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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

Page 17

by Jordan, Maryann

  “Let’s just say that her exquisite pussy is no longer holding my attention. She’s now become a sloppy drunk and is so high most evenings that even if her legs are spread, I’d just as soon fuck a corpse.”

  “Do you want me to find a replacement?” Jorge asked.

  “It will need to be handled with some delicacy,” Marcel responded. At this, Jorge just raised his eyebrows. “Charisse will not take the demotion well, which I don’t care about. But I’m not interested in someone from my stable. That pussy’s getting used as well.”

  “So, do you have someone in mind?”

  “Charisse’s sister is a beautiful woman.”

  The statement hung out there between the two men. Jorge maintained his silence.

  “I’m looking for something fresh. I’ve seen her at Club Edge, but know her pussy’s not for sale.”

  “I’m not sure that Sherrie is looking for what you’re offering, boss.”

  Smirking, Marcel looked at his right-hand man. “Remember what I said? Everyone has a price. What I want you to do is find her price.”

  Thinking of the dark-haired Suzanne, Jorge smiled. “I’ll look into it boss. I just might have some leverage.”

  Walking out, he found himself thinking, we both may get the pussy we want.

  Chapter 16

  Thanksgiving at Suzanne’s parents’ house in Fairfield had gone without a hitch. Even her brother Rob behaved himself around BJ. Her parents had moved into the country and had a large barn attached to their property. They had transformed the old building into a massive family room years before and hosted a Thanksgiving meal for friends and family every year.

  Suzanne looked around the tables laden with food and couldn’t help but think of the many changes over the years. Her parents were older and grayer, but bustled around just as enthusiastically, welcoming guests and arranging the meal. BJ’s parents always brought the wine and beer and BJ was off helping Bill get it out of the truck. Wendy was in the kitchen with Bernie, trying to finish the platters. Rob and his best friends, Jake Campbell and Tom Rivers, were moving the tables around while their wives, Laurie, Emma, and Carol completed the decorations.

  The past four years had been difficult. The first year after she and BJ broke up, her parents begged her to come home for the holidays but afraid to run into him, she spent them alone. The next two years were spent with Annie. It was only last year, assured that BJ wouldn’t be in town, that she allow herself to come back. But it wasn’t the same. There was an empty space at the table and in her heart where he should have been.

  Hearing the squeal of children’s laughter, she looked over to see Dwayne and Chuckie playing with her niece, nephews, and the Campbell and River’s children. Her eyes found Pamela’s and she saw both joy and sadness there. Walking over, she gave her a hug.

  “How are you doing,” she asked her.

  Pamela smiled as she replied, “I’m fine. The kids are happy and your parents’ place is wonderful. It’s like something out of a magazine!”

  “Yeah, it was great celebrating Thanksgiving here every year growing up. I was just thinking about how time has flown. It seems like yesterday that BJ and I were running around the yard.” Glancing back at the children, she asked, “But how are you really doing?”

  Sighing, Pamela replied, “I don’t miss the Joe of recent times, but this holiday is reminding me that years ago, me and Joe used to have Thanksgiving with our families too and had a good time. I always thought it would be like that.” She turned back to Suzanne and smiled. “But thank you so much for this. If we hadn’t come here, we’d be at the safe house, which would have been good but wouldn’t have given the boys a chance to feel normal like this.”

  Just then, Mac announced that the meal was ready and for everyone to have a seat. The adults corralled the children to their tables and helped them with their plates. BJ walked over, claiming Suzanne with a quick kiss and scooted her closer to him.

  Once seated, Mac stood at the head of the table, peering down at his family, friends, and the return of his daughter and her only love back into the fold. Bowing their heads, he gave the blessing, this year its meaning running deeper than ever for everyone.

  The next week found Suzanne and Annie meeting at Lily’s house to help her with Christmas decorations, deciding to do it themselves instead of waiting on the men to get back. The men had been dispatched to find Christmas trees, using Shane’s truck. Lily, with her left leg amputated below the knee, had a prosthesis and climbing her ladder was something that Matt would never agree to.

