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Page 38

by Dana Archer

  “Leave him.” Dante shoved Vlad back before he could rip the bear shifter’s head free. “Save your mate before she gets herself killed.”

  Vlad pivoted and scanned the hill leading to the area where he’d left Gwen. Instead of remaining with the strongest dominants of their pack, Gwen was running toward the dome enclosing Xander and Eli.

  “Gwen!” Vlad yelled a second after Xane did.

  She ran into the circle. The walls surrounding the ceremonial circle shattered, sending a shockwave through the ground and buckling the earth under him. He fell, landing on his hip, then lurched to his feet and charged into the open circle.

  “Killer!” Gwen screamed the name Eli’s handlers had given him.

  Snarling, Eli turned on her. He raised a clawed hand, then hesitated with his gaze locked on Gwen’s face.

  “No!” Xander rammed his shoulder into Eli’s side, knocking Eli away from Gwen, but Eli dug his claws into Xander’s thigh and pulled him to the ground.

  Vlad screamed a denial. Xander was in a position to lose his head.

  Instead of taking it, Eli leapt to his feet and grabbed Gwen’s arms, tearing a screech from her. The sound of Gwen’s pain cut through Vlad.

  “Let her go, Eli!” Vlad lunged at Eli, but Xander’s younger brother kicked Vlad back without breaking his grip on Gwen.

  Vlad slammed into the ground several yards away, but jumped up in the next heartbeat and rushed forward. Xander got there first. He hooked his arm around Eli’s neck from behind him and choked him. Eli flung his head into Xander’s but couldn’t break his hold. Xander squeezed harder, tearing a sputtering sound from Eli. The move was meant to disable Eli by cutting off his air. Eli’s trembling arms proved it was working.

  Vlad reached for Gwen, desperate to free her from Eli’s bruising grip. Eli bared his fangs and tossed her away from him, then spun on Xander with his clawed hand raised. Gwen’s shrill scream carried through the night and froze Eli in place.

  Xander shoved past Eli’s rigid body and ran to where Gwen lay unmoving on the edge of the dried-up fountain that had once dominated the center of this village. Her back was arched unnaturally over the short decorative fence edging the top of the fountain.

  “Gwen! No!” Xander fell on his knees at her side.

  Out of the corner of his vision, Vlad caught sight of Dante, Xane, and Corey rushing toward Eli, but Vlad didn’t wait to see if they restrained him. His gaze zeroed in the liquid pooling on the stone beneath Gwen. The scent of blood filled his lungs, and the anguished cries of Vlad’s wolves filled in the rest of the details.

  Eli had tossed Gwen onto the rusty metal posts. They’d impaled her. Her heart still beat, though. They had time to save her.

  “I’m going to pull Gwen off these things.” Vlad positioned his hands underneath Gwen on either side of the metal posts lodged into her back.

  Warm, thick blood coated his fingers. His pulse kicked up. She was bleeding too much. As soon as he lifted her, her blood would flow quicker. Her heart might stop from the rapid loss.

  “We’re going to need to act fast.” Xander echoed his thoughts.

  “Yes. We need to hold her soul close.” Vlad looked over his shoulder. “Both of us.”

  “We won’t lose her.” Xander nodded toward her. “Now do it.”

  Vlad leaned over her and lifted her. A horrid sound escaped her lips, and blood gushed over his hands. His throat squeezed tight. Knowing he’d caused her pain sickened him. He’d make it up to her, every day they lived.

  Without wasting another second, he rolled onto his back with Gwen draped over him, then bit her unmarred shoulder. Xander leaned over them and latched on to the bite mark he’d delivered in order to save her life less than a week ago.

  Gwen’s soul opened to Vlad, and through her, he touched Xander’s. The wonder of such a connection resonated within Vlad. He acknowledged the beauty of it, but the dimming light in Gwen’s soul forced him to act. He drew Gwen’s pain into himself at the same time Xander did.

  “We’re here with you, Gwen.” Xander opened his metaphysical arms to her. “Let us hold you forever.”

  “Yes. Never want to lose you.” Gwen reached a hand to Xander and held her other out to Vlad. “Either of you.”

  Vlad tightened his hold on Gwen’s hand, drawing her close to him at the same time Xander did. Here, in this metaphysical world, he didn’t suffer the ailments of his physical body or the loss of his hands.

