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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

Page 26

by Jordan, Maryann

  At the chief’s nod, Shane placed the call to Tony. “Tony, Marcel Washington’s kidnapped a woman. Sherrie Mullins. Get BJ and Lily on any surveillance they can pull up on his house and see what they can find. Yeah, the bust here was a set-up. The real fight must be taking place somewhere else.”

  As the police took Charisse away for more questioning, Shane and Matt looked at each other. So where is Jorge and the real fight?

  * * *

  Tony turned to his crew and began to bark out orders, his military leadership taking over. “Lily, BJ. Get on your computers and pull up anything you can from Marcel Washington’s house. I know you were working on tapping into the security system we installed for him, so see what you can find. It appears that he’s kidnapped Sherrie Mullins, the sister of his former mistress.”

  At this, BJ’s head swung around from his laptop to Tony. “That’s Suzanne’s friend.”

  Tony and Gabe looked at him. “They know each other long?”

  “No. Sherrie appeared at the clinic a couple of months ago and a friendship started then.”

  The silence was deafening as the ramifications began to set in.

  “Fuck!” BJ bit out. “Do you think Sherrie was a plant for Marcel to keep an eye on the clinic and any of the fighting dogs that might have come in?”

  Tony was back on the phone to Matt and Shane in an instant. Relaying the information to them put Shane on high alert since Annie was his wife. Tony kept Matt on the phone while Shane called Annie, finding out that she was fine and at home.

  Within a few minutes, Lily shouted, “We’ve got something.” She and BJ pulled their chairs round her laptop and began showing Tony, Gabe, Vinny, and Jobe what they were looking at. “I can’t get visual right now, but I can get sound from the office area of his house. BJ’s also got records from his cell phone for the past twenty-four hours.”

  “What are we looking at?” Tony barked out.

  BJ replied, “He’s made some calls to a small airport strip outside the city. Looks like he may be trying to leave the area or possibly the country.”

  Tony jotted down the information on the airport, while Lily continued with her report.

  They listened in horror to the conversation that Marcel had with Charisse. Lily turned to BJ saying, “He’s got Sherrie and if your information is correct, then he may be trying to get both of them away.”

  Then the rest of the conversation came over the speakers on the laptop. About Sherrie’s friend. About Jorge having Suzanne.

  The silence in the room lasted only an instant before pandemonium broke out. BJ jumped out of his seat, trying to call Suzanne but it went straight to voicemail. Tony was on the phone to Matt once again. “Jorge’s got Suzanne. BJ’s coming to you. The rest of us will get to the airport at the coordinates that Lily pulled up from the phone calls.”

  Gabe growled that he was going with BJ, surprising no one since he considered Suzanne to be like a little sister. As a former military medic, he also knew his skills may be needed.

  Shane called Tony back before BJ left. Tony looked over at him and quickly said, “Fuck. Got it.” Turning to BJ he said, “BJ, they just got word that Phil Ketchum is at the hospital. He was tased outside of the Safe Haven House. He’d just dropped Suzanne off there. He’s told the police that she received a call from someone saying they were from the Haven and that the Johnson boys were there and needed someone to keep them until the mother could be reached. He saw someone approach her from behind but he was tased before he could yell out.”

  BJ stumbled back, slamming into a hard object that reached out to steady him. Hearing Vinny’s voice behind him saying, “Hang on, man. She’s gonna need you clear headed.”

  BJ pulled out his cell phone noticing a voicemail. Quickly hitting the code, he held the phone to his ear, listening to the sweet voice of Suzanne.

  “Hey sweetie, I got a call from the Safe Haven saying the boys showed up there and Chuckie is sick. Phil is driving me over there since I don’t have my car. I know he’s not our favorite people, but I’ll be fine. It’s just about a five minute drive anyway. I’ll call you when I get home. I love you.”

  He did not realize that the phone was still in his hand until Gabe reached out and took it from him, clicking it off. Gabe moved around into BJ’s line of vision and got in his face, while grabbing him by the upper arms.

