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Somebody Else's Husband

Page 4

by Patti Doss

  Then I turned her around, picked her up and carried her back to bed. This time I laid on one side of the bed and told her to straddle my face, and she did. Her wetness met my lips, and I could feel the heat from it. I savored her juices for so long that she had to literally hop off me.

  After that, we just held each other until we both fell asleep.

  The next morning, I awoke to Tammie kissing me around my navel. Next thing I knew she was taking me in her mouth again; better, harder, faster, and sexier than before. It was like she had become a pro overnight. All I could think about was why she never made love to me like this before or where did she learn how to do this. Part of me wanted to get angry, but I kept my cool.

  I pulled her up to me, kissed her and then I told her to turn over. She did as I asked and assumed the position perfectly. Her ass fell open, almost like a broken heart, and thoughts of me breaking her heart flooded my mind. I know it was just my guilt showing up, but I just couldn’t stop thinking of the way she just made love to me; the things she was doing to me that she never did before. I was infuriated.

  I entered her, thrusting with everything I had. I pounded and pounded and pounded her until she told me to stop. Only I still didn’t stop. I was releasing my demons in here and hoping to release hers. With each stroke, I hit harder and harder until I couldn’t go anymore, and I exploded.

  I kissed her on her back and quickly went into the bathroom to shower before Tammie could see the tears in my eyes. I didn’t want her to ask me what was wrong.

  I didn’t want to tell her my thoughts.

  I didn’t want to face her knowing what I did.

  I didn’t want to face her and see that while I was cheating on her, she probably was doing the same.

  I couldn’t think about that, so I got into the shower and let the water cry for me.

  Chapter 6


  It was eight in the morning, and I was just getting up.

  Michael was already gone to work, but he left a note on the nightstand saying, “Last night was wonderful, babe. It felt like the first time we made love. I’m looking forward to more nights like that and maybe, just maybe, we can get back to love. I love you, baby.”

  Last night was indeed wonderful. It felt like a fairy tale. It was still hard to believe that it actually happened. I had such a love hangover that I decided to take the day off of work. I called Persia to make sure that she didn’t have any problems with the kids.

  She said no and I told her that I would talk to her after my morning walk.

  After showering and dressing for work, I finally got downstairs and found another note from Michael saying he had taken my truck because he needed to haul some stuff today and to use his car.

  I was in such a daze from the night before that I arrived at the park in no time at all. I did my warm-up exercises after stretching and then began my two-mile walk.

  I started thinking to myself, Well, I won’t see my little walking buddy today because I am late.

  I pushed everything out my mind and just enjoyed the autumn morning breeze. There were a few older people walking the trail and a few stay-at-home mothers pushing babies in strollers.

  After two miles, I jogged to the car to get my water bottle. I unlocked the door and walked over to the passenger side to sit down for a minute and drink some water. I sat down in the car and took a couple of sips of water before I checked my phone to see if I had any messages. Mike had texted me, asking if I was up yet. I sent him a text back, letting him know that I was and that I was at the walking track.

  I put my phone down in the middle console, but it fell between the seats.

  “Argh!” I grunted. I hate when that happens, because it’s so hard to get your phone from that tight little area once it falls.

  Since I was getting ready to start my two-mile jog, I decided to get the phone from between the seats when I came back, but the phone started ringing.

  Guess it can’t wait, I thought to myself.

  I sighed and then started digging between the seats and under the seat to get my phone. While trying to get my phone, something small and sharp poked me.


  I pulled on whatever it was, lightly irritated by its interruption. It was a silver hoop earring with faux onyx accents. My mind immediately went into overdrive.

  “What the hell is an earring doing in Michael’s car?” I thought aloud, chewing my bottom lip in contemplation. “I know this earring. I’ve seen this earring before. Where did I see this earring at?”

  Then it hit me.

  “Wait! Wait a minute! This is Rachel’s earring! Why would Rachel’s earring be in Mike’s car?!”

  My heart started pounding, and my breath quickened.

  No. This is not happening.

  “No, this can’t be her earring. I know it’s not her earring,” I coached myself. “It can’t be.”

  My mind was running full speed ahead, and I hadn’t caught up yet. I told myself to calm down, that I was just jumping to conclusions, and maybe there was a logical explanation.

  I was so caught up in the earring that I forgot about my phone until it started ringing again. I put the earring down and continued to fish for my phone.

  By the time I found my phone, it had stopped ringing. I had a missed call from Persia, so I called her back to see what’s up.

  “Hey, Persia. You called? What’s up?”

  Persia replied, “Yea. Just wanted to see if you wanted to get some brunch and tell me how your night was,” she said and chuckled a little bit.

  I responded, “So it was you that helped Michael with the surprise?”

  “Yea, it was. Did you like it?”

  “Yea… I did.” Admittedly, I was barely listening to Persia. I couldn’t get that damn earring out of my mind.

  “Bitch, is that all you got to say? I thought you would be a little more excited than that. What wrong with you? Did something happen? Are you okay?”

  “Persia, girl, I’m fine. Just a little tired. I’m still at the track. I’ll call you when I leave, okay?”

