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Revealed: Parables From The Apocalypse - Dystopian Fiction

Page 7

by Norman Christof

  "So, I seem to have somewhat lost my sense of direction through all the smoke. Would one of you two kindly point me in the direction of Fort Knox? I believe we have a package to deliver."

  In unison, Alex and Christa both pointed south.

  "Well, let's get moving, soldiers. Let's make some headway now that we have some cover from those freaks chasing me."

  Chaz headed out of the woods in the direction indicated, like a man ready to save the world.

  * * *

  From where they were, they had a clear view to and across the airport. Knowing their final destination was close lightened their steps and hurried their pace. Chaz could sense the end within reach. They'd carried that pack from the CDC for far longer than he cared to. Initially, he was skeptical, but as their journey had progressed, its significance had become clearer to him. And not just the package, but who he was with became a big part of that goal. The wars had taken their toll on Chaz, but now a small chance presented itself. A chance to see it all end. Or not. Zombies with sniper rifles, and Christa, presented radical changes. How do you fight an enemy you don't know? If you don't know who you’re fighting, then how can you be sure of why you're fighting? And what happens when the enemy keeps changing? Every war tallies a casualty count, but at some point that just becomes an exercise in mathematics. There comes a day when it's more about the survivors than it is about the corpses. What kind of changes do war and battles bring about in the survivors? They're the ones that have to move forward, and deal with the new realities. Can the survivors adapt? The freaks were adapting. They were not the same combatants that started the wars. Or, maybe they were from the beginning, and the humans had never noticed. It was easier to think of them all as monsters.

  The group reached the edge of the airport property without detection. It was protected by a twelve-foot barb-wire fence. Alex threw his metal canteen at the main fence, but there was no electrical discharge. When he threw it at the barb wire up top however, sparks flew. Lots of sparks.

  "What do you think, Colonel?"

  "We're going to have to find another way around. Christa, stay right here. Alex, scout down a ways, and see if there are any openings. I'll go the other direction and do the same. Stay in sight of the girl; don't go too far."

  Christa fidgeted, but didn't say a word. Both men headed off in opposite directions. Christa couldn't sit still; she paced back and forth, watching both men disappear down the fence line. She lost sight of the colonel, but could still see Alex. Alex was checking the fence for weaknesses and keeping an eye on Christa at the same time. Alex returned first.

  "Well, did you find anything?"

  "No, nothing, it's solid as far as I could see. Plus, we're in plain view of the runway and the tower if we try to cross from that direction."

  Chaz, moving a bit slower and breathing hard, made it back. "Follow me, there's some cover from the terrain on the other side of the fence down this way. And there's a small gap at the fence bottom where someone else must have tried digging. We're not the first to come this way."

  Christa was still pacing. "Who went that way? Maybe we shouldn't go that way? They could still be there."

  "I don't think so. Whoever it was, he was at least partially human. I've never known a real zombie to have the brains to dig under a fence. They're dumber than dogs."

  The three of them headed down the line, following Chaz.

  "Right here, where the ground's been broken recently. The fence is loose at the bottom."

  Alex got out his pack shovel, and unfolded the handle. He started digging while the others watched. After a few minutes, Christa's nerves were getting the better of her.

  "Let the girl do some work, it may calm her down a bit."

  Alex looked back, and handed Christa the shovel. She gave Chaz a half-hearted grimace, and took the shovel. She was a good digger. After another few minutes, she had moved almost as much dirt as Alex, and didn't seem to be tiring.

  Alex watched with some concern, but the colonel just shook his head. "Let her do it, it's good for her. Kids need exercise. Fresh air and a little manual labor is better than sitting cooped up inside a classroom all day." The colonel sat with his back against the fence. It seemed to regenerate him.

  "Christa, I can do some more if you're getting tired. I don't mind."

  Without missing a scoop, Christa just kept digging. "I'm fine. It's not that hard, and I'm not tired. The colonel is right, it's good for me, I like it. I feel better already."

  "Ya see, kid, she's a digger. Better than you. Just give her a few more minutes, and she'll have a hole big enough for a tank to drive through."

  Alex grimaced. "Oh yeah, now that you mention it, there's a few more things you should know. We saw stuff on our way here."

  "I know, I know, I saw the fort as well. Looks like it's been overrun for a while. Not sure how much longer they can hold out. The building seemed intact, so as long as they have plenty of supplies, they may be alright."

  "Supplies run out eventually, sir, and that's not really what we were worried about. There's some things going on at the army base, and the airport for that matter."

  "Go on."

  Christa just kept digging, not really paying attention to the conversation.

  "Remember the tanks I mentioned at the base? I really think, the zombies were trying to get them going."

  "That's ridiculous. Do you really believe, that someone is trying to start up one of those old things? It's been decades since they've run. Do they even have engines in them?"

  "I don't know, sir, but the zombies were ..."

  "Wait. You're saying you think the zombies know how to restore a tank?"

  "No, sir, well, yes, sir, well ... no, hang on. The zombies were just helping. There were a couple of others that looked human and they were working the tools and the torch. They got the hatch open, and were starting to work inside before we left."

