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The Mating Season: Werewolves of Montana Book 6

Page 8

by Bonnie Vanak

  I want to bury myself so deep inside you that nothing will ever part us again.

  Niki lifted her chin. “Why? All you ever cared about in the past were your duties. They came first. Not me.”

  Tristan strode over to her, and clasped her chin with one hand. “To hell with my duties,” he snapped, and he kissed her.

  Nikita had never in this life kissed a man before.

  So she could not imagine it would feel like this—electrifying, sending currents of heat through her body.

  Moaning, she snaked an arm around his neck, clinging to him. He tasted like fire and hot cinnamon, and the darkest, richest chocolate. He tasted like all the sensual dreams of her most forbidden fantasies.

  He would do more than make love to her. He would consume her.

  Tristan tunneled his fingers through her hair and bent her backward. She could feel the urgency behind his mouth, the hardness of his body pressing against hers, the rigid length in his trousers against her soft belly.

  This would not end with a mere kiss, but with fierce lovemaking.


  It was but a whispered thought, laced with fear. I’m not ready for this. Her memories of the past were one thing, but the present was quite another. She reminded herself that she didn’t know this man—this wizard.

  Dizzy with longing, she pressed her fingers to her temple as Tristan released her. His gaze had turned to onyx.

  He wanted her badly, and he would take her, and take her again. And again. She was powerless to prevent it.

  Judging from the hot throbbing between her legs, her body did not want to prevent it. I was made for this, for love. Not to be hidden away like a fungus in a basement.

  Panting, he tore his mouth away from hers. “You shall be coming into your heat soon.” He traced a line over her mouth, swollen from his fiery kisses. “I must restrain myself, lest I fall into a mating fever.”

  “But you are the Silver Wizard.”

  Tristan kissed the corner of her mouth, and she shuddered with need. “I am still Lupine deep inside, a man who craves the touch of his mate and longs to bury himself inside her.”

  She was innocent, but no fool. “You must have had many lovers over the centuries.”

  His eyes glowed ice-blue with power. Though she felt vulnerable with his obvious rise of his power, she sensed he would not use it against her.

  “Many lovers, but never for more than one night. They meant naught to me but a fleeting pleasure. My heart always belonged to you, my sweet. Always. As your body belongs to me.”

  Nikita sputtered. She lifted the long mass of her hair. “I’m Lupine. I don’t see a mating mark there indicating you’re my mate, Tristan. Do you?”

  “Not yet,” he said softly, his gaze gleaming with intent. He traced a line down her neck and the mere touch made her shiver with anticipation. “I shall enjoy placing mine there, my sweet.”

  Then his expression turned hard. “But not here, and regretfully, not now. We must leave this place. It isn’t safe.”

  She dreaded where he would take her next. In this world at least, she felt a small modicum of control.

  “Where to?”

  Tristan picked up her hand and brushed a soft kiss against her knuckles. “North Carolina, to see a dragon shifter who once served me in Tir Na-nog. I released him from his debt of servitude and he now lives happily here on Earth with his mate, Skylar. His name is Sebastian.”

  He dug into his trouser pocket and withdrew a slim wallet, fishing out several large bills. Her eyes widened. “That’s the tip for the maid?”

  Tristan frowned. “Is not five hundred dollars enough? Should I leave more?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I should get a job here.”

  Snapping the wallet shut, he shook his head. “You will never have to work, my sweet.”

  “And how am I supposed to occupy my days? Knitting? Watching reality shows? Or more movies? I’m sick of watching movies.”

  “Keeping me busy in bed will occupy all your time.” He flashed a wicked grin, and she threw a pillow at his head.

  Then he grew serious and held out a hand. “Come.”

  Did she have a choice? Her stomach tightened as she placed her palm into his.

  Nikita felt the familiar tingle down her spine as Tristan clasped her hand and waved a hand, dematerializing them. Her mind went gray, and then they suddenly stood outside a large stone castle.

  “Sebastian’s home,” he told her, kissing the back of her hand. “Sebastian is Drust’s great-grandson.”

  “And he’s your friend? Drust’s relative?” The descendant of the dragon who betrayed you and had you killed? Had me killed, along with our baby? Niki shook her head. “I’d hate to see what your enemies look like.”

