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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 10

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “Take the women to my tent,” he told them. “I will gather additional bedding for them.”

  “Yes, Torin,” Browen said at once.

  “Have Barnes prepare food for them.”

  He turned and walked toward the smaller tent that held the supplies for their camp. Stopping suddenly, he turned to face the men that came forward to await further instructions. He looked at them with a discerning eye. He believed that there were men who had found their life mates among the warriors with the violet eyes. He was pleased for them, but he also had to keep his promise to his king and his queen.

  “Hear me,” he called out, bellowing so that all of his men would hear his command. “If anyone so much as thinks about touching any one of these maidens, I will personally see to it that they will lose a hand. Is that clear?”

  Once he heard his men voice their compliance, he nodded and strode with powerful steps to the supply tent. He obtained the supplies needed to see to the comfort of the women. He decided that he would travel to the small lookout station not far from the encampment. From that position, he would be able to stand watch over Altavesta’s king and queen, the warriors with the violet eyes, and his men.

  He made quick work of obtaining the bedding and charged Browen with the job of delivering them to the women. He would not be using his tent this night. It would be the home of the woman who had already captured his heart.

  Quickly climbing the small hill that bordered the left side of their camp, he welcomed the physical exercise to keep his mind occupied. He took a seat on the grassy area at the top, leaning back against the thick trunk of the tree there and sighing softly. As he looked down over the encampment, he was glad to see the activity lessening and the women safely ensconced within his tent. His vantage point allowed him to see the entire camp. His men were capable warriors. He trusted that they would keep watch and ensure that everyone was safe.

  Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the area around them. Using his ability to sense any signs of life, he was relieved to know that there were no unknown life forms in the area. His ability was something that he was thankful for. It had saved them from many silent attacks over the years. He needed to utilize that ability now more than ever. His king and queen were depending upon him. So were the sisters and the beautiful child who now occupied his tent.

  He thought about the one woman who owned his thoughts. He wanted to be the one to show Bree Gallagher the life of love and family that he ached to create with her. He did not know if the heavens thought him worthy of such a life, but he highly doubted that such a life was possible for him.

  He looked out across the encampment and sighed tiredly. From his vantage point, he could see Sebastian’s tent. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw the golden glow that surrounded it in protection. Sebastian was taking no chances with the safety of his life mate.

  Looking toward his tent, he saw Bree step out of the entrance and turn toward him. She looked up at him and nodded, lifting her hand in a silent hello. He had no choice but to mirror her movement, raising his hand and nodding to her.

  Her slow smile made his heart pound. How he wanted to put that smile on her face every moment of every day for the rest of their lives. But he could not.

  Chapter 6

  Sebastian’s heart was pounding in fear and frustration as he carried his life mate to the sleeping area of his tent. Her soft whimpers of pain tugged at his heart, and his chest hurt with the agony of watching her suffer.

  “This will never happen again, Lexi,” he told her firmly as he gently placed her on his bed, smiling softly as she wound her arms around his back to hug him to her tightly. “My lady, you must release me so that I may help you.”

  “No,” she moaned. “I need to hold you. Please, Sebastian.” She held him desperately, unable to think beyond her pain. “When you touched me before, the pain went away. Why is it still hurting?”

  “I have never seen it this bad,” Sebastian admitted. “I can only imagine that it is because we allowed it to get so severe in order to prove to your sisters that what was happening to you was very real.”

  Lexi laughed through her pain. “They’re very stubborn and question everything,” she admitted, groaning as a severe pain knifed through her uterus. “Hurts.”

  “I know, my love,” he whispered, hugging her tightly, closing his eyes and whispering a prayer to the heavens to help him help his woman. He kissed her temple lightly and pressed his lips to her ear. “I believe that you are just as stubborn and will question everything, Lexi. I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are exactly as you are. I will need your strength. It will help us to do what we need to do in order to protect our people.”

  “Remember that when I challenge you,” Lexi told him, laughing softly before another pain cut through her.

  “I look forward to it, my lady.”

  Lexi smiled. She could get used to this. Sebastian was such a sweet man. She enjoyed his gentle hold. Before she could tell him so, another pain ripped through her body, making her arch up and push away from him.

  “Please, my love, allow me to undress us,” Sebastian whispered as he gathered her closer and kissed her temple lightly. “If our bodies touch, the pain will lessen at a faster rate.”

  Lexi looked up at him through eyes that were glazed with pain. He bent down and kissed her cheek tenderly, wiping at the single tear that slipped from the corner of her left eye and rolled down her face with the pad of his thumb before pulling back from her grasp. Lexi moaned when his hands left her and curled back into herself as the pain once again tore at her.

  Sebastian growled in frustration. This had gone too far. She couldn’t bear being away from his touch for even the merest of moments. He was no better off than she was. He pulled his shirt from his body, heedless of the sound of the material rending beneath his hands. His sole purpose was to get them both undressed and entwined in a full-body embrace as quickly as possible. Only then would he be able to help ease her pain.