  Stretched between them, Gwen groaned but didn’t resist them. With both him and Xander holding her close, her soul wouldn’t slip away. They’d simply have to take turns binding themselves to her.

  “Exactly. Gwen is ours to share. The good. The bad. We’ll always face it with her.” Xander claimed a piece of Gwen’s soul, filling in the hole in his.

  Pain shot through Gwen to Vlad, tearing a scream from her and a groan from him. He opened himself completely to the agony, drawing it to him and sparing Gwen the worst of the excruciating anguish of soul-bonding. He was panting by the time Xander’s last wolf formed its bond with Gwen.

  “Your turn, Vlad. Claim your mate.” Xander opened himself as Vlad had done. “And I will bear the pain for our female now.”

  “Are you ready, Gwen?” Vlad whispered the question into her mind.

  “Yes, I’m ready. I have been since the day I looked into your eyes.”

  Emotions swelled his chest. There were so many things he wished he could’ve done differently and apologies he wanted to make. Eternity wouldn’t be long enough to express his love and gratitude. Gwen could’ve turned her back on him, leaving him forever in the cold.

  “But I wouldn’t have been complete. I needed both of your arms around me to support me as I learned to stand on my own.”

  “Not to support you, my mate. To catch you if you fell,” Xander said.

  “We’ll always be there for you. We love you, Gwen.” Vlad spoke the words he felt reflected in Xander’s soul too.

  “Always and forever,” Xander added.

  Vlad slipped his mental fingers around Gwen’s soul, claiming a piece as Xander had done, then watched as his wolves did the same. The thick shimmering cords tying their souls to Gwen’s burned with the pure light reflected in Gwen’s soul. The darkness that had hung over Vlad’s soul for centuries lifted.

  Gwen exhaled on a soft sigh. Her happiness wrapped around them. Completed them.

  Vlad released Gwen’s shoulder, knowing a single thought would be enough to rejoin their minds. Never again would he be alone on the outside looking in.

  Xander brushed his fingertips over Gwen’s lips. “I love you, Gwendolyn Annabelle Winchester.”

  Gwen’s eyes widened. “Your hands! I thought…I thought they were…”

  Xander pulled Gwen into his lap. “We’re powerful together, my mate. The energy of our bond healed both of us.”

  She traced Xander’s fingers, then looked at Vlad. “We’re perfect together. A force to be reckoned with.”

  Vlad pressed his mouth to hers, sharing air with her for moment before easing back to meet her eyes. “Every member of our pack is strong. We’re survivors. Never forget that.”

  Gwen sucked in a rough breath. She leaned past Xander’s body and focused on Eli, who knelt on the dirty, trampled, snow-covered ground between Dante and Xane. Gaze locked on the ground, Eli didn’t acknowledge Gwen’s stare on him or Corey’s touch as she worked to remove the pronged bracelets affixed to his wrists.

  Vlad laid a hand on Gwen’s shoulder. “He was trying to save you from Xander. He didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  She glanced at Vlad. “I know that.”

  “And we’ll convince him of the truth.” Xander stood with Gwen in his arms. “But first we need to get him home without Shifter Affairs learning about him.”

  “Why?” Gwen asked.

  “We can’t take the chance they’ll take him away from us.” Xander focused on his younger brother. “Because he’s the only one who can stop this from ever
happening again.”

  Vlad wanted to ask more, but he had a promise to keep. Besides, Xander would explain everything later. If he didn’t, Vlad could simply take the knowledge from his mind.

  Scanning the courtyard, Vlad looked for the clear globe Molly had mentioned would be used to capture their pack’s spirit if Xander had lost it. A glint of light dragged Vlad’s attention to the fountain next to them. Perched in the middle, the glass ball looked as if it belonged there. The hum emanating from it gave its mystical purpose away, however.

  Vlad snatched it. Energy pricked his fingertips. Cursing from the bite of pain, he hurled the globe far from his pack mates. The ball smashed into the side of a nearby building. Glass rained down on the ground below. No display of magic or release of power rocked the world. Had he not felt the energy contained within the globe, he might’ve mistaken the sphere for something benign.

  “You knew?” Curiosity showed in Xander’s expression.

