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The Dragon Bodyguard

Page 10

by Sky Winters

  "Oh, baby," she said. "I love the way you move in me."

  A sensual smile played on Corvo's lips, that smile that Grace swore she'd never grow tired of seeing.

  Corvo moved in and out of her at a slow, steady pace at first, penetrating her steadily over and over again, soft, manly grunts slipping out from his mouth as he did. Grace sighed, spreading her legs open wider and wrapping them around Corvo's hips. He continued to drive into her, splitting her in half time and time again, the feeling beyond compare. Grace bucked her hips upward, positioning herself so that Corvo's cock stimulated her in just the way she wanted.

  Grace felt as though she might melt into jelly at any moment. Corvo increased his pace, now pounding her at a steady, quicker rhythm, entering her fully. Grace focused on the feeling of his cock, her eyes drifting down at her sex as she took sweet joy at the sight of his long, stiff member bucking into her. Every inch was a delight, and as the ecstasy took hold of her, part of her couldn't help but wonder if Corvo's cock had been made for her and her alone. The first orgasm took hold of Grace and swam through her body, lighting up her flesh with pleasure and causing her to shake and quiver with ecstasy.

  Once the pleasure faded, a playful smile crossed Grace's lips.

  "Now, it's my turn," she said, her voice breathy.

  Corvo seemed to know exactly what this meant.

  Grace moved her hips, sliding her body out from underneath Corvo, making sure to keep him held inside of her as they changed positions. The transition was smooth, and soon, Grace was on top of Corvo, her hands splayed out across his hard, square pecs. She leaned forward, letting her breasts hang in front of Corvo's face. He leaned up slightly, taking her nipples into her mouth, one after the other, and paying them each special attention.

  The traces of the first orgasm still running through her, Grace moved gently, rocking her hips back and forth at a slow pace. After a time, she sat back and upright, Corvo's hands moving along her curves and coming to a rest on the warm flesh of her hips. He held her like this for a time as she began to bounce up and down on top of him, his hands eventually moving further back, grabbing hard onto her round, firm ass. Taking hold, he guided her on top of him, making sure that her pussy came down at just the right angle.

  Grace's slow rocking and bouncing soon shifted to a frenzied up-and-down motion, her breasts bouncing wildly as she rode him. Another orgasm came into view, and she knew it wouldn't take much more bucking before she exploded again. Then, Corvo gripped her hips hard, holding her still in place as he began to do the work, fucking her hard from below, pounding into her at a jackhammer speed. Grace moaned and screamed, her blonde hair whipping around her head from the impact of Corvo's thrusts. And just as always happened when he began to lose himself in their lovemaking, Corvo's eyes flashed a ruby red, letting her know that the beast within was taking hold.

  She couldn't hold back any longer. The next orgasm exploded, igniting each molecule of her body with erotic delight. Her face winced hard, and she grabbed onto her breasts, squeezing them as the pleasure rushed through her. Corvo came as well, erupting thick and full into her, creaming deep inside of her. The feeling of his cum splashing in her body pushed Grace just a little further into the realm of erotic delight, and she found herself collapsing on his chest as her sex pulsed, sending out fresh waves of joy.

  When they were done, the two of them had been reduced to nothing more than sweaty, panting heaps of flesh. Corvo held her tight, caressing her body in a way that made her feel loved and protected as only he could.

  "Can't argue with a start to the day like that," said Grace, finally catching her breath. "Though I'm pretty sure that's supposed to happen after the ceremony."

  "I guess that makes us a couple of rule breakers, then."

  Corvo gave Grace's rear a swat as he moved out from underneath her.

  Grace hopped out of bed, taking a long look at her post-pregnancy body in the mirror. She still had a hard time believing that Connor, their son, had grown and come out of her over the span of only a few months.

  "Quit ogling yourself," said Corvo with a smirk. "We got a hell of a day ahead of us. Then again, if I had an ass like yours, I'd probably spend half the day staring at myself in the mirror too."