  The women stood outside of Lily’s one-story house, looking at the roof while unrolling a long strand of icicle lights.

  “Who hung these for you last year?” Suzanne asked.

  “I have a neighbor who came over, but Matt said he’d take care of it this year. It’s just that he’s been so busy with work, we kept putting it off.”

  Annie looked up dubiously. “I’d do it, but I’m afraid of heights. Even just your one story house scares me.”

  “Well, I’m not afraid of heights and don’t mind ladders. If one of you will hold it steady, I’ll start,” replied Suzanne.

  The three friends began hanging the lights while sharing about their holidays. Lily and Matt had gone to his parents’ house and Annie and Shane went to both parents’ houses.

  “Oh my God – I ate so much,” exclaimed Annie. My parents always eat at noon and Shane’s family eats at about six in the evening. So we had two full Thanksgiving meals that day. We barely made it home before crashing into a turkey coma and didn’t wake up until much later the next day,” she laughed.

  “No wonder we had the clinic closed on Black Friday,” Suzanne shouted from the roof. “Hey Lily? Do you want some lights around the chimney?”

  “Oooh, I forgot that I have a nice lighted wreath that can go there.” She ran in and in a few minutes returned with the wreath. She climbed a couple of steps up the ladder to hand it to Suzanne with Annie holding the ladder steady, then Suzanne disappeared behind the chimney to tie it in place.

  Just then, Shane’s truck pulled into the driveway. Lily glanced over her shoulder nervously as Annie said, “Uh oh.”

  “What the fuck?” Matt roared, jumping out of the truck before it came to a stop. “Lily?” he shouted.

  She quickly descended the two steps, carefully landing back on the ground as he stalked toward her, anger written on his face.

  Shane and BJ chuckled as they got out, knowing that Matt was having a coronary seeing her up on the ladder at all, even if it was just the second rung from the ground.

  “I’m glad Annie’s afraid of heights,” Shane commented. “It keeps me from having to worry about her falling.” The two men walked up to the front of the house, hearing Lily try to explain her way back into Matt’s good graces. Shane leaned over and kissed Annie as she still nervously stood at the base of the ladder. “You can let go of the ladder now, baby,” he teased.

  “Umm,” Annie stammered, looking up at her husband nervously.

  “I was just two rungs up, Matt. It wasn’t like I was in danger of falling,” Lily was protesting as he pulled her petite body into his strong arms, his eyes raking over her to make sure she was fine.

  BJ looked around wondering if Suzanne was still inside the house. Before he could ask Lily where she was, a voice came from above.

  “Hey girls, does it look straight on the chimney?”

  The stunned men’s eyes flew upward, seeing Suzanne scrambling from behind the chimney with the lighted wreath proudly displayed against the red brick. Her eyes grew wide as she realized the men were staring up and the anger was pouring off of them. Especially BJ. He seemed to have swelled as his body flexed with tightened muscles.

  “Suzy! What the fuck are you doing?” BJ roared, moving to the ladder as Shane grabbed it from Annie’s hands to steady it for his friend.

  Matt held Lily by her shoulders, peering down into her face. “Baby, what the hell were you thinking, allowi
ng her to get on the roof?”

  “She volunteered, Matt. It’s not like we’re incapable of hanging decorations!” Lily retorted.

  Annie wisely kept quiet as Shane’s eyes pierced hers. Having been with a loving, alpha man longer than her friends, she knew when to push for something and when to let them take charge. And right now, she knew their protectiveness was overflowing.

  BJ, at the top of the ladder, held out his hand. “Move slowly, Suzy girl. Take my hand.”

  “Jeez Brad. I got up here by myself and can certainly handle getting down by myself,” she huffed, moving toward the ladder.

  “Baby, you do not want to make me madder than I am right now. This little stunt has earned you a warm ass when we get home, if I can even make it that far. I’m tempted to take you in Lily’s house and tan your butt as soon as we get down.”

  “Bradley James Evans, you do not threaten me,” she cried, halting her descent.

