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Page 12

by Linda Chapman

  She risked a gentle question. But what about the other horses in the ring?

  He sent her a picture of the other horses trotting around, all listening to their owners, ignoring the gelding. No horses attacked each other in the show ring. It’s safe there, he replied.

  And then you came here, to Uncle Len’s?


  She saw how it must have appeared to the gelding. It must have seemed like the first yard he’d been taken to. No wonder he had tried to keep everyone away—the grooms, the other horses. Ellie remembered the bay pony kicking him in his memories and realized that the pony who had attacked him had looked similar to Merlin.

  Her heart twisted. Any final remnants of bitterness towards him faded. She could understand what he’d been feeling, why he’d attacked the old pony, scared out of his wits as the old memories were stirred up when Merlin was put in the field with him.

  Going up to him, Ellie put her arms gently around his neck, giving him all the love she could, wishing she could make him better and take the memories away.

  She knew it was the same as with Spirit. The past could not be wiped out; bad memories could not simply be erased. She could give him relief by listening and loving, but she couldn’t make him forget. However, she could help him.

  I can do something, she told him. I’ll find a way to make sure you’re not put out in the field with any other horses and maybe you can move around to the stables where Spirit is. You won’t have to see the other horses all the time there. Only Spirit, and he would never hurt you.

  He nuzzled her and she saw an image of Luke, overlaid with fear and confusion. I was trying to please him. He just kept hitting me. I don’t understand. I had to get away.

  A picture of Lucifer’s last owner came into her mind. The lady’s hands were feather light, her aids barely perceptible. Ellie felt Lucifer’s willingness to please, to be as good as he could. Suddenly she got it. Deep down all he wanted to do was make his rider happy. He liked to be ridden lightly. The lighter the pressure, the better he would go.

  I’ll help you, she told him. I promise. Lucifer snorted and pushed his head against her chest.

  “Come on,” she said softly. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “SO, YOU’RE SAYING I have to do almost nothing?” Luke stared at Ellie. “You’re mad. He’ll be doing a bronco act in a second.”

  “No, he won’t.” Ellie patted Lucifer, feeling his anxiety as he regarded Luke. All the way back to the stables, she had been talking to him, telling him it would be OK. She hoped it had got through to him.

  Spirit had been waiting where she’d left him and she had ridden Lucifer back, leading Spirit. She had sat as still as possible in the saddle, using only the gentlest aids, and he had behaved perfectly all the way home. But once they were near the yard she’d felt his tension build.

  Luke had been on the drive. He had just returned on his motorcycle. His face had been a picture of astonishment and relief as he looked at Ellie riding Lucifer.

  “You’ve got him!”

  “Yes, I found him up the mountain.”

  “Thank God. Stu’s gone out on Barney. I’ll text to let him know you’re back.” Luke pulled out his phone.

  “OK, but then we’re going back to the ring. I want you to ride him. I’ve had an idea of how to make him go better.” Ellie hoped that Lucifer trusted her enough now to let Luke ride him again. If she could just persuade Luke to ride him quietly, to ask instead of tell, and to use the smallest cues possible, then maybe Lucifer would start going well again in the ring.

  At first Luke hadn’t been that keen, but Ellie had insisted. “Luke, you owe me one. I got him back here. I think I know how to get him going better.” She frowned. “You said after I worked out what was wrong with Troy that you’d listen to me next time,” she reminded him. “So listen.”

  “OK then. I guess it’s worth a try. After all, Len’s way’s sure as hell not working and we need to sort this out. If you think you know how to sort it, let’s try.” Luke grinned. “Bring on the horse-whispering!”

  “This isn’t horse-whispering!” Ellie said. “I’ll just be telling you how to ride him.”

  Luke held up his hands. “Whatever. I’m putty in your hands. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. The worst that can happen is I get dumped on the ground again.”

  Ellie felt a rush of warmth. Luke could be arrogant and irritating at times but you could certainly never accuse him of unwillingness to try new things. “OK. Get on and ride him lightly then.”

