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Dante's Desire (New Immortals Book 2)

Page 15

by Tia Didmon

  Jess sucked in a short breath. “Do you understand how dangerous the DK10 is?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Yes, with my impending immortality, I need to help my partners engineer a defense against that weapon.”

  Jess took a step back. “You can’t become immortal Darnel.”

  Darnell sneered. “You know nothing. Your little friend Laura is now one of them.”

  Jess slowed her breathing. “Yes, but Valen chose her. She’s his bride. No woman will choose you.”

  He slapped her. “We’ll find a way around that. For now, we need that deactivation code and the ammunition.”

  Jess shook her head. “There’s no way for me to get a deactivation code...”

  “You’ll get that code or Maddie dies.”

  Jessica’s anger peaked. She stood, fighting the dizziness. “You sick fuck!”

  He punched her.

  Jess felt sick. The blistering fire in her cheek was nothing compared to the bitter pain of betrayal. She knew her father had despised her. She hadn’t realized he had infected Darnell’s mind with his twisted sense of morality. None of that mattered now. The innocent girl in the other room needed her. She took a stuttered breath as she did the last thing she’d wanted to. Her mind reached out. Dante. His response startled and relieved her.


  His cold tone shredded her heart. I have no right to ask, but I need your help. It’s too late for me but Maddie is innocent. I’m begging you to save her.

  She felt the ripple of power mixed with anger. What has happened Jessica?

  She forced her mental shields to lower. She let him see everything. Her shame. The need to help her brother. Her love for Maddie. Him. Each event that had transpired since she left the shelter played through his mind.

  Dante hissed. He hit you. Sold you to the Ladon. His hatred of you...

  None of that matters now. He thinks I’m evil... maybe I am, but I need you to tell me you will get Maddie safe.

  We will discuss your aberrant reasoning when you and the child are secure...

  I can’t get her clear. He wants me to steal bullets for the DK10 they stole and retrieve its activation code. Only a death squad member has that and there’s no way they will give it to me. Once I fail, he’ll punish Maddie or kill her.

  Give me a minute, Dante growled.

  Jess sat on the smelly sofa, watching her brother talk on the phone in the next room. It appeared to be a kitchen but hadn’t been used in years. She tried to hear his conversation, but he kept his voice low, glancing at her.

  Dante shimmered in her mind. Jessica, Jenner has gained an activation method for you. He has reinstated your security clearance. You will go to the armory at the PIA and meet Kiki and Zane. They wish to reacquire the DK10. The activation code will be temporary. It will only activate the weapon for a half hour then it will shut off.

  Thank you, Dante. She disconnected then stood up.

  Darnell put his phone in his pocket. “What are you doing?”

  Jess swallowed hard. “I have to go if you want those bullets and code.”

  Darnell’s eyes squinted. “Why?”

  Jess took the tracker out of her pocket. “The tracker is still online. That means my security clearance wasn’t revoked, but it’s only a matter of time. Once Jenner returns to the PIA building...”

  Darnell pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Get what we need then dial the number pre programmed into it. I will tell you where to meet us.”


  Darnell smiled coldly. “Draven and I.”

  “And Maddie?” she asked.

  “She will stay with me to ensure your compliance. Now go.” He tossed her the keys to the rusty station wagon.

  Jess arrived at the PIA without incident. Her stomach twisted as she entered the armory to find Zane and Kiki waiting for her.

  Zane’s tanned muscular arms were crossed over his chest. His wide stance accentuated the thick thighs that his black khakis couldn’t hide. He held a murderous look.

  Kiki’s was one of concern. “You look like shit.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Kiki huffed. “Right. Jenner said your brother betrayed you.”

  Jess nodded. “He’s holding Maddie hostage. He has a C-4 bracelet on her. Promise me you will get her safe.”

  Kiki frowned. “That sounded like a last request.”

  Jess wouldn’t lie. Not anymore. “How do I blow the DK10?”

  Kiki and Zane glanced at one another. His jaw ticked before he spoke. “I want my gun back in one piece. They cost millions to manufacture and the core material is a very limited resource.”