  Taking a deep breath to both quell his fear for her and his anger, he said, “Babe. This is non-negotiable. I want you here taking my hand now. And I’m not threatening you. What I am doing is promising you a punishment for this. But I’ll take care of you always, even after.”

  Suzanne looked into his intense gaze and found herself strangely turned on by his comments. He threatens to spank me in front of our friends and I felt it right down to my…

  BJ’s eyes quickly picked up on her change in breathing and knew she was turned on. “Come on, baby,” he said gently. Taking her hand, he assisted her onto the ladder and they descended together. His breath washed over her ear as he leaned in and said, “I’ll never hurt you, you know. But I’m not having you put yourself in danger. I’ll wait till we get home, but baby you can expect to have your ass bared to me.”

  She pushed her ass back slightly, feeling it nestle against his cock which had definitely stood to attention.

  “Careful, baby or we’ll be leaving immediately.”

  She couldn’t help but giggle as they descended to the ground. He pulled her into his embrace, his hands resting on her ass giving her a reminding pat.

  The rest of the afternoon went without a hitch as the men unloaded Lily’s tree and they got it in place in her living room. After hot chocolate for the women and beers for the men, BJ moved his tree over to his truck and he and Suzanne left for their apartment.

  Hauling the tree up through the elevator took some effort, but finally it was installed in their living room. Not having had decorations of her own, Suzanne had taken great pleasure in purchasing ornaments for their first tree.

  BJ’s good mood had returned and they spent the evening decorating. He watched her as she carefully choose where each ornament would be placed, patiently answering when she asked his opinion. Her sleek, glossy, black hair was freely hanging down her back and her porcelain complexion was illuminated by the glow from the tree lights. His eyes were diverted to her luscious ass cupped in tight yoga pants that was displayed to perfection every time she raised her arms to place an ornament high on the tree.

  Glancing over at him sitting on the sofa, she asked, “Aren’t you going to get up and help?”

  “Nope,” he answered, a smirk on his face.

  Turning to him, she set the box of decorations on the coffee table, placing her hands on her hips. “And why not, may I ask?” she huffed.

  “Cause I’m watching your ass as you’re taking care of the tree.”

  “That’s it? That’s the reason I’m doing all the work, so you can oggle my ass?”

  “Yep.” Seeing that she was getting ready to protest, he continued, “Babe. You’re not hurting yourself. You’re having a fuckin’ good time, humming Christmas carols and decorating the tree. You’re safe, warm, and happy. So yeah, I’m sitting here, admiring all of you, and that includes your gorgeous ass.”

  She couldn’t help but smile as she turned back to the tree. “Fine. You can check out my ass then. At least you’ve gotten over your earlier fuss.”

  “Who says I’ve forgotten one thing that was promised?”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she looked at his face. He looks serious. He can’t be serious! He’d really spank me? Once again, she wanted to be incredulous but found her pussy clench in anticipation.

  He looked up, seeing her eyes dilate and couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face. Oh yeah, she wants it. Standing, he stalked over to her placing her hands on her shoulders. “You ready, babe, for your punishment?”

  Licking her lips, she nervously answered, “Um, I’m not really sure about this.”

  “Oh Suzy girl, the punishment is non-negotiable. You earned it and you’re going to get that ass reddening I promised.” Sliding his hands down her back, one rested on her ass and the other linked through her fingers. “But I promise, babe. I’ll make it so you may decide to be bad all the time.”

  Leading her to the bedroom, his fingers still linked with hers, he stopped when they were next to the bed. “Strip,” he ordered gently. Seeing her hesitate, he said, “The longer you wait, the longer the spanking.”

  Her eyes wide, she knew he would never hurt her, but the unknown of this new activity had butterflies flying around her stomach while her core clenched.

  “By the time I’m finished with your punishment, baby, your pussy’s gonna be crying for my dick,” he promised. “Now. Strip bare.”

