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Possess Me Slowly

Page 10

by Joya Ryan

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he scolded. “You call me John, or Dad.”

  His smile was so genuine it made my chest twist and think of my own father. Charlie cleared his throat and I turned to face him.

  “Megan, you remember my brother Charlie, and this is his wife, Darlene.”

  Charlie nodded and Darlene looked me over with a smile plastered to her face that looked more Botox-induced than anything else. She was a bit shorter than I, but built like an exotic belly dancer. With dark eyes and hair, everything about her radiated confidence and money. I had never felt so weird around a woman. She gave off a vibe that I didn’t really like but couldn’t put my finger on why.

  “She’s adorable, Preston,” Darlene said.

  And then it hit. The reason I didn’t like her. Something behind her eyes when she looked at Preston rubbed me wrong. There was an obvious history between them, and tension so thick I could cut it with a knife.

  I grit my teeth and attempted to smile.

  “Indeed,” Preston said, and pulled out my chair.

  I tried not to fuss with my light yellow lace dress. It was both pretty for spring and evening wear. I loved it because it made me feel feminine and sexy without being over the top. The men were all in suits and Darlene’s tight red number was sleek, tight and left little to the imagination.

  “I pre-ordered everything,” John said to us when the waiter came in and poured everyone wine.

  The room was low lit and the nearby candles flickered light off the white tablecloth. It was private and chic.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” Charles looked at me and I shook my head. He was at the end of the table, Preston sat to his right and I next to him while Charlie and Darlene were across the table from us.

  “Of course not.” I smiled.

  “Have you ever been here, Megan?” Darlene asked, taking a sip of her wine.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “It does take a while for reservations typically. This place certainly isn’t for everyone.” She shrugged and I didn’t miss the dig on my ‘status,’ thrown in there.

  “How’s the property in Beijing looking?” Charlie asked Preston.

  “Are you really discussing business, Charlie? We’re in the company of beautiful ladies.” John winked at me.

  “I agree,” Preston said. His palm slid along the top of my thigh.

  I looked over at him and a hungry green gaze met mine. An instant heat threaded through my veins. Damn it, I had been missing him. Even though our arrangement was only a few weeks old, I was accustomed to him. I pined for his attentions. One thing I was learning was that when things were good, they were so good. I wanted that heat. Wanted him to look at me, make me fall the way he did that first night, and every night after when his skin was against mine.

  “How did you two meet?” Darlene piped in, interrupting our silent moment.

  “At the hotel,” Preston offered casually.

  “Men,” Darlene rolled her eyes. “I want the details.”

  “I came in after a long flight, she was covering a shift at the bar, I took one look at her and said, ‘I have to have that woman.’ ” His eyes landed back on mine and his palm nudged my knee, forcing me to uncross my legs. Thank God the tablecloth was long and we sat close enough so that no one would suspect him nearly feeling me up.

  I swallowed hard.

  “Isn’t that nice,” Darlene said.

  “So, how did you and Charlie meet?” I asked, trying to divert the attention from us.

  The whole room went quiet and Preston’s grip on my knee tightened. Even John’s face registered a mix of discomfort and distaste.

  “We all went to college together,” Darlene answered, and took a long swallow of her wine. She started talking to Charlie and John, making it clear she had no more desire to speak with me.

  I looked at Preston. He leaned in and murmured in my ear. “Darlene and I used to date before she married my brother.”

  “Engaged.” Darlene’s shriek startled me. “We were engaged actually,” she finished, her icy stare beaming at Preston over her wine glass. Charlie was staring his own daggers at Darlene and I felt like I was just kicked in the kidneys.

  That explained the feeling I got from her earlier, but now I was reeling over how to deal with it. Thankfully, the waiter came with the first course and broke the staring contest. John started talking with Preston about business dealings while Charlie chimed in here and there.