  Ignoring his own need and the impossibly hard erection that tormented him, he leaned forward and quickly divested Lexi of her boots. He reached with shaking hands and unlaced her vest then unbuttoned her blouse. He pushed them both open and slipped them off her arms. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath to steady himself.

  “Sebastian,” Lexi moaned, reaching up to touch his shoulder. “It’s bad.”

  “I know, my love,” he whispered, leaning forward to gently brush his lips against hers. He swallowed her groan of pain then eased up to kiss her forehead lightly before leaning his forehead against hers and closing his eyes to breathe in deeply, reveling in the sweet scent of her skin and her hair. Was there ever a more pleasing aroma than the scent of his woman?

  Pulling back, he reached down to unfasten the clasp of her trousers and pulled them from her body. She lay before him with nothing but the soft, pink lace undergarment and matching binding across her breasts. As much as he wanted to savor the reveal of her body to him, there was no time to waste. Her pain was palpable. Her beautiful violet eyes were haunted with it.

  He knew that removing all of her clothing would be best, but he would not do so without her permission. It did not matter that she was in pain and he knew it would be best if they were both unclothed and touching. It would be inappropriate to do so. She needed to be completely aware and in charge of her decisions. She needed to make the choice. He would never take advantage of this moment.

  He looked down at her and took a calming breath as he fought for control. Seeing her lying in his bed in this makeshift bedroom, made the possessiveness he felt for her flare to life. He wanted her in his bed, in his life, and in his heart from this moment forward.

  She looked up at him with open trust and patience. She was truly a gift. Her full breasts begged for his attention. He could see the faint outline of her darkened, taught nipples that were begging for his touch and his kiss. Her fully feminine hips were made for bearing children. His children.

ry aspect of her personality was exactly what attracted him. The heavens had certainly chosen a life mate who was intelligent, brave, strong, sweet, kind, and caring. He would never be able to express how thankful he was to have her in his life.

  He groaned with pleasure as his naked chest made contact with her body. His hands caressed her back gently as he held her tightly against his chest, loving that she cuddled into him to rest her face against his neck. He could feel her relaxing against him and knew that her pain was slowly diminishing. Relief filled him. So did a driving need to touch and know every part of her. His woman. His future.

  He could feel her heart pounding against his chest. Her hands gripped his hips, pulling him toward her in desperation. Lifting his leg he curled it around her hip and drew her tightly against his body, settling intimately against her. He continued to caress her back over and over again, sighing softly as he felt her body slowly relaxing.

  “Lexi, has the pain lessened?” he whispered against the side of her face.

  “Yes,” Lexi whispered. “It’s almost gone. I’m so tired.”

  “I know, my love.”

  Lexi smiled at Sebastian’s words. How nice to be spoken to in such a way. She snuggled closer and rested her face in the crook of his neck. She breathed in deeply, relaxing even more.

  Sebastian closed his eyes and said a prayer of thanks. He had worried that he would not be able to provide the relief that Lexi needed. He could not fail his life mate. To do so would prove he was not worthy to have her as his.

  Easing back, he looked down at her and saw the look of peace on Lexi’s sweet face. She had her eyes closed, and she was smiling. He needed to kiss her.

  Lexi became aware of the way Sebastian moved closer and felt the warmth of his breath against her lips. He kissed her then with such gentleness, her heart soared with happiness. He was exceedingly careful with her, taking only what she was willing to give him. She loved that he held such respect for her and her wishes.

  When he pulled back and looked into her eyes, she smiled up at him, slowly raising her hand to touch his cheek and run her fingers into the soft thickness of his hair. Clenching her hand in the dark blond silkiness, she pulled him toward her and kissed him, gently at first, then more demanding as the urge to devour him filled her heart and soul. She felt the exact moment when his struggle to keep himself away from her was abandoned, and he gave himself to her in complete surrender.

  His lips claimed hers, coaxing gently as he deepened their kiss. When his tongue traced her lower lip and she opened her mouth to allow him entrance, he moaned with deep pleasure as he swept the inside of her mouth, tasting her, teasing her, wanting every part of her. The desire he had for her was great. She was the life mate he had been waiting for. She was his woman. His queen.

  “Sebastian?” Lexi asked softly, realizing something in that moment that upset her.


  “You’re in pain.”

  “I am well, Lexi. Do not worry about me.”

  Lexi pushed at his chest to move him so that he was at a better angle for her to look up at him. She saw that he was smiling and could feel his contentment, but she knew that he had to be in pain. He had eased her pain, but she had done nothing to help him.

  “You said we’re life mates,” she said, her voice strong.

  “Yes. We are.”

  “In your world, do you not respect that a relationship between a man and a woman is equal?” she asked him, anger and worry filling her that this world would not offer her a true and equal partnership with her husband. She wanted what her parents had.

  “Lexi, what we will have as a bonded couple will be true, equal, and forever,” he told her without hesitation.

  “Okay, I want that, but you’re not acting like that right now,” Lexi told him firmly.

  “I do not understand.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “It is tolerable.”