  Corvo swept past Grace on his way to the bathroom and gave her a quick kiss on the neck.

  "You ready for this?" she asked. "Ceremony's in just a few hours."

  "I've been ready since you agreed to marry me," said Corvo. "Just been counting down the days."

  Grace smiled as she stepped away from the mirror; it was just the answer she wanted to hear. Then, she heard the sound of a baby crying from the other room.

  "Kiddo's up," said Corvo. "You wanna get him before grandpa and grandma start smothering him with attention?"

  "I'm on it."

  Grace threw on a light, silk robe and stepped out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Sure enough, Cassius and Sophia were already on their way to Connor's nursery.

  "Don't worry about the kiddo," said Cassius as he ducked into the bedroom. "We've got him today. You just worry about getting ready."

  "I can handle Connor," said Grace. "You're guests; you two don't need to fuss on my behalf."

  "Oh, nonsense," said Sophia. "We're grandparents now; fussing over you and the baby are what we live for."

  Grace slipped into the bedroom and stood over the crib. Sure enough, Connor was squirming and crying, his fat little arms and legs wriggling in the air. Grace beat her parents to it and scooped the baby out of the crib and held him close. His crying ceased almost immediately.

  "Such a good little boy," said Sophia, leaning toward Connor and poking his belly.

  Grace held Connor close, a warm smile forming on her face.

  "I still can't believe I'm a mom," she said, listening to Connor coo.

  "And you're doing a great job of it so far," said Cassius. "Couldn't be prouder."

  "I can't get over how much he looks like his father," said Sophia. "Same lovely green eyes and everything."

  "Hopefully not the same tattoos," said Cassius.

  Still holding Connor, Grace stepped out into the living room of her and Corvo's new SoHo apartment. The view allowed for a lovely, sweeping panorama of the city, and it looked to be a beautiful day for a wedding.

  "You two seem to be settling in nicely," said Sophia.

  "You kidding?" asked Grace, rocking Connor gently. "We've still got half of our things in boxes."

  "Plenty of time for all that," said Cassius.

  Grace stepped out onto the balcony and looked out over the bustling city below. The last few months had passed by in a wild blur, and she was still mentally catching up with everything that had happened.

  After Corvo and the Silver Talons rescued Grace and Marlon, the wedding was, of course, called off. Marlon was quickly shipped off to somewhere out of the country, and from what she'd heard, he wasn't going to be stepping foot back in New York for a long, long time – an idea that was perfectly fine with Grace.

  Her parents’ stance on Corvo softened somewhat when they realized to what lengths he'd gone to bring their daughter back safe and sound. They were hesitant at first, unsure of whether or not they wanted to deal with the scandal of having their daughter date a dragon, but they gave him a shot. And a shot, evidently, was all Corvo needed. He proved himself to be a loving boyfriend and was eager to take care of the soon-to-come baby. Over the course of the following months, Cassius and Sophia had warmed up to Corvo, and by the time he proposed, they knew that they couldn't have found a better match for their daughter.

  And now, the day of the wedding was here. They didn't have a huge ceremony planned – they weren't even splitting the commitment ceremony and the wedding into two separate events, as was common with the shifter community. Small and intimate was the order of the day, and Grace was happy just to be with her closest friends and family.

  "Okay," said Sophia, stepping out onto the balcony. "You've got plenty more to do t
han stare off into space. Lemme at that little kid."

  Grace handed over Connor, who began playfully squirming and cooing again as his grandmother held him.

  "Geez, you're right," said Grace. "I gotta get ready."

  "We'll hold down the fort. The limo gets here in an hour and a half."

  The next hour was a wild flurry of activity. The dressmaker arrived with Grace's wedding gown and got her fitted into it. Then the makeup girl showed up and dolled Grace up for the ceremony. By the time she was all dressed and ready to go, the limo had arrived.

  "Let's go, let's go," said Sophia. "Corvo and your father are already at the church."

