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Page 15

by Dana Archer

  Killer had trusted her with those details. He’d known she wouldn’t betray him, no matter what the bear shifters did to her. He’d told her she was brave and strong. A fighter was the term he’d used. Why didn’t Xander see her the same way?

  She glanced at Xander, who sat in the row behind her. He spoke in hushed tones to Dante and Devin about the Shifter Council and the level of corruption among its members. A calm sense of leadership radiated off him. It drew her. She wanted to climb over the seat and snuggle against his side.

  The need to be close to him didn’t stem from love. Not yet at least. She couldn’t label her feelings with such a strong emotion after knowing him only a few days, but there was a powerful and primal connection between them. It was based on survival—hers and his.

  He wanted the peace only she could give him, and she wanted to live. She had too much left to accomplish in this life. Giving up wasn’t an option for her any more than it was for Killer.

  What did that say about her? She wasn’t sure, but it didn’t change anything. When faced with the prospect of dying, she’d reached for Xander, accepting a piece of his soul. There was no going back.

  He was hers, and she’d prove to him she was worthy of being his.

  Xander’s words trailed off. He focused on her, as if he could feel her determination. After a moment, a small smile spread over his mouth before he turned his attention to Dante and finished his sentence.

  A warm, giddy feeling swept through her. He might’ve ordered her to keep their mating a secret, but he still wanted her.

  “So…you and Xander, huh?”

  Lena’s whispered question wouldn’t prevent the shifters in the SUV from hearing them. Their enhanced senses would easily pick up on Lena’s lowered voice…if they wanted to eavesdrop. From what those shifters who’d worked with her stepfather had told her, few did unless they had a reason to listen. It was an invasion of privacy, and most shifters did their best to respect others’ personal secrets. All the men in the SUV had a stake in Gwen and Xander’s relationship, however. They’d be listening.

  “I drank his blood and will carry his scent with me for the rest of my life. Those things affect how we interact. It’s natural.” Gwen delivered her answer in the most neutral way she could, not admitting to desiring him or craving his touch.

  “You will forever carry my scent too, Gwen.”

  She met the reflection of Vlad’s hazel eyes in the rearview mirror. The green in them darkened and took on a faint glow. Hunger slackened his jaw. She got the impression he’d devour her if he ever got his hands on her.

  His words rushed back to her. He claimed she was his true mate too. A refusal surfaced. He’d chosen other women over her. His cryptic words about claiming his role in the pack stopped the denial, however. So did knowing that it was possible to have more than one true mate. The alpha of the Jager pack and his mates proved it. What that kind of mating bond entailed…how they loved each other…

  She broke Vlad’s focus and glanced out the window before the images of wicked pleasures skipping through her head made her blush.

  They stopped for a red light. It gave her a chance to study their surroundings. From what Vlad had said earlier, this was the last neutral human town before they drove through the Jager pack lands in order to reach the Winchester territory.

  It was obviously a poorer area, if the style of cars and buildings were any indication. She’d seen many towns like it. There was nothing noteworthy or special about the buildings or stores, but the people going about their daily lives drew her attention.

  Kids with schoolbags flopping on their backs chased each other down the street, and a couple of teenagers hung out near the front door of a grocery store. They had cell phones in their hands and backpacks sitting on the ground at their feet. Farther down from them, a group of laughing men in dirty work uniforms leaned against a truck, while mothers with strollers and elderly couples waved to each other as they walked leisurely down the street.

  The sense of normalcy among the residents appealed to her. After the hell she’d endured over the last few months, she wanted to wander through the town, maybe do a little shopping, stop for coffee in the diner they’d passed a couple of miles back, or just sit on the bench in the town park and do nothing.

  Her heart beat quicker, excitement taking over. She could do whatever she wanted, go anywhere she chose, and pick her own meals. There’d be no guards hovering outside her cell or depraved prisoners watching her every move, waiting for the chance to grab her. She was safe. More importantly, she was free.