  “Okay. Talk to you later!” she squealed.

  My mind was fixed on the earring. That earring was an identical match to the one Rachel was wearing yesterday after she met us all crying and shit.

  Was Mike having an affair with Rachel, one of my best friends?

  No, he can’t be! Mike wouldn’t do anything like that to me and neither would Rachel. He probably is cheating, but not with Rachel. I know he’s been distant, but he would not cheat with my best friend. I know he wouldn’t … or would he?

  Something wasn’t right.

  Okay, get it together, Tammie. Get it together.

  I called Persia back. “Persia, I don’t feel so good. I’m still at the track. Is there any way you can come get me, because I don’t think I can make it home.”

  I’m not a crier, but my body felt like I was holding back twenty years of tears. I felt sad, angry, pissed, hurt, anxious, and curious all at the same time. Above all, I was more confused and hurt than anything, but not one tear would fall. Maybe that was the pisstivity taking over.

  I can’t remember how many times I have told my patients and even my friends to follow their hearts and to listen to their guts. Something had been off at home for a while now, but I didn’t want to think it was this.

  I must have drifted off or something because when I kind of snapped back, Persia was screaming my name into the phone. “Tammie, Tammie! Are you there? Are you okay? Tammie!”

  I finally responded, “I’m okay, Persia. I’m okay. Just come get me, please.” I was getting so anxious that my breath was becoming short.

  That made Persia that more worried. “I’m on my way. Just don’t move and please don’t drive.”

  I said okay and hung up. I closed the car door, let the seat back and closed my eyes. This had to be a dream. I just had to wait on somebody to wake me up.

  Chapter 7


mething was wrong.

  I had never heard Tammie sound like that. The way she was spacing in and out was scaring me like crazy. I thought she would be ecstatic after a romantic night with her husband, especially since things had been kind of rocky lately.

  What could have gone wrong so soon?

  I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew that I had to get to Tammie before something bad happened.

  I arrived at the walking track, but I didn’t see Tammie’s truck. Finally, I noticed Mike’s car. I walked up to the car, and Tammie was laid back in the passenger seat, just staring in the ceiling as if she had seen a ghost or something.

  When I knocked on the window, Tammie jumped out of her skin. Her knees were rocking together so hard that I thought she would break them.

  I hurriedly opened the car door. “Are you okay, Tammie? What’s wrong?”

  She didn’t answer me. She just continued to sit there hitting her knees together. I looked in the console to find the keys. Then I helped Tammie out of the car and into mine.

  She still didn’t say anything as I pulled off. I figured that once I got her home, I could bring Mike back to get his car. As I drove, Tammie just sat there, rocking back and forth like she was thinking real hard about something. The way her eyebrows kept going up and down, I could tell whatever it was, it didn’t seem to be adding up.

  “Tammie, you are scaring me. Please tell me if you are okay. Do you want me to call Mike?”

  When I said his name, she looked at me like she wanted to kill me. Then it was like she snapped back to herself and was regular Tammie again. “No! Don’t call Mike. I’m okay. I’m okay. I just need a little rest that’s all. Everything will be okay.”

  And just like that it seemed like nothing was wrong. But I asked, “Are you sure? Do you still want to get some brunch?”

  Tammie replied, “No, I’m not really hungry. Have you spoken to Rachel today?

  “No, I haven’t. What’s up?”

  “Nothing. I just want to see how she is doing.”

  I replied, “You want me to call her?”

  “No. Let’s just go over there and see how she is doing.”

  Something just was not adding up.

  I pulled the car over.

  “Tammie, look at me. Are you okay? You’re not acting right. Seems like you’re drifting in and out. One minute you look like you want to cry, the next minute you look like you’re okay. What is it? You know you can tell me.”

  “It’s nothing,” she insisted. “I’m just tired. I overexerted myself on the track, and I caught a couple cramps, that’s all.”

  I didn’t believe her, but I replied, “Okay, Tammie. I’m going to stop at this store and get you a Gatorade. You may be a little dehydrated. We can go over to Rachel’s house later. Right now, you just need to rest.”

  With a slight sigh, Tammie replied, “Okay, maybe you’re right.”

  I stopped at the Texaco on New Macland Road and got Tammie a Gatorade. Then we proceeded to her house.

  As she drank the Gatorade, Tammie remained quiet on the way to her house. She still had the blank look on her face like something just was not right.

  Yet, when we arrived at her house, her whole demeanor changed.

  A sly smile crept across her face. Puzzled, I asked, “Tamm, are you okay?”

  She replied, “You know what, I feel much better! Maybe I was just dehydrated. I need your help with something though. Last night was truly wonderful, and Mike promised me that he is going to work on our marriage more. Tonight I want to do something for him. Let’s have a surprise dinner party tonight. Invite Rachel and Sharon. What do you think about that?”

  I smiled, glad that it seemed like everything was okay after all. “Tamm, I think that would be a wonderful idea.”

