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Page 29

by Dana Archer

  “You’re going to be challenged. Not sure when. My dreams don’t give me details like that, but when you are, she’s going to try to save you.”

  Xander swallowed hard. “And dies instead.”

  Owen inclined his head slightly.

  His pounding heart betrayed his reaction to Owen’s premonition. Xander couldn’t hide the response. He couldn’t lose the woman he was falling in love with. He wanted an eternity with Gwen, learning every nuance he could about the female he’d been blessed with as a mate. “What else? I want every detail you see. What she’s wearing. What time of the year it is. Everything.”

  “The details are sketchy. I see her face. The shock and betrayal in her eyes. Then she falls and…” Owen rubbed at the back of his neck. “I don’t know exactly. There’s a lot of confusion. You and this other male who was sleeping with her drop to your knees in front of her. I can’t see her, but I know she dies.” Owen shoved from his chair and slammed the heels of his palms against the wood. “I know it!”

  Xander breathed hard and fought to control his emotions. Owen’s deteriorating condition would only worsen if Xander gave in to his frustration. “I believe you, Owen.”

  Owen cursed and turned away. He ran a hand through his hair. “Don’t know why. I barely told you anything useful. Should’ve freakin’ kept it to myself.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. I’ve lost my true mate twice already. This is our last chance to make things right. If she dies, so do I.”

  “You don’t die.” Owen looked over his shoulder. “Later on, I see you carrying her body and placing it on a funeral pyre.”

  “Probably the last thing I’d do. I would follow Gwen to the grave.”

  Owen studied him a moment, then spun his chair and sat. He wrapped his thick arms around the wooden back. “My dreams always start sketchy. The more I dream about it, the more details I’ll pick out. Other than what I described about Gwen, I can only see you avoiding the blows from your opponent.”

  Xander sat up straighter. “I’m not fighting back?”

  “Nope. You’re defending yourself, not trying to win.”

  Xander couldn’t come up with any reason why he wouldn’t fight back. If he died in a challenge, he’d lose everything. Survival instincts would demand he win, at any cost.

  “What am I wearing?” He only owned three ceremonial kilts, which he rotated. Knowing which design he’d worn in this dream could narrow the timeframe. Next month would have been a red plaid with gold buttons.

  The muscles in Owen’s forearms bulged. “I only see you from the chest up. You’re not wearing a shirt.”

  He never wore a shirt unnecessarily. “That’s it? You can’t tell me any other details? What my opponent looks like? If there’s snow on the ground? Anything?”

  “No.” Owen shoved from his chair a second time and walked toward the door at the back of the living room. “If my dreams show me anything else, I’ll tell Ethan or Nic. See yourself out.” He opened the door to the kitchen. “I hope you don’t end up losing your mate.”

  The kitchen door swung shut, and Xander was left alone, overwhelmed by the sadness of three solemn wolves who were already mourning their mate’s death for a third time.

  Clenching his jaw, Xander pushed from his chair. He would not place Gwen’s body on a funeral pyre and watch the flames eat at her skin. If he couldn’t prevent the vision Owen had described, Xander would make sure he took his last breath when Gwen did.

  Gwen’s laughter carried through the kitchen, brightening Vlad’s soul. He glanced over his shoulder in time to watch the piece of chicken she’d precariously lifted to her mouth fall from the grip of her chopsticks. She wrangled the piece between the ends of the wooden sticks a second time only to meet the same fate. Another giggle escaped her.

  “I can’t do it.” She shot him a pleading look. “I need a fork, please.”

  “Nonsense.” He jerked his chin in the direction of her plate. “Chopsticks are the perfect utensil for this meal.”

  “Maybe for those who’ve conquered the challenge of eating with these.” Gwen set the chopsticks down. “I haven’t.”

  With a bottle of wine in one hand and the stems of two wineglasses in the other, he went to her. He set the glasses down, poured the wine, then, using her chopsticks, he picked up the piece of chicken and held the bite to her lips. “Then allow me to help you.”

