time to the job.”

  Leo asked, “You good on the rest of the plan?”

  “Yup. This one is relatively simple, all things considered. He’s storing it in the very last bay of the farthest garage. It’s a straight shot down the driveway, and the gates will be open because of the party. They take about thirty seconds longer to close than I’ll need. There’s no way they’ll get them secured in time, even if someone hits the panic button the moment I pull out of the garage. Zero to sixty in three point two seconds, baby.” Her grin was so wide her cheeks hurt.

  Leo smiled back. “You aren’t looking forward to this at all, are you?”

  “Do you know how rare it is to be able to drive a car of this caliber? I’m gonna love every second of it.”

  “Are you sure you can handle it?”

  She hit him on his arm. “Seriously, is that even a question? I was born to drive cars like this.”

  He shook his head. “All right. After you leave the grounds, hightail it over to the Sterling place. She’s agreed to be out for the night and leave word with her people. Her gate will be open until you pull through, and then they’ll close it behind you. She’ll have guards on duty to stop anyone who may be chasing you, but it shouldn’t be an issue since she has the title for the vehicle. Once you’re through her gate, you’re home free.” Leo looked over at her. “I know I’ve said it before, but I’m not feeling great about this one. I still think we should take a step back. Maybe wait until he leaves the country.”

  “We just went over the plan. I’ve pulled off jobs that are a lot more difficult. Bottom line—the car doesn’t belong to Drake. I’m bringing it back to its rightful owner.” She paused. “Although, I have to say, Drake seems more like the sports car type than Jeffery Sterling.” She frowned.

  Leo glanced at his watch. “If you’re sure, lass”—he continued when she nodded—“then I’ll be going. He paused. “Please be careful on this one. I just have a gut feeling it’s not going to go as planned. Make sure you have your disguise in place. Sterling’s people shouldn’t be able to identify you.” He walked toward the door. “Just don’t let Callahan get too close. He’s good. He’ll remember everything about you, which is going to make it hard to hide from him once this job is over. Make sure you wear your contacts and your wig and anything else that can change your look.”

  She walked to the door with him. Guilt reared its ugly head. This was something else she’d kept from Leo. Purposefully. Mitch had already seen her real eye color. “Leo, relax, it’s going to be fine. Maybe we can take a break after this one. I have a friend close by. Maybe I’ll go visit her after this one.” It would be good to visit Lacy, if only for a little while.

  It was Leo’s turn to nod. He paused and then leaned over and kissed her on her forehead. “See you Saturday night. Call me if there’s any change in plans.” He opened the door and went out into the dusk.

  Alex glanced at the clock in the kitchen. She had just enough time to fix something to eat, get ready, and drive over to the hotel for the meet. Grabbing the brown paper bag off the coffee table, she then stowed it in her little hidey hole, a hollowed-out version of her favorite book, To Catch a Thief.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mitch fixed the cuff of his snowy-white shirt and then slid his arms into his navy blazer. Taking a quick glance in the mirror to confirm his hair wasn’t standing up in tufts, he lit out of his temporary quarters at Drake’s estate and walked toward the study. The on-duty bodyguard had texted him to say Drake had been on the phone with Tolliver, and Mitch wanted to hear how everything had gone down. He didn’t need any more surprises.

  He knocked on the study door and entered. Drake looked up, slightly startled that someone had entered before being told to do so. Oh, well. Too late for any empty politeness now. “I heard you spoke with Tolliver. What did he say?”

  Drake’s eyes narrowed. Mitch was prepared to be yelled at for barging in and demanding to know what was, essentially, Drake’s private business. He wasn’t good at playing the political game, but he was damn good at his job, and he needed every bit of intel to keep his client safe. Drake must have come to the same conclusion because he stood up from his desk and walked over to the bar area.

  “Going out?” he asked.

  Mitch nodded. “You’ll be in good hands. Jake is lead this shift, and I’m a phone call away. I’ve already checked all the systems twice and spoken to each team member. We’re good to go for the evening.”

  Drake poured himself two fingers of Scotch. “I’m sure it’s all fine. I wasn’t commenting on your security. Just observing.”

  Mitch remained silent. He knew Drake had heard his original question, and the man would answer it or not in his own time. Mitch was finally starting to understand his boss’s rhythms. He was certainly better at reading Drake after these last weeks.

  “Yes, Tolliver called. He said he wanted to make one last-ditch effort to get me to sell the software. I refused. He said he was sorry we couldn’t do business.”

