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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 16

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “I will give you pleasure and watch as you release in ecstasy each time,” he promised her. “I will also use my magic to ease your discomfort and protect us during our vulnerable time together.”

  “You can use magic to help me?”

  “Yes, my lady. My magic will help increase your pleasure, relax your body to accept me without problem, and protect us during our lovemaking.”

  “We’ll need protection during our lovemaking?” Lexi could barely put two thoughts together. Between Sebastian’s touch and his words, she was having a hard time thinking about anything but how much she wanted him.

  “When I am making love to you, my focus is on only you,” he explained, kissing her neck lightly and whispering the words into her ear. “I must surround us with the shield of protection that my magic will afford so that no one can harm us.”

  “Okay,” Lexi said breathlessly, loving the fact that he would be completely lost in the moment when he made love to her.

  “Do not fear my magic, Lexi,” he told her firmly, a burst of pure white light exploding around them before it settled into a soft golden glow that remained in a fifty yard perimeter around them. “It is meant to protect and heal.”

  Lexi eased away from him, looking at the bubble of magic that surrounded them, and was amazed. She had seen Sebastian wield his magic before, but this was awe-inspiring. He had such power within him. No wonder he was king.

  “Does everyone here have magic within them?”

  “Every person on Altavesta has magic within them,” Sebastian explained. “My family is no exception.”

  “But your family has the strongest magic. Right?”

  “Mayhap,” Sebastian agreed cautiously. “Torin holds great magic within him, as do many of our warriors. I believe that we all contribute to the strength of the magic of our world.” He hesitated a moment as he looked down at her and smiled tenderly.

  Sebastian made her lose all ability to think when he slid his hands up the column of her throat and slipped his fingers into her hair. His strong hands held her just hard enough to show her that she was his, but gentle enough to convey the reverence that he had for her. When he drew her toward him and kissed her lips lightly, she opened to him easily, loving the scent and the taste of him.

  “Nice,” she whispered against his lips, loving the smile that came to him.

  “Yes,” he agreed, slipping his hands down her back and squeezing her muscular behind.

  He moaned softly against her lips as he pulled her closer so that his shaft was nestled between her legs. The heat of her body pressed against his was glorious.

  “Will you allow me to love you, my lady?” he whispered against her cheek as he kissed his way down the column of her throat.

  Her answer was lost in the soft moan that escaped her as she gripped his upper arms and dug in with her nails as he bit into her shoulder just hard enough to keep her still. She never thought something like that would excite her, but it did. Hell! It made her crazy!

  She heard the cascading waterfall and thought briefly that she couldn’t hope for a more romantic spot to share this beautiful moment with her man. She willingly gave herself over to his strength and his tenderness.

  He freely offered her a glimpse into his heart and soul. He showed her his hopes and his dreams, allowing her to see a vulnerability that she knew no others would ever be allowed to see. He was a conundrum. Strong and tender. Powerful and weak. Commanding and beseeching. And he allowed her to see each and every part of himself without hesitation. His trust in her was complete. She could do nothing but offer him the same—without reservation.

  Chapter 10

  Lexi saw the sparks of white magic within the golden shield that surrounded them and realized suddenly that the blanket they were lying on was much softer than it had been when she had first set it on the ground. King Sebastian Mathieson, her destined life mate, was giving her a soft bed to make love upon.

  “So soft,” she whispered against his lips.

  “No, my lady. I am very hard,” Sebastian told her without hesitation, smiling at the chuff of laughter that Lexi released. He eased back to look down at her and saw the joy in her eyes and the smile on her face. “I have amused you?”

  “You have,” Lexi whispered, reaching up and touching his cheek lightly. “I’m looking forward to you amusing me for the rest of our lives.”

  Sebastian ran his hand over her cheek, lightly brushing her soft hair from her face as he gazed down at her. This incredible woman was the perfect life mate. She made him smile and enjoyed his humor. She was going to be the center of his family, and challenge him at every opportunity. He would not want it any other way.