  A quick limo ride later, Grace, Sophia, and Connor arrived at the small church near Central Park where the wedding was to be held. There, Grace's cousins, along with a handful of her close friends, were there to greet her and dote over her and the baby. In the dressing room, she looked over herself as she stood in her flowing wedding gown, her golden hair in an elegant up-do.

  The ceremony was soon underway, and Grace waited for her cue.

  "They're ready for you," said Sophia, trying her best to hide the tears in her eyes.

  Standing at the entrance of the chapel, Grace's eyes swept over the few dozen attendees. To the one side were her friends and family, and to the other were the Silver Talons Mercenaries, along with a few friends and relations. Her father stood waiting to escort her to the altar.

  And, of course, dressed in an exquisitely-tailored tuxedo, was Corvo, her love. She wanted to hurry on with things, so she could be right at his side where she knew she belonged. As Cassius escorted her down the aisle, the band playing softly, her heart warmed with each step closer to her soon-to-be-husband. Sophia took a seat in the front row and held Connor close, the baby reaching out for his mother as she passed.

  Soon, she was at the altar, Corvo standing in front of her, his green eyes warm and inviting, the small smile on his mouth crying out for a kiss.

  "You ready for this?" he asked quietly.

  "More than anything," Grace said.

  "I love you, baby," said Corvo. "You and our little family."

  "I love you too. More than anything."

  And with that, they were wed.


  Daddy Wolf’s Nanny


  "…and it ended up being the second time in the last month that I had to go to Cincinnati for work."

  "Oh, really? Crazy."

  "Yep. I mean, don't get me wrong – it's a lovely city. But I'd much rather do my work here in New York. Just hate being away from the food for even a day. For instance, did I tell you about this amazing little cronut place in Williamsburg that my coworkers and I went to? The line was out the door, but the cronuts were amazing. I got this one with balsamic vinegar and…"

  It took every bit of restraint Ingrid Parker had to not drop her face into her salad, and fall asleep in the middle of the restaurant.

  I hate Tinder, she thought as Richard, the man sitting across from her and possibly the most boring of all the dates she'd been on in the last few months, blabbed on and on about one thing or another, his voice a steady drone. His tone was so sleep-inducing that part of her wanted to record it and use it in place of the white noise app she sometimes used to help get to sleep.

  "And what did you say you were?" asked Richard, looking his fleshy face up at Ingrid from his salmon salad. "A waitress?"

  On top of how boring he was, Richard also didn't have the decency to be mildly attractive. His hair was thinning and combed into a terrible comb-over, his face looked, to Ingrid, like that of a snooty pig, and his terribly unstylish clothes seemed to have been pulled right from the bottom of the hamper.

  "A nanny," said Ingrid.

  God, she thought, wanting to shake her head in disbelief. If this guy's going to yak about his job nonstop, the least he could do is remember mine.

  "Hmm," he said, "not really much room for advancement opportunities in that. Have you considered getting into a different field? I know insurance sales groups are always hiring. Pay might not be that great to start off, but I'm sure it's better than what you're making now."

  Holy shit, thought Ingrid. Now this guy's giving me career advice? And managing to insult my job in the process. Real charmer, this one.

  Ingrid poked at her salad listlessly, shoving down a few bites quickly in the hopes that the faster she ate, the faster she could arrive at the end of the date.

  "I need to use the little boy's room," said Richard. "I'll be back in a bit, cutie-pie."

  Ingrid watched him stand up and leave the table, her eyes wide.

  He did not just call me "cutie pie," she thought. No fucking way.

  As she watched him leave, she took note of the fact that on top of everything else, he was short. Even the tiny, cute waitresses in the place seemed to tower over him.

  As soon as he was out of sight, Ingrid slumped down in her seat and let out a dramatic sigh. Her phone buzzed on the table and she shot her hand out to check it, hoping it was anything more exciting than what she was doing at the moment.

