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Finding Monsters

Page 16

by Liss Thomas

  “But I do. I can’t seem to get past it. Anyway, once I got here, I thought I might be able to gather useful information,” she said. Missy explained everything she knew to Charlie, the mysterious machine, the changes in Saal and how the bulls were being used.

  “The machine drains them of the blue light for a brief period of time. No one but Anukhan knows how it works or where it came from,” Missy concluded. Charlie didn’t like the sound of this machine. He wanted to suggest a plan of action when he perked up. He flew into a nearby tree and listened.

  “Jackals are coming!” he sent to her.

  “Probably Saal and Kell,” Missy concluded. She put the cub down and rose slowly to her feet. She grabbed a stick she used as a cane and limped toward them. She froze when she realized these were uniformed guards. Paloma appeared at the door and howled to call in her cubs. Missy limped toward the house as well.

  “Charlie, stay out of sight, I’m not sure what these two want.”

  “Be careful!” Charlie said.

  The guards stopped Missy before she reached the door. Paloma rushed forward to assist. “Come with us, human.” The first guard said with contempt. Paloma interrupted.

  “She is not ready for travel; she is still healing from her injuries and still experiencing severe pain from reptile venom withdrawal,” Paloma said. Missy limped closer to her.

  “She comes with us now,” he told her as the other guard bound Missy’s hands, while Paloma watched helpless to stop them as they led her away. Missy limped, stumbling often as they moved her away through the village, slowing them down. The jackals growled and dragged her roughly when she fell. In the end, they finally hit her with their Taser and carried her limp body back to Anukhan.

  Saal entered the house when he didn’t see Missy outside. He looked toward her bedding and saw it empty. He felt sick. Paloma came up behind him.

  “Saal, two of Anukhan’s guards came and got her this morning without warning. I tried to tell them she still needs healing but they refused to listen.”

  Saal had already changed into his full jackal form. He broke into a full run back to the temple.

  “Be careful!” she yelled as he ran after them.

  The guards dumped Missy unceremoniously by the clear chamber. Anukhan scowled at them.

  “Careful, you fools!” he yelled. “Why is she unconscious? I need her alert!”

  The guards stepped back hesitantly, “We stunned her, sir. It made her easier to transport this way.”

  Anukhan didn’t look amused as he berated the guards. Missy lay motionless listening to the argument. She’d been awake for half the trip unbeknownst to the guards. She’d even been able to contact Charlie, who followed overhead. She heard his call outside the window of the temple now. Missy took a quick peek at the room itself. The clear chamber stood in front of her where she could see Dozer inside. He appeared awake but inert. After weeks in the chamber, she hoped he wasn’t as weak as he looked. Missy sent her mind out to Charlie.

  “I’m in the temple. I see Dozer and he looks weak. Can you fly to the window and see if there is a mirror here?” she asked.

  “Already here. There is a mirror near the machine. That’s how he is traveling.”

  “I just need to get Dozer out and to that mirror,” she sent.

  “Only if he’s strong enough to pull up the blue light and those jackals have weapons.”

  “So do I,” she whispered between clinched teeth.

  All of a sudden, the metal door burst open with a loud scrape of metal against stone. Saal in full jackal form ran through. He leapt from the top stair and sailed to the floor in one bound. When he hit the floor. he appeared as the half jackal that Missy knew well.

  “Anukhan stop this!” he yelled. “You can’t use her like the others; she’s just a child!”

  “Guards! Seize the traitor!” Anukhan shouted.

  The guards pointed their weapons toward Saal.

  “She’s not even a monster; she doesn’t have the blue light. Of what use is she to you?” Saal pleaded.

  “You have no idea, do you?” Anukhan said, laughing. He made his way toward Saal. When he reached him, Anukhan grabbed Saal’s throat. “I knew you would fail me. How did she get to you, Saal? You’re weak just like the hyenas,” he spat.

  Missy saw her chance, she quietly moved to the chamber and unlocked the door. She opened it and touched Dozer.

  “Dozer, let’s get you out of here,” she sent to him. He looked up confused but did as she asked. They stayed low and silent.