  “The orb’s purpose?” At Xander’s nod, Vlad grunted. “Yeah, Molly told me. It was how they’d captured the Leon spirit.”

  “Molly…told you?”

  Gwen touched Xander’s arm, drawing his attention to her. “Molly shifted once she heard you were in danger. She’s at our home, waiting for us.”

  Xander smiled. “She’s acting like an alpha already.”

  “Yes.” Gwen matched Xander’s grin. “She’ll be an amazing pride leader.”

  Xander nodded, then moved to Vlad’s side. “Come on, let’s get our pack home where we belong.”

  Gwen rested her fingertips on Xander’s chin. “Let me talk to Eli first, please.”

  They made their way to where Eli knelt on the ground, Corey in front of him, talking to him.

  Eli’s nostrils flared. He jerked his head up and zeroed in on Gwen cradled in Xander’s arms. “No! Keep her away.”

  “Killer, it’s okay. I’m fine. Xander and Vlad saved me.”

  “No.” Eli scrambled back. His wild gaze landed on Xane, who stood to his right, and Dante on his left. “No! Keep her away from me. Keep her away!”

  Dante closed the distance between them and gripped Eli’s shoulder. “No problem, Red. I’ll make sure she doesn’t come anywhere near you.”

  Eli nodded, relief stamped on his face. Both males turned and moved toward the outskirts of town. Xane and Corey trailed behind, no doubt to intervene if Dante needed help restraining Eli.

  Gwen groaned. She buried her face against Xander’s chest. “He thinks he’s a danger to me.”

  That’d be Vlad’s guess too. Only time and patience would prove Eli wrong. “Give him a chance to adjust. He’ll come around. If he doesn’t, we’ll figure out a way to help him.”

  “You’re right. Winchesters never give up on each other.” A determined look replaced the troubled one she’d worn moments ago.

  “Exactly.” Xander kissed her cheek. “And for now, let’s head out. We have a mating celebration to plan.”

  “Do we?” Brow raised, Gwen looked from Xander to Vlad.

  Vlad shrugged. He’d assumed they’d have something but didn’t know what.

  “Yes, we do, and I predict it’ll be”—Xander grinned—“entertaining.”

  “As long as we’re together, it will be.” With her gaze locked on Vlad, Gwen rested her head against Xander’s chest. Hunger slid into her eyes. “I have complete faith in my mates to make it memorable.”

  Vlad skimmed his fingers over Gwen’s leg. He allowed a matching carnal need to show in his eyes. Gwen’s nostrils flared, and a small naughty grin flitted over her plump lips. Vlad stepped closer to her, hiding her reaction from their pack mates. Not every encounter would be shared. Some things belonged between the three of them.

  “We’ll do our best to satisfy you.” Vlad raised his gaze to his friend, his partner, and his other mate. “Won’t we?”

  “Every day of our lives,” Xander answered.

  “That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.” Gwen linked her fingers with Vlad’s.

  With his true mate’s hand in his and his best friend forever a part of his life, Vlad couldn’t agree more.

  Epilogue, plus next book preview

  From the raised dance floor of the remodeled Black Widow, Gwen surveyed the group of shifters and humans who’d gathered to celebrate her mating—or wedding, depending on the species of the guest. A warm feeling spread through her. She’d gotten a few raised eyebrows from her human family and friends when they learned she was committing to two men, even though her marriage license technically listed her as Vlad’s wife. After the initial shock, however, they congratulated her.

  “A wonderful sight, isn’t it?” Xander stepped behind her and slipped his arms around her waist.

  She leaned against him. “Seeing our family and friends here to support us? Yes, absolutely.”

  Xander chuckled. He rested his chin on her shoulder. The white lace of her wedding gown prevented skin-to-skin contact, but tingles spread from her mate bite to the more sensitive parts of her body. She bit the inside of her cheek to stifle her groan.

  “Yes, that is a beautiful sight, but I was referring to Vlad.”

  She glanced at where her other mate danced with Molly. The little shifter child who’d changed Gwen’s life stood on top of Vlad’s shoes and laughed as he led her in an exaggerated dance across the room.

  Gwen smiled and pulled Xander’s arms tighter around her. Love rushed up. She’d mated the most amazing men in the world. There wouldn’t be enough days in her long life to show them how much they meant to her. “I love seeing Molly happy.”

