Flashback Mountain
Page 5
When she squirmed and tried to buck again, he pinched the tip of her nipple. It was engorged with blood and swelling painfully from the clamp, and Nicki thought her breast was exploding. She was certain that her nipple was being torn. His grip never loosened while she tried to twist away, and she finally exhausted herself and laid still. She continued to cry and plead with her eyes, and Cain finally let go. "Rule number two, Nicki. You will never deny me," he reminded her.
Nicki whined, but she stopped fighting him. She could not stand the pain if he pinched her tortured nipple again. She closed her eyes and cried while his fingers explored the top of her slit. He peeled her labia back, exposing the little button that she herself had only discovered six months ago. Her eyes flew open when she felt his finger lightly rub it, and her head shook frantically. She knew what would happen.
When she bucked again he squeezed the little pouch, continuing to keep her spread with his other hand. "Lay still," he ordered. Her moan made his cock jerk, and Cain was pleased that he chosen Nicki. She trembled and shook her head slowly, begging him not to do this debasing thing to her.
Nicki had never considered that a man would even know of this secret spot. When she looked into Cain's intense stare, it was obvious that he was well aware, and that he knew exactly what he had discovered. A few more strokes and his finger dipped lower, coating in her slickness. Cain smiled at the humiliation flooding her cheeks. She was concentrating on his stroking, and the nipple torture was momentarily forgotten, blending her pain in with his coaxing finger.
Dwain walked up beside him. "Sallie passed out when I put the clamps on her," he chuckled.
"Hold Nicki's head. I want her looking at me," Cain decided.
Nicki begged with her eyes, but Dwain sat down and rested her head in his lap, tilting her so that she was forced to look at Cain. He kept her spread and she sobbed quietly behind the gag, while Dwain held her in a vise grip and her pussy tightened in preliminary spasms of orgasm. Her nose was running from crying, and she was having trouble breathing. So many different areas of her body were involved with his torture. There was an emptying rush, and Nicki recognized the pinnacle of her climax was close. She shrieked and managed to slightly thrust her hips, and Dwain recognized her release and pulled off the nipple clamps.
Blood flooded into her tips, burning like fire while her pussy flowed, sopping Cain's fingers. Nicki had never experienced an orgasm so extreme, and it was witnessed by two men. They stared at the humiliation in her face. It coated her with her moans and silent tears. Dwain laid her head back onto the pine needles, and he left to see if Sallie had re-awoken.
Autumn woke up with a start. Her hand was between her legs, stroking her pussy and soaking wet. The clock read four in the morning and she curled onto her side, closing her eyes and whispering into the darkness, "Thank you, Master Cain."
She slept until past noon, and then rose and began putting on her outfit. Slipping the jeans, shirt and socks from yesterday into the laundry bag, she deposited it into the office on her way out. The desk clerk's wife would wash them and leave them in her room.
There was a small diner next to the hotel, and Autumn sat in a booth near the back. The waitress brought her black coffee. "It'll be up in a minute." Gina did not even bother to ask anymore. The biker chick always ordered the same thing. She tipped well enough, so Gina did not give a damn, and it was nice not having to recite the daily specials.
Autumn drove the two blocks to Last Call and parked her bike. She stood outside the door fortifying herself, and preparing to face the scowling vodka woman and the prying bartender. Other than staying in her room all day, there was nothing in the town to do.
Her choice of liquor was also courtesy of trying to mimic the confident brash biker woman from North Dakota. It helped dull Autumn's confused fright, at being dumped back into a society that she did not want to be a part of. Still, it sometimes let Nichole needle her, and cause her to wrestle with the guilt at not feeling Cain was the despicable man Nichole knew that he had to be. Nicki would angrily push her back into blackness. Her body ached to be Cain, and every waking minute… and probably the lost time, too… was spent thinking about him.
Autumn opened the door and walked blindly towards her barstool. She had memorized its safe location, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust from the bright sunlight to the dimly lit bar. Joanne stood in front of her, and said quietly, "There were some men in here earlier. I think they might have been looking for you." Joanne slid the whiskey shot in front of the woman, and she watched her gloved hand shake while she picked it up. "You're Nichole Flynn, aren't you?" Joanne did not really ask. Her intuition told her that she was right.