  “Okay cool. Let’s go ahead and get some brunch. Then we can pick up some stuff for the dinner party and go from there. Just let me shower and change clothes first. Don’t tell Rachel and Sharon anything. We are just going to invite them over after everything is ready, okay?”

  After Tammie got dressed, I took her back to the park to get her car. Then she followed me to the Waffle House right off East West Connector near the Regal Cinema.

  * * *

  After arriving at the restaurant and ordering our food, Tamm blurted out, “I have a confession to make, Persia. I’m divorcing, Mike. I’m announcing it tonight at the dinner party.”

  I gasped. “Where is this coming from?! What happened?! Are you sure?”

  She looked like she wished she wasn’t sure. “He is cheating on me … and yes, I have proof. I knew for a while now, but I couldn’t prove it until today. I’ll tell you how I can prove it later. For now, let’s just enjoy our food and go shopping. We have a party to plan.”

  I wanted to ask her if she was okay, because it seemed like she was losing her mind, but I didn’t. She seemed sure of her decision. If I knew anything it was that once Tamm’s mind is made up, there is no changing it, so I simply said, “Okay, Tamm, do what you feel you have to do. I’m here regardless.”

  She replied, “Thanks so much, Persia. For everything. You truly are a great friend. I know you may still have questions, but you didn’t ask them, and I really appreciate the fact that you didn’t. But after tonight, you will have all the answers you need.”

  Chapter 8


  I don’t know what happened this morning. I was a total mess. Thank goodness for real true friends like Persia.

  Anyway, I finally got it together. It’s weird though. Part of me wanted to break down, cry and eliminate the two pretenders while the other part of me was just happy that I knew so that I can move on with my life. Perhaps I was so calm about the situation because I kind of knew all along that something was going on. I just did not know that it was with one of my best friends. I can’t lie, it hurts like hell. When I first found that earring, it was like somebody had stabbed me and poured salt or lemon juice into the wound.

  I was hurt… No, I was devastated. Rachel was like a sister to me. Her kids were like brothers to my kids. We’ve been through everything together. I just couldn’t believe that she would do this to me. It took everything in me not to drive over to her house and beat the crap out of her, but making a scene and beating her ass would not erase the betrayal or the hurt I feel.

  As for Michael, I felt like pulling a Clara Harris on his ass and run over him with my car.

  I imagined it with a smile on my face as Persia and I have been working all day to get everything ready for the party tonight. While Persia was cooking, I was busy packing up everything that Mike owned. I then placed it all in the garage, so that when the surprise was revealed, he would have all of his things together.

  I packed everything from winter coats to his toothbrush.

  I also packed a small box for Rachel. In it I placed every picture we took together, everything she had ever given me, and a handwritten letter from me to her that read, “Rachel, there are no words to describe how much you and Mike hurt me. Although, I’m mad at him, I think I’m more hurt by your betrayal. A man will be a man regardless, and if a woman offers it to him, best believe he is going to take it. Oh and trust and believe I know your ass, so I know it was you that seduced my husband. I’m not blaming it all on you. I blame both of you, but all I want to know is why, Rachel? Why? After all that we’ve been through, why? You were like a sister to me! How could you betray me like this? What did I do to you to deserve this? Please tell me because I just cannot for the life of me think of anything I have done to wrong you or make you want to hurt me like this. But enough about me, did you for one moment think about how this would affect our children? No, you didn’t. Your only concern was fucking my husband. Our kids are like brothers and sisters, and this will affect them just as much as it affects us. You just do not know what you have done. Besides Persia and Sharon, I was the realest friend you have ever had. I had your back when no else did. I have broken my back over the years for you and your
family, and this is how you repay me! I don’t know why I’m still asking why. Hell, I know why; because you are a weak minded little whore with self-esteem issues who does not feel good about herself unless you have some dick inside you or in your mouth. Just so we’re clear, I don’t want to see you, talk to you, hear about you - nothing. If you see me, don’t fucking speak. If our paths cross, turn the other fucking way. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. YOU NO LONGER EXIST TO ME!

  Anyway, I’ve said enough because right now you are not worth the paper this letter is written on. I HOPE YOU ACCOMPLISHED WHATEVER YOU WANTED BY FUCKING MY HUSBAND, AND I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!

  Your ex-best friend, Tammie

  Persia was setting the tables while I ran back to Wal-Mart to pick up the cake for tonight. I didn’t tell Persia what I had gotten written on the cake, even though I know she wanted to know. At first, I was thinking about getting something like “Thanks for sleeping with my best friend” or something like that, but I decided to take the high road and get something simple that would not have the cake lady whispering to her co-workers about my business.

  I decided on “Congratulations on your upcoming divorce!”

  Although it seemed like a lifetime had passed since I found that earring in the car, it had only been a couple of hours. The kids were out of school, and I decided to let them spend the evening at their grandparents’ house because I did not want them around in case things got out of hand. This was a difficult situation with the potential to get worse. It could make you lose it, and I did not want to lose it in front of my children, especially losing it on their father.

  I could not do that. I would never want to hurt my children because, as lousy of a husband he is, he is a wonderful dad.


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