  “How far are we from your pack’s land?” Hopefully, it wasn’t too far. She couldn’t wait to come back to this town and simply enjoy being alive.

  “Our pack lands.” Xander’s deep voice wrapped around her, seeming to touch her deep inside.

  She caught his gaze and drowned in the intensity of his dark brown eyes. “I’m not a Winchester.” At least not until he officially claimed her as his mate.

  “No, but you are our beloved human.” Vlad pulled into a gas station, stopping next to the single gas pump, and cut the engine. He turned in his seat and stared at Xander. “And both Xander and I have the right to remain close to you.”

  She stiffened. Xander had promised not to take her rights away, but Vlad had made no such claim. “A right?”

  “Yes. Your government acknowledges the privilege out of respect for our intense protective instincts. Lucky for you, Xander and I are both Winchesters. We won’t have to fight over which pack is allowed to claim you as an honorary member. The three of us will just have to sit down and discuss your living arrangements so we can both exercise our rights.” Vlad shifted his gaze from Gwen to Xander. “Because your safety, health, and happiness are our top concerns.”

  “There will be no discussion.” Xander’s voice hardened along with his expression. “Gwen already said she’s staying with me.”

  “That was before she realized the complexity of our unique situation.” Vlad’s smirk added to his condescending tone. “Now that she knows that I too am exercising my right to protect and cherish her life, she’ll reconsider her stance. If there’s one thing I know about Gwen, it’s that she cares for other people’s happiness. She’ll want us both content and satisfied.”

  The weight of everyone’s gazes pressed down on her. She scrunched lower in her seat, hating the reaction but unable to stop it. With the way Xander and Vlad had been acting toward each other, they’d only fight, no matter where she ended up living or whose bed she shared. That would put her in a tough spot. Would she stand by her mate or the man who’d been a shadow in her dreams for years?

  “I thought the two of you weren’t going to fight over Gwen,” Dante remarked.

  “We’re not fighting. We’re simply arranging the details of our future with Gwen in our lives. Since Xander has refused to discuss these things in private, I’ll do so now,” Vlad said, never taking his gaze off Xander.

  Silence stretched into an uncomfortable chasm that quickened her breath. If this was how Xander and Vlad would act in front of family and friends, how much worse would it be once they were alone? Tension would build, and tolerance would deteriorate. When it snapped, violence would erupt.

  She’d seen the effects of a shifter’s primal nature too many times in the fighting compound among the guards and prisoners. This would be so much worse. They’d be fighting over her. How was she supposed to deal with it on a daily basis?

  “I’m thirsty.” Gwen popped her seat belt and shoved the car door open. “I’m going to get a soda and use the bathroom.”

  “Wait.” Xander grabbed her shoulder. “You shouldn’t go by yourself.”

  She swung her head to look over the seat at Xander, her hair whipping with the move. She shoved the strands away from her eyes and blurted, “Why not?”

  Xander’s eyes widened. At what? The show of her temper? Well, he was in for a shock. She might not give in to her frustration or anger often, but when she did, i
t always blindsided people. Probably because everyone viewed her as naïve, innocent…


  She clenched her jaw. “Well, Xander? Do you expect there to be bear shifters lurking in the women’s bathroom waiting to grab me? Because I can’t think of any reason why I wouldn’t be allowed to go by myself. It’s not like we’re mated or even dating, for that matter.”

  “You’re his beloved human, sis.” Lena rested her hand on Gwen’s arm. “Xander will always be protective of you. So will Vader.”

  Gwen jerked her gaze to her sister. “Vlad, not Vader, and he’s only egging Xander on. If I was important to Vlad, he would’ve exercised his right to protect me years ago. He didn’t. Probably because he regretted making me his beloved human in the first place. This”—she waved her hand in Vlad’s direction—“is just a primitive reaction to losing something he’d claimed.”

  “Yeah?” Lena waited a moment as if expecting Gwen to respond, then shook her head when Gwen remained silent. “Didn’t you ever wonder why he was always lurking around our house?”