  She pulled her sweater up over her head tossing it down onto the floor. Her bra quickly followed. She saw his eyes now dilating and she couldn’t help but smile. Looks like I still have some of the power. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her pants, she slid them slowly down her legs, stepping out of them once they reached her feet. Standing in only her red-lace, Christmas panties she stood very still.

  He lifted an eyebrow and she slid the panties off as well. Now completely naked, she suddenly felt vulnerable in front of him. But I trust him. Always.

  “Turn and face the bed,” he ordered gently. “Bend over and place your hands on the mattress.”

  She did has he commanded, both turned on and uncertain at the same time. She hadn’t been spanked by her parents since she was very little and certainly not on a bare ass. She pulled her lips in, awaiting what he would do next. She did not have long to wait.

  Smack. His large hand landed hard on her ass and she jumped from the sting.

  “Ow, Brad. That hurts!” she exclaimed as she stood to turn around.

  He placed his hand gently on her back, holding her in place. “Was that so bad you couldn’t stand it?”

  “No,” she admitted.

  Smack. Again his hand landed on her ass, but in a different place this time. He rubbed his hand over the reddened area, smoothing the sting.

  “Do you know how dangerous it was for you to be on the roof without someone else around?”

  “But, I had Lily and Annie –,” she began.

  Smack. Smooth.


  Smack. Smooth.

  This time she wisely kept quiet, allowing the rubbing to soothe the sting. Strangely, she could feel the wetness between her legs increase and she began clenching her thighs together to ease the ache.

  Chuckling, he continued to smooth his hand over the red globes, loving the feel of her warm, firm ass under his fingers. “Have you learned your lesson yet, baby?”

  “Yes,” she replied as she moved her hips back and forth seeking her release.

  “No more dangerous activity. You wait and let me handle things that might hurt you?”

  She wanted to protest once again, but the sting of her ass and the overwhelming desire to have him inside of her, won over.

  “I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you, Suzy girl.” He leaned over her back, sliding his fingers over the wet slit of her pussy, before plunging his fingers deep inside.

  She screamed out as he finger-fucked her with one hand and pulled her nipples with the other hand. Her orgasm rolled through her and she pushed her hips back against his jean-clad d
ick, happy to feel it swollen and straining against his zipper.

  “I need you. Inside. Now,” she panted.

  “You got it, babe.” He quickly pulled out of his clothes leaning his tall, muscular frame over her and slammed inside her drenched pussy. Her hands were still on the bed as he leaned over and filled her to the hilt. Gasping for breath on the heels of her orgasm, she could feel the incredible friction of his engorged dick reaching a place deep inside that made her body once again tighten up like a coil.

  BJ looked down at the beauty bent over in front of him and realized that her arms must be tired. Pulling out quickly, he chuckled as he heard her mewl from the loss of his cock. “Come on, babe,” he called as he gently pushed her onto the bed. Pulling some pillows up under her stomach for support, he immediately slid his aching dick back inside, as deep as he could go. His balls slapping against her, he continued his pounding. He reached around to palm her breasts before tweaking her nipples.

  Higher and higher Suzanne climbed, aiming for the peak that was just beyond her reach. “I’m close,” she cried.

  Barely holding on, he ordered, “Finger yourself.”

  She slid one hand down and rolled her swollen clit in her fingers, giving it a pull. At the same time, he squeezed her nipples and she screamed out his name once again as her second orgasm rippled from her core outward.

  Feeling her pussy walls clench his cock, he leaned his neck back, muscles straining as his orgasm tore through him. Pouring his hot semen deep into her, he continued to flex his hips as he pumped until he was utterly drained.

  Falling forward onto her back, he quickly rolled taking her with him. Tucking her quivering body close to his, he held her close to his heart. They lay for a while, sweat mingling, hearts beating in unison, as the force of their coupling washed over them. Slowly awareness took over and he slid one hand down to her ass, gently rubbing the smooth skin of her perfect derriere. She stretched and snuggled closer.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

  “Um hm,” was the lazy reply.

  “I don’t mean about the sex, darlin’. I’m talking about the punishment.”


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