  She wondered what this compound would hold. More false friends? Or worse, enemies who would love to see her suffer because of Tristan?

  “You are one se-xy sexy dragon.”

  Sebastian ran a hand over his mate’s diamond-scaled body and grinned. “Let’s get scaly.”

  His love code for “let’s make love in dragon form.”

  As he shifted to his own dragon form, he covered Skylar’s glittering body with his heavier weight. Sebastian’s silver scales glinted in the sunshine of the castle yard. He loved doing this when the courtyard was quiet and everyone else was busy, this time with a picnic in a local park.

  He slid his silver body over hers. Sebastian found her small, wet slit and pushed inside.

  Ahhhh. Amazing.

  After the months they had been true mates, he still shuddered with immense pleasure each time they came together, either as dragons or in Skin form.

  He rode her hard and fast, as Skylar turned and snapped at him with her fangs to hurry it up, she was getting close, so close….

  With a roar, and a burst of flames streaming from his mouth, he climaxed, spilling his seed deep inside his mate as he heard her high-pitched roar in answer and she reached her own satisfaction.

  Shuddering, he collapsed atop her, and licked the back of her long neck, smoke pouring from his nostrils, and hers.

  Damn, that was good. So good.

  A loud pounding came at the front door. Sebastian raised his head, ever cautious and wary for his mate’s safety. He bared his fangs and blew a little fire over the already burnt lawn.

  He was protective.

  It came with the territory.

  Gently he disentangled himself from Skylar, slowly pulling out and ruefully glancing at his long, slightly rigid penis.

  In Skin form, his dick never looked so good or so big.

  Sebastian shifted back to Skin and conjured clothing as Skylar did the same. He held out a hand to his mate, the regal princess who ruled over this clan. In her long, dark-red velvet robes, she looked amazing. Every inch the princess.

  He didn’t care what she wore. Skylar was breathtaking in any form, any clothing.

  “We should answer that,” she told him solemnly.

  Sebastian knew this, for he had felt the telltale tingle down his spine that announced the presence of sheer power. “It’s Tristan. I don’t know why he’s knocking. Usually he just shows up.”

  Taking her hand, Sebastian walked with her to the door. Skylar had a butler, but on days like this, when Sebastian preferred to have her alone, she gave him time off.

  Taking a deep breath, he opened the door.

  Tristan stood on the limestone stoop. The Silver Wizard was a foot taller than himself, dark and intimidating. Power crackled around him like the sizzling current from an electrical line. But instead of his normal black clothing and severe look, the wizard sported…

  Trousers? Sebastian blinked and exchanged glances with Skylar.

  Not only trousers, but a casual green polo shirt and… Sebastian glanced downward. Docksiders.

  The wizard had a protective arm around the pretty, plump blonde at his side, who offered a shy smile. Judging from the smitten, tender gazes Tristan kept showing the blonde, this wa
s the ONE.

  It was about damn time. Tristan’s got a girlfriend! Tristan’s got a girlfriend!

  Not a girlfriend, you fire-breathing moron. Tristan’s voice echoed inside Sebastian’s head, using the telepathic link they had shared for more than a century. She is my mate. My Nikita.

  Well, are you going to make introductions or just stand there like a love-struck dope?

  Tristan growled. Watch it, dragon. Respect. I am still your judge.

  Oh yeah? I can still fry your hairy ass.

  Not as much as I can fry your scaly ass.

  Sebastian laughed, totally delighted. He realized with a start how much he had missed their sparring when he’d lived in Tir Na-nog, awaiting his next assignment on Earth.

  Tristan cleared his throat. “My lady Nikita, may I present Princess Jewel d’Arield’Auberge au Rhagos and her consort and mate, Sebastian.”

  “That’s it? I’m just Sebastian?” the dragon asked with a mock scowl.

  “Oh pooh on the formal titles. I’m Skylar,” his mate said, sticking out a hand.

  Nikita shook it. “I am so pleased to meet you. Thank you for seeing us.”

  Polite and sweet. Sebastian squeezed Skylar’s hand, immediately liking this Lupine. He wondered if she could hold up to Tristan’s immense personality and power. That wizard was like a bulldozer on an anthill.