  “Yes, boss.” Luke put his foot in the stirrup. Ellie brought her thoughts away from Luke and focused completely on Lucifer, reading the signals he was giving with his body language, sending his emotions. She could feel tension in the air around him and she sent him all the reassurance she could. It’ll be OK. Looking at Luke, long-legged in the saddle, she hoped she was right.

  Luke started to shorten his reins. “No,” she said quickly. “Keep them long and when you use your legs barely squeeze. Do as little as you can.”

  Luke nodded and didn’t even squeeze; he clicked his tongue and the horse walked out into the school. “Just walk him around on a loose rein to start,” Ellie instructed. “I think he’s been fighting you because you’ve been putting so much pressure on him.”

  To her relief, Luke seemed prepared to stick to his agreement to try what she suggested. He rode very lightly, his hands barely touching the black gelding’s mouth. Lucifer’s tense walk relaxed and by the time he had walked all the way around the school his stride had started to lengthen and his neck arch over. Reaching the gate, he slowed.

  “Let him stop if he wants,” Ellie said suddenly. “Let’s see what he wants to do.” Lucifer stopped and backed up obediently.

  Not this time, she told him in her head, realizing her intuition had been right before. It’s not what Luke wants at the moment, but thank you for trying.

  Lucifer snorted and walked on calmly. The next time around he didn’t stop. Ellie’s heart swelled with hope. It was working. It was really working!

  “Try him in a trot.”

  Luke clicked his tongue and the gelding moved into a smooth, flowing trot. Luke gently guided him around circles and serpentines, changing the rein.

  Ellie knew she could start to leave them to it. Climbing on to the gate, she watched as Luke and Lucifer worked together. When Luke tried cantering and came across the school, Lucifer thought they were changing direction and changed legs, but instead of telling him off Luke realized the horse was just attempting to do what was right. He simply slowed him down and asked him to canter again, then carried on the circle. The next time Lucifer didn’t change legs, but carried on in a canter all the way around. With every minute that passed, Ellie could see the understanding between the pair of them growing. There were still moments of tension, but every time Luke felt one, he let the horse try what he wanted to do and then quietly rode on.

  “Ellie!” Ellie jumped and looked around. It was Stuart. “I just got back. I got Luke’s text. What’s happened? Where did you find Lucifer?” He stared at Luke and Lucifer incredulously. “Look at him! Look how he’s going!”

  Ellie smiled happily. “I found him up the mountain. Luckily, he was OK. When I was bringing him back I just had this idea that Luke had been riding him the wrong way. That he needed really light handling—the lighter, the better. He’s been trying it out and it’s working.”

  “Well, if it carries on working your uncle’s going to be a very happy man.” Stuart looked at her, a glint in his eye. “What is it you do?”

  Ellie frowned as she looked into the ex-jockey’s face. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, first Picasso, then Troy, then this. Not to mention that horse of yours who you’ve rehabilitated.” Stuart folded his arms and looked at her curiously. “What’s the trick, Ellie?”

  Ellie looked at Lucifer. “There’s no trick. I’ve just learned to listen.”

  Stuart loo
ked at her for a moment. “Well, keep on listening. You’re an asset to the yard.” He sucked the air in through his teeth and chuckled. “I wonder what your uncle’s going to say when he sees this.” With another chuckle, he walked off.

  Ellie felt a glow inside. It was lovely to feel accepted by Stuart, lovely to feel that she was managing to help the horses and do some good.

  Luke brought Lucifer back to a walk. Although they were the far side of the school, Ellie saw his lips moving in praise as he patted the gelding. He rode over on a loose rein, looking totally nonplussed. “You were right. If I ride him like you said he goes so much better. I’ll make that do for now, though, he’s had a tough morning.” He threw his leg over Lucifer’s neck and dismounted.

  Ellie went over to Lucifer and stroked his nose. Thank you, she told the gelding in her head. Her heart swelled with gratitude that he had been generous enough to let Luke try again. He nuzzled her.

  “He looked like a different horse,” she said to Luke.

  “He felt like a different one,” said Luke. “Riding him lightly really worked. Nice one, Ellie.”