  How's this one? Another charmer? ;)

  Ingrid shook her head and smiled. The text was from Katelyn Abernathy, one of the two teenage daughters of the family where she worked as a nanny. Over the course of the last year that Ingrid had spent in the family's employ, the two of them had become especially close, and now that Katelyn was at the age when boys occupied just about every waking thought she had, Ingrid had brought her in on the gossip, trials, and tribulations of just what it's like to be an adult dating in the city. The PG version, of course, not that she had anything particularly X-rated to discuss. All Ingrid had to report these days was an endless procession of terrible Tinder dates and gross men hitting on her at whatever bar she'd head into for a quick drink on the weekend.

  Ingrid: The less said, the better. But you can probably expect me home extra early tonight.

  Katelyn: Yikes, that bad? Maybe you can pay me to screen these guys in advance.

  Ingrid: You know, that's not a bad idea : )

  Richard arrived back at the table as soon as Ingrid fired off the last text.

  "I swear, you girls can't go five minutes without playing on those things," said Richard.

  Ingrid sighed slowly, part of her wanting to bite his head off right then and there.

  "I'm a nanny, so I have to keep in contact with the kids. Just part of the job."

  Richard nodded, and Ingrid wondered, for a moment, if he was letting the issue drop.

  "That's another nice thing about the insurance industry – you can just leave the job at the office when you're done. You know, you don't have to deal with bratty kids all day."

  "They're actually great kids, but I'll keep your career suggestions in mind."

  "Good," said Richard. "A girl your age can't afford to waste any time with finding a good job. Not to mention getting married and having children."

  Does this guy not realize I'm twenty-three? she thought.

  And as far as marriage and children, the thought was almost overwhelming to her. Sure, she'd dreamed of getting married just like every other girl, but the thought of being a mother was just too much for her to handle at this stage in her life. Part of her wanted it, and the other was terrified at the possibility. Most of the time, she felt as though being a nanny was as close as she was capable of coming to that particular subject for the time being.

  Ingrid dragged herself through the rest of her dinner and thanked the Lord above when the check came. Thankfully, Richard slipped out his card and placed it onto the check as soon as it came; Ingrid was half-expecting him to ask her to pay. But she couldn't help but internally roll her eyes as he handed the checkbook back – he gave Ingrid this sly little look as he did, as though he wanted to make sure she saw he was paying for everything.

  "So," said Richard. "Where do you live?"

  Please don't tell me he's going to try to make a move or something, thought Ingrid. I d
on't know if I can take any more of this.

  "Just a few blocks away," said Ingrid. "I live with my nanny family here in the village."

  "Impressive," said Richard. "And can I ask who the family is?"

  "Um, they're called the Abernathys. The parents are Melinda and Paul."

  Richard raised his eyebrows.

  "Wait a minute," he said. "That wouldn't be the Paul Abernathy, would it? As in, ‘deputy mayor’ Paul Abernathy?"

  "One and the same."

  Ingrid was, at this point, used to her dates being more than a little impressed when she told them just who she worked for. But she hated most of all what never failed to come next.

  "Say," said Richard, drumming his fingers on the table in thought. "You don't think there's any way I could meet with him, do you? My boss has some proposals he's been itching to get in front of government high-ups’ eyes, and this might be just the chance."

  Always networking, thought Ingrid. These New York career guys are always the same.

  "He's really busy, but I'll see what I can do," said Ingrid.

  And as though with superhuman speed, Richard pulled out a business card and shoved it in Ingrid's hands.

  "You're awesome," said Richard.

  "Um, shall we?" asked Ingrid.

  "We shall," said Richard. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

  Ingrid was eager to get home, so she agreed. Moments later, they were out of the restaurant and back onto the evening streets of the west village, the night quiet and the weather mild.

  "This was a lovely evening," said Richard. "The food was great, and the company was beyond compare."

  Ingrid wanted to roll her eyes. She could never understand how she'd get to the end of a miserable date and the guys were always so confident that the evening went perfectly. She swore there was something in the water in New York that made the men both totally boring and delusional.


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