  "Oh, Lord. I've definitely been fighting for too long. Zombies in tanks. Nah! It'll never happen. They can work all they want on those damn antiques. They're not budging from where they are."

  "Yes, sir, I hope so."

  Chaz looked at him sideways, and shook his head. "They're not moving. Period."

  "There's one more thing, sir. The helicopters at the airport."

  "Yes, what about them?"

  "I think they're trying to fly them."

  "The zombies, you mean? Now the zombies are flying Apache Attack Helicopters and driving antique Sherman tanks? What's next, the space shuttle?"

  Alex was quiet for a moment. "Sir, I'm just trying to tell you ..."

  "Shh, you hear that?"

  A dull thumping could be heard off in the distance, coming from the airport hangars. It was getting louder and closer in the dark. Lights in the sky were moving towards them. As the lights flew above them, there was no mistaking they belonged to an attack helicopter. Once it passed over them and entered the graveyard, the helicopter switched on its searchlight. It started running a grid pattern over the area where the fire still burned.

  "Shit, boy, your timing is impeccable. Maybe you could have said something earlier."

  "Sorry, sir, we were a bit busy saving some old man from a forest fire."

  "Don't get smart with me, kid. That grid search pattern they're running is just going to get bigger. They're looking for something or someone. It might be us, but I don't plan on waiting here to find out."

  Christa handed Alex back his shovel. "That should be big enough. I think we can all fit through."

  Alex took back the shovel. "It'll have to do. Let's go."

  Christa squeezed through easily, while the other two wriggled through after her. The sound of the nearby choppers fueled their pace.

  Copter And The Girl

  Under the cover of night, the three of them made their way under the fence. The northeast corner of Godman Airfield had some rough terrain. There were elevations between the runways that provided cover. Cover at least from the main hangar. Hidi
ng from the helicopter wouldn't be so easy if it trained its spotlight in their direction. As they made their way across the terrain, the sounds of the copter got louder. Whatever they were looking for, they hadn't found it. It wouldn't take much longer before they came upon the trio traversing the airport. As they stopped at their first real cover, the helicopter reached the perimeter fence.

  "Colonel, that copter is getting way too close. It's only a matter of time before it finds us."

  "I'm not so sure. I don't think they're searching the airport grounds. They just flew past, and seemed more concerned with the area around the fire."

  "I don't know, sir. If they spot that hole where we tunneled under the fence, I have a bad feeling they won't stop at the airport."

  As Alex spoke, the copter crossed into the airport boundaries, and continued panning with its light.

  "It would appear they've spotted our entrance, sir."

  "Shit! Alright, we're going to have to expedite our little trip here. You have pilot training?"

  "Ahh, barely. Just some simulator training, and it didn't end well."

  "Well, I've been up twice before myself, so I suppose that makes me captain."

  "I don't understand. You're not suggesting we take one of those attack copters up, are you? Those are way more complicated than the simulator I was in."

  "I'm not suggesting it, son. I'm ordering it. Whoever is flying that copter is looking for someone, and that someone is us. I have no intention of having them figure it out."

  "It's too far, sir. At this rate, we'll be lucky to make it to the hangar without being spotted."

  "Oh, we're going to do better than that. We're going to get a helicopter in the air, and we're going to put it down on the roof of the Fort Knox Gold Bullion Depository. If that's what it's going to take to rid the world of these freaks once and for all, then that's what we're going to do. All we need is a little diversion. Christa, how fast can you run?"

  "No, no, no. Look, I don't care what you think of her, Colonel, you're not using her as bait to get us out of this. She's not some zombie freak. She's just as human as you and I."

  "I'm not so sure about that. Besides, she'll be fine, as long as she does what I tell her. Now listen, here's what we need to do."

  Alex looked back at the helicopter, just to avoid making eye contact with Chaz.

  Chaz continued. "First of all, we want that helicopter out of the air and on the ground. Preferably as far from the hangars as possible, and I want those jokers flying it out of commission. I don't want them coming after us once they've seen us. Next, I want our own helicopter. I'm thinking the one we've coerced into landing would be a good choice. I want it on the ground, but still running, so our star pilot here won't have to fire it up. I want all three of us in the air before anyone in that hangar realizes what's going on. Now, to accomplish that, we've got to give that copter a good reason to land. If they see Alex or me on the ground, chances are they're just going to open fire. That's where you come in, Christa. I'm counting on the fact that they won't shoot an unarmed child."

  "Hang on, Colonel, that's a pretty big assumption you're making with her life. How can you be so sure?"

  "Because, if I was in charge on that copter, that's what I would do. I'd assume the kid needed help, and get her out of here. Christa, I want you to sneak around over there just to the right of where the copter is searching, then run. Run directly past the copter towards that drainage ditch over there. Run like you're being chased by a thousand of those freaks, right under the copter. Keep looking over your shoulder as you’re running; I want them to think something is after you. Then, duck into that ditch and under the drainage grates so they can't see you. And don't come out till one of us comes for you. Got it?"

  "Yeah, sure, I can do that. Then what?" Christa said as she looked to Alex for reassurance.

