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The Dragon Bodyguard

Page 3

by Sky Winters

  She felt Corvo shake his hand loose as she made her way across the living room. But Grace didn't care – she was just happy to be leaving. A short trip downstairs and the two strode through the lobby and out onto the city streets. Once there, Grace stuck out her arms and spun around a few times on the sidewalk. She closed her eyes, letting the sun beam down on her face. The air had a little bit of a late winter chill to it, but she didn't care.

  "Oh my God," she said. "I'm finally free!"

  She turned to Corvo, who still wore that same stony expression on his face as he looked up and down the block.

  "Can you believe that they've been keeping me cooped up in that place, not letting me leave? I was going crazy in there!"

  "Here's the deal," said Corvo. "I'm gonna lay down a few ground rules."

  His tone was hard and uncompromising and had the effect of making Grace clam up and stand still.

  "First rule is that you don't leave my sight. My job is to keep you safe, and I can't do that if you're wandering around."

  "Oh, it's fine," said Grace. "This neighborhood is one of the safest in the city; my parents are just being paranoid."

  "Second rule: what I say goes," he said, his eyes narrowing. "That means when I give you a rule or an order, I don't want to hear the slightest damn bit of backtalk."

  "Are you se-"

  "That's exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about," he said. "I know you're the type of girl used to getting what she wants and having everyone around you bend over backward trying to keep you happy, but I'm here to tell you that as long as I'm your bodyguard, that shit's not gonna fly with me."

  "What are you, some kind of tyrant or something?"

  "I'm a man who knows how to do his job," said Corvo. "And if you want this all to go as smoothly as possible, you're gonna do what I say."

  "And if I don't?" asked Grace, letting a trace of haughtiness slip into her tone.

  "Doing what I say is how you keep me happy," said Corvo. "And let's just say, you don't want to see me when I'm not happy."

  Grace wanted to keep giving him attitude – after all, who was he to boss her around like this? But his tone was so stern that it was clear he wasn't screwing around. Grace formed her mouth into a flat line and turned in the direction of the boutiques.

  "So, stick close to me and we won't have any problems," said Corvo. "You understand me?"

  Grace didn't know what to say; she'd never been talked to before in such a domineering, controlling manner. Even her father tended to wear kid gloves when she got out of line and he was forced to punish her one way or another.

  "Yeah, I guess," said Grace, the words tumbling out carelessly.

  "What was that?" asked Corvo, his tone taking on a military sternness. "Didn't quite hear you."

  "I...understand you," said Grace, now looking up at Corvo, his green eyes even more brilliant in the sunlight.

  "That's what I like to hear," he said. "Now, lead the way."

  They walked in silence toward the first boutique. Grace stewed the entire way, bristling at being talked to like that, commanded like she was some kind of unruly dog and Corvo was the obedience expert brought in to whip her into shape.

  Stepping into the boutique, Grace felt her mood brighten a bit as she looked over the dresses on display. She wasn't looking forward to the evening, especially having to meet with Marlon, but she never turned down the chance to make some new additions to her wardrobe.

  "I hope your ‘following me around' thing doesn't apply to coming into the dressing room with me," she said after picking out a few items to try on.

  "I'll be right on the other side of the door," said Corvo. "So, don't worry – I won't be far off."

  A wicked smile formed on Grace's lips.

  "Great! Then you can grab me stuff to try on!"

  Corvo opened his mouth to protest, but before he could get out a word, Grace was already ducked into the dressing room, the door shut and locked behind her. She took a slow breath once she was alone, regarding herself in the mirror.

  "Okay, hand me the blue dress," she said over the door.

  She heard a grumble come from Corvo's direction, followed by the dress in question being tossed onto the dressing room door.

  "Thanks!" she said, making her voice obnoxiously chipper.