  Lexi reached up and gripped Sebastian’s long hair, tugging on it firmly and pulling him toward her so that he was inches from her as she looked directly into his golden eyes. She was glad to see the surprise there. If he thought she was going to be some docile creature who would simply follow orders blindly, he was going to be disappointed. That wasn’t her. It would never be her. If that’s what he wanted, she was going to find out right now before she committed her heart and body to him.

  “Do you care if I’m in pain?” she asked him calmly.

  “Of course I do,” Sebastian answered without hesitation, his voice indignant. He was insulted by the question.

  “I know that you do,” she told him, touching his face tenderly to soothe him. “I care if you’re in pain, too. Please, always be honest with me so I can help.”

  Sebastian melted into Lexi’s touch, loving the gentleness of his woman. He could not help but be warmed by her genuine concern for him. He had lived a life of service as king to his people. He believed that his people and his warriors truly respected him as both a ruler and a man, but he had never received such honest caring from a woman. Until now.

  “I have some discomfort,” he admitted quietly.

  “Some discomfort?” she asked, knowing that he was downplaying his pain.

  “It is much better now that I am holding you,” he told her honestly.

  “But you’re still in pain.”

  He sighed slowly, not wanting to cause his mate any distress or guilt. “Not exactly.”

  “What exactly, Sebastian?” Lexi urged. “Please. Tell me.”

  “I do not want you to feel responsible,” he told her quietly. “You have no obligation to me. It is not something that I would ask of you at this time in our relationship. What we have is too new. I cannot ask you to do something that you are not ready for.”

  “What exactly are you going to ask me to do?” Lexi asked warily.

  “Nothing. I ask nothing of you, my love.”

  Lexi smiled at the repeated use of the endearment. Sebastian didn’t realize that his words were exactly what she needed to hear in order to know that he did not think to use her. He thought of her as his life mate—the person he would be sharing his future with.

  “What is it that I can do to help get rid of your pain, Sebastian?” Lexi asked gently. “You’ve helped me. There has to be a way for me to help you.”

  “Only our bonding will stop the need I have for you,” Sebastian told her gently. “You must not feel guilt over not being ready for that, Lexi. I want us to be together forever. A little discomfort is a small price to pay for a lifetime of happiness with you.”

  “Sebastian,” Lexi whispered, overwhelmed by his words.

  “Do not worry,” Sebastian stopped her. “Rest. Get some sleep. You need to heal.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead lightly before pressing his lips against her temple. “I need you to be better. You must regain your strength.”

  He eased away from her and looked down at her. His golden eyes were flashing and sparks of white and gold were swirling around him as he held her gently. Lexi looked up at him in wonder. She knew that she and her sisters were going to be exposed to many new things on this world of Altavesta, but she never expected to find a world filled with magic.

  Sebastian certainly embodied the power of magic. Instead of being frightened by it, Lexi was comforted by it. She knew in her heart that Sebastian would always use the power of his magic to protect all of them. She didn’t know what role he played in his world, but she knew that it had to be an important one.

  “I’ll rest after I make sure you’re not in pain, Sebastian,” Lexi told him finally.

  She reached between them and palmed his hard shaft through his trousers, satisfaction filling her at the soft moan that escaped him at her touch. His eyes blazed golden, hot with need, as he looked at her. She shushed him gently when he tried to speak, smiling as another moan escaped him when she began to trace the hard length of him through the soft material.
  “I need to touch you, Sebastian,” she whispered, glad when he eased away from her so she could slip her hand beneath the waistband of his pants and touch his skin. She traced the hard planes of his abdomen to his groin, sighing softly when she felt the heat of his body.

  Touching him was like touching heated velvet. Lexi wrapped her hand around him and began to pull up and push down on his shaft in slow, easy movements. He pressed his hips toward her and gripped her left shoulder as if to anchor himself by holding her. Lexi loved it. She loved that he reached for her. She loved that he wanted her. She loved that his eyes never left her face as they glowed brightly with the magic within him.

  She pushed aside her own decadent thoughts, but she could not deny that she had the same want and need for his touch. Was this the way it was with life mates? If it was, she was pretty happy about it.

  She liked the fact that the attraction that they felt for each other was both emotional and physical. She enjoyed his easy conversation. She admired his strength and his power. Most of all, she valued his kindness and caring. It was obvious in how he treated her, her sisters, her niece, and his men.

  The loyalty and camaraderie his men shared with him and each other was very telling. They followed him because he was a good and just man. He looked out for the safety and well-being of others with no agenda in mind other than to help and protect them.

  “I want you to relax and enjoy yourself,” she told him softly. “Let me help you.”

  Sebastian laughed softly, the laugh quickly turning to a moan of pleasure as Lexi’s hand did amazing things to his body. This woman was a unique blend of tenderness and strength. Her touch lit him on fire. Her kindness and caring soothed his soul and calmed his heart. She was his destiny. She was his to love and care for.

  He felt her nuzzling against his neck and gave himself over to her loving touches. When she kissed his neck lightly, his entire body clenched with desire. Her tenderness was his undoing. Pressing into her palm, he groaned as she cupped his sac and caressed its contents carefully. When she squeezed it slowly, his entire body blazed with need.


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