The hand trembled and the eyes under the hat looked wary, and they began to fill. Autumn drank the shot down, and she looked up at the bartender and nodded. Her hand curled around the cell phone in her pocket. Why didn't they call me?
Joanne grabbed the pen threaded thought her hair and she reached for a cocktail napkin. She jotted down an address and dug into her pocket for her keys. It took her a moment to remove the one to her house. "Look, go straight across the street and take a left. It will keep you off the main road. Take the second right and it's the yellow house, fourth on the right. You can park your bike in the garage out back."
Autumn looked up at her, wanting to believe that she could trust her. Joanne smiled. "There's food in the fridge, and half a bottle of whiskey in the cupboard beside the sink. It's not as good as the stuff you're used to, but it should help. I don't get home until midnight, so don't panic when I show up."
"I listen to the news. All I ever hear is that Ross guy speaking, and I think half of what he says is bullshit. It sounds to me like he's trying to get you back into that hospital. You can trust me, Nichole. I'm off tomorrow, and it will give us a chance to figure out what to do."
Autumn looked down the bar at the vodka woman. Eileen raised her glass in salute, took a sip, and swished it before swallowing. It was the first time Autumn had ever seen her smile. Eileen was extremely pleased with the performance she had given the investigators. If the slimy bastards were after the freak, and they wanted to lock her in that damn asylum again, they were not going to get any help from her.
Autumn was shaking when she walked outside. She had one hand wrapped around the cell phone in her pocket, and her other hand held the key. She chose the key.
With her bike safely hidden, she walked to the back door and slid the key into the lock. The door opened into the kitchen and Autumn was already making her way to the whiskey, when a huge dog came barreling around the corner. She pressed into the cabinet and prepared to jump onto the counter, when the animal leaped in front of her and landed with two huge paws on her shoulders. It began to soak her face, licking both cheeks and tickling her nose.
In the middle of the attack the telephone rang. After five rings, with the dog continuing to bathe her, a voice came over the machine. "Down, Dee Oh Gee. Down boy." The dog immediately dropped to its haunches, sweeping the linoleum with its bushy black tail. "I forgot, Autumn. His name is Dee Oh Gee, and he won't hurt you. Get him a hotdog from the refrigerator, and he'll be your friend for life. No other surprises, sorry."
"Dee Oh Gee? She named you 'DOG'?" Autumn shook her head and walked to the refrigerator. When she turned with the hotdog, the black beast was standing in front of her, swiping the air with his tail in increasing joy. She smiled when she watched his eyes travel from hers to the treat. "Cain used to do that," she murmured. She handed him the hotdog, and her mind had fogged over before the dog had wolfed it down.
Cain's blue eyes, lit from behind with such sadistic lustful anticipation, they were frightening. Darting from her pussy to the clamps on her nipples, and then to her pleading tears… and Dwain held her head so that she could not turn away from him. There was her explosive orgasm that had terrified her with its intensity, and Cain watched it all, absorbing both her humiliation and sexual response to him.
/> After Dwain walked away, Cain had untied her wrists from the rope. He rose and walked over for his backpack, and laid it on the ground by her head. Nicki was dulled into a shock that seemed to paralyze her. Cain laid down with his head on the pack, and he pulled her onto his chest. His arm wrapped around her and she held her balled fists up by her chin. She felt his hand caressing her in a way that was calming. "Go to sleep, Nicki. We have a long walk in the morning." Cain felt her tears through his shirt, but eventually his stroking and the tiring all day run let her drift off to sleep. When he heard the rhythmic breathing, he reached around and unbuckled the gag. Nicki spit it out in her sleep.
In the morning, Nicki woke up with her leg nestled warmly between Cain's. She was wrapped in his arms with her head resting on the damp flannel of his shirt. Cain was sleeping, and she listened to his heart beating in time to the rise and fall of his chest. Warm air breezed through her hair from his lips. In a few minutes, she felt his body stiffen a little as he woke up. She stared into the trees across from her, and asked softly, "Why?"
