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All That He Desires

Page 7

by Olivia Thorne

  The head of his shaft slowly entered me again, wet and slippery.

  Oh My GOD.

  I clutched at his shoulders and moaned as he filled me up. This time the sensation was different… it was astounding how deep he went inside me. I was actually a little afraid, but he eased me down onto him, keeping my ass supported with his powerful hands, until his hips softly butted (pun intended) against my ass.

  “Kiss me,” he whispered fiercely.

  I wreathed my arms around his neck, tilted my head, and sank into his lips for a long, slow, glorious kiss.

  And as his tongue slipped sensuously over mine, he began to move his hips.

  Slow and shallow at first, rocking back and forth. I could feel him deep inside me, touching places I’d never felt before.

  Then he began to speed up, lifting me higher with his hands, his pelvis slapping against my ass, sending thrills of pleasure through me.

  I moaned into his mouth, my lips pressed against his as he filled me and retreated, filled me and retreated, slammed inside me violently, then stopped – and slowly eased in again.

  My head was swimming. He was exciting me so much, all over again, so fast.

  And then suddenly we were moving.

  I grabbed tight onto him and looked around in alarm. “What – ?!”

  “Just going to the bedroom,” he grinned.

  “Am I too heavy?” I asked, mortified.

  “About as heavy as a couple of feather pillows.” (A blatant lie… which I appreciated immensely.) “But I want to get a little more… vigorous, and it’s hard to do that when you’re fighting gravity.”



  Bring it on.


  We entered the bedroom still attached at the hips, more or less. Just front to bottom, not side by side.

  He walked me over to the bed, his shaft still inside me, and leaned me down almost vertical with the floor.

  “Get the cover off,” he urged me.


  “The sheets – pull back the sheets.”


  I twisted around slightly, giggling – I’d never done this before, not from this position – and pulled the coverlet and sheets halfway down the bed. Then he let me sink down on the mattress and put his full weight on top of me, never once pulling out of me.

  The sheets were amazing. Soft, silky – satin, maybe. All I know is that I was feeling a world of sensual delight against my back as I had a whole other world of sensual delights between my legs.

  Now that he didn’t have to ‘fight gravity,’ Connor began over again – slow thrusts at first, then increasing in speed and depth. The difference was that he moved his hands to my head, where he grasped my hair. Sometimes he stared me in the eye, sometimes he kissed me passionately, sometimes he moved to the side and nibbled and licked at my ear.

  The whole time I was moaning like a banshee.

  He began to work up to a frenzy, his hips slapping mine. His hands clutched frantically at my hair, pulling it, driving me even wilder.

  And he started whispering in my ear – hoarse, frantic, almost unhinged.

  “Jesus – Lily – oh my God, Lily – oh fuck – oh fuck, Lily, oh FUCK – ”

  Normally, in my everyday life, the language would have given me pause.

  Not now. Unh unh. It just threw gasoline on the fire.

  I clutched his ass, pulling him deeper inside me, moaning and crying out as my own pleasure rose higher and higher, getting closer and closer to coming again.

  His voice became louder and more strained – his hands were rougher, pulling at my shoulder and hair more insistently –

  “Oh GOD Lily, oh fuck, oh LILY, OH FUCK – ”

  And then he shouted, a strangled cry, as he crushed me to him and I felt him explode inside me.

  The sensation of him pulsing inside me, the feeling of hot, warm wetness suddenly gushing inside me, pushed me over the edge.

  I screamed his name as I dug my fingers into his skin and pulled him as far inside me as I could get.

  For an instant, my entire body was made of light and electricity and sex, and I lost myself in a giant, pulsing swell of pleasure that swallowed me whole.

  He was still moaning when I came back down to earth, gasping for breath.

  He slowly raised his head from the hollow of my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

  With one finger, he smoothed away a sweat-drenched curl of hair from my forehead… and then he grinned.

  And kissed me.