  “Come inside, please. I’ll make some tea,” Skylar told them.

  Sebastian stepped aside as Skylar escorted Nikita into their home. As Tristan passed, Sebastian caught his arm.

  I suspect this isn’t a social call.

  Patience, dragon. I will reveal my true purpose soon, but for now, I wish Nikita to experience something she’s never had before.

  What? A ride on a dragon? He grinned. I give nice rides.

  Tristan sent a little current energy zapping at his buttocks.

  Sebastian winced. Ow!

  Not dragons. Friendship.

  As the Silver Wizard walked past him, Sebastian wondered about Nikita.

  When they were settled inside the formal living room, drinking the tea Skylar served, Skylar turned to Nikita with a bright smile. “So you’re Tristan’s lover.”

  Tristan choked on his sip of tea and Sebastian laughed. Nikita turned red. “He is, er, my past mate.”

  “Oh.” Skylar was blissfully unaware of the scathing look Tristan aimed at her. “Your ex.”

  “Not quite,” the wizard said tightly. “My mate from when I was mortal. It is a long story, Skylar.”

  Skylar immediately looked contrite. “I am sorry if I offended you.”

  Tristan waved a hand. “No offense taken.”

  Reaching over, Sebastian squeezed his mate’s hand.

  Nikita looked around the room. Seeing the photos on the grand piano, she gestured. “May I?”

  Skylar nodded. “Those are photographs of my family, and Sebastian.”

  As she perused the photos, Nikita’s gaze went to the oil painting hanging above the fireplace.

  “Drust.” She stared at the portrait as if haunted. Then she walked over to the portrait and touched the gilded frame.

  “You know him, er, knew him?” Sebastian asked. He exchanged troubled glances with Skylar.

  “I remember him well.” She looked at Tristan, who sat tall, foreboding, his expression shuttered. “He was Tristan’s best friend.”

  Whoa. This was new. “I knew that my great-grandfather fought with you in the war, but not that he was your best friend.”

  “I never wanted to tell you before, because I know how you honor your family, Sebastian. But Drust not only fought with me in the war.” Tristan looked solemn. “He betrayed me to the Fae King, and caused my torture, and eventual death.”

  Sebastian set down his teacup and it rattled upon the bone china saucer. “Sweet dragon’s blood. Why and how did this happen?”

  “I was hiding from King Emer’s soldiers in a house Drust owned on the outskirts of the kingdom. I had just hidden the dragon’s eggs that would provide enough magick to tip the balance of power for shifters and help us win the war. Drust informed the king’s men where I hid, and that I knew the location of the eggs.”

  Tristan’s expression tightened. “In return for my capture, Drust received one hundred thousand pieces of gold.”

  “He sold you out for money?” Shock and shame filled Sebastian. In the times he had visited his great-grandfather in the Shadow Lands, the old man never said anything. He showed no interest in the riches he had lost after he died, only in preserving family history and ‘having you remember me, so I do not fade into shadow forever.’”

  “I don’t understand. If Drust did this, then why is our clan dedicated to serving you?”

  “Drust’s eldest son, your grandfather, established that bond to ensure all of Clan Drakon would never suffer as a result of Drust’s betrayal. I do not have the power to punish the innocent, but he wanted a guarantee, so I accepted his oath of loyalty and service.”

  Deeply troubled, Sebastian felt his chest tighten. Drust had been a good teacher when he’d visited him in the Shadow Lands on his way to Tir Na-nog to serve Tristan. The old man had been so damn lonely, too.

  “There has to be some explanation. I can’t see my great-grandad doing something so heinous.”

  Tristan and Nikita exchanged glances.

  “He also caused my death, and that of our unborn son when Tristan and I were mated centuries ago, before I was reborn to who I am now.” Nikita spoke in a bare whisper. “Seeing him here, it makes me remember the pain we suffered.”

  Whoa. Sebastian swallowed hard as he studied Nikita’s sad expression. “I have no desire to make you feel pain. But why would he do that?”

  “To eradicate any chance of my having a legacy and descendants.” Tristan joined her over at the portrait. “He once told me that my ego did not deserve an heir.”