  “BJ, hang on. We’ll get her. We’ll get her back.”

  Tony looked around at the men he trusted with his life. Too many military operations had occurred successfully for him to doubt his team. With Vinny’s medic skills and Jobe’s speciality of being able to take out the enemy, he was comfortable that the three of them could handle the situation.

  “Vinny and Jobe with me, going after Marcel and hopefully Sherrie. Gabe and BJ – you head to the station to meet up with Matt and Shane. Lily?” he added looking down at her pale face. “You work it from here, darlin’. Keep all of us up on what’s going on at both ends and keep working the information. See what you can get for me about the pilot and for BJ, where the fuck Jorge would have gone. We clear?”

  Nodding, she immediately turned back to her computers. She heard the sound of the men getting ready and leaving the office behind her, but she was totally focused on finding her friend.

  * * *

  With some frantic phone calls to Matt, BJ and Gabe headed to the river’s docks to an area about three miles from where the earlier false raid was held. Having received more intel from Charisse, the police had an idea where the real fight could be and had begun raids on a few more of Marcel’s business fronts including Club Edge. They began picking up several of Marcel’s men who were surprised to find out that their leader was leaving the country. It didn’t take long for them to begin rolling over on each other.

  BJ listened to Matt as Gabe drove as quickly as he could to their destination. According to Matt, it appeared that another fight location was set up, but whether it was real or another decoy they didn’t know. But it appeared that if Jorge wasn’t found anywhere else, this was as good a place to start as any.

  BJ stared straight ahead, the only illumination coming from the street lights in the inky night. He could feel Gabe’s eyes cutting over to him but couldn’t find it in himself to talk. All he could focus on was Suzanne. Getting to her. Getting her back. Her…and the baby. Closing his eyes tightly for a moment, he felt his chest tighten. The pain sliced through his heart.

  “You gonna be okay, man?” Gabe asked, already knowing the answer.

  BJ opened his eyes, rubbing his chest. “Yeah. When she’s back in my arms.”

  Nodding, Gabe continued to speed through the night.

  * * *

  Tony, Vinny, and Jobe raced to the outskirts of town to a small, private airport. With pictures of Marcel Washington and a description of Sherrie, they hurried to the place where Lily was able to determine the phone call to the unknown pilot had come to. Turning off the main highway, they made their way along several consecutively smaller and smaller roads, following the GPS but noting that there were signs for the small Richland County Municipal Airport.

  “He’s using a legit airport to store his plane,” Jobe commented.

  “Yeah, if he uses it for business trips and counts it as a tax deduction, he has to claim it and the storage facility,” Tony responded.

  “Taxes? You think he pays taxes?” Jobe asked incredulously.

  “Sure. Someone like him knows he has to keep the legit side visible to try to hide the illegal activities. He claims his mansion. His cars. Probably claims Club Edge as well. He’ll have accountants who will make sure his legit businesses and assets are well accounted for to keep the IRS off his ass.”

  Jobe just nodded as Vinny took a quick look at the GPS. “We’re getting close. Says the airport is only about one mile ahead. Turn here and this little dirt road will take us around to the side. Looks like there are trees for cover as well.”

  For the last several hundred yards. Tony turned of
f the headlights, slowly following the small road toward the lights of the airstrip. Coming to a stop in a clump of trees, they donned their equipment and weapons. Former military, they were trained in search and rescue. Alert, Tony took one last quick look at the picture of Sherrie. Not that he would forget her. Beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous. Long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes. Clear complexion. He’d read the dossier that Lily had pulled up. Sherrie and Charisse Mullins could not have been more different as sisters. Charisse had been picked up by the police for hustling, shoplifting, and prostitution. She’d made it into Marcel’s stable and then as one of his strippers at Club Edge where she attracted his attention and became his main mistress for the past year. Sherrie on the other hand, graduated with honors and just completed her degree for becoming a paralegal. And from what he could tell had been cleaning up after her sister for years. And look where it got her? A one-way ticket to Marcel’s hell. One last look at those mesmerizing blue eyes that seared straight into him and he slid the picture into his camo pocket.