  We lay like that for the longest time, his sweaty skin sliding sensually over mine, as he gave me long, slow, lingering kisses. We gazed into each other’s eyes (though I tended to let mine slip close as I got lost in the moment). My lips felt puffy and slightly painful, but I couldn’t stop kissing him. Didn’t want to stop.

  Finally he pulled away from me. “Stay here,” he ordered as he rolled out of bed.

  “What, I can’t use the bathroom?”

  “Oh… yeah, go ahead,” he said as he padded out to the main room of the penthouse.

  “Thanks!” I called sarcastically.

  When I came back out of the bathroom, the room service table was by the bed, and the silver trays were up.

  The chocolate.

  I’d almost forgotten.

  I watched his perfect backside, entranced, as he poured some more wine into our glasses.

  He turned around. “Well? Get back in bed.”

  Suddenly I was shy – buck-naked and very self-conscious about it. I ran around the other side of the bed, jumped in, and pulled the covers just over my breasts.

  “Here you are,” he said, passing me a wine glass. Then he placed one of the open silver trays on the bed next to me and got in himself.

  “Oh my God,” I sighed in rapture as I let one of the pieces of dark chocolate melt on my tongue. “This night couldn’t get any better.”

  “I can think of at least one other way,” he said, and nuzzled against my neck.

  I giggled, mostly from the tickling on my neck. But not entirely. “I’ll bet you can. Too bad we never finished the game.”

  “Oh, I think we finished it pretty well,” he said as he popped a grape into his mouth.

  I frowned. “Yeah, but there were other questions I wanted to ask you.”

  He sighed dramatically and took a sip of wine. “Okay: yes, I was cheating.”

  My stomach turned.

  What I heard was, Yes, I was cheating on my wife/girlfriend.

  With YOU, Lily Ross.

  “WHAT?!” I cried out.

  “I admit it,” he grinned.

  I just stared at him. I could feel my lower lip starting to tremble.

  “I am a card shark,” he finished.

  I blinked.

  “…what?” I asked, now totally confused.

  “Oh, excuse me… a card sharp,” he said, and ate a cherry.

  “You… you cheated at cards?”

  He looked at me oddly. I think he heard the enormous relief in my voice.

  “Yeah… it was something I picked up a long time ago for fun. I always wanted to learn, so I hired a guy to teach me. One of the best ‘prestidigitators’ in the world,” he said, saying the word with self-mocking snobbery, as though he were ridiculous for even using it. Then he smirked at me. “I’m assuming you know what that means, Ms. ‘It’s really a card sharp.’”

  “You stacked the cards?”

  He nodded with a grin. “That’s another thing you’ll find out about me. If I can’t bluff, I like to cheat.”

  At this point, the relief rushing through me was immense. I had a couple of choices: I could either break down and explain my misinterpretation, and look like I was Seriously Over-reactive Girl… or I could keep it to myself.

  Hold my cards close, I guess you could say.

  I figured there was no need to show him my entire hand.

  “Put your wine glass down,” I ordered.

  He looked at me quizzically. “Why?”

  “Just do it.”

  After a brief hesitation, he set the glass over on the room service table.

  Then I grabbed the nearest pillow and whomped him with it.

  “Oh ho!” he laughed, grabbed my wrists, and forced me onto my back. I shrieked as he tickled me mercilessly, and then it devolved into a hot, sloppy kiss.

  “Now I know better than to trust you,” he said as he broke away and grabbed his wine glass again.

  “Said the cheating card sharp.”

  He shrugged, took a piece of chocolate, and popped it into my mouth.

  “Don’t think that excuses your bad behavior,” I said as I let the heavenly sweetness melt in my mouth.

  “I don’t. I figured the multiple orgasms did that.”

  I blushed and smacked him as he laughed.

  “You still owe me some answers,” I said in fake indignation.



  He considered for a second, even though I had been teasing. “All right. As long as they don’t revolve around women, or any relationships I might have had before tonight.”

  “Hey!” I protested. “That’s cutting out half my questions!”

