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Dying to be Married: The India Kirby Witch Mystery (Book 2)

Page 10

by Sarah Kelly

  India was in a full on panic. She began to slip in and out of consciousness. The only thing saving her was the sweat on Aleister’s hand, which loosened his grip every couple of seconds and allowed her to take a breath. “No,” she said.

  But then he switched hands to wipe his stronger hand on his linen suit, then flipped them again. “Any last words?”

  His grip was much stronger, and India was sure she was about to slip away.

  “Stop!” someone cried out from in the bushes.

  Aleister jumped back, his eyes wide with alarm. India took the opportunity, and screamed her lungs out. All the terror and fear and panic raged out of her in one long yell. She heard running footsteps come from the police station, and soon Xavier was at her side, pointing his gun at Aleister.

  “I didn’t do anything!” Aleister said, putting his hands up. “I’m going to sue you, both you, Miss India, and the police department, for trying to tarnish a good man’s name.”

  “Oh really,” a man said, stepping out from the bushes. He was a camera man, with a mounted camera on his shoulder. As he stepped into the light, India was flabbergasted to see it was Luis. He tapped the camera. “We have that whole little episode, right there on tape.”

  Aleister paled. “Invasion of privacy! What on earth do you think you’re doing, skulking around in the bushes with a camera?”

  Luis shrugged. “Well, I was here to film the press conference. Afterward, well, you know, nature called. Then I heard voices, and I switched this baby on.”

  Aleister scoffed. “It was too dark to see. You can’t prove it was my voice.”

  “Night vision,” Luis said with a giggle. “We have all that on our cameras these days. By the way, this was broadcasted directly all over the state. Live on the news channel. Looks like your political career is over before it’s begun, Mr Hooper-Walcott.”

  Aleister began to storm toward him, but Xavier made his move. He jumped right on top of him, knocking him to the ground. Though Aleister struggled and kicked, saying, “I will litigate!” Xavier was strong enough to pin him down. He placed his gun back at his waist carefully, then slapped the cuffs on Aleister.

  “You will not litigate,” Xavier said. “You will go to jail.”

  India looked between her two heroes – Luis, who had taught her all about this magical world she’d never seen, and Xavier, who was brave and principled and loving – and she felt like the luckiest person in the world.

  Luis swaggered past with a smirk on his face. “We’re kinda old fashioned,” he said, taking a tape out of the machine and handing it to her. “It’s not one of these fancy new digital things. Hope that’s all right for backup.” He gave her a wink.

  “That’s just fine,” India said, grinning back at him. “Thanks, sir.”

  “That’s Indigo Higginbottom,” he replied, his eyes flashing, daring her not to laugh.

  She had to keep her head down to keep from spluttering. “Thank you, Mr Higginbottom,” she said, disguising a laugh as a sob. She knew it was so immature, but couldn’t help it.

  He patted her on the arm with mock sympathy. “There, there, dear. If you have any problems, you just ask for Indigo Higginbottom at the Ben Dover News Agency.” With that, he walked away, leaving India trying not to burst out laughing at his childish jokes.

  “What do you say, Mr Hooper-Walcott?” Xavier said. “Let’s get you inside with Harry, and we can all watch this video over with the detective. How does that sound?”

  Aleister said nothing as he was pushed back toward the police station.

  Xavier’s voice was firm. “You and Harry are going to jail for a very long time.”


  “And, graduating engineering with the highest honors possible, are Malik Shields and Tyler Langdale.”

  The whole auditorium clapped as Tyler and Malik went up to accept their certificates.

  India grinned at Amy and Xavier. It was so good to see those boys turn over a new leaf. They had been cleared as soon as the story had come out in more detail. They had been employed by Harry, as the bodyguard had claimed, but to stand behind the houses and wait. They’d gotten bored in waiting, and had peeked through the window at Katriane, hoping to see her getting undressed. That’s when they saw a masked man shooting her, and they’d run. What they hadn’t known was that it was Harry. Luckily, the boys hadn’t been too traumatized about the whole thing, and had gotten a whole lot more street smart. There was no way they’d be doing strangers favors for money anymore.

  Later, Mrs Shields pressed extra money into Amy’s hand. “You’ve done such a wonderful job,” she said. “Everyone is so happy with the food.”

  Amy beamed from ear to ear. “You said a graduation feast, and that’s what I gave you.”

  Mrs Shields laughed and gathered Amy into a side hug. “That’s right!”

  India sat across from Xavier at one of the tables set up in the garden, where they were having the graduation party. He looked so handsome in his deep green slim fit suit and dark silk tie. India had conjured it out of her imagination, but had told him it was a present she’d bought from a store. She hated to lie, but knew she had to keep the rules. As for her, she’d felt like something bold, so had imagined up a bright canary yellow crepe dress that came up to her knees, with frills like a flamenco outfit.

  Xavier bit into some of Amy’s special mega calorie chocolate cake. It was stacked with all kinds of candy in the mix, plus marshmallows, caramel frosting and made extra moist by plenty of melted chocolate in its midst. He broke off some and popped it into India’s mouth.

  “Oh my goodness, this is so good,” she said.

  He nodded.

  “Is there something wrong?” India asked, gently placing her hand on his arm. “You look a bit preoccupied.”

  He let out a long sigh. “Don’t think I’m gonna get that promotion, In,” he said.

  “What? But you did so well on this case!”

  “Correction, you did,” he said. “I told you, Indie, Kimble wouldn’t let me so much as glance in its direction.”

  “Oh, man.” India stroked his arm, wishing she knew what to say.

  Xavier looked up at her, his dark eyes intense. “I was thinking about what you said, you know, about us becoming a team and being private investigators.”

  India felt her heart get lighter. “And?”

  “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. If, of course, we can get everything sorted so we’re financially stable.”

  India squealed, got up off her chair and went round to his side. “Oh, that would be the best!”

  He pushed some hair back from her face with his strong hand, and looked into her eyes. “But we must do it properly. Long-term. Not a rush rush thing. Let’s not quit our jobs or anything. I really want this to work, for a long time. I don’t want us to rush to start it and soon it’s crashing around our feet.”

  “You’re so right,” India said, looking up at him and feeling like the most blessed woman that ever walked the earth.

  “Oh goodness, the two love birds,” Amy said, rolling her eyes as she strutted in with a huge platter of cupcakes. “Now, I’m all done in the kitchen. It’s time to par-TAY! Come on, India.”

  India gave Xavier a quick kiss on the cheek. He whispered in her ear, “Love you.”

  She grinned as she let Amy drag her away to the dancefloor. “Love you too,” she mouthed back at him.

  And as India danced with her best friend, casting loving glances over at the man who still made her heart beat faster, she knew life was about to get a whole lot better.

  The End

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