Book Read Free

American Freak Show

Page 3

by Willie Geist

  So the truth is that my friend Heath, who’s great with computers (worked on the Best Buy Geek Squad for a while), hacked into the Hotmail server and monitored Hillary and Bill Clinton’s private e-mail exchanges for several months before he was caught and sent to a secret prison in Romania. What follows are the handful of e-mails Heath copied and sent to me before he was thrown into a potato sack and heaved into the back of a van while leaving a TCBY in Fresno on the afternoon of October 21, 2008. No one has heard from him since.

  If you can ignore the fact that the messages were obtained illegally, you’ll find they provide fascinating insight into the Clintons’ state of mind and behind-the-scenes movements during key moments of the 2008 presidential campaign. These documents are an important (and, again, entirely illegal) addition to the historical record. I should tell you upfront that just by reading the e-mails, you are complicit in the crime and could face criminal prosecution and extraordinary rendition. Enjoy!

  Reader’s Guide

  Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton =

  President Bill Clinton =

  The following e-mails were written between January 1 and January 4, 2008, during the Iowa caucuses.

  * * *



  Re: IOWA

  January 1, 2008

  Hi Bill . . . Happy New Year! What’d you get into last night? I took it easy, watched the ball drop with the staff. BTW, that Ryan Seacrest is adorable and has broad appeal (can you say Veep short list?). We’re just restin’ up now to whip BO and pretty boy Edwards’ asses in a couple days.

  Cannot WAIT to get out of Iowa. If I wanted to spend all my time around a bunch of dumb hicks I would have stayed in Arkansas with you and the rest of the hillbillies. Can we just cut the bullshit now and go straight to the inauguration, please?! Don’t want to get too far ahead of myself yet (because those Republican challengers are so daunting—McCain? Huckabee? Ooooooooooh, scaryyyy!), but for music at the Inaugural Ball I’m going back and forth between Carly Simon (too mellow?) and Tina Turner (too Obamaish?). Thoughts? And, no, Barbra Streisand is not invited.

  Don’t forget: I have that decorator meeting us at the WH on Wednesday to talk fabrics for the Oval Office. (Still so crazy to think—FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT! AHHHHH!!!!) Anyway, definitely want some female touches. We’re taking down Bush’s Roger Staubach posters. And we need to get the BBQ stains steamed out of the carpets. See ya there—key’s still under the planter at North Portico.

  * * *



  Re: Re: IOWA

  January 1, 2008

  Hey, HRC. Not much last night for New Year’s. You know, just guy stuff. I was gonna watch Varsity Blues (again!) and go to bed early, but then a few of the fellas decided we oughta road trip to Vegas. They’re very persuasive! Long story short, I’m watching the Capital One Bowl at the Caesar’s Sports Book with some terrific folks I met last night. Ever drink a yard glass full of strawberry daiquiri? I hadn’t until a minute ago!

  Don’t sweat Iowa. Take a look at the faces in those crowds: they are NOT voting for Barack Obama. He reminds those people of O.J. It’s Honky Central out there. This one’s in the bag, Hillary! (And so am I! )

  * * *



  Re: Re: IOWA

  January 3, 2008

  Just lost Iowa. Came in third. For reals. They don’t think he’s O.J. They think he’s Jesus.

  * * *



  Re: Re: IOWA

  January 4, 2008

  What?! Damn! Sorry, I missed the vote last night. We were driving up to Tahoe. No phones/TV. You know how it is. Don’t worry, I got whipped in Iowa and look at me now: beloved two-term president barnstorming across Nevada with Bret Michaels in an RV full of A-list porn stars! Hang in there.

  Will call when I can, but, again, terrible phone reception, etc. Trying to lay the groundwork for that Nevada primary, but if cocktail waitresses are any indication, the service employees are going for Barry O. They love that dude! Really starting to piss me off, actually. Don’t worry, I’m workin’ on ’em (if you know what I mean ;) ). They’ll come around to Big Poppa.

  p.s.—I won $25K and a Corvette in a celebrity poker tournament in Reno! Kind of a split decision for the Clintons last night, I guess. . . .

  * * *

  The following e-mails were written between January 7 and January 9, 2008, during the New Hampshire primary.




  January 7, 2008

  If I lose in NH, I’m done. Everyone thinks BO is going to win. Need something dramatic. Trying to remind everyone that he’s a black guy who loves blow. What else?

  * * *




  January 7, 2008

  You know that bullshit where I bite my bottom lip and squint my eyes to show I care? Works every time, man. Try it. Don’t slobber all over yourself—people will think you’re a crazy bitch who shouldn’t be anywhere near the red button. Just tear up a little bit. Feel their pain. Trust me.

  Trying to get back to NH for tomorrow. All the flights from Aspen are snowed in. Met some really cool people who are insisting I stay for their key party tomorrow night. Kinda said I would. Will let you know if I can get out of it.

  In the meantime, I’m spreadin’ the word through our back channels that BO is a giant Indonesian cokehead. Moral high ground’s a little tough for me, but doing my best. Off to the slopes! Talk soon.