  “I didn’t have to wonder. He’d told me why. You.” Even if he hadn’t, she wasn’t blind. Vlad had drooled over Lena, watching her every move with hunger in his eyes. Never had he looked at Gwen the same way. At least not until Lena was off the market. Then, suddenly, he realized he’d been chasing the wrong sister and Gwen was actually his true mate.

  Confusion, regret, and anger choked her. She flung the door open. She had to get out of here before she said something horrible, like calling her sister a slut for stealing Vlad from her. It’d be a cruel, childish move, but the hurt over knowing Vlad had dismissed Gwen, the woman he claimed was his gift from his goddess, left her bitter. “This conversation is over. I’m—”

  “Gwen, wait.” Xander slid his fingers closer to her mate bite. Her jacket prevented the skin-to-skin contact, dimming the effect of his touch, but the tingles skipping down her spine reminded her of their bond and her obligation to listen to him, at the very least.

  “What?” The word came out harsher than she’d like, but she couldn’t separate her emotions. She needed to be left alone for a bit.

  “This is neutral territory. That means there’s a chance wolf shifters from the local packs might be here, and they don’t know a Royal wolf pack has moved into West Virginia. I don’t want them to learn about us by smelling me on you. They might take our presence as a threat to their territories. It’s not true, but until I meet with their alphas, they won’t know for sure. Fear might make them do something to you. I can’t take that chance.”

  Her annoyance fizzled, embarrassment replacing it. She’d taken her frustration out on Xander for no reason. An apology sat on the tip of her tongue. Xander’s warning about apologizing for things out of her control stopped her words. “Why haven’t you introduced yourself yet?”

  “There’s been much tension between the single packs bordering our lands. The one had been ruled by a corrupt alpha and the other’s alpha was dying. I hadn’t wanted to add more to their tension. Then I left in search of you.”

  “By tradition, treaties between shifter groups must be made between their leaders only.” Devin spoke for the first time in several minutes. “My pride leader, Kade, has met with both the Jager and Kagan pack so we’ve been the ones buying supplies for our pride and Xander’s pack. Lena can go with Gwen as she comes here often by herself. My mate will warn us if there’s a shifter inside.”

  Because, obviously, Gwen couldn’t recognize them. She was only human without a tie to Xander’s animals.

  “Devin’s right. If we run into a shifter, Devin’s cats will alert me.” Lena got out of her side of the car before anyone could argue.

  Gwen shrugged off Xander’s hold and hurried after her sister. The moment the brisk air hit her face, she breathed a sigh of relief and hurried toward the convenience mart. She needed the escape it offered. Remaining in that SUV with the two males who both drew her and frustrated her was not on her top ten list of things to do.

  Too bad for her.

  She’d have to get used to it. Tonight, she’d be sleeping under the same roof as them. Hopefully alone. Maybe she could convince Xander to give her a separate bedroom. It might work. He didn’t want anyone to know she was his mate. At the moment, that suited her just fine.

  Chapter 19

  Each step toward the cement block building eased the pressure on Gwen’s chest. She quickened her pace. Once inside the store, the weight of Xander and Vlad’s stare on her would lessen too. She’d have a few minutes of peace.

  The thought tore a crazed laugh from her. According to Xander, her presence was enough to calm him. If the way she’d reacted in the SUV was any indicator, the same didn’t apply to her.

  “Being in an SUV full of dominant shifters can be overwhelming.” Lena fell into step with her.

  “Yes.” Gwen couldn’t say more than that. Explaining why Xander and Vlad’s outburst had upset her wasn’t an option.

  Honestly, she wasn’t sure she’d want to. She loved her sister. That didn’t mean they were close. Certain topics had always been off-limits. Vlad had been one of them.

  Lena might’ve suspected that Gwen found Vlad attractive, but she didn’t know the extent of her fascination or how Gwen had been saving her virginity for him. No way would she ever admit that. Or how sharing her first sexual encounter with Xander had felt like a betrayal to Vlad.