  Jess gave him a hard look. “If there’s a way to retrieve your weapon and save Maddie, I will do it. I give you my word, but if saving Maddie means blowing up Darnell and Draven, then I’m doing it.” She looked at her friend. “Please Kiki.”

  “Dante will never go along with this plan,” Kiki said.

  Jessica’s heartbeat quickened. Just the thought he still cared a gift she would treasure in the few moments she had left. “Then don’t tell him.”

  Zane’s eyebrows raised. “I like her.”

  Kiki huffed. “All the weapons have a self destruct code. They told us to whisper our biggest weakness to our weapon. You say the words and there’s no going back.”

  Jess looked at Zane. “I know this is a lot to ask but I need to know your weakness.”

  Zane’s face hardened. “You will try to retrieve my weapon and keep this information confined to this room.”

  Jess nodded. “I swear on Maddie’s life, I will. Once I’m given the location for the meet Dante will tell Jenner and you’ll be dispatched.”

  Zane huffed. “We are relying on a demon.”

  Kiki smacked his arm. “We talked about this.”

  Zane’s look was hard. “The code for the gun is Kiki ten.”

  Kiki’s jaw dropped as she turned to her partner. “You dick!”

  He shrugged. “You are my one weakness.”

  Kiki’s fingers moved to the handgun at her side. “I’m as good an agent as you. I’m not weak.”

  Zane didn’t flinch under her angry gaze. “Your skills are not the issue.” His gaze roamed slowly over her body.

  Kiki huffed and turned back to Jess. “Don’t mind gigantor. He’s got his panties in a twist since his weapon got pinched.”

  Jess understood Zane’s fascination with Kiki. He wasn’t the first man to lust after the little ninja. She cleared her throat. “Thank you, Zane.”

  He nodded stiffly as she left pulling out the phone. She hit send.

  Darnell picked up on the first ring. “Did you get them?”

  “Yes, I’m out. Where do I meet you?”

  “If they follow you Maddie dies.”

  “I know. I’m alone.”

  “Good. Come to the warehouse on seventh street. We are waiting for you.”

  She closed her phone for the last time.

  Jess arrived at the building. The rippled sheet metal roof was rusted with noticeable holes in several paces. A brown splotchy door was open. She had not contacted Dante, needing Maddie and him safe. She saw only one way to accomplish that goal and entered the rundown warehouse to the smell of mold and rust.

  Maddie stood beside an old wooden table, clutching a pink stuffed bunny, between Darnell and another tall man. She held the plush animal with such force her little fingers were white. Her eyes darted around the room. Jess recognized the toy as one she’d played with when she was younger. One she had clung to when she believed there were monsters under the bed. Jess thought it ironic that the monster was the father who had tucked her in at night.

  Jess glanced at the black plastic case on the table, wondering if it held the DK10. She approached the men.

  Darnel put his hand on Maddie’s shoulder when it appeared she would run to Jessica. “I told you she would come.”

  The tall man with pale eyes nodded. “It seems you were

  Jess recognized Draven’s hollow voice. “Let Maddie go. I have what you want.”

  Darnell tightened his hold on his daughter. “That was never an option Jessica.”

  Jessica stepped forward aggressively. “I leave with you. She goes free. That is the deal or you don’t get the activation code.”

  Draven moved so fast she didn’t have time to block the blow. Her face hit the cement with crushing pain. “You are not in charge Jessica. As Maddie is too young to breed, she will remain in your care until she matures,” he said.

  Jess spit blood, fighting the nausea as she turned her head to her brother. “You gave him your own daughter?”

  Darnell shrugged nonchalantly. “He offered immortality. I can always have more children.”

  Jess pushed herself to her feet, wiping the blood from her mouth. “I thought you wanted the hybrids dead.”

  Draven looked her over like she was a bug. “We were premature in our decision to terminate them. Several of the blood females have died or have exceeded their breeding cycle. We have decided to strengthen this resource and use it ourselves.”