  She studied his face for a moment. Warmth slipped into her eyes. Not lust exactly. Nor would he label it love. Seeing the soft emotion expressed in Gwen’s gaze expanded Vlad’s chest, making him feel…good. He didn’t know how else to explain it.

  “Thank you.” Gwen accepted the bite.

  He swept his thumb over her lip, catching a drop of sauce, then sucked his finger into his mouth. “You’re welcome.”

  The distinctive sound of a text arriving broke the tender moment. He moved to the counter where he’d left his phone charging. A truncated version of the message showed before fading.

  “I have information on Ki…” ~ Ella Montgomery

  “Ella found him.” Vlad unlocked the phone, then dialed her number without reading the text. He wanted specific details, not a brief summary.

  “Tell me what you know,” Vlad demanded as soon as the call connected.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know more.” Frustration tightened Ella’s voice.

  Guess he should’ve read the text. He tapped the screen. “You’re on speakerphone. Repeat it for Gwen.”

  “A death match has been scheduled for this full moon. I’ve asked my informant to get me tickets. He promised to do his best and would give me the time and place as soon as it’s announced.”

  Gwen gripped his wrist and leaned closer to the phone. “I want to go too.”

  Ella’s sigh carried over the line. “I don’t know if that’s a very good idea. It’ll be dangerous and—”

  “I’m going.” Gwen’s eyes narrowed and her grip on his wrist tightened. “No matter what, do you understand me? I’m the only pack mate Killer recognizes. Seeing me…smelling me… It’ll help him.”

  Or confuse him, pushing Eli over the edge. Gwen no longer smelled the same as she had when she’d been in the fighter’s compound with Killer. She carried Xander’s scent in addition to Vlad’s. The combination might register as too different to trust. A feral shifter’s mind and his reactions couldn’t be judged easily. Nobody knew how they’d react, even the shifter himself.

  “Why don’t we work out the details once Ella has the specifics of the fight?” Vlad rubbed Gwen’s knuckles. “It might be too far away for us to get to in time. If so, we’ll have to rely on Shifter Affairs agents to retrieve Eli.”

  “Vlad’s right, Gwen. And you know whoever is assigned to this case will fight with everything they have to successfully extract Killer.”

  Gwen pressed her lips tightly together, then nodded. “Okay, but if I can go, I want to be there.”

  “I’ll be in touch with specifics as soon as I can. In the meantime, rest assured that we’re doing everything in our power to free your friend,” Ella said.

  “Okay.” Gwen eased her tight hold on his wrist. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Ella ended the call without specifically acknowledging or denying Gwen’s demand to participate in the retrieval.

  In Vlad’s eyes, the lack of answer to Gwen’s demands was for the best. As much as he understood her desire to see Eli safe, she wasn’t trained for jobs such as this. Mental strength, resilience, and willpower wouldn’t help when death waited around every corner.

  Chapter 35

  On his knees in the middle of the ceremonial circle, Xander blanked his thoughts. Or tried to. The hours he’d spent meditating had done little to soothe his troubled mind. Nothing would. Owen’s obscure vision of Gwen’s death haunted Xander. He didn’t want his true mate to suffer an ounce of pain, let alone face death alone. Again.

  Xander flexed his hands before fisting them tightly. He wanted to believ
e he’d never allow Gwen to be placed in any situation where she might be hurt. As alpha, though, the threat of challenges was real.

  If Gwen thought she could save Xander from losing his head, she’d risk her life in a heartbeat. He didn’t doubt that, but without a soul-bond to him, the fate Owen painted would become a reality.

  A cold sweat broke out, chilling Xander’s body and leaving his heart racing. Seeing Gwen in a boneless heap with blood coating her skin once was enough. He refused to face that horror again. If he couldn’t save her again as he’d done when she’d been shot…

  No! No… He took a deep breath and shoved the debilitating fear back. It wouldn’t happen. Neither would he worry her or Vlad with Owen’s vision. Xander wouldn’t fail Gwen. He’d promised to be the mate she needed in this lifetime. Whatever it took. He knew what that would be. He’d always known. It was time to see it through.