Cain's arm tightened around her. "Because I want you, Nicki. But, I want you in a way that most women would not agree to, and I would not want a woman who did."
His reply gave Nicki no question to ask that she really wanted an answer to. Cain stretched and sat up, tilting Nicki up with him. Mathias and Saundra were already gone, so were Solomon and Lucy. Only Dwain was still sleeping soundly, with Sallie curled onto his chest. "Come on," he whispered. He helped Nicki stand. When she saw that Lucy and Saundra were missing, she quietly followed Cain. She figured that he would be taking her to her friends, and there was no chance of her escaping.
They walked for several hours, always uphill, and not stopping to eat. Nicki was thirsty and hungry, but she was afraid to speak. She did not want him strapping the gag back onto her. They walked out into a clearing, and she could see smoke rising from the building in the middle. Cain led her up the step and opened the door.
Lucy and Saundra were kneeling on the floor beside Sol and Mathias. They had their hands locked behind their backs, and they were leaning over eating from bowls on the floor. Cain tossed his backpack, and Nicki scanned the room while he readjusted her wrist cuffs behind her. She figured out that she was going to get to eat, if she followed her friend's example.
Lucy and Saundra did not look up when they entered, and Cain held her arm and guided her towards an empty chair. She stood nervously watching her friends, and Sol and Mathias let their eyes roam up and down her body while they ate. Cain put a plate of stew on the table, and a bowl on the floor. He sat in the chair and placed his hand on her shoulder, pushing her down to her knees. "You will not be fed again, until tomorrow."
Nicki's lip trembled and the tears began rolling while she leaned over her bowl. Her bowl. The same ceramic container that would eventually get a chip on one edge that she learned to automatically avoid. The bowl where all of her meals were served to her.
Autumn's eyes began to refocus, and she was staring at two huge bowls on the floor that were sitting on a vinyl mat. One was filled with water for Dee Oh Gee, and she scanned the kitchen and found him lying on the floor in the doorway leading to the living room, patiently watching her. She looked for a clock. For some reason, knowing how long she was lost in her dreams was both frightening and comforting.
She found the whiskey and brought the bottle and a small juice glass into the living room. It never occurred to her to look around the small house and search out information on her benefactor. Too many years of conditioning to do exactly as she was ordered, had only allowed her to advance with enough independence to survive. It was the reason she developed patterns and routines, and hid behind their safety.
A few times she heard cars, and Autumn dropped to the floor beside the chair and peeked out the window. After four hours, six cars had passed by. The last two drove by closer together, and Autumn figured that people were coming home from work. Each time she crouched, Dee Oh Gee would plop down beside her, with his front paws stretched out and his butt in the air, while his tail swept excitedly, threatening to knock the lamp off the end table. He was a willing participant in this strange game, and Autumn finally smiled and stroked his head while his eyes filled with anticipation.
It was a look she had seen many times before, just before pain that promised an even more shattering pleasure. Dwain and Sallie showed up before they were finished eating, and the men spoke at the table while the girls knelt by their sides, twisting their hands behind their backs while they ate from their bowls.
When they were finished, they raised and looked at each other while the men continued to speak. There was gravy sticking to their cheeks and chins and tears made clean paths through it. Soon, they would learn to be more careful when they ate. Meals were not guaranteed. For the most part, the little that Nicki could pick out concerned investments. The conversation did give her an uneasy feeling about just how wealthy the men were, and how well they had planned for their absence.
After an hour Nicki's knees were aching, and she felt each grained ridge in the wooden plank she was kneeling on. "Up," Cain ordered. Nicki thumped a leg out in front of her, and fell into his thigh when she tried to stand. Without the use of her hands it was difficult… at least, during the first few weeks.
Sallie broke the silence when Dwain told her to stand. "I want to go home," she wailed. "Dwain, why are you doing this?" Dwain reached into his pocket, and shaking his head, he forced her gag back into her mouth. Nicki and the others cried silently, and never said a word.