  Jessica’s mind whirled. “You want Dante.”

  Draven held no emotion as he spoke. “The guardian will serve our purpose. His blood will strengthen the hybrids so they withstand childbirth and replenish the blood female’s strength so they may produce again.”

  Jess shouted. Dante!

  He shimmered in her mind. Jessica.

  They want you. Send the warriors but assure me you won’t let them get you. She allowed the events in the warehouse play through her mind. Take care of Maddie. Promise me.

  We are on our way to you Jessica.

  She closed her eyes sending a silent prayer. No, Dante. I won’t lie to you, not anymore. I have to protect Maddie. You.

  She felt his concern and anger, ripple through her. Jessica, what are you planning to do?

  I have the detonation code for the DK10.

  NO! He roared.

  I’m sorry. I love you. She slammed up her mental walls, cutting the sound of Dante’s demon howling in pain.

  She focused on Draven. “Where is the DK10? The PIA will change the activation code as soon as they realize what I have done.”

  Draven turned to the table and opened the black plastic case. “Enter the code.”

  Jess glanced at the gun. “I want Maddie away from that thing. If they changed the code, I will die, and that isn’t up for debate.”

  Draven nodded at Darnell.

  Her brother led Maddie to the opposite side of the warehouse.

  Jess figured Maddie was far enough away from the blast radius. She picked up the DK10, running her finger over the unusual metal. The dark gunmetal appeared imbued with a trifecta of color that was only visible when turned at an angle in the light. The large weapon was lighter than expected and felt warm to touch.

  “Do it.” Draven said impatiently.

  Her fingers touched the screen lightly, feeling a moment of panic when the screen remained dark. She looked at the numbers and letters similar to her phone but wondered what the strange symbols at the bottom represented.

  Draven leaned over the case. “Enter the code.” His eyes paled to a near white.

  She typed in the code, powering up the weapon.

  Draven snatched up the gun. “Come here Darnell. Leave the girl.”

  Darnell whispered in Maddie’s ear. Tears streamed down the little girls face before he walked away. He sneered at Jess as he approached them.

  Draven put the gun to his shoulder and aimed at Darnell. “That’s far enough.”

  Darnell stopped. “What are you doing?” he said as fear flickered in his eyes.

  Draven released the safety on the weapon. “Did you think I would make you part of my family? You are nothing. I will honor one of your requests. I promise your sister will experience unimaginable pain. You however will experience it first.” He pulled the trigger.

  The bullet made a loud thud as it hit Darnell in the chest. His high-pitched scream cut out abruptly as the cartridge incinerated his heart blowing out ward in a short burst before the flame extinguished. He was dead before his body dropped to the floor.

  Draven looked at the weapon. “Excellent.”

  Jess backed away, positioning herself between Draven and Maddie.

  Draven glanced at her. “You are not going anywhere Jessica Johnson. I have plans for you and the child.”

  Jessica could not contain the force that built within her. Anger, pain and betrayal all mixed into a telekinetic cocktail that blasted from her in every direction.

  Draven was hurdled back twenty feet as the gun skittered away from him, hitting the wall.

  She tried to catch her breath as Draven stood, pulling the small detonator from his pocket.

  “No!” she hurled the TK in a tight bubble, encasing the slight hand with the C4 bracelet wrapped around it.

  Maddie held up her hand, looking at the strange circle that had formed at her wrist.

  The sound was like a popped balloon as the hand exploded.

  Dark blood sparkled inside the bubble of power. Maddie’s face went white, she stuttered for breath as she raised the glowing red orb.

  The doors of the warehouse blast inward as ten death squad members entered led by Zane. His eyes focused on his DK10.

  Jess was running toward Maddie as the bubble around her wrist dissolved to reveal the bloody stump. Maddie screamed before her eyes rolled back in her head and she dropped to the floor.

  Chapter 11

  Dante ran into the warehouse with nine warriors flanking him. He wanted Darnell and Draven dead. Jordane had convinced him to take Draven alive so they could find the Ladon stronghold and rescue the women. Though Dante had agreed his demon had sent images of some unsavory things they would do to the youngest Lestant brother.