  Then again, she and Xander technically hadn’t had intercourse. There was still a chance to be with…

  “Oh God.” Guilt wrapped around her at the thought of cheating on Xander. He was her mate, whether love bound them or necessity. She pressed a shaky hand to her chest, right over her heart. The pain centered there stole her breath. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Are you okay?” Concern edged Lena’s voice. She laid a hand on Gwen’s arm.

  “Carsick.” Gwen shrugged off Lena’s touch before Xander assumed she was feeling too weak to walk and came after her. “I’m not used to being in the back.”


  “Yes.” Gwen hurried through the door Lena held open.

  “I’ve never had a problem in Devin’s SUV, and I’ve always been sensitive to car sickness. His SUV is the biggest, most luxurious model money can buy. It drives like a high-end sedan.” The door shut behind them.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest it wasn’t nice,” Gwen quickly added.

  Lena smiled warmly as if she knew Gwen’s faux pas hadn’t been intentional. “And expensive. I like cars, but for what we paid for it, we could’ve gotten matching sports cars or a boat. He’d insisted on the monstrous thing, though, saying it was the safest SUV out there, and he didn’t want me driving in anything else.”

  Gwen frowned. “But you’re immor—”

  Lena squeezed Gwen’s hand, stopping her words, and tipped her head toward the clerk and the older man at the register. The silent reminder not to talk about shifter secrets in public felt like a slap in the face—a well-deserved one. Gwen knew better.

  “I…umm…” Gwen rubbed at the bridge of her nose. “I mean—”

  “He worries. He doesn’t want to ever see me hurt, whether it’s a paper cut or something more. It makes me feel loved and cherished.” Lena grabbed a basket from the stack next to the door. “I’m going to pick up a few things while you go to the bathroom. I usually shop at the grocery store on the other side of town, but since we’re here, I’ll get the necessities and save myself a trip.”

  “You’re not going to follow me in?”

  “There’s nobody here.” Lena waved her hand to encompass the empty store. “We’re fine, but if you want me to, I will. I’d personally rather not leave those men alone for too long. Goodness knows what will happen.”

  Gwen didn’t want to think about that scenario either. “Okay. I’ll meet you outside when I’ve got myself together.”

  Lena stared at her a long moment, then nodded. “I’ll stall them as long as I ca

  “Thanks.” Gwen grinned.

  Maybe they weren’t as close as sisters should be, but Lena knew how much Gwen disliked being the center of attention. That scene in the SUV had dropped her right in the limelight.

  She’d better get used to it, though. Once Xander announced their bond, the spotlight would be back on her. She couldn’t help but wonder what his pack would think. Likely, they’d disapprove. Xander had mentioned his pack had chosen breeding partners carefully to maintain their pack’s strength. No doubt they’d look at her and think he could’ve done better. He might even lose their respect. He’d said how important that was to maintain. If he did fall from their graces, would they ask him to step down? Or maybe forcibly oust him in a challenge?

  Another thought took hold. Vlad had hinted at claiming his role in the pack. Although he could’ve been referring to anything, he could be alpha if he wanted it. He was strong enough to fight Xander for it. If he did, only one contender walked away from a challenge alive.

  She stumbled, the thought of losing either of them to death stealing her breath and constricting her chest. The agony intensified, as if someone were ripping her in half. It wasn’t as if she’d never experienced pain before. She had, several times. Knew exactly how it felt to have her muscles torn and bones broken. This soul-wrenching agony was different. More intense.

  She bit her lip to stop from crying out. Lena would come over. Gwen didn’t want her sister to see her like this—so weak, tears blurred her vision and her limbs trembled.

  “Are you okay?”

  The young clerk’s concerned voice yanked her gaze to him. She blinked until his baby face came in to view. “Yes. I’m fine. My heartburn’s acting up.”

  He stared at her, clearly unsure what to say.

  “Where’s the bathroom?” she asked, saving them both from the awkward moment.


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