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Dante's Desire (New Immortals Book 2)

Page 5

by Tia Didmon

  Hope glanced at the covered canvas again. “I promise it will be perfect when I am finished with it.”

  Dante inclined his head. “I have every faith in you Hope.”

  Jess looked around the room. “How old is the Carina portrait?”

  Hope walked to the canvas covered portrait. “It’s early fifteen hundreds.”

  Dante’s eyes widened. “That’s incredibly accurate.”

  Jess moved toward the portrait. She had known that the Moretti’s were immortal but the fact that his mother was alive in the fifteen hundreds was a little too much to comprehend. “May I see it?”

  Hope pulled back the canvas to reveal Carina.

  Jess sucked in a breath. She expected the woman to be beautiful. She was unprepared for the overwhelming emotion that Carina Moretti evoked. Carina was the most beautiful woman Jess had ever seen, but it was so much more. Though the sheet covered her front leaving her back bare, it wasn’t the perfection of her body. It was her eyes. Her smile. They invoked centuries of a commitment Jess couldn’t comprehend. “It’s like looking at Love.”

  Jess opened the door to her apartment. Her and Dante hadn’t spoken on the way home from the museum because she didn’t know what to say. Carina’s portrait hadn’t moved her. It had ripped into her, breaking through the carefully erected walls she formed for her last mission. Carina’s eyes had accused her, sentenced her and forgiven her all in an instant. “Thank you for this evening. It was amazing.”

  Dante walked past her in the doorway and entered her apartment. “It is my pleasure Jessica.” He took off his coat.

  Jess frowned. “It’s late and I have to work in the morning.”

  Dante moved next to her, helping her slip her jacket from her shoulders.

  She turned. “I appreciate you sharing your art collection with me but...”

  His lips took hers. He wasn’t gentle. His tongue demanded entrance and swept into her mouth in an aggressive intrusion that had her clutching at his shirt. The soft cotton bunched in her fingers as fire spread through her blood.

  She moaned before pushing away. “I think it would be best if you leave?”

  Dante’s lip twitched. “Best for who? Certainly not me.” He pulled her close to his body once more, running his fingers down her cheek like she was a gift he wasn’t sure he could keep. “Do you have any idea how long I have waited for you? Dreamed of you?”

  Jess swallowed. “I need you to leave,” she said in a wavering voice.

  “Do you deny you are aroused? That your body cries out for mine.”

  No. “Yes.”

  Dante’s smile was slow in coming. “I think I will listen to your thoughts instead of your words.”

  She wanted to be mad her had heard her thoughts, but she knew he couldn’t have if a part of her didn’t want him to. Her mind and her body continued to quarrel over the matter of Dante Moretti. “I shouldn’t...”

  His eyes flickered red. “You should and you will.” His mouth slammed onto hers.

  His skin was hot. She felt his mind reach for hers, tickling the edge of her consciousness, waiting for her acceptance.

  She let their minds merge, stunned when she felt the overwhelming need that burdened his body. He held nothing back. The loneliness. The endless black void that had been his existence until he met her. She had never been the center of attention. Never had a single moment of someone wanting her, needing her the way he did. She had never wanted anything more than she did that moment. Could she have this moment? Should she? Dammit, I deserve this.

  Her finger moved up his chest and bunched in his hair. Even that was perfection. The soft brown waves slipped like silk through her fingers as she molded her body to his. The hard length of his erection, pressed against her stomach both frightened and excited her.

  His body tensed, muscles bulged, stretching the fabric of his shirt. He broke the kiss, as his body relaxed, resuming its original form. “I need you to feel safe with me Jessica. I’m incapable of hurting you. I would walk through the fires of your human hell to protect you. You cannot comprehend what you mean to me but I hope that you will give me the chance to show you.”

  Jessica searched his face. Her body was searing with heat. One she suspected only he could assuage. “I don’t know you. How can you say something like that to someone you just met? Someone you don’t know.”