  She barked out requests for shoes, purses, and new dresses while in the room, taking a devious pleasure in having him cater to her whims. Once done at this boutique, she repeated the process at a couple more on the same street. At each one, Corvo had to step into the place and check it out in a process that struck Grace as totally embarrassing. Finally, at the third boutique, she decided on the dress for the evening, a rose-colored dress that showed off her shoulders – not to mention a little cleavage.

  "How is it?" she asked, twirling in the dress in front of Corvo.

  "Looks like the kind of thing a girl wears when she's looking for attention."

  "I think it's pretty," said Grace. "And I'm going to buy it."

  "You mean your dad's going to buy it," said Corvo.

  "Same thing," said Grace, heading back into the dressing room.

  Once back into her street clothes, she passed by Corvo on her way to the cash register. She couldn't help but notice once again that musky scent coming from his body – a strange combination that smelled like sandalwood, a forest after a summer shower, and an animal looking to rut. It was intoxicating to Grace, and she'd found herself stepping into Corvo's personal space over the course of the afternoon just to get a whiff of it. She had to remind herself over and over to get a grip, to just treat him like the help that he was. But she couldn't resist.

  "We done yet?" asked Corvo. "I need to get back to your father so we can go over the details of the evening."

  "Here's the only detail you need to know: it's going to be totally boring."

  Corvo raised an eyebrow.

  "I'd think you'd be all over something like this," he said as they headed back down the wide, slate-gray sidewalks leading back to the apartment building.

  "And why would you think something like that?"

  "Aren't these galas and shit what you rich people live for? Going out to show off your expensive clothes and mingle, or whatever it is you do?"

  "For people like my mother, sure – she loves it. And my dad lives to work, so everything's a networking opportunity for him. But I hate them. So stuffy and formal."

  Corvo snorted, and Grace got the sense that they shared the same opinion about the matter.

  "I bet you don't have to go to stuff like this," said Grace. "I bet you get to go on all sorts of adventures, traveling all over the world, meeting shifters in other countries. Plus, you're a dragon – you can just grow wings and fly wherever you want."

  "Not as easy as that," said Corvo. "Can't exactly fly over a city of ten million people. We dragons have strict rules about shifting. It's one thing to shift into a wolf like you; it's a whole other when your shifter form is a mythical creature that most people only know about from fantasy movies."

  Then his tone turned more serious.

  "And you should be happy that all you have to worry about is being bored. My life isn't all adventure and shit."

  "I bet a lot of it is, though. More exciting than sitting around, waiting to be married off."

  "Plenty of people would kill for that kind of life."

  "Then they can have it," said Grace. "I want fun and adventure."

  "Be careful what you wish for," said Corvo. "Besides, I bet two hours without daddy's credit card and you'd be wandering the streets without a clue in the world."

  "That's not true!" said Grace. "I'm very resourceful when I need to be."

  "I bet," said Corvo with a slight smirk.

  Grace narrowed her eyes. She couldn't believe that, even though she'd only known Corvo for a few hours, he was already talking to her in the way no man ever did. Most of the men she knew were soft, rich boys who acted as harmless as they looked. Corvo, on the other hand, wor
e his toughness like a badge. Looking over his thick, ropy arms, Grace noticed little scars here and there, likely earned in the line of duty, as well as the hints of colorful tattoos. She couldn't help but wonder just who this strange dragon was, and what sort of life had made him who he was.

  "There you are," said Cassius, already dressed in an elegant tuxedo. "I was starting to get a little worried."

  "Apologies," said Corvo. "I should've checked in once I realized the shopping trip was going to take longer than expected."

  Grace couldn't help but feel like this was a little bit of a barb thrown her way.

  "Not a problem," said Cassius. "Anyway, I have the information you requested on the venue. And a tux you can wear – I hope you don't mind that I had your boss send over your measurements."

  With that, Cassius led Corvo out of the living room. Grace spent the next hour getting ready for the gala, and by the time she was dressed and ready to go, her parents were already waiting for her in the living room. Corvo was there, drinking a cup of coffee and dressed in a slim, stylish tuxedo that fit him so well Grace couldn't help but think about the body that was hidden underneath. Her eyes went wide as she looked him over – she wasn't prepared for just how handsome he was.