  Apparently, business talk was now a favorable discussion and several courses of wine and dinner when by quickly. And I was fine with that. Charlie kept eyeing me like I was a carrier of the plague. Maybe this would be a good time to try to be nice and tap into his non-asshole side.

  “I hear you just had a baby, congratulations.” I said to Charlie.

  “Thank you. She’s wonderful.”

  I would have thought a doting parent to be more elated but never having a baby myself, I didn’t know. Both of them seemed meh about the fact that they had daughter.

  “What’s her name?” I asked, hoping this would help.


  “That’s such a pretty name.”

  “Yes. Well, speaking of children, we may as well tell them.” Darlene grabbed Charlie’s arm. “We’re trying for another baby.”

  “So soon?” John asked. “Beatrice is only three months old.”

  “We want a big family.” Darlene smiled at John, then at me.

  “Well, congratulations again.” I took a sip of wine, seriously feeling like the couple across the table from me made a stop into crazy town before arriving tonight. Everything with them was awkward and I felt as though I was constantly missing some important details. It was tough to keep up with the backward looks and insinuations.

  “When are you two going to start trying for a little one?” John asked.

  I started stuttering but Preston was calm as ever, like he was expecting this entire conversation.

  “We’d like to be married for at least a year before we start thinking about a family. Right, sweetheart?”

  I nodded.

  “That makes sense.” John nodded and ate his food.

  “Yes, but just know we have the boy’s named pick out so no taking John Charles,” Darlene said with a slight laugh, but she obviously was serious.

  Ah, now it made sense. They wanted a boy. The whole lineage family name crap. Were they that sexist? I had only just met John but he didn’t come across like a misogynistic prick.

  “I can respect a man wanting to wait and enjoy his wife,” John said and raised his wine glass at Preston.

  I didn’t miss the glare on Charlie’s face and I don’t think Preston did either.

  “And when you’re done with your wife, you move on to someone else, isn’t that right, father?” Charlie said and downed his glass of wine. I wasn’t counting, but he had to be on his fifth glass and his words were definitely slurring a bit.

  “That’s enough, Charlie,” John snapped.

  “Megan and I both have a long day tomorrow meeting with the planner so we’re going to get going.” Preston urged me up.

  “Wait, we didn’t even get to see her ring yet,” Darlene said quickly.

  “Oh, ah…” I rubbed my bare ring finger. “I must have forgot to put it on.”

  All eyes zeroed in on me, but the most heated, savage pair belonged to Preston.

  “You forgot your engagement ring?” Darlene was all smiles, clearly loving this.

  “Goodnight,” Preston bit out and guided me to the exit. His hand was like a brand on my lower back and anger radiated from him like a pressure cooker. I felt like a child and I knew as soon as we got to the car I was in serious trouble.

  Chapter Eleven

  “What kind of woman forgets a half-a-million dollar diamond ring?” Preston snapped as the town car pulled into traffic. There was tinted glass between us and the driver, compliments of Preston’s tastes.

“I’m sorry, but you could have prepared me for that.” I hiked my thumb at the restaurant we pulled away from. “You said this agreement was built on trust. When were you going to tell me about Darlene Mc-huge-boobs in there?”

  Preston grabbed my left knee and swung me around so that my back was pressed against the car door and the bottom of my heel was on the seat. I scrambled to pull down my dress because his quick snag caused my legs to spread wide. He just scooted closer and kept a firm grip on my knee.

  “Are you jealous?” He grinned and glanced between my thighs. He was purposefully keeping my legs apart, flashing my panties at him. Which were getting wetter. “I do love this dress on you.”

  He was distracting me, but I had way too many questions to play that game…even though he may be winning already.

  “I’m not jealous, I’m just surprised.” Okay, maybe a little jealous, but mostly surprised.

  “Uh-huh.” He ran both hands up my inner thighs. I was trapped and helpless. Every time I tried to close my legs, he just gripped me hard. I was no match against his strength.