  Looking up at Jobe and Vinny, he gave the silent order to proceed. Making their way to the fence surrounding the airport, they quickly cut their way through after ascertaining that there was no perimeter alarm system in place. Making their way toward the only building with lights, they saw the small Cessna aircraft out of the hangar. Nodding to each other, Jobe moved toward the aircraft while Tony and Vinny moved toward the building.

  Glancing inside, Tony saw Marcel talking with another man as he heard Jobe through his earpiece say that there was one pilot in the aircraft. Knowing Jobe would be able to easily take out the pilot, he turned his attention to the individuals in the doorway of the hangar.

  Marcel was looking over papers that had been handed to him, including what appeared to be several passports. Wanting to locate Sherrie before moving against Marcel, he maneuvered around to the side of the building to a small door. Slipping inside, he was hidden from sight behind huge stacks of barrels and crates. From this angle he could see her lying on a small cot in the corner, mouth gagged and hands and feet tied.

  Jobe came across his earpiece again, this time with the simple two words Pilot eliminated. Tony smiled at Vinny as they silently acknowledged the former military lingo. He knew that Jobe had not killed the pilot but that he had eliminated the threat of the pilot. Turning his attention back to the drama in front of him, he stealthily made his way closer as Vinny moved to the other side of the hangar.

  When Tony was close enough, he stepped out with this weapon raised. “Stop right there, Marcel.” The man in front of Marcel whirled around to Tony’s voice, stopping in his tracks with his hands in the air giving up immediately.

  Marcel dove behind the man while pulling out his gun, training it on Sherrie. “Go for it big man and she’s a goner.”

  “No worry of mine,” Tony lied. “I’m just here for you. Another one of your women won’t get in my way.”

  Marcel’s eyes flickered indecision as he realized that Sherrie wouldn’t be a deterrent since no one knew who she was. That second of indecision was all Tony needed. With the sound of his weapon discharging echoing through the cavernous hangar, he hit Marcel in the shoulder, rendering his firing arm useless. Howling with pain, Marcel began to scream and curse. The man with him began to turn away when Vinny appeared, halting his retreat.

  Tony ran over to Sherrie, whose eyes were wide with shock and fear. Gently bending down, he cradled her as he spoke assurances that they were there for her. He gently pulled the gag from her swollen mouth as he pulled out a canteen of water. Holding it for her to drink, he wiped her mouth when the water dribbled over both of them.

  She tried to speak but the words came out in a croak. Turning her frightened gaze to her rescuer, she could not seem to stop shivering.

  He pulled out a knife and noticed her jerking back as he tried to cut her hand and feet bindings. “Shhh, honey. I’m just going to cut your restraints.” With an expert flip of the knife he had her hands and feet free in an instant. Knowing her limbs would be numb, he began to rub them to restore the circulation. Staring down into those crystalline blue orbs, he suddenly felt lost. He couldn’t seem to look away. He could hear Jobe in the background calling the police, but his attention was totally focused on the beautiful woman in front of him.

  Her shivering brought him back to his senses and he realized that he had no idea the extent of her injuries or abuse at the hands of Marcel. Vinny knelt by them, quickly assessing her injuries.

  “Wounds looks superficial. Probably drugs in her system. Needs attention stat.” Vinny lifted his gaze and noted the special interest his commander had in his eyes as he held the woman in his embrace.

  Tony picked her up in his strong arms, cradling her against his massive chest. Looking down, knowing she was in shock, he just wanted to get her out of there as quickly as possible. He heard Jobe call out that the police and rescue squads were about five minutes away.

  “You’re gonna be fine Sherrie,” he said softly, not wanting to frighten her more, but she did not answer.

  Sherrie stared up at her rescuer as his arms were holding her tightly. Someone came. Someone came for me. She could not take her eyes off of the warmest caramel eyes she had ever seen. She tried to lick her parched lips, but her tongue felt swollen. Her rescuer had offered her water but dribbling was the best she could do. As he placed her on the stretcher in the ambulance she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Tall, dark, olive skin with pure white teeth in a gorgeous smile. He had a stubble of a beard on his square jaw, looking at though he just hadn’t shaved recently but on him it looked good. And those eyes. Staring at her as well.