  “Sarcastic, just like him.” Sebastian went to the painting and touched it. “I’ll take it down. I’m sorry, Tristan. I didn’t know this about him.”

  “You are not your great-grandfather, Sebastian. You have much honor, and I treasure our friendship.” Tristan told him.

  Sebastian nodded, his throat tight. “Remove it, Tristan. Replace it with a painting of flowers.”

  “Or another dragon,” Skylar added. “Anything but Drust. I don’t want that man’s likeness in my house any longer.”

  The bastard didn’t deserve to hang in a place of honor. Or have any place of honor.

  Tristan seemed to consider. He waved a hand and the portrait of Drust vanished, replaced with a glow-in-the-dark velvet tapestry of dogs playing poker. Skylar laughed and Sebastian groaned.

  “Seriously dude? Can’t you at least replace it with flowers or a nice landscape?”

  Grinning, Tristan waved his hand again and this time a stately and beautiful oil painting of a dragon in flight hung on the wall.

  “Is there anything else we can do for you, Tristan?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Tristan admitted. “But first, it would be nice to partake in some of the normal activities you enjoy with Skylar.”

  Sebastian’s eyes widened as he thought of the one thing that preoccupied them. Holy dragon’s breath. What the fuck, Tristan? You getting kinky on me?

  Tristan frowned. “Not that! I thought we could go to dinner.”

  “Dinner.” He nodded. “Dinner is good. I bought a bar near here, fixed it up so the clan could have a steady source of income. You guys like burgers and hot dogs?”

  Nikita looked as if he’d just offered her jewels. “Love them.”

  He’d used the word bar, and judging from Tristan’s suspicious expression, the wizard thought Sebastian meant a place filled with lowlifes and rats gnawing on pizza crusts.

  Tristan insisted on driving, much to Sebastian’s chagrin. He had visions dancing in his head of his brand new Lexus turned into a chariot, or worse, ending up in a ditch.

  But the wizard drove with expert skill, one arm ha
nging out the window, as Nikita sat shotgun. Sebastian watched them with feelings of amusement and trepidation.

  When Tristan began singing “Sugar” by Maroon 5 in accompaniment to the radio, Sebastian had to bite back a smile. Damn if he didn’t slay those lyrics. Had a nice voice, too, though Nikita kept stealing incredulous looks at him, especially when Tristan gave her a pointed look as he sang, “Won’t you come and put it down on me?”

  Each time he sang that, Nikita replied in a firm voice, “No.”

  Each time, Sebastian chuckled, and got a little warning zap in his buttocks as a result.

  After they’d parked and gone inside the bar, Tristan looked around with appreciation.

  Yeah, I spent a lot of money fixing up this place. Skylar loves coming here to watch games, and I wanted a restaurant where she could kick back and relax, be free from the pomp and circumstance surrounding her when she’s holding meetings with our people.

  “Nice,” Tristan murmured aloud. “A good place to watch the Bowl that is super.”

  “It’s called the Super Bowl, and that game is long over, Tristan,” Nikita corrected, sliding onto a stool at the long, polished metal counter. “Get with the times.”

  Skylar paled, as if she expected Tristan to zing a little energy at Nikita for contradicting him in front of others. But Tristan’s gaze twinkled. “Are you accusing me of being out of touch with sports, my sweet?”

  She tapped one finger against her cheek. “Yes. But you are cute, so that makes up for it.”

  And then Nikita smiled, and the sweetness and wholesomeness in that smile made Sebastian’s breath hitch. Lovely, yes. But there was a teasing innocence that was refreshing, and judging from the way Tristan drank in her gaze, the way he stared with longing at her, there was something special there.

  Something special that went back hundreds of years.

  She wasn’t afraid of Tristan. No cowering, not even the quiet respect Skylar afforded the Silver Wizard. Nikita treated the wizard like an equal. How refreshing that must be for Tristan, Sebastian mused. Often when he was in Tir Na-nog, awaiting Tristan’s next assignment, Sebastian had seen his deep loneliness. With only the three other wizards as equals, it had to be pretty damn lonely, knowing everyone you encountered was either terrified of you and wanted to avoid you like leftover squid supper, or wanted to suck up to you for something.


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