  “I want to know, Preston,” I breathed, and wish I sounded more convincing.

  “Alright.” He leaned in and placed one palm on the widow glass by the side of my face and the other stayed between my legs. His fingers traced the edge of my panties and gently brushed past them. I gasped and wiggled closer. But he kept his touch slow and soft. When his fingertip rubbed my clit I arched and moaned.

  No. I wanted to know what the hell had happened in there. But I wanted his touch so bad it was splitting me apart. I snapped my eyes open.

  “Preston…tell me…”

  “I hate talking about the past. It’s useless. Why not stay here in the present…”

  He teased the opening of my pussy and I bit my bottom lip. God, I wanted to stay in the present too, but damn it, I had to stay strong. He promised me the truth and if I was going to go along with this contract and play the dutiful fiancé, knowing the kind of man he was and why members of his family were crazy, was kind of a need-to-know thing.

  “I want to know you,” I whispered, and gripped the lapels of his jacket.

  “Fine.” He shoved his big finger inside me, instantly filling me up. I groaned and fisted his jacket tighter. “I dated Darlene in college.” His breath hit my mouth. “I fell for her, but when she realized I was the younger bastard son of the Strauss name—” He withdrew and returned with two fingers. My nails dug into my palms between the fabric I was gripping. “She traded up. Went after Charlie. Charlie always had a thing for her and loved that he beat me and won her.”

  He thrust hard. In and out, his voice growing raspy as a fire sizzled my blood. “They were pissed when they found out that Dad wasn’t set on his first-born to be his heir, rather the one with the best legacy.”

  He sank those fingers impossibly deep and curled them, rubbing against the sensitive spot inside. My inner walls squeezed and I moved my hips up to meet him.

  “Jesus, Megan.” He flicked his fingers faster.

  I cupped his face, bringing him so close that I took in the air he expelled and he took mine. Still fully clothed and breathing for each other, it was the most intense feeling I’d ever known.

  “They think that having a son will secure everything for them,” he continued, and twisted his hand, rotating those thick fingers inside me. A wild shiver broke over my skin like shattering glass and I about came undone.

  I tried to focus on Preston’s words. He was feeding me the information I asked for and likely wouldn’t repeat himself. Fighting the urge to come and process what he said, Charlie and Darlene’s behavior made a bit more sense. They were eager to tell everyone about trying for another baby because they wanted a boy.

  “I may be the bastard son,” Preston growled and plunged in and out faster. “But I earned my keep and they know it.”

  The way he spoke, with so much conviction while mastering my body, made me want to kiss every inch of him. My heart raced and my body hummed like a plucked wire.

  “Preston…” His name was a whisper on my lips. A plea. I was falling, so hard and fast I couldn’t cling to a thing or steady myself. My pulse thumped loudly in my temples. I didn’t know the whole story behind his upbringing and my mind couldn’t work quickly enough to churn out the questions I desperately wanted to ask. This was probably his goal: say his piece while rendering me speechless.

  “They didn’t see the wild card up my sleeve though.” He kissed my chin. “You.”

  Stirring his fingers deep, over and over, he brushed his thumb over my clit. A small jolt caused my body to ricochet from the intense shot of pleasure. I stared at his smoldering green eyes. It was like gazing into a vat of liquefied emeralds.

  “You’re so wet.” He kissed me quick, a single stroke of his tongue inside my mouth. “So fucking hot and responsive.”

  He pressed hard on my clit and kept up his assault on my pussy. The pleasure was so good it bordered on pain. Still cupping his face in my hands, I forced my touch to remain gentle and not scratch him.

  “You’re more beautiful and different than any other woman I’ve known.” He turned his head within my grasp just enough to kiss my palm. “Do you hear me, Megan?”

  I nodded.

  He grinned. “Good.”

  He withdrew his fingers completely then rammed them back. I came instantly.