  “This is the bonus round, and that’s the deal I’m willing to make. Take it or leave it.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. In reality, though, I didn’t want anything to mess up the last hour… and if I’d been able to ask anything I wanted, I might have been tempted to do just that.

  “Fine,” I said, and thought as I took a sip of wine. “Oh – I’ve got one. What was with all that Mr. Templeton stuff?”

  He looked at me funny.

  “What?” I asked. “The valet called you Mr. Templeton, and you said he must have you confused with someone else. But then the woman at the desk called you Mr. Templeton, too. Is that something Sebastian came up with?”

  Connor looked down at his wine glass and rolled the stem between his fingers, as though he were trying to decide whether to tell me something.

  My stomach began to knot up again.

  He looked at me again from the corner of his eye. “You honestly don’t know?”

  “Don’t know what?” I asked as the panic began to rise. I was fully expecting to hear That’s my wife’s last name, or something to that effect.

  He looked amused… and also pleased. “You honestly, truly have no idea, do you?”

  “Quit stalling and just tell me!” I said in both impatience and fear.

  “My name isn’t Connor Brooks, Lily. It’s Connor Templeton.”

  I frowned. That didn’t make any sense.

  “But why would y…”

  And then it hit me.

  The reason why the name had seemed familiar was because we were at the Dubai Hotel.

  The same Dubai Hotel on the E! Entertainment special I’d seen.

  In which the host had mentioned the owner of the hotel:

  Connor Templeton.

  I’d heard his name before, but I hadn’t seen any pictures of him. I mean, I’ve heard of Michael Dell, but I have no idea what he looks like. I just know he’s the kajillionaire who started Dell computers.

  But then everything clicked.

  Connor Templeton…

  …youngest son of the Templeton family, one of the wealthiest dynasties in America…

  …a billionaire in his own right who had actually made more money after he split from the family business…

  …and owner of the Dubai Hotel, where we happened to be staying.

  I began to freak out.

  I had just slept with one of the richest men in America.

  No, scratch that.

  I had just slept with one of the richest men in the world.

  The Story Continues In


  (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3),

  available now!

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  See the next few pages

  for a brief word from the author

  and other books she has available!


  Hello there! Thank you for reading ALL THAT HE DESIRES!

  If you’ve read my other books, I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record… but if you enjoyed ALL THAT HE DESIRES, would you mind leaving a review on Amazon? It doesn't have to be anything fancy, mind you. Not only do good reviews help persuade people to buy, but I can’t advertise the book some places unless I have a certain number of positive reviews. If you wouldn’t mind, you would be helping me out more than you know!

  If you read the afterword to ALL THAT HE WANTS (the first book in the Billionaire’s Seduction series), you know that this is a serial novel. You also probably know that as of December 2012, I haven’t written the next installment yet. (Edit: it's done! You can buy ALL THAT HE DEMANDS Part 3 on Amazon right now!)

  It should be out in early 2013, but I’m not exactly sure when. If you would like to know when it's published, please email me at and let me know you want to be added to the mailing list. Also, I love hearing from readers, so if you want to just say ‘Hey,’ please drop me a line!

  Thank you again for reading ALL THAT HE DESIRES. I’m glad you decided to give Lily and Connor’s tale another go, and I really hope you enjoyed it.

  Onward to Part 3, ALL THAT HE DEMANDS!

  Olivia Thorne

  Books By Oliva Thorne

  Contemporary Erotic Romance


  The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 1


  The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 2


  The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 3


  The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 4

  Part 4 Coming Soon! Email to be notified when Part 4 is available!

  Historical Romance

  (Pen Name Amelia Nolan)


  Master and servant, aristocrat and commoner... Passion brings them together, but pride will tear them apart. When Marian is in danger, will Evan risk everything - his fortune, his title, his life - to save the woman he loves?

  All That He Desires (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 2)

  Copyright 2012 Olivia Thorne

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to (or another online retailer of ebooks) and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, used, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from Olivia Thorne.

  Edition: December 2012

  Table of Contents

  The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 2

  The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 2










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