  As she was loaded into the ambulance, she mouthed Thank you, just before they closed the doors. Pulling away, she realized that she didn’t even know her rescuer’s name.

  Chapter 25

  Jorge looked at his watch one more time, then re-checked his phone. Knowing that something was amiss, he quickly walked back down the stairs to the pit he had arranged. Devil’s Spawn was already in place at the side of the pit…hungry, angry, and ready. Jorge glanced at the dog before swinging his eyes over to Suzanne, still strapped into a chair.

  His mind began to work furiously. What the fuck is wrong? He knew that by now Charles should have been there to set up the cameras and computers. Even though Charles had gotten very efficient at his job, it still took some time to get the equipment in place. Besides Charles, the early guards of Marcel’s should have arrived as well. For a brief flash, he wondered if he had the right location, but immediately dismissed that thought since he had the text from Marcel himself.

  Has it been canceled? Did something go wrong with the other decoy site? He quickly dismissed those thoughts as well, knowing that Marcel would let him know if something had changed. Or would he? Suspicion began to slowly worm its way into his consciousness. His calls to Marcel went immediately to voicemail. He then tried calling several of Marcel’s goons. Nothing.

  The suspicion began to grow as Jorge began to wonder if he had been set up. Fuck Marcel. If that bastard found out I was betting on the side…Goddamnit, if he set me up I’ll kill him. With that thought, he walked over to Suzanne whose exhausted eyes looked at him warily.

  “Come on bitch. We’re getting outta here.” He leaned down and roughly grabbed her upper arm, hauling her out of the chair. His anger, out of control, almost had him not paying attention but his life on the streets kicked in and he suddenly shoved her back down. Running to the wall, he killed the lights inside the warehouse and looked outside seeing what looked like a complete armory coming for him.

  Goddamn Marcel set me up. Looking around quickly for a chance to escape, he knew his time was limited. His gaze landed on Suzanne and his eyes glittered.

  * * *

  Outside of the warehouse, the police and Tony’s men saw the lights go off. BJ’s heart pounded, knowing that Jorge must be inside and that he now knew they were there. The S.W.A.T. team surrounded the building to keep Jorge f
rom escaping but his focus was entirely on Suzanne.

  Donning night vision goggles, the men moved to the doors of warehouse. As the police moved into the building, BJ and Gabe were right behind. What they saw stopped them in their tracks.

  The lights suddenly came on and they pulled off their goggles as everyone blinked in the light. Suzanne was tied to a chair, gagged and sitting in the middle of the dog fighting ring. Several knife cuts had blood trickling down her arms and legs. Her blouse was opened and Jorge was crouched behind her with his arm reaching around holding his knife to her abdomen. The sound of growling came from a large dog barely restrained in a cage only a few feet away from Suzanne. His cage appeared to have a remote held in Jorge’s hand.

  The rescue team leader immediately barked the order for no one to proceed. Matt took the lead by calling out, “Jorge, you know this is it for you. Let the hostage go.”

  Years of living on the street had Jorge just smiling at the police. “You think I don’t know I won’t get out of this alive. You sure as shit aren’t taking me alive, so this is only going to go one way. And I’m not going alone.”

  The men hesitated, quickly deciding how to take Jorge out without harming Suzanne.

  “Hey big man,” he called out to BJ. BJ stepped forward, his hands in plain sight. “Yeah, you. Been watching your girl for a long time. Ever since those fuckin’ kids brought that dog to her and she got nosy.” Sliding his free hand around to her throat, he gave a squeeze causing Suzanne to jump. “Decided I wanted her for myself. Imagine my surprise when I found out she was knocked up.” At that, he dug the tip of his knife into her stomach just enough to cause a small trickle of blood to ooze out.

  BJ stared coldly at Jorge, his eyes boring straight into the man who BJ vowed to kill with his own hands.


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