  “Dozer, there is a mirror on the other side of the temple, can you pull up the blue light and create a portal?”

  “I think so, little human,” he slurred.

  “Charlie is on the window; take him with you. I’ll be right behind you,” she said.

  Dozer took a minute to gather his strength, before he ran for the mirror with Missy close on his heels. Shouting erupted behind them.

  “Stop them!” Anukhan shouted.

  The guards ran after the escaping prisoners. They pulled their guns and fired, barely missing Dozer.

  “Don’t shoot the girl!” Anukhan yelled seconds too late. The next shot grazed Missy’s calf and she went down hard. She heard Saal shouting as he tackled the two guards. She pulled herself up and started limping. Dozer’s blue light glowed faintly around the mirrored frame before it increased. Charlie dove down from the window and landed on Dozer’s shoulder.

  “Go!” Missy shouted as she tried to make it to the portal. The sound of the shotgun pump made Saal whirl around. One of the guards lined a shot at Missy again. The crack of the gun made her flinch. Saal launched himself at Missy and flung her out of the way. The bullet missed its target but tore through Saal’s back sending him sprawling to the ground. Missy lay stunned for a moment, she saw Saal a few feet away. She looked back at Dozer who strained to hold the portal open. She had to decide.

  “Dozer, get out of here now! Go get help,” she yelled as she made her way to the wounded jackal.

  “Missy, no!” Charlie and Dozer shouted in unison. Dozer could no longer hold the portal. He snatched Charlie with one massive hand and fell through.

  Chapter 27

  Missy turned Saal over and examined the wound. The bullet tore a hole all the way through. His wound bled badly but he remained conscious.

  “You should have left me, human,” he managed between painful breaths.

  “No, I couldn’t do that.” Missy saw a shadow coming toward her fast. She pulled up the dragon’s fire and readied her attack.

  “It’s me!” Kell shouted. “I’ll help Saal,” he said.

  Missy nodded then stood to face the advancing guards. Anukhan stood aside having confiscated the shotguns.

  “Get her into the chamber, now!” he ordered.

  Missy flexed her back and unfolded the dragon wings before leaping into the air just as the two guards charged. She dropped down and attacked one from behind, tackling him. She jumped up and shot a fireball toward the other. She tried to take off toward Anukhan, but one of the guards grabbed her foot and threw her back down to the floor. She rolled just as he tried to seize her. Jumping to her feet, she landed a kick to the advancing jackal’s neck. He fell backwards gasping for air. Missy heard Kell’s warning cry too late. Anukhan slammed the shotgun barrel down on her shoulder sending her crashing to the ground. He snatched her up before she could move away and threw her into the clear chamber, locking it shut. He stepped over the gasping jackal at his feet, kicking him once in irritation then went to his machine. Saal tried to get to his feet but fell down again.

  “Anukhan, stop this,” he croaked.

  “You still have no idea, do you, Saal?” Anukhan said as he readied the machine.

  “Anukhan!” Missy shouted from the chamber. “You will bring destruction to this clan if you continue. The Bullclan is massing an army against you. The dragons and the Oceclan are joining them. They are prepared to destroy your clan if you continue in this madness!

  “Soon it will be too late for them to stop me, little monster,” Anukhan said.

  “But I’m not a monster! You’re mistaken! The machine won’t work on me!” Missy yelled as she threw herself against the sides of the chamber. She continued to hurl blow after blow against the sides but it wouldn’t bend, crack, or break. She looked up and Anukhan stood just outside the clear walls.

  “If you planned to use me like all the others, why try to kill me?” Missy asked.

  Anukhan laughed. “Ah, I see you got my little present. I hope it was your size.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I needed a challenge. The Bullclan think their lands are secure, but I’ve managed to breach their borders countless times. I knew that half-breed boy wouldn’t kill you but I was hoping they’d a least challenge me a little. What a disappointment.”

  “Your machine still won’t work on me,” she warned.

  “But the machine will work on you. Oh, I’ve been waiting for you, little monster. Or should I say, new monster,” he said locking eyes with her.