  He saw Kiki standing over Jessica and Maddie. Her gun activated and targeting the warriors behind Dante.

  Dante raised his hand. “They are with me Kiki. They are here to take Draven into custody.”

  Kiki lowered her weapon but held it loosely aimed at the large men. “My team is chasing him now. I doubt you’ll have time to apprehend him.” She motioned the girls. “Medical is en route.”

  Dante took a second look at Jessica. He had been so enraged as soon as he saw her alive, he had focused on Draven’s capture. He realized his mistake as blood dripped down Jessica’s arm. “Jordane get Draven.”

  Jordane inclined his head. Nine warriors shimmered as they disappeared from sight. Jordane remained. “I will guard you.”

  Dante didn’t have time to argue with the large warrior. He knelt down beside Jessica. She was rocking. Her eyes focused on the dank metal walls; unaware he was there. “Jessica, I am here. Let me see her wounds.”

  Jessica turned. Her face was bruised in so many places he felt sick. “I failed her.”

  Dante was nauseas looking at his intended bride but as awful as she looked, he knew her injuries could wait. The unsteady heartbeat of the child in her arms could not. “You need to let me hold her. I have to give her my blood.”

  Jess pulled back the black PIA jacket she had over Maddie. Blood ran from the stump that had once been the child’s hand. Jess had a zip tie secured around her wrist to cut off the blood flow and held the arm in an upright position. Her mind was a chaos of emotions but her training had never failed. She had given Maddie the only thing she could. Time.

  Dante took hold of the small body that stuttered to breathe. He was thankful she was unconscious. “I need her to drink my blood. Do you understand what I am saying Jessica?”

  Jessica nodded, smoothing back Maddie’s hair as they settled the child in Dante’s lap.

  Dante lengthened his fangs and bit into his wrist. His blood welled up as he placed his wrist to Maddie’s lips. He entered the girls mind forcing her to draw the liquid into her mouth. She took tentative sips before getting a suckling rhythm similar to that of a baby. />
  Dante glanced up when he heard Kiki grunt.

  Kiki’s face was one of fear and disgust. Her hand tightened on her gun.

  Dante looked down at the suckling child. “I will not hurt her Kiki. It is the only way to save her.”

  Kiki nodded. “I know. It’s just...”

  Dante glanced at Jordane. His eyes were on Kiki’s weapon. “I realize someone of my race wronged you. I do not know what it was. Laura has never spoke of it and Valen and I would not intrude.”

  Kiki cleared her throat. “Laura and I have never discussed it. She knows. I touched her in training before she could explain how her power worked. She said I could talk to her when I’m ready. I’m not.”

  “I hope...”

  Kiki shifted the weapon in her arms. “Drop it Dante. I will never like demons but I accept you and Valen as part of my life. You and your brother are off limits to the squad.”

  “And the rest of my race?”

  Kiki looked at Jordane. “Had better not break the law.”

  Dante frowned. “We will discuss this again.”

  “Sure.” Kiki said with little enthusiasm.

  Dante studied Jess. Her eyes remained fixated on Maddie’s face. “Jessica.”

  When she didn’t respond he entered her thoughts. He was surprised to find her mental shields down. He walked right into the memory playing in her mind.

  She was sitting in the kitchen of her childhood home. She was about ten years old, sitting across from the teenage version of Darnell. He sneered as their father talked.

  “You are nothing Jessica, an unfortunate mistake I allowed your mother to keep. She was weak and I will never let her forget that. You should never have been born. You will spend the rest of your life trying to make up for that weakness and it won’t be enough.” He said bitterly.

  The young Jessica cried as she held the dirty cloth doll.

  Dante hissed as he left his brides mind. “Jessica, listen to me.”

  She stared at the girl she believed she’d failed, lost in the memory of her childhood.

  Kiki knelt down glancing at Jordane, “I recognize that look Dante, I don’t know what’s going on in her head but it isn’t good.”


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