  Lucifer nuzzled Ellie. “We’ll have to help him on the yard too. I think he needs to be in a quieter stable, maybe around by Spirit where he doesn’t have to see the other horses all the time. Will you help me persuade Uncle Len?”

  Luke nodded. “Easy. I reckon when Len sees how well Lucifer’s starting to go, he won’t argue. Not that he’d stand a chance.” He grinned at her. “You were seriously fierce with me earlier.”

  “No, I wasn’t!” Ellie protested.

  “You so were. It’s a good thing, though,” said Luke, opening the gate and leading Lucifer through. “You’re only like that because you care. You could stand back and do nothing—lots of people would—but you don’t.” He looked at her. “Not ever. That’s cool.” Taken aback by the completely unexpected compliment, Ellie blushed.

  Luke smiled. “Look, the important thing is that Lucifer’s not trying to kill me any more. If he carries on like this he might even win at the show. And before you say anything, Ellie Carrington,” he added quickly, raising his eyebrows at her, “it’s not all about winning for me.” Ellie’s face was about to soften when Luke’s eyes lit up with a wicked glint. “After all, if he wins I might have a good chance with Anna Hallett!”

  With an incorrigible chuckle, he led Lucifer down the slope.

  Ellie shook her head. Honestly! She watched him leave, then giggled. Even though she sometimes accused him of arrogance, he had listened to her when she’d told him how to help Lucifer. He’d listened and done it without arguing. Which is more than I did when Spirit was telling me what to do, she realized guiltily. Maybe I’m worse than Luke.

  Not any more, she decided. From now on, I really will listen—in all ways.

  When Len returned from the show he was initially skeptical about the breakthrough in Lucifer’s behavior, but after Luke had brought the gelding out and shown him, Len was forced to admit they were right.

  “Well, I’ll be…” He trailed off, shaking his head as he watched Lucifer calmly responding to Luke’s light cues. “And it was you who thought of this?” he said, looking at Ellie.

  She nodded without saying anything. She was glad for Lucifer’s sake she had helped but not for her uncle’s. She still hated him for putting Merlin down.

  “Ellie thinks he’s been scared in the past by other horses and we should put him in a quieter place on the yard, maybe around by Spirit,” Stuart said.

  Len watched the gelding do a flying change and nodded. “Fine by me. Whatever keeps him sweet.”

  By the end of the day, Lucifer was bedded down in the stable next to Spirit. He was much calmer there without the constant coming and going.

  Over the next two weeks, he stopped kicking at his door and tossing his head. He didn’t seem to mind Spirit being nearby and it was clear he was developing a real affection for Ellie. Soon he was whinnying whenever she came around the corner. She made sure she talked to him every day, listening to what he’d been through and sending him love. Simply by listening to his memories, it seemed to make him feel happier.

  Noticing the bond Lucifer was developing with her, Stuart put her in charge of grooming and feeding him. Luke took to riding him in the afternoons when Ellie was back from school so she could watch and help. Lucifer got better and better. Ellie found herself really looking forward to the time she spent with Luke. They were both equally determined and focused, talking about Lucifer tirelessly, discussing how to give him the best chance in the ring.

  Now they had Lucifer’s trust, they knew they had to slowly start increasing the pressure put on him, in case the judge rode him strongly. They did it little by little, watching Lucifer’s reactions carefully and responding by easing off the pressure whenever it was too much for him—being very horse-whispery as Ellie liked to tease Luke at every possible opportunity. And they saw an improvement every day. Len left them to it—he was no fool when it came to horses. Seeing how well they were doing, and being very busy with the other horses, he kept an eye on them but did not interfere.

  Ellie wondered constantly how Lucifer would do at the show. She was taking Picasso in the show herself—but it was Lucifer who was filling her thoughts for the moment.

  I hope he does well, she prayed as she groomed him the day before the show. She’d washed his tail and his coat was shining like polished ebony. Looking at him standing calmly while she brushed him over, she could hardly believe that just two weeks ago he had been so hostile.