  Missy stared in stunned silence. She hadn’t finished her final quest, had she? She thought back to what Drago had told her. She’d been tired but she had not mistaken his words. ‘Find out how the jackals are moving between worlds so we can stop them’. Missy looked back at Anukhan, who’s evil smile widened at her understanding. She felt the first tingle in the back of her skull. Not unlike the feeling when she’d realized she had wings. Her jaw dropped in utter disbelief. Anukhan was right.

  “Oh, no,” she whispered. “Not now!” she yelled, pounding her fists on the walls, the screaming muted from the other side of the thick Plexiglas. The change began slowly. Her quests were complete but now the blue light would be used to empower a maniac. Anukhan laughed as he went back to his machine. He turned dials, threw switches and watched as Missy’s own blue light filled the chamber for the first time. She felt its power, strong and racing through her being. She threw herself hard against the structure one last time before her strength started to fade, drain from her body. She continued to pound the walls with no success. Anukhan’s body took on a faint glow. As Missy’s light faded, his grew stronger. When the transfer was complete, Anukhan had captured the shimmering blue light. He laughed a dreadful laugh as Missy sank to the floor of the chamber. She felt sick, and she was growing weaker by the minute. Her vision blurred and sound ceased. She lay in the chamber, not seeing, not hearing, and knowing she was going to die.

  Chapter 28

  Charlie’s reflection faded as it came through the portal. Dozer hit the floor of his dwelling with a loud thud. Dredge came to his aide immediately.

  “Dozer! Let me help you, son,” Dredge said.

  “No time, Father. We need to find Charlie and the others, and Missy still needs our help.” He pulled himself up with difficulty and made for the door with Dredge behind him. Dozer stumbled as he made his way but he wouldn’t stop. Dredge caught up with his son and threw his arm around him. He ran, half-dragging Dozer to Atian’s quarters. Sophie opened the door and ushered them inside. Dozer collapsed on the floor gasping for breath and grimacing.

  “There’s no time. We need to get back through the portal for Missy. Where’s Charlie?” he managed.

  “He’s here! Come!” Sophie said as she led the way to their bedchamber.

  “Where is she?” Charlie said, still trying to collect his strength after his reflection faded. In his human form, he looked small in his parents’ massive bed.

  “I have the coordinates,” Dozer said as he made his way across the room to the mounted wall mirror. Atian followed him, and with his help, Dozer pulled up the coordinates to the jackal’s temple. Charlie stood up and stopped. He felt a familiar tingle in his skull. Something he’d been without for a long time. Sophie gasped as she watched. Charlie began to glow blue and he knew what that meant.

  “She’s done it!” he told them. “She’s completed her quests!” Then he felt something else, the small pain he normally felt in his chest when they were separated started to grow. It ached now like a burning fire in his chest. Charlie clutched his hands to his heart, trying to hold the hurt back, but it burned unrelenting. “Mother?” Charlie looked to her.

  “She’s dying,” Sophie choked out.

  Charlie bellowed in sheer fury as he stormed to the portal. The shimmering blue light rippled down his body transforming him into his true bull form. He let loose another furious cry of rage before plunging through with Atian behind him.

  Charlie came through the portal with unbridled rage. He looked around the room. One jackal lay bleeding heavily as another tried to plug the wound. The strange machine stood unmanned, with no sign of Anukhan. Charlie’s eyes focused on the chamber. He ran over to it and saw Missy collapsed on the floor inside. He let out a maddening cry before he pounded the chamber with his fists. He swung again like a madman, slamming into the chamber with the force of a thousand bulls. It cracked and shattered under his full strength and rage. Charlie pulled Missy from the chamber and held her as she convulsed in his arms.

  “Missy, I’m here, I’m here,” Charlie wailed but she didn’t answer. He looked toward the portal and saw, his father standing there, then suddenly his mother, Vrag, and Elyen were there as well. Elyen ran to Charlie’s side and examined her quickly.

  “Her blue light has been stolen. She can’t survive in monster form,” Elyen said.

  “Can we change her back to her human form?” Charlie sobbed.

  “She has to change,” Sophie said as the others gathered around the dying girl.