  An ocean of searing hot tremors whipped through my body like a volcanic boomerang. It was so much, too much, still not enough. I screamed and dug my heel into the seat, likely puncturing the leather. Hot fire shot from my core to my fingertips and soldered every place in between. He was everywhere. Surrounded me with his presence.

  With my eyes squeezed shut, the whole world fell away and all I felt was Preston.

  Chapter Twelve

  Preston shut the penthouse door behind us and tossed his keys, not bothering to hit anything other than the floor. He took off his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Take off your dress,” he said looking at me. I backed away from him. My body was still humming from the car ride and my mind was a wreck trying to figure this man out.

  One moment he was gentle, looking at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. There was an edge of truth in everything he said that compelled me to believe him when he spoke. Then there was the clinical, hard exterior, tight-lipped version that didn’t give anything away and made me feel like I really was just a pawn in his chess game.

  Then there was this Preston…

  “You want me,” I whispered.

  It was a mindless notion, but I saw it on his face. The fire in his eyes. That look.

  I knew he wanted me—hoped he did. I was learning his demeanor quickly and reading him was getting easier. But I wanted to hear him say it. Needed to. Because what I was feeling for him was traveling beyond the other side of “want,” and it was starting to scare me.

  There was an unspoken connection between us. Some things needed explaining, others were left for later. We seemed to understand that reasonably well. One thing I was picking up on was that while Preston was honest, he had secrets. I just had to know how to ask the right questions to get them out. This was a business deal after all. An elegant game. One didn’t offer up something for free, that much I have learned.

  “Do you enjoy hearing me state the obvious, sweetheart?” His tone held a slight playfulness but his expression was dead serious. He peeled open his shirt, leaving smooth skin and muscles and oh my…a tent in his pants that made my mouth water.


  “I want something from you,” I said, running my fingers between my breasts.

  “Of course you do.”

  “I want time. You and I. Tomorrow. Just us.”

  He paused and looked at me. If I wanted more of Preston, I needed to get to know him. Show him I was trustworthy beyond our agreement because there was a lot hidden beneath his exterior that I wanted to uncover. And if tonight was any indicator, there was
a lot I wasn’t informed about.


  I smiled and reached behind me to unzip my dress. I let the front skate across my arms and down, skimming a little past my hips, then let the material fall to the floor.

  It sounded like he muttered, “Jesus Christ.”

  I was feeling particularly sexy because the light yellow silk bra and panties matched the dress I had worn. I unpinned my hair and let it fall loose down my back. It hit me then—the reason I was feeling confident had nothing to do with my lingerie. It was his gaze on me. He made me feel sexy. Beautiful. Wanted.

  “Your legs…” He walked my direction then hit his knees right before me. “So fucking long.” He ran his palm from my shin to my thigh. “Look at all this creamy skin.” He leaned in and placed a hot kiss on my knee, then trailed his tongue higher. “Like vanilla cream.”

  Looking up my body he bit my inner thigh and I jumped a little. He was doing it again. Making my brain completely at odds with my body. He knelt before me like he was worshiping me. Cherishing me. I almost sobbed because it was such a good feeling.

  His warmth, his praise, his attention. He was here with me, completely and totally. Silently reminding me that I wasn’t alone. I felt the same way after the night in his office when we signed the contract. Even more so after the Amory event. That was why the next morning threw me. Hurt me. Because it was so different. That distance had crept back between us.

  I shook my head, forcing the thoughts away. I had his time tomorrow. He couldn’t run. And if he tried to keep a distance, I’d still have him in the same room and at least get some questions answered. For now, this was enough, because hopefully this was progress.

  I ran my fingers through his hair and whispered, “Take me to bed.”

  Looking up at me and grinning, he clamped his arms around my knees and shot to his feet, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I shrieked in surprise. He walked to the bed and tossed me down.

  I sat up, supporting my weight with my hands on the mattress behind me and stretched my legs out.

  “Take off your pants,” I said.


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