  Xander pushed to his feet and faced the house. Gwen was inside, sharing a meal with Vlad. They’d spent the day together. Loving each other.

  Mating each other.

  Vlad had called him, confessing what he had done and why. Vlad had been overwhelmed by the need to possess Gwen. Forever.

  Xander had ended the call without responding.

  What was he supposed to have said? That he was okay with Vlad mating Gwen. They’d already agreed that’d be the path they’d take. Giving Gwen a piece of their souls was the easy part, anyway. Taking pieces of hers to fill the holes in their souls, then joining their wolves to her would be the challenge. Each time a piece of her soul was ripped from her, her heart would stop and she’d suffer immeasurable pain.

  Their three-way soul-bonding had to be completed, however. They’d committed to this path.

  First, though, he had to look his precious mate in the eye and tell her why he’d married Elizabeth instead of mating her. The shame of his past actions weighed heavily on him. His shoulders slumped. How could he have treated his true mate so coldly?

  He swallowed hard and went through the list of excuses he’d come up with over the years. None of those reasons erased the regret. Only Gwen’s absolution would, and he wouldn’t get it standing outside, wallowing over past mistakes.

  With determination fueling his steps, Xander strode for the house. The second he stepped inside, he zeroed in on the couch. Eyes closed, Gwen reclined against a stack of pillows while Vlad massaged her feet.

  Xander slammed the door. On a gasp, she jerked into a sitting position, pulling her feet from Vlad’s grasp.

  Vlad eased from the couch and stood in front of her. “I’ve been waiting for you to come home.”

  The protective stance Vlad took irritated Xander. After everything he and Vlad had gone through, even with the strain Elizabeth and Tabitha had put on their friendship, Vlad should know he’d never punish Gwen for anything she’d done with Vlad.

  Xander glanced from Gwen’s anxious gaze to Vlad’s neutral one. “Have you?”

  “Yes.” The carefully blank look Vlad wore didn’t waver.

  Vlad should know Xander’s silence after Vlad admitted to taking a piece of Gwen’s soul didn’t equate to anger. If it had, Xander would’ve returned home immediately to confront Vlad.

  Opening the pathway between their minds, Xander asked, “Why?”

  The equivalent of a mental chuckle answered him. Vlad turned his attention to Gwen, trailing his fingers along Gwen’s arm, then kissing her. Gwen moved her hand to his rear while Vlad dominated her mouth. Her fingers flexed over his jeans-covered backside, and the muscles in her forearms strained as she tried to pull him on top of her.

  Her immediate response to Vlad’s mouth on hers showed her acceptance of her other mate’s touch. It also hinted at how they’d spent the day together.

  Jealousy gripped Xander. Not for the time alone she and Vlad had shared. Xander wanted the same, if only for a few hours. Confessing his sin to their mate should be done in private. Vlad didn’t need to suffer Gwen’s wrath if she decided to lash out at Xander for what he had done.

  Gwen moved to her knees and slid her hands up Vlad’s back, but Vlad broke the kiss, ending the sensual moment.

  He looked over his shoulder. “Because I need to arrange transportation for our trip tomorrow, and Dante isn’t here. He’s gone ahead of us to make sure our destination is secured.”

  Apparently, Vlad had no interest in keeping this conversation private. “Our trip? Where are we going?”

  Vlad scooped the keys from the end table. “To see Molly. I told Gwen about the Council’s demands and their threats to punish us. Our mate thinks she can get through to Molly and convince her to shift. I’m inclined to give her the chance.”

  Xander stormed forward and got up in Vlad’s face. “And you didn’t think to talk to me before you told Gwen any of this?”

  “Why does Vlad need your permission to tell me things I should have already been informed of?”

  Gwen’s softly spoken question yanked Xander’s focus to her. She sat on bent knees with her hands folded over her thighs and watched him with a curious expression on her face.

  “Because I should have been here.”

  She tipped her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

  “If the news of Molly’s situation or the ridiculousness of the Council’s demands upset you, I want to be here to comfort you. I am your mate.”