  “She’s never had to change before; she doesn’t know how!” Charlie said, unable to stop the shaking in his hands and voice.

  “Sophie, we need to guide her,” Elyen said as she pulled the girl into her arms.

  Charlie watched in numbed horror. Sophie dropped down beside the doe and touched the young girl’s face. Her spasms were diminishing.

  “We need to hurry,” Sophie said. “Link to her mind.”

  The women worked feverishly to link with the dying girl.

  The world seemed dull and subdued, dark and detached. Missy felt nothing, heard nothing and blurred shadows clouded her vision. She thought it mildly surprising when she heard voices. In her world, hearing voices usually signaled the end. Missy didn’t fight the urge that was pulling her down. However, the voices grew louder and Missy recognized them. She tried to make out what they were saying.

  “Missy, dear child, listen to me.” It sounded like Elyen. Missy strained to hear more. “You are a monster now but your light has been stolen.” She feared as much. The voice continued, this time it sounded like Sophie, “You are in your monster form, but in order to survive you must transform back to your human self.” Missy wanted to ask how. She strained now against the urges pulling her away. “Follow our lead, child, feel what we do and follow.” Missy felt the presence of Elyen and Sophie together, they shifted just a little. Missy thought about it and tried the same in her mind. It seemed to work. As their presences swayed and bent, so did Missy, the dullness became clearer with every step. And so she followed them, every movement, thought, shift in presence she followed, hoping they would lead her home.

  Charlie’s mouth gaped open at the sight, not quite processing what his eyes told him. Emotions rolled through him like a turbulent ocean. Dumbfounded, he watched his mother and the doe as they gradually changed. He blinked then stared in disbelief as his mother became a beautiful human woman, her dark brown hair fell well below her shoulders. Her face appeared smooth and delicate with only small laugh lines telling her age and her eyes, that curious gray, glistened with tears. The doe was equally stunning. Her hair was a light auburn, her skin the color of milk and cocoa. And in their arms, they held his beloved Missy. She sucked in a shuddering breath and gradually opened her eyes. Her brow furrowed as she gazed into the faces of the women holding her. Then recognition dawned. She lifted her hand to Elyen’s face. Elyen smiled, not holdi
ng back the tears spilling from her eyes.

  “It’s me,” Elyen said, with a little laugh and a little sob mixed together.

  Missy smiled. “Mother,” she whispered. Then she remembered Saal. “Please help Saal,” she croaked out. “Help him, Mother, please.”

  Elyen looked up in confusion at Charlie. Charlie rose and found Kell still tending Saal who looked unresponsive.

  “Over here,” he called to Elyen.

  Sophie took Missy into her arms as Elyen rose to check on Saal. His eyes were closed and his breathing sounded ragged and labored.

  “He tried to save her,” Kell said, his voice catching.

  Elyen examined the wound. She pulled up the blue light and started working on his injury. “I’m not sure if he will recover. He is badly injured. I will do what I can,” she said. Vrag moved to her side as she worked on him

  “And what of you, jackal?” Vrag threatened.

  “I believe Saal was right. Anukhan used our clan for his own selfish gain. Now that he is gone, our people will return to our old ways. We don’t want a war. We will destroy the weapons and the device.

  “Where is Anukhan now?” Vrag asked.

  “Once he possessed the blue light, he disappeared into the portal. He’d gone to the human world so many times; I can only imagine that is where he went,” Kell said.

  Charlie walked over to them carrying Missy. “We need to get her home,” he told Vrag and Elyen.

  “I agree,” Elyen said, “We should take this jackal as well so I can continue to work on him.

  Kell stood and shook Vrag’s hand. “Thank you for helping him. If you need any assistance from my people, please feel free to ask.”

  “We will,” Vrag said as he lifted Saal from the ground with Atian’s help. They made their way through the portal. Kell watched them leave, then set fire to the temple, ready to lead his clan in a new direction.

  Chapter 29

  Saal lay sulking in his bed. His arms and torso bandaged heavily, prevented him from moving them. Missy sat in a chair next to the bed with a plate of meats and sweet bread.


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