  Drake took a sip of his drink. “To answer your next question, no, I don’t think that’s the end of it. He has a plan up his sleeve, and I’m sure I won’t like it.” He took another sip and walked out from behind the bar.

  “In case he plans to try something with the markets, I have people checking and recheck
ing things at the office and with all of my holdings. I’m not in any kind of vulnerable position, but I’m also not sure what kind of run he’s going to take at me, so I’m covering all my bases.”

  Mitch gritted his teeth. He had a feeling he knew what Tolliver’s plan was, and it stood about 5’5” in bare feet and had a hell of a smile. He grimaced as he contemplated telling Drake about her. But it didn’t seem right when he didn’t know for certain what she was after. Hell, that wasn’t true. He knew in his bones she planned on lifting something of Drake’s. Why else would she have snuck onto his yacht? Hung out on the same street where he was having lunch?

  “I…may have a lead on something.”

  Drake’s eyes narrowed. “Were you planning to keep it a secret?”

  “I’m doing my due diligence. I have no proof at this point, just a whole lot of suspicion, but it makes sense. I should know more after tonight.” He sincerely hoped that last bit wasn’t a lie.

  “Care to share details?” Drake asked before he took another sip of his Scotch.

  “Not yet. I want to make sure I’ve got it right first. What I can tell you is that there’s a known thief in town. I’m taking all the necessary precautions with your security.”

  Drake sat down at his desk. “You can’t get more specific than that?”

  Mitch sat down abruptly in the seat in front of Drake’s desk. “This is the Hamptons at the start of the summer season. The playground of the rich. How many celebrities and billionaires do you think will be here this weekend? How many are here now?”

  Drake opened his mouth to speak, but Mitch cut him off by raising his hands. “I know, and yes, as my employer, you are the only one who matters, but I can’t say with absolute certainty that you’re this thief’s target. I’m working on it, but I don’t have definitive proof at this time. I will tell you as soon as I know for sure either way. My staff is on top of things, and the system is working perfectly. You are secure.”

  Drake eyed him for a moment. “Believe it or not, I do trust you and I’m listening to what you’re saying. I know the system is top-notch and you’re doing your utmost to keep it that way. I just hope for both our sakes it’s enough.”

  Mitch stood up. “So do I. We haven’t found out who the real buyer is yet, but through our sources, we’ve eliminated a few groups. With any luck, we’ll be able to track down who’s behind this before anything happens. Have a good night.” He gave a single nod to Drake and left the room.

  In the hallway, he let out the breath he’d been holding. He was a little uneasy about the information he’d shared about his thief, but he wanted to be upfront with the client as much as possible. Communication worked both ways. Drake was the type of guy to appreciate that.

  Mitch pulled up in front of the hotel about twenty minutes later. He was slightly early by design. His cell rang. He hit the green button to answer. “Callahan.”

  “No sign of her yet, boss,” Jasper said.

  “Okay. I’m going into the hotel. Text me when you see her.”

  “Roger that,” he said and hung up.

  Mitch got out of his car and put his cell in his jeans pocket. He’d asked Jasper to stand watch so he could find out how “Carrie” arrived. With any luck, he could tail her once the night was over and find out where she was staying. He walked into the hotel lobby and crossed over to the bar area, which had a great view overlooking the marina.

  The bar was part of the main lobby with a few hidden corners for intimate conversation. He glanced around as he grabbed a stool that was as far from the main doors as possible. It gave him the best vantage point of the area with his back to a wall, albeit one made out of glass. The place was moderately full, but there were still seats at the bar. It would probably be super loud in about an hour.

  The bartender came around, and Mitch ordered a beer. He let his eyes roam over the crowd. These were the first of the city people, here a few days early to enjoy the kick-off to the summer season. The bartender arrived with his beer, and he took a sip. He glanced at his watch, figuring his thief had decided on fashionably late.

  A few moments later, a commotion by the door drew his attention. Men who had obviously been drinking for a while were making a big show of watching something or someone.

  Two seconds later, he saw her head through the crowd. Of course, it was her. Her stride full of confidence and liveliness, she walked the length of the bar before coming to a stop next to him.

  She was the sexiest woman he had ever laid eyes on. He trailed his eyes from the top of her head down to her shoes and back again. Was she wearing a wig? This afternoon he’d of bet on it, but now he wasn’t so sure. Her hair was the same color as earlier, but now it gleamed in the overhead lights. The bob just emphasized the curve of her jaw.