  * * *




  January 7, 2008

  Going to a coffee shop in Portsmouth now. Will try the tears there. Have been going with the whole tough woman thing, but at this point, fuck it. I hope this works better than your last idea about bringing up Obama’s “I Want to Become President” kindergarten essay. That sucked balls.

  Oh, and not that you care, but I am NOT cool with you going to a key party in Aspen.

  * * *




  January 8, 2008

  Jack Nicholson and Woody Harrelson having an NH primary viewing party at Jack’s place. Probably just gonna crash there tonight. Cool? Thanks. You’re the best. Good luck!

  * * *




  January 9, 2008

  I WON! I got choked up and I won, goddamn it! I’m back, baby! How ya like me now, Obama!! DO NOT FUCK WITH ME!!!!!!

  BTW, where are you? Haven’t heard from you since yesterday. Got a phone message at 3:30 a.m. that I thought was going to be you congratulating me, but was 4 minutes of you and Nicholson talking to some University of Colorado cheerleaders about your administration’s achievements in women’s rights. You “fought to uphold a woman’s right to show her love for another woman in public”? Pathetic. Yeah, I heard that. You must have sat on your BlackBerry and called me. Not good, dude.

  * * *




  January 9, 2008

  CONGRATS!!! Meant to call you last night, but got caught up talking policy with the gang from the Aspen Institute. Mostly fiscal responsibility, NATO expansi
on, etc. Boring stuff. That’s who those people on my message were. Totally not Colorado cheerleaders. Just cheerleaders for America’s future! Right?

  OK, I’m gonna try to catch a flight out to meet you. Let’s go win this nomination! BTW, Cheryl Tiegs is a big fan of yours!

  * * *




  January 9, 2008

  Hey Melissa. I have an entirely new appreciation for cheerleading. WOW!

  So, I’ve gotta go do some BS campaign stuff with Hillary. I know, total bummer. She has literally NO chance of winning, but gotta keep up appearances. Back in town soon. Will call. Go Buffs!

  * * *




  January 9, 2008


  * * *




  January 9, 2008

  Oops! Totally sent that to the wrong person. Just following up with one of the senior fellows at Aspen Institute. My bad! See you soon, Hills.

  * * *

  The following e-mails were written on February 5, 2008, the primary day known as Super Tuesday.




  February 5, 2008

  Big wins tonight. We’re still alive! I won the real states (CA and NY) and BO won a bunch more that don’t have running water or people with teeth. Whatever.

  I know all that stuff you said in South Carolina was bad and everything, but I think you made the country finally wake up and realize BO is a black guy! Time to get real, America. This isn’t American Idol, you illiterate dipshits! IT’S THE GODDAMNED PRESIDENCY!!!

  BTW, we’re trying to come up with a list of scary black guys to compare Obama to. So far we have: Mike Tyson, 50 Cent, Louis Farrakhan, Suge Knight, and that huge guy from Green Mile. More?

  * * *




  February 5, 2008

  Glad all my work out here in American Samoa paid off! Been beatin’ the bushes for two weeks. We earned this one!

  Crazy story: after a long night of drinking coconut rum at a Get Out the Vote rally in Pago Pago, I found myself in a wild threesome that lasted for what seemed like days. Before you get ticked off, hear me out. As the political gods would have it: my new friends turned out to be . . . drum roll please . . . American Samoa’s TWO DELEGATES! What are the odds?! Gal named Shannon and a neat local fella by the name of Marcel. Let’s just say they were on the fence going in and “solidly Clinton” afterward. Classic retail politics, right? This really was a SUPER Tuesday! Ha!

  Oh, and on the black guy thing, Obama reminds me of Snoop Dogg: tall, skinny, wily, and likes drugs. Go with it.

  * * *

  The following e-mail was written in the early morning hours of June 1, 2008, the day of the Puerto Rico primary.




  June 1, 2008

  Yes, Bill, I know it’s 2:30 a.m., and, yes, I am drunk-mailing from San Juan right now. This race is so over. Soooooooo over. I only came down here to sit in the sun and blow the rest of the campaign money on a giant Ricky Martin concert. That guy is such a flamer. It’s not even clear to me that Puerto Ricans are allowed to vote in our elections. Are they? I always forget.

  So, whoopee, Hillary Clinton has 18 million votes! Great! She put cracks in the glass ceiling! Yayyyyy! Funny, I don’t see any of those 18 million people right now. The only two people in this room are me and Jose Cuervo. Oh, and I think that’s Ed Rendell passed out in the bathtub. It’s been a weird night.

  I wonder if this is what it was like for Elvis at the end. All the fame and money in the world meant nothing as he sat alone on the can with a bottle of pills. It all means NOTHING! Or maybe this is what Hitler felt like alone in that bunker before he capped himself.

  I can’t believe J.Lo didn’t endorse me. Ricky Martin’s endorsement was nice, but it would have been even nicer . . . if I were running for president in 1999!!! Is Shakira Puerto Rican? Who knows.