  “That smile on her face right now is for Vlad. Molly adores him. He can make her laugh at the silliest thing.”

  “He fought for her.” Gwen turned in Xander’s embrace and rested her palms against his biceps. “When Shifter Affairs wanted to move her into a hospital where she could be evaluated and treated for her issues, he fought for Molly to stay with my family. Vlad personally accepted the responsibility for her, putting his career and reputation on the line so she could live a somewhat normal life.”

  “They fear her.” A protective look she was coming to recognize passed over Xander’s stark features.

  “She’ll prove the Council and Shifter Affairs wrong. I’m positive of it.”

  “So am I.” Vlad moved behind her. “Molly’s a tough female, just like her big sister.”

  Gwen tipped her head back to look into Vlad’s face. “Adopted big sister.”

  “The lack of a genetic tie doesn’t lessen a bond when love is involved.”

  She studied Vlad’s expression, wondering where his deep reflective statement came from. Maybe it was hers, and he was merely expressing it. That wouldn’t surprise her. They were still adjusting to their three-way shared soul. “I agree.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” Vlad slid his hand over her bottom before moving his palm to her lower belly. “Because when the time comes and you’re ready to bear Xander a—”

  “When I’m ready to bring our child into the world, I know my mates and our pack will love and protect him or her as they would any child.” Gwen narrowed her eyes, challenging Vlad to correct her.

  She’d already learned the details of how Riley, the human alpha female of the Kagan pack, had been able to conceive shifter babies. The triplets Riley carried weren’t genetically hers. She acted as a surrogate. The detail didn’t lessen Riley’s love for her unborn children any more than the fact would bother Gwen.

  Xander kissed her neck. “I love you, my mate. You do know that, don’t you?”

  How could she not? Xander’s love for her shone through her, strengthening her. She tipped her head to the side, giving Xander room to kiss along the sensitive column of her throat.

  He paused in his exploration with his lips at the base of her neck. “Hmm…it looks as if our entertainment has arrived.”

  Gwen glanced over her shoulder at the doorway. In a shimmering silver, sleeveless cocktail dress that reache
d mid-thigh, Ella walked into the bar, looking as if she was used to dominating a runway. The men close to her watched her with a mix of lust and respect in their eyes, but she didn’t acknowledge any of their appreciative gazes. She scanned the room, obviously looking for someone.

  “She’s looking for Zach. By the jukebox,” Xander said, loud enough for only Gwen to hear.

  She turned her attention there. Zach, one of the Royal shifters from Lena’s pride, stood rigidly with his gaze locked on Ella. Hands fisted and possessiveness stamped on his features, he took several steps toward her before jerking to a stop.

  Gwen glanced at Ella. Kade, the leader of Zach’s pride, held Ella’s hand to his mouth. Whatever he said to her had Ella grinning and glancing at the floor. Kade slid his arm around her waist and drew her closer. He bent his head to her ear. Ella nodded. After a moment, they moved to the dance floor.

  “Well, that didn’t work as planned.” Xander grunted. “Zach’s gone.”

  Gwen jerked her gaze back to the jukebox. The impressively built blond shifter had disappeared. A quick survey of the room didn’t reveal him either. “He left?”

  “For tonight. But I guarantee you, they’ll meet up soon,” Vlad declared.

  “I’m assuming they have a connection?”

  “True mates,” Xander answered.

  “And thanks to Kade, Zach’s instincts were triggered. It’s only a matter of time before Zach claims her.”

  Gwen wasn’t so sure. It had taken her, Vlad, and Xander many years and tragedies to find their way to each other, but what did she know. Everybody’s path was different, some more challenging than others.

  She faced her mates. “Have we learned anything about Eli’s true mate?”

  “The witch everyone and their brother is looking for?” Vlad asked.

  “Yes.” She narrowed her eyes on a warning look. This wasn’t a teasing matter. From what Xander had told her, this woman had the power to strike a major blow in the quest to steal a Royal’s immortality.

  Vlad lifted her chin and kissed her softly. “Leash your protective instincts, my mate. I only meant that everyone, from Shifter Affairs to the Shifter Council and the criminals of our kind, are looking for her. This woman has a price on her head.”


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