  “And I am yours.” Gwen pushed from the couch. Dressed in gray yoga pants and a black long-sleeved shirt, an outfit she must have purchased while out with Dante, she appeared relaxed and comfortable. More than that, though. Confidence radiated from her.

  Whether the properly fitting clothes had strengthened her or her time with Vlad had, Xander couldn’t guess, but the change in her demeanor was clear. The woman before him knew exactly what she wanted, and she planned on claiming it.

  Gwen took the few steps separating them and rested her hand against his arm. Xander faced her, drawn by the boldness in her gaze. “I’m your equal. Your partner. Right? That’s what being your mate means. I’m your other half.”

  Ah…Xander understood now. His mate’s focused mood stemmed from anger. She wanted to punish him for not telling her about the threats facing them by reminding him of her importance. He could do the same.

  He captured her hand in his and raised it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles before locking his fingers around her wrist. “You are my gift from the goddess. My perfect complement. The only female who can soothe my wildness and bring me peace. The only female I will treasure, from now until the end of time. I will do so as I see fit.”

  One corner of her mouth twitched. “So you plan on putting me on a pedestal and worshipping me?”

  “Do you have a problem with being worshipped?”

  The front door opened. Cool air swept in, stirring Gwen’s hair. Wisps of the brown strands obscured her face, but she didn’t break their intent stare to brush them aside. He did so for her, tucking the wayward locks behind her ears.

  “I’ll be back before sunrise. Save room for me in our bed,” Vlad called out before shutting the door and leaving them alone.

  Gwen didn’t even look at the door. Her entire focus centered on Xander, and the force of her determination hit him. She would own him as fully as he did her. Once she did, she’d demand to be treated as his equal, in all things.

  Nothing would stop her.

  His body stirred. His breathing deepened. Lust built. All it took was her attention on him. The instantaneous reaction to her didn’t surprise him any more than seeing her response to Vlad. They were mates. The three of them, together or apart.

  Gwen pressed her palms firmly against Xander’s chest and leaned into him. “I do enjoy being worshipped, but I’d say it depends on how high this pedestal you’re placing me on is. The fall to the ground might shatter me in too many pieces to put back together.”

  Xander smirked. Even annoyed with him, his mate lightened his soul. “Then I should cocoon you in bubble wrap before I place yo
u on this pedestal.”

  Amusement sparked in her eyes. She grinned. “So I can suffocate in your protective bubble?”

  He dragged his thumb over her plump lower lip, tugging on the soft flesh. Her shaky exhale warmed his skin. Still cool from the time he’d spent kneeling in the ceremonial field, his body hadn’t adjusted to being inside. He didn’t bother raising his internal temperature either. Gwen could heat his blood tonight.

  Moving his hands to her shoulders, he held her in place and bent his mouth to her ear. “No worries, my mate. I will breathe for you.”

  “Hmm…and what will I be doing?”

  “Enjoying yourself.” He chuckled. “Begging me to let you come. Moaning my name.”

  “And that’ll get you off, right? The power over me.”

  “Yes.” He saw no reason to lie about something he’d already explained.

  She pushed from his embrace and stepped back. “What if I need more than that? What if I want to climb down from that pedestal and kneel at your feet?”

  “You put yourself in that position, and I will take my pleasure from you.” He traced her lips.

  Lust hazed her eyes. “Is that a promise or a threat?”

  He settled his hands on her hips. The thin material of her pants molded to her curves. He slid his hands lower, enjoying the softness of her body. She felt good in his arms…pressed against his hardness.

  He slid his gaze from her lush thighs to her flushed cheeks. Desire heated her skin and hazed her eyes. The scene he described excited him. He wanted his equal, his perfect match. If they played this right, they could both have the control they craved.


  “Yeah?” She licked her lips, leaving a tempting sheen of wetness. “How so?

  “If you give me a taste of just how wicked you can be, I won’t settle for less, even when I have you on that pedestal. I’ll put you on display, naked with dirt on your knees and the evidence of my possession on your body, for everyone to see.”

  Her eyelids lowered on a shaky exhale. “Oh God.”


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