  "Just wait. They should land and send out one or two guys to find you. Likely two. One to search, and the other to watch his back. While they're focused on you, I'll make my way up to the other side of the copter and take out whoever is left inside. The engine will still be running, so it'll muffle the gunfire. Alex, this is where you'll come in."

  "Great, what could possibly be left for me to do?"

  "Well, for starters, you get to save the girl. You're going to wait in the drainage ditch, then as the soldiers come looking for Christa, you're going to take them out. Christa, when you get into that ditch, make sure you put some distance between yourself and Alex. He's going to need room to work. Before you two leave that ditch, you have to wait till I have control of the helicopter. I'll flip off the navigation lights once I do. If the lights are on, stay in the ditch."

  Alex looked straight at Christa. "OK, got it. Christa, are you OK with this? If you're not, we can try something else."

  "It's OK, I can do it. Chaz is right, who would shoot at a little kid? I'll be fine. I've already been a zombie, so this should be a piece of cake." Christa forced a smile.

  "I'm still not feeling great about this, Colonel."

  "Just do your job, son, and this will work. As long as everyone does their part, we'll get there. We're too close to fail now. Christa, you ready?"

  "Yep, sure thing, Colonel."

  "OK, the copter is in a good position. Follow this little hill about a hundred feet; that should give you enough room to start running."

  Bird On The Ground

  Christa took off, following the edge line of the hill.

  "You don't know what those zombies in the copter are thinking, sir. If anything happens to her, Colonel, I don't know ..."

  "Nothing's going to happen to her. At least not if you do your job. She's doing hers, now you go do yours."

  As the helicopter search light moved past the drainage ditch and up towards Christa, Alex made his move to the drainage ditch. He moved to a deeper section, far enough away from the grate Christa would use for hiding from the helicopter. While Alex waited, he took the opportunity to dig out some dirt from the side to recess himself into. No doubt the copter would try to find Christa in the ditch first with its light, before landing. The more he could camouflage himself the better. He pushed himself back into the hollow he'd dug, and spread some of the loose dirt and mud over himself. Not perfect, but neither was this plan. Just do your job, he thought. You know the colonel will do his.

  Christa kept moving towards the mark Chaz had set for her. She kept looking back, not just to see the helicopter, but also for Chaz and Alex. The copter was slowing, circling back towards her. Chaz was still visible, looking in her direction, but Alex was out of sight. Christa's nerves got the better of her, and she started talking aloud to herself.

  "He must be in hiding already. In ambush, to take out whoever comes for me. Whoever comes to rescue me when I'm running for help. Pretending to run for help, that is. I'm setting those soldiers up to be killed. That's what they want me to do, and it's likely the best way for us to survive. I do want to survive, and Alex too. He's been awfully nice, but he's different. He wants to protect me. He thinks I'm just a little girl that needs protection, and sometimes I do too. I want to be a little girl, like I used to be. Things were simpler back then, with Mom and Dad to take care of me. But they're not here now, and I'm changing. Or I have changed, I'm not sure which. It's hard, but I suppose it's all part of growing up. I'm not just growing up like the other kids though. I feel ... Actually, I'm not sure how I feel, or where I fit. But for today, or at least right now in this moment, I think I will be the little girl Alex believes I am. I'll do what's been asked of me, and I'll do it for Alex and the grumpy old bastard."

  The helicopter was moving quicker now. Christa had moved a little further down the hill to give Alex more time, and her more space to make her run. The copter rotors were getting louder, and even though the copter team hadn't spotted Christa, she could see them. There were four in the copter. Two seated in the pilot and copilot’s chairs, and two more in the back. She couldn't make out the two in the back, but the one in the cop
ilot’s seat was a regular zombie. One of the two in the back ran the search light.

  Christa let the helicopter advance a little bit more, then let out the loudest scream she could muster. The copter didn't react, so she let loose with another. Even with the sound of the rotors, Alex made out Christa's scream. He nearly leapt from his cover and out of the ditch to see what was happening. If everyone did their job, things would go as planned. That's what he kept reminding himself. He took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and waited. Waited and watched down the ditch for Christa.

  Meanwhile, the copter stopped moving, but its light began to move towards Christa's hiding spot.

  "Just a little bit closer," she whispered.

  As the light shone a few feet from her, Christa let loose another scream, then dashed from hiding, through the light and towards the ditch. She moved as fast as her feet could carry her, but still managed to glance back over her shoulder at the copter. The search light was on her now, and keeping pace. There was no way she could lose that light. They'd see exactly where she was going when she headed into the ditch.

  The voice from the helicopter barked through its loudspeaker, "Stop, halt where you are. You're trespassing on US military ground. Stop where you are, or you'll be fired upon."

  Without waiting, shots fired from the helicopter just in front of Christa. The dirt jumped up, and pebbles hit her legs. Undeterred, and running like she was scared for her life, Christa only slowed for a split second. Alex heard the shots, and as much as he tried, nothing could keep him where he was. He scrambled from cover and peered over the top of the ditch. He could see Christa still running, and making her way to the ditch.


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