  His lips whispered against hers. “I know you Jessica. In ways you don’t yet know yourself. I don’t just know who you are, I know who you are meant to become.”

  “I don’t understand what that means.”

  “Let me show you.” Dante said as his lips molded to hers.

  Jess closed her eyes. “I’ve never been with anyone.”

  Dante kissed her neck as his hands slipped down the sleeveless black blouse she’d worn to dinner. “I won’t hurt you. You are my soul.”

  Her heart cried out for his. Jess kissed him because she didn’t know what else to do. She had found perfection and she could never keep it. She would destroy him but she would give him everything now.

  He growled in her ear. “You are mine.”

  Chapter 4

  Jess felt her skin burn under every featherlight touch of his lips. She would have to let him go but she deserved this one moment of pure ecstasy. She moaned in denial as he lifted his head to look in her eyes.

  His pupils flickered red in passion and arousal but that isn’t what scared her. The raw need behind the fiery pupils paled compared to the fierce hunger that swamped her. The connection was growing stronger, and she feared she would be too weak to break it. Or worse, she wouldn’t want to. Part of her knew she was making an unforgivable mistake yet her arms circled his neck to bring his lips back to hers. A volcano of lust erupted between them, its fire coursing through her veins, threatening to consume them both.

  He pulled the sleeveless blouse up over her head in a quick motion. He resumed kissing her as his hands caressed the soft silk bra that molded to her breasts. She couldn’t think through the mindless pleasure. There was only Dante. His hunger. His desire. While his hands imprisoned her body. His mind enslaved her soul. Nothing. No one could need her more in than moment than he did.

  She whimpered when he undid her bra and cupped her breasts. His thumbs sliding over her over sensitive nipples pushed the erotic storm to unmanageable proportions. She held his face to hers, kissing him hard as he shrugged out of his shirt. The hot feel of his skin on hers, pushing the flames higher. She heard his pants fall to floor before his fingers were at her waist, shoving the pencil skirt down her hips. He picked her up taking her to the small carpet that lay in front of the couch. When he lay her down his lips traveled down her chest to suck an erect pink nipple into his mouth.

  She arched forward, trying to still the clawing need, trying to inflame it. She wasn’t sure. Her sanity had left her the moment Dante’s mouth touched hers. She clutched his shoulders as he worked his way down her body. Tiny nips and kisses that burned with his possession every step of the way.

  Jess moaned as Dante explored every inch of her. He seemed to map her skin, marking each erogenous zone for further exploration when she reacted vocally. She could feel him inside her mind, erotic images of the two of them flashed amongst the pleasure he alone controlled. The things he wanted. The things he craved.

  He took his time, ferreting out every secret place that would bring her pleasure as ripples of bliss were left in his wake. He nipped the inside of her thigh causing her to widen her legs so he could wedge his shoulders between them. She felt his hot breath on the most sensitive part of her before his tongue slipped through the delicate folds of her pussy. She grasped his hair but his momentum was unwavering. He continued his erotic assault in an agonizingly slow exploration of her intimate channel.

  His tongue licked lightly before stabbing deeply to pull the cream from her body. Every nerve ending tingled with electricity as her muscles wound tighter and tighter. “Please,” she begged.

  He inserte
d a finger, inching slowly into her, creating a delicious friction that had her pushing against him for more. His tongue sucked her engorged bud into his mouth as a second finger joined the first. The sweet tension burning her from the inside out. He increased the tempo, pushing her to the apex. She teetered on the precipice of an explosive orgasm before he allowed her to plummet off. She fell screaming out his name as her body exploded in erotic fire.

  Jess struggled to regain her breath as he kissed his way up her body and fastened to her lips. She tasted her own spice on his lips as his tongue dueled with hers. Her arms circled his neck. How would she give him up? Surely, there was a way out of the mess. She’d thought betraying what she believed in would be the worse fate imagined. Now, it would be losing the perfection in her arms.