  “My love,” he told her softly, nuzzling against her throat and biting down on her shoulder carefully.

  “I’m here,” she whispered, gripping his shoulders and holding on tightly.

  “You are mine,” he told her firmly as he looked down at her, his magic flashing within his eyes and pressing outward to add more protection around them.

  “Yes,” she agreed without hesitation.

  Magic burst around them, a shower of violet and white joined by golden stars. Lexi could feel the magic entering her and settling deep within her soul. She felt warm and tingly. And powerful. She opened herself to him and welcomed the magic that he offered her. She didn’t really know if this was part of the bonding, but she knew that she wanted this part of him, too. She wanted all of him.

  Before she could calm herself from the intensity of the magic entering her, she felt Sebastian’s lips traveling down her neck and across her chest. His kisses set her on fire. She felt his desire. She also felt his love. He was caught up in the moment of desire just as she was, but the underlying caring and love that he already had for her was apparent in every gentle touch, every tender kiss, and every softly whispered word that he uttered.

  When he kissed the soft swell of her right breast and licked at her erect nipple, she couldn’t help but moan at the pleasure that he gave her. His hands caressed her sides and slipped beneath her body to carefully grip her shoulders, holding her firmly yet gently. It was as if he couldn’t bear to have her move away from him. Lexi’s soft laughter at the thought of such a possibility ever happening morphed into a long moan of pleasure as he drew her nipple into his mouth and suckled. His teeth held the erect nub in place as his tongue did wicked things to it.

  “Sebastian,” she whispered, gripping his head and threading her fingers into his long, dark blond hair.

  She twisted her fingers in it and pulled him closer as he released her nipple and kissed his way up the column of her throat. He placed tender kisses along the underside of her jaw, sending shivers of pleasure through her. When he kissed her lips lightly before pulling back slightly to look down at her and smile tenderly, Lexi thought in that moment that he was the most beautiful and gentle man that she had ever known.

  “What is it, my love?” he asked her quietly.

  “You make me need,” she told him quietly, unable to be anything but completely honest with him.

  “You do the same for me, my lady. You do not understand yet how much your presence means to me.” He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, sighing softly at the connection. “You are my heart. You are my future. I am nothing without you.”

  “Sebastian, you’re king of Altavesta,” Lexi reminded him gently.

  “I am a king who has had no one to love,” he interrupted her. “I have awaited you for so long. You give my life purpose. You hold endless possibilities and joy, and you hold them for me—for our future.”

  Lexi had no words. Sebastian’s honesty filled her with hope. She knew that she would love him dearly. He would be hers to care for, fight beside, and have a family with. She wanted to be the one to give him the joy that he spoke about.

  Her mother had seen her future. Elizabeth Gallagher had told Lexi that the choice would always be Lexi’s, but she also cautioned her daughter to keep herself open to the
possibilities that might be new or frightening to her.

  Looking up at Sebastian and seeing the tender expression on his face, and feeling the gentleness of his touch, Lexi calmed. Yes, everything was new. This world, this relationship, and the role she would play as his life mate and queen, were all new and daunting, but there was no fear as she thought about them. She couldn’t fear what she knew in her heart was right.

  Pulling Sebastian closer, she pressed her lips against the column of his throat. His scent, combined with his taste, was exactly what she wanted and needed. His warmth surrounded her as he tightened his hold, and she found that she could barely breathe with the wanting of him.

  Sebastian moaned softly as he felt the warmth of her lips against his neck. Renewed desire surged within him. He had been able to calm himself somewhat as they were speaking and he had told her exactly how he felt, but her touch, her kisses, and her tenderness sent need racing through him once again. Their bonding had to take place. He would be lost otherwise.

  He reached up and threaded the fingers of his right hand into the soft, dark silkiness of her hair, gently caressing her throat with the pad of his thumb as he drew her face toward his. Her beautiful violet eyes watched him silently, staring into his with such intensity, his chest ached at the connection. This was his life mate. His woman. He needed her and desired her more than he had ever thought possible.