  "We ready?" asked Corvo. "Then let's do this."


  The evening city passing outside the windows of the limo, Corvo went over the information about the venue that Cassius had given him. He didn't like it one bit – the place was wide open, with plenty of exits and entrances that someone looking to sneak in could utilize. He knew there would likely be security, but he didn't trust the low-rent groups that had probably been hired to work the place. Corvo understood that if the night was going to go without incident, he would have to keep a close eye on Grace at all times. And with her attitude and insistence on being independent, he knew it wasn't going to be easy.

  "Ah – we're here," said Cassius as the limo pulled up in front of an elegant, stately building.

  Other limos were parked in front of the place, and dozens of men and women in fashionable eveningwear made their way up to the entrance of the place. Corvo scanned the area, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He had a bad feeling about the evening, but he wasn't sure if this was on account of actual danger or just him being overly cautious. Either way, he was eager to get Grace through the evening and back to her apartment.

  The four of them exited the limo and ascended the stairs leading to the main entrance. Corvo found himself tugging at his tuxedo. He never dressed like this if he could help it, and he knew the sense of feeling out of place that gripped him was just going to become worse as the evening went on.

  "That tux fitting a little tight?" asked Cassius as they made their way through security.

  "Nah," he said. "Just not what I normally wear. I'm more of a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of guy."

  "Well, I think you look very nice," said Sophia. "Doesn't Corvo look nice in his little outfit, Grace?"

  "Yeah, I guess."

  Corvo glanced at Grace out of the corner of his eye, and he knew he'd be lying if he said she didn't look stunningly beautiful. Her fair skin was a lovely contrast to the red of her gown, and her hair looked like melted gold draped over her bare shoulders. As much as she was already getting on his nerves, he had to admit to himself once again that she was one of the best-looking women he'd ever seen in his life.

  "And here we are," said Cassius as the group stepped into the main ballroom.

  The space was an enormous hall, with high ceilings and elegant, old-fashioned décor. A band played lively tunes, and the men and women attending danced and chatted here and there. Black-clad servers darted around the place, offering wine and appetizers. One of them swerved in front of Corvo and he quickly reached out and snatched up a handful of meat and cheese skewers. More than anything, he wanted a drink, but he knew he had to keep his mind clear for the night. He was working, after all.

  "Now," said Cassius. "Let's make the rounds."

  "Can't I go out onto the balcony for a little bit?" asked Grace. "I'm already feeling a little claustrophobic."

  "There are a few people I want to introduce you to, darling," said Cassius. "Then you can have the run of the evening."

  Corvo shook his head a bit, noting just how permissive Grace's father was with her bratty ways. He glanced around the room, but as far as he could see and smell, all seemed to be in order. But, just like he'd thought, this place would be the perfect sort of location for anyone looking to kidnap someone. Just pull them into the crowd and right out one of the many exits – there were so many people here that it'd take some time before anyone noticed.

  "Do you have to be standing right next to me?" asked Grace. "You're all in my personal bubble."

  "Just doing my job," said Corvo, his eyes on the crowd.

  Before either of them could say another word, three primly-dressed people approached the group.

  "There's just the family I wanted to see!" said Cassius.

  Corvo looked over the group. There was an older couple, gray-haired and dressed similarly to Grace's family. The third was a young man, no older than twenty-five, with a face of sharp features, black hair tied into a top-knot, and a mouth twisted into a smarmy, prim little smile. Corvo got a bad vibe from the kid right away.

  Cassius and Sophia happily greeted the family before turning to Grace.

  "Look, Gracie," said Cassius, gesturing to the young man. "Marlon's back in town!"

  "Ah, Gracie," said the young man, who Corvo figured was Marlon. "You're looking as ravishing as ever."

  "Hey, Marlon," said Grace, tentatively approaching the young man.