  The unique sound of her cell phone pulled her from her reverie. She looked at her purse that had somehow ended up on the floor by the door.

  Dante glanced at the purse. “Do you need to get that?”

  She hated that he seemed so calm when she was a quivering mess. “That’s Darnell’s ring tone. He isn’t supposed to call unless it’s an emergency.”

  Dante rolled to the side. “Then by all means, attend to your family.”

  Jess rose from the plush carpet, trying to will her body into some semblance of control. She didn’t glance back at Dante as she grabbed the phone from her purse. “Hi Darnell.”

  “Thank god, I was so worried about you,” he said quickly.

  Jess cleared her throat. “I have only been gone a day. Why would you worry?”

  Darnell sighed. “Maddie’s Terrier was slaughtered and left at her door. Inside the apartment Jess. She was sleeping. They could have taken her.”

  Jess let fear and hopeless roll through her. They promised her family would be safe. Was this retribution for her calling Draven? Had she made some kind of mistake? “Do you know who did it?”

  “There was a note.”

  Jess squeezed her eyes together. “What did it say?”

  “This serves as a warning. Then it was signed PURE,” he said.

  She forced conviction she didn’t feel into her voice. “I will take care of it, Darnell.”

  He paused. “Okay, sorry Jess. For everything.” He hung up. The click reminded her of the cocking of a gun.

  She looked back at the naked Greek God standing in her front room. Her body already craved him. She glanced away, avoiding his face. “Dante, I need you to go.”

  Jess zipped up her light jacket as Greg parked the squad car. Even though it was warm early in L.A. she’d always felt safer with her flack jacket covered.

  Greg turned to her. “Jenner said that a woman was decapitated. He says it’s unlikely since they have few females but he wants us to rule out the demon factor before we call in the rest of the LAPD.”

  Jess nodded and exited the car. She didn’t like the way Greg’s eyes roamed over her as he spoke. She was trying hard not to think about the prior night’s events. Dante hadn’t said a word as he dressed and left her apartment. He had given her the best experience of her life and she had metaphorically spit in his face. She felt guilty as hell and knew it was a feeling she should get used too.

  They walked over to the body that was in an alley next to a restaurant. It was covered but blood ran like rivulets from the body on the pitted pavement, forming small ponds of red. Greg motioned the closet officer in an LAPD uniform. “Go grab Tom for me.” The officer nodded and left.

  Greg looked around the alley. “I talked to my dad last night. He said that Sam Krane is getting out of prison tomorrow.”

  Jessica’s heart stuttered as her head snapped up to meet Greg’s stare. “How does he know about Sam?”

  Greg’s eyebrow went up. “My father is a Seattle Senator. A serial rapist of Sam’s notoriety being released from jail after all these years is not something he would miss.”

  She forced a calm she didn’t feel into her voice. “Why inform me?”

  Greg’s eyes narrowed. “You know why.”

  “How did he make the connection to me?” she asked quietly.

  “You were investigated thoroughly prior to your invitation to the PIA.”

  She looked down at the ravaged body at her feet. “Jenner doesn’t know.”

  Greg touched her arm. “Jess, I won’t mention it to him. I won’t tell anyone.” She heard the sincerity in his voice but his touch felt possessive. Where Dante’s had created a firestorm in her body. Greg’s made her want to shy away. It was all she could do to remain still beneath his questioning gaze. “Thank you, Greg.”

  He smiled as if he had accomplished something. She didn’t have time to contemplate his strange behavior as Tom Granger approached.

  He shook her hand. “Hi Jessica. I haven’t seen you since you worked that case up here a couple years ago.”

  She nodded. “I was just helping Jenner out. He was short a few agents so I filled in for a few weeks. I’m here permanently now.”

  Tom looked down at the body. “Great to have you back. Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances.”

  “Me too. What makes you think this is a demon kill?” she asked.

  Tom pulled a card encased in plastic out of his jacket and handed it to her.