Cain led Nicki over to a post. There were ropes hanging down the side, and a few hanging down the wall behind it. All were secured to thick bolts that were driven deep into the wood. There were also other little latches that were attached to short chains. Cain backed her up to the post, and clipped one onto the ring on the back of her collar. She gave a quick frightened sob, and Cain tilted her chin up and stroked the side of her breast with his other hand.
Although Nicki was aware of movement beside her as the other men secured her friends, she was terrified to do anything but concentrate on Cain. "You will look at me, Nicki. Always watch my eyes, so I can see your fear." She made another little sob, and he smiled.
Nicki wanted to cry and plead, to scream for him to let her go. The reminder of Sallie being gagged kept her silent. Cain walked behind her and she felt a rope crossing under her breasts. It wrapped behind the pole and then passed over the top of her flesh, tightening until her generous mounds stuck out lewdly. The rope was secured and she felt his hand wrap around her joined wrists. One of the cords attached to the wall was threaded through the cuffs and pulled until her arms reached to the side of the post and straight out behind her. More tension was drawn in, until her arms were slightly raised and straining. Cain ran his hand down her arm and shoulder blades. Satisfied with the stretch, he tied it off.
Next, he was kneeling by her legs, running his hand down the inside of her thigh and shin and stopping at her ankle. With her collar and breasts bound to the post, Nicki could not look down to see what he was doing. She watched him rise and once more he disappeared behind her. There was a tug on her ankle, and she realized that another rope had been attached to the cuff. She mewled while her leg was pulled back and up. One end of this rope was attached to the post, somewhere over her head.
With steady insistence, her leg was pulled up to her side, until she was raised to the toes on her other foot, and her pussy was exposed to the room. Her arms and legs were already aching so badly, she ignored the ropes binding her breasts. Cain walked in front of her, studying his work. Nicki's eyes were washing tears down her cheeks, pleading with him. It was perfect, and he rubbed his cock and stepped forward.
His fingertips soaked up the terror in her quivering soft skin. After stroking down her sides he noticed her nipples tighten. Cain doubted the girl even realized her response. One hand caressed her side and bumped over the rope securing her breasts. The other reached for her pussy, and he
was pleased to feel the moisture beginning to leak. He enjoyed the look of fear and pain, but it was her passionate response to his demands that he wanted to cultivate and encourage.
Nicki felt his thumb on her clit, and she rose higher on her toes and pushed back into the pole. "Please," she whined, and her eyes widened when the hand stroking her side reached for his pocket. He held out the gag and she shook her head. No. Oh, god. Please don't stick that into my mouth again. She stared into his eyes, hoping it was what he wanted and enough of a sign of obedience to keep him from using the plug. The soft cry of relief when he put the gag away, caused his cock to quiver and stretch painfully.
She continued to tighten her bottom, trying to squeeze her pussy closed and straining the thigh of the leg stretched off of the floor. His thumb strummed tiny jolts of arousal through her, while his other hand absorbed her terror and she sucked in quivering, panting breaths. She was wet now, and he spread the lubrication along her slit while she whimpered in confusion. Cain knew she was a blank canvas, waiting for his Masterful artistry to add the creative touch.
His finger delved slowly into her channel. Her spongy muscles gripped in apoplectic spasm from the unfamiliar intrusion. He held his finger still until the seizing muscles calmed, and then he pushed further until he felt the thin barrier that proved her virginity. No man had ever touched the girl, and she had no preconceived notions of what was acceptable. It was a one-time moment for both of them, and while the girl hitched soft frightened sobs, Cain lowered his zipper.
Nicki's eyes widened at the sound, and she blinked furiously through the tears spilling down her face. They dripped off her chin and onto her breasts. "Please don't," she shuddered.
Cain's eyes held an almost curious expression, edged with an anticipation that caused her to close her lips. The gag was unnecessary, his eyes held her still. The finger plunged gently while the thumb wiggled against her clit, and Nicki felt the blood drain from her head to the toes supporting her as she prepared to climax. In panic, she fought to obey, focusing on his eyes with her terrified pleading stare and causing her jaws to ache with the pressure of keeping her lips sealed.