  Her emerald-green eyes sparkled, and she was wearing earrings that matched their unique shade. The dress emphasized and enhanced every curve. She’d worn sleek black stilettos that laced up her leg somehow. Fuck-me shoes, if he’d ever seen a pair. They made her legs look like they went on for miles.

  “Are you finished with the once-over? Do I pass inspection? And think carefully before you answer that question.” She smiled as she sat on the stool next to his.

  “You look incredible.” His voice was huskier than he would have liked. Damn. He had to hold it together tonight. This was work. “Would you like a drink?”

  She nodded and turned toward the bartender, who had just appeared at their end of the bar. “I’ll have a vodka. Grey Goose. Neat.” The bartender nodded.

  “That’s an interesting choice. I would have thought white wine or Scotch. Vodka never entered my mind.” Mitch twisted his stool to face hers and leaned forward a bit so he could hear her better.

  She shrugged. “I like vodka, always have. None of that flavored crap either. Just vodka, straight up.”

  When she smiled at him, his resolve to keep this solely a business venture died right then and there. If he wasn’t careful, he’d be telling her Drake’s security codes in no time flat. He took a sip of his beer and tried to muster some restraint.

  “So, where are we going tonight?” Her voice was deep and sexy.

  He wanted to bring her somewhere private so he could spend the rest of the night exploring every inch of her. He cleared his throat. “I promised you we’d go somewhere you could wear that dress. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  He saw something like worry flicker in her eyes. He reached out and took her hand. “ I promise I will be a complete gentleman. Even if it kills me. You can leave any time you want.”

  He held her hand lightly, rubbing small circles on the back. Though he meant every word, it would be the struggle of his life. Sitting this close, he could smell her scent, sunshine and spice. He wondered if she would taste that way, too. If she was game, he sure as hell wanted to find out.

  “I— Thanks for the reassurance, but I’m Okay. I trust you.” She pulled her hand back as her drink arrived, but he heard her clear her throat before she took a quick sip of her drink.

  So, he wasn’t the only one feeling it. Good to know.

  The bar was starting to get louder. He took a long swallow of his beer and then leaned in and spoke directly in her ear. “Do you like to dance?”

  She looked up at him and nodded. He noticed how long her eyelashes were. They were dark against her skin. He was wondering about her hair color—could she really be a brunette?—when she leaned forward and said, “How about you? Do you like to dance?”

  Her breath tickled his ear and lit his skin on fire. He stifled a groan. If he didn’t put some space between them, they weren’t going to make it out of the hotel.

  “Yes.” At her surprised look, he said, “My mother made me take ballroom dancing classes as a kid. After that, I just liked to move on the dance floor.”

  “We’re going dancing?”

  He nodded. “As soon as you finish your drink.”

  She picked up the glass and downed it in one swallow. He b
urst out laughing and signaled the bartender. After paying the bill, Mitch helped her up off the stool. Her hip brushed against his for a brief moment before she turned to walk out, but it was enough to make his heart beat double-time in his chest and his blood start running south of his belt buckle. This was going to be one long, tortuous night. The sway of her hips teased him as he followed her out of the bar.

  They left the hotel and came to a stop by the passenger door of his BMW.

  “Are you any good?” she asked with a slight smile on her lips.

  He cocked an eyebrow at her as he leaned past her to touch the handle, unlocking the door. The alarm chirped. “I’m very good. Some have even said exceptional.” He opened the door and helped her slide into his car.

  She released a sultry laugh. “Modest, too.”

  He walked around and got into the driver’s side. “Of course. I didn’t say I was the best you’ll ever have. As a dance partner, that is.” He winked at her as he started the car, then pulled out of the parking lot. Before they got very far, it occurred to him that Jasper had never texted him. Had something happened to him? He pulled over to the side of the road. “Sorry, got to send a quick text.”

  “No problem,” she said as she leaned back into the seat.

  He pulled out his phone and checked the screen. Nothing. He texted, Are u okay? She came about 45 mins ago.

  Fine. Didn’t see her at all. Sorry boss. Do you want me to tail you? I can follow her afterwards.

  He paused, considering the idea. If she had gotten past Jasper on the way in, chances were excellent she’d get past him on the way out. He’d need more people, and he didn’t want to pull anyone off the estate for this. He glanced over at her. This woman was scary good. He needed to bring his A-game for sure.

  No. It’s okay. Go back to the estate. We’ll catch up in the am.

  Roger that.

  “Sorry about that,” he said as he put the car in gear. “Ready to go dancing?”


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