  “Don’t you let me down with Anna Hallett tomorrow,” she sighed.

  Anna had been supposed to ride him that week but she’d been too busy with exams. Ellie was feeling slightly worried about it. She hoped Anna would ride him lightly and give him the best chance. The judge would only ride him briefly but Anna would be on his back for a long time, and if she was too firm with him Ellie wasn’t sure how he’d react.

  Just then, Lucifer started slightly as Joe looked over the stable door.

  “Hi there. I’ve done his tack—it’s in the trailer. Do you want me to do Picasso’s too?”

  “Oh, yes please!” Ellie said, smiling at him. “Thanks!” Things were getting easier with Joe. Having Lucifer to focus her thoughts on had really helped. The pain she’d felt when she and Joe had decided to be just friends had begun to fade. She could laugh and chat with him now without feeling torn up inside. In fact, she even found herself occasionally wondering if they really had been that perfect for each other after all. She loved Joe to pieces but he did think and act differently from her in so many ways. She was glad they were still best friends, though. She knew he was still deeply upset about Merlin and didn’t want to be avoiding him when he needed support. As he’d said, she was determined they’d always be close.

  “I can’t believe what a difference you’ve made to Lucifer,” Joe said as he looked at the black gelding. “There were Dad and Luke fighting with him and then suddenly, in one afternoon, you have this idea to treat him in a different way.” He shook his head. “I still don’t understand how you knew what he needed.”

  Ellie smiled. “Just instinct, I guess.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  THE NEXT MORNING, Ellie crawled out of bed at 4 a.m., helped load the horses and then climbed into the living accommodation of the horsebox. While Joe and Luke plugged themselves into their iPods, she promptly fell asleep on the sofa there until they arrived at the show at 5:30 a.m.

  “Wakey wakey!” She became aware of something tickling her face and opened her eyes to see Luke grinning at her, tickling her face with a cactus cloth.

  She groaned.

  “Come on, Sleeping Beauty! We’re here!”

  “Here you go,” Joe said, handing her a mug of tea, while Luke threw open the jockey door and jumped out on to the show ground.

  “Thanks.” Feeling crumpled, Ellie tightened her ponytail and went down the steps. The sun was just starting to rise in the sky, lightening the d
ark. Taking a deep breath of the fresh cool air, Ellie felt herself start to wake up. All around them were other trailers and people unloading horses and ponies.

  “Time to get the horses out,” Joe told her as Len went off to check what was happening. Joe and Luke undid the ramp. As well as Lucifer, there were Picasso and Barney who would both be in the open working hunter pony classes, Wisp, who Joe would ride in the 153-centimeter show hunter pony class, and Gabriel, who Luke was taking in the Intermediate working hunter class. Spirit had come too, because Picasso was much happier traveling with Spirit in the horsebox.

  Gabriel’s class was the first of the working hunter pony classes. It started at 8 a.m. but Ellie didn’t have time to see much of it because she was too busy exercising Picasso and getting him used to the show ground. The horses were usually worked in first thing, then prepared for their classes. Still, as she was working Picasso in, she caught sight of Luke doing his individual show for the judge. He pulled off a foot-perfect individual show with the fastest gallop of the class. He’d already gone clear in the jumping phase of the class and the judges placed him first. Luke came out grinning, the red rosette clipped on to the string of his number. Ellie and Joe rode to meet him. “Nailed it!” he said, high-fiving Ellie.

  “Well done!” she said in delight.

  “Great start!” said Len, patting Gabriel’s neck. “Let’s carry it on,” he said, looking at Ellie and Joe.

  Barney was next in the ring. While Joe was competing, Luke brought Lucifer out and Ellie started preparing Picasso for the ring. His class was next. Luke had just started working Lucifer in when Anna and Jeff arrived. Anna was looking immaculate in a black jacket that showed off her slender waist, tight spotless cream breeches and shiny riding boots. Her dark hair was held back in a bun and the red stock around her neck was perfectly tied.

  Ellie broke off from polishing Picasso. “Anna, can I talk to you for a minute?”


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