  He opened his arms and gave her a big hug that she didn't seem too happy to receive.

  Corvo took a step back from the group, taking in the scene. Cassius and Sophia fell into a catching-up chat with the older couple, while Marlon didn't waste any time telling Grace about all he'd been up to since going away to college.

  "Have you heard that they're having me graduate early?" he asked, pride in his voice.

  "Sure have," said Grace.

  "I'm so happy to be back in the city; I'm very much looking forward to you and I picking up where we left off."

  "Huh?" asked Grace. "What do you mean?"

  "Well, it's clear that our parents have been eying us as a potential match for quite some time, and it's just as clear that you and I were hitting it off before I had to leave for school. And now that I'm back, we'll have plenty of time to spend together."

  Corvo didn't intend to listen in, but he couldn't help it. Grace clearly wasn't too enthused by what Marlon had to say, but Corvo could tell she didn't really have many options as far as telling him what she really thought.

  "Yeah, sounds great," she said, her tone not matching her words in the slightest.

  "Too bad about all of this going on with the wolf clans," he said. "Things have just been so…chaotic recently."

  Then his eyes flicked up to Corvo.

  "And I suppose that's why you've got this charming brute in tow."

  "Ah, yes," said Cassius. "Might as well introduce you to everyone. This is Corvo Hawke, the bodyguard I've hired to keep Grace safe while this whole business with the wolf clans blows over."

  "Pleased to meet you," said the man. "I'm Roger York, and this is my wife Stefanie. I see that you've already met my son, Marlon."

  "Just about to have the pleasure," said Corvo, shaking hands with the family.

  When it came time to shake Marlon's hand, however, Corvo felt the young man's hand squeeze his very, very hard. Corvo couldn't help but smirk at the childish attempt at alpha behavior.

  "Speaking of the wolf clans," said Stefanie, "did you all hear about the elders with the Night Claw Clan?"

  "I hadn't," said Cassius. "What happened?"

  "Two of them were killed the other night. It looked like some kind of car accident, but it's clear that there's something else going on."

  "Not to mention th
at one of the elder's daughters –ah, Josie I believe her name is- was in the car and vanished without a trace."

  "Awful business," said Sophia, shaking her head sadly.

  "We're all thinking it was the Red Fang Clan, but who's to say? Just about all of the clans are at one another's throats these days, who can even begin to figure it out."

  Corvo listened carefully. He'd heard plenty about the tenuous situation with the wolves, and knew that it was likely only a matter of time before it blew up into open warfare between the clans. As much of a pain in the ass as dealing with a brat like Grace was, Corvo understood that a little bit of attitude was a walk in the park compared to keeping her safe if the shit hit the fan.

  "That's why I think it's important that things with Grace and I move quickly," said Marlon. "It's clear that we're a fantastic match for one another, and the longer we wait to move forward, the more difficult it's going to be to get everything planned."

  "Wait a minute," said Corvo. "You've got war on the horizon and you're worried about wedding planning?"

  Marlon looked at Corvo with a surprise expression playing on his prim features.

  "It's only sensible," he said. "Imagine trying to put together a guest list once everyone is hunkered down trying to wait for the conflict to pass. And besides, why is the help offering his unasked-for opinions on the matter. You're muscle – why don't you act the part?"

  "Is it true that you're a dragon?" asked Stefanie, her eyes wide.

  "Sure am," said Corvo.

  "Wow, so interesting," said Stefanie.

  "But I think there's something to what Marlon is saying," said Cassius. "We really ought to move things along while all is still relatively peaceful."

  "I agree," said Roger. "I've got just the venue in mind too."

  The group went on like this, and Corvo couldn't help but notice the distressed expression on Grace's face as the families made their plans.

  "Excuse me," she said. "I need to use the little girl's room."

  With that, she broke from the group and hurried off. Corvo started after her.

  "You're seriously going to follow me into the bathroom?" she asked, irritation in her voice.


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