  OK, I’m rambling. Bottom line: campaign is over. The dream is dead. All that for nothing. And by “all that,” I mean “my entire life.” You win, Bill, OK? YOU WIN AGAIN! You’re the president everybody loves. You can do no wrong. And I’m just the mean lady who blew it. I’m the inevitable candidate who lost to a BLACK GUY! I lost to a black guy from Indonesia who loves cocaine, for Christ’s sake! Do you know what this means? There’s gonna be a black president and it’s my fault. I’m so voting for McCain. He’d have to pick, like, Miss Alaska as his running mate to lose my vote at this point. Ha!

  Now if you’ll excuse us, my 18 million votes and I are going down to the hotel bar for another round of piña coladas and video poker.

  Chapter 4

  Lindsay Lohan: Twitter from a Santa Monica Jail

  After her most recent arrest on charges of DUI and possession of a controlled substance, actress Lindsay Lohan authored a series of Tweets from her temporary holding cell at the jail in Santa Monica, California. In the spirit of a similar manifesto written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his confinement in Birmingham nearly half a century earlier, Lohan’s Tweets serve as a mission statement, a call to action, and a loud cry for justice not just here at home, but around the world.

  lindsaylohan SUX! Just got arrested for Dooey. Why peeps constantly want to tear LL down?! Not cool. Someone bail me out! Usual spot. ONE LUV, y’all . . .

  lindsaylohan Obv. not psyched to be in this cell, but seriously you guyz, policemen are the real heroes. Remember 9/11. Officer here a huge Freaky Friday fan. LOL.

  lindsaylohan BTW, wasn’t kidding about bailing me out. Supposed to be at after-party for Cash Warren’s cologne launch in like 15 mins. Hurry, plz.

  lindsaylohan OMG! Courtney Love is 2 cells down. So love her personal style. We’re communicating by banging our chow pans on the floor. Total Shawshank right now!

  lindsaylohan U can’t even understand unless you’ve been here the racial disparity in our jails. So messed up. ReTweet to everyone you know & let’s change the world.

  lindsaylohan Ewwww! Courtney just tried to sell me to some super-sketchy chick for a pack of cigarettes. Not cool. Such a reminder: be good to each other, guyz . . .

  lindsaylohan Hate myself for saying this, but DYING to give this one guard a LiLo makeover! Can tell she’s HOTTT underneath her off-the-rack police costume . . .

  lindsaylohan I honestly can’t remember why I’m in jail. Kinda f’d up. Does anyone know? Check TMZ. It’s hotter than Criss Angel’s ballz in here! Not that I’d no ;)

  lindsayfan54 @lindsaylohan We LUV U Lindz!!!! Cops say U wr arrested fr driving 120 mph wrng way down PCH. Also bag of coke in ur glove comprtmnt. Stay strng, grl!

  lindsaylohan Thx, LindsayFan54! Celebrity is a dbl-edge sord. Media/cops out to get LL again. Would normal person be in jail for speeding tickt? Think about it, guyz.

  lindsaylohan So much time to reflect in here. Want to live/love better. Plus so much suffering in world. So sad. Also, thinking about going back to brunette? Yay or nay?!

  lindsaylohan Been here 30 mins & starting to feel hopelessness other celebs—Mandela, Gandi, O.J.—must have felt. They take evrything from you (excpt BBerry )

  lindsaylohan Is it possible Im getting more f’d up as i sit here? Took weird green pills right before cops pulled me. So proud of this country for electing black man president.

  lindsaylohan Guyz, it’s up to our generation to stop global warming. Do
your part, OK? Had so much fun working on Parent Trap. RIP, Natasha Richardson (aka “MOM”).

  lindsaylohan Seriously, guyz. Anyone coming to get me? TP in here is mad harsh. So much of the 3rd world lives in terrible poverty while we drnk champagne. THINK.

  lindsaylohan My designer friend Joaquin Calebra has sick new line of bags. Check out: Small % of proceeds to orphanage in N. Korea. Heartbrking.

  lindsaylohan Anyone remember how Tango & Cash escaped from prison? Need 2 get the f out uv here. Hair/makup not allwd in cell. Total deprivation. Cherish what u have, guyz.

  lindsaylohan Check out this TwitPic of me in here. Not prtty, but the wrld has to no what prison does to a person. If my example frees 1 person frm death row its worth it.

  lindsaylohan How 2 keep faith/hope/sanity in here? Closing eyes & remembring St. Barts with Kate Moss on Jerry Bruckheimer’s yacht ovr MLK weekend this yr. Tru happiness.

  lindsaylohan Every minute I rot in here, a thousand more acres of rain forest r cleared by big business & Halliburton & LL can’t do anything about it. No blood 4 oil, Cheney!

  lindsaylohan !!!! Some random stalker-dude just bailed me out!!! Looks drty & crcked out, borderline homeless, but in hott young Keith Richards way. YUM!

  lindsaylohan Learned so much about myself in jail. Definitely changes U & ur priorities. Want to work w/ poor/fat people . . . but first Cash’s after-party! PEACE & LOVE, guyz!

  TRUE STORY . . .


  Drunk man arrested for shooting lawnmower


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