  She read the card. Demon Kill Courtesy of PURE. She handed the card to Greg who read it and put it in his pocket.

  She looked around. “There’s no way to know if she’s a demon.”

  Tom shrugged. “I hoped that Jenner would get Laura to consult on this.”

  Jess dropped her mental walls. Dante?

  He shimmered in her mind instantly. Yes Cara. He replied pleasantly.

  She frowned then pretended to inspect the body. Why are you being so nice to me? My behavior was inexcusable last night.

  I will always forgive you Jessica.

  Her response filtered through before she could stop it. If that were only true.

  She felt Dante’s confusion. Have I done something to make you doubt me?

  She cleared her throat, uncomfortable with the silent conversation as she worked. I need your help.

  Ask and it is yours.

  She hated his willingness to assist her. His kindness was a knife that twisted in her side. PURE murdered a woman. The card says Demon Kill. Can you identify the body? I know it’s unlikely she is one of yours but...

  I am on my way.

  Don’t you require the address?

  It is in your mind Jessica. We are connected.

  She disconnected and erected her walls. He was slipping in and out of her thoughts too easily. Her defenses were crumbling. She was sure she heard a faint growl as she pulled away. She pretended to text in her phone. “Dante is on his way.”

  Greg’s eyes narrowed. “Why would you call him?”

  She returned his gaze. “Because he can tell us if she’s a demon.”

  Greg didn’t answer but his mood remained foul as they inspected the alley and surrounding area. It darkened more when the sexy demon Jess had spent the former night with exited his Lamborghini then walked over and kissed her cheek affectionately.

  She looked toward the alley, avoiding Greg’s accusing gaze. “This way Dante?”

  Dante was sure the woman killed by PURE was a psychic human but he planned to help Jess in any way he could. He followed her toward the alley but his demon became aggressive when it noticed the looks Greg Baker was shooting Jess. He connected with her.

  Jessica, Agent Baker has taken an interest in you.

  He felt her irritation when she messaged back. I have no control over another’s interest.

  You are angry with me? He asked mildly.

  He saw her stiffen, but she continued down the alley. No, I have a lot going on right now.

  Allow me to help you.

  You will be by confirming the woman isn’t a demon. Then we will pursue her psychic ability. It’s more likely she’s one of us.


  Jess turned to Greg as they reached the bod
y. “Will you please give Dante and I some time alone?”

  Greg scowled and stomped off without a word.

  Dante knelt down. It only took a second for him to recognize her. Though the hair and clothes were different. Nothing could mask a woman of his race. He growled at the vicious nature of the kill.

  Her head lay inches from her body but that wasn’t what struck Dante. It was her eyes. They held acceptance. Thankfulness. Like she’d been ready to leave this world a long time ago but was forced to hold on. He felt sick as he connected with Valen.

  I am on scene.

  Valen shimmered in his mind. Is she human? A psychic?

  No, it is Lilith.

  What! That is impossible. She died. Her husband Lordus fell when she left this world.

  I was there Valen. I saw him give up, yet I am looking at her decapitated body as we speak.

  Valen’s mind was a mix of emotion and regret. He took a moment to regain his control. She was at the cotillion. I saw her enter right before our mother. I watched her kiss Lordus goodbye.

  I know.

  How did she escape? Why would she not return to her family? Those of us that were left.

  Everyone she loved died in that fire or because of it, perhaps she thought it kinder than having a woman around that could not take another husband.

  If there’s a chance, other women escaped...

  Dante stood. I will find out.

  Jess looked at him. “Were you speaking telepathically with someone else?”

  “Yes, with Valen.”

  Jess glanced at the woman. “Do you know her?”

  Dante nodded. “Yes, her name was Lilith. We believed she had perished two hundred years ago with the rest of our women.”

  Jess eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  “Our species used to hold a cotillion when a female reached the age of majority. When she was old enough to choose her husband. It was a time for great celebration among the males. We would stay outside the chosen location and guard the women while they danced and discussed the eligible males.”


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