  “Be certain, Lexi Gallagher,” he told her firmly. “Once we bond, it will be forever. Is this what you want?”

  “Yes.” Lexi’s answer was firm and instant, surprising even herself at the confidence with which she made the decision and spoke the word. “Are you certain, Sebastian Mathieson?”

  “I am.” He rubbed his cheek along Lexi’s temple, smiling at the way she cuddled into his touch. “You are mine,” he whispered against her temple before pulling back to look down at her, slowly lowering his mouth to hers and kissing her lips lightly.

  The gentle kiss soon turned more passionate. He was unable to hold back any longer. This was his life mate. He was going to show her just how much he desired her and how good it would be between them.

  He could feel the magic building within him, preparing for the bonding. Rather than suppressing it, he allowed it to grow. His magic was needed to make their bond one of permanency. He would take no chances that their bonding would not be strengthened by the magic that he would share with her.

  Lexi slipped her hands along the muscles of Sebastian’s sides to caress his back firmly. She loved the smile that he gave her. She thought it was sweet that he sighed in relief. This strong man was a capable king and warrior, yet she could feel the worry within him.

  “Sebastian,” she whispered, leaning up to kiss the underside of his jaw. “I need to bond with you.”

  The magic that burst around them was immediate. Sebastian was not taking any chances that they would be in any danger while they were bonding. The magic may have looked like a clear curtain with white, gold, and violet within it, but he knew better. It was transparent so that they could see their surroundings, but those looking at them would only see the natural countryside. Sebastian and Lexi would be invisible to anyone outside the shield of his protection.

  “Your magic,” Lexi began.

  “It will shield us from outside eyes.”

  “No one can see us?”

  “No one.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing.” Lexi looked up at Sebastian, blushing lightly. “I was worried.”

  “No one will ever gaze upon your beauty but me, my love,” Sebastian promised. “My magic will shield us for every private moment that we share. It will also protect us. You can trust my magic to ensure that no harm will ever come to you.”

  “Sebastian,” Lexi whispered.

  “Yes, my lady?”

  “I trust you. Now, you’d better start claiming me or I’m going to claim you.”

  Sebastian laughed as Lexi flipped them both and straddled his hips. He would do anything to keep that deliciously sexy smile on her face.

  “I have you exactly where I want you,” she told him, reaching between them and gripping his shaft to hold it in place while she slowly rocked over it. She couldn’t help but moan as it rubbed against her just right, sending tremors of pleasure through her.

  Looking down at Sebastian, she was pulled by his goodness and his tender heart. He deserved every bit of kindness and bliss that she could give him. Leaning forward, she kissed him fiercely, gripping his hair and holding him still as she tasted, licked, and opened to him as he immediately pressed his tongue into her mouth to sweep it and gather her flavor. She couldn’t help but whimper at the pure masculine need that he displayed.

  She may have taken the initiative to begin this claiming, but she knew that he would be an active and dominant participant. Nothing would please her more.

  She wanted him to be powerful. She wanted to feel feminine and small within his strong arms. She had never felt that way in her life, but the way Sebastian held her made her feel that she was something to be cherished and protected. She was his warrior, but she was also his woman, and he made her feel exactly that—his woman that he was careful not to overwhelm. It was wonderful to be treated so tenderly.

  She kissed his cheek, laughing softly as he growled his displeasure at having her pull away from his lips. He would soon realize that she had something else in mind that would make him more than pleased.

  She caressed his arms and chest as she kissed her way down his torso. She loved the sounds of pleasure that echoed around them as she laved each nipple and suckled sweetly, biting at the hardened nubs and was encouraged by the soft shudders that escaped him in response.

  When she scraped her nails along his sides as she alternately kissed and placed gentle love bites across his stomach, his body arched into her touch. It made her feel powerful to have him remain as still as he could manage while she explored his incredible body. Humming lightly, she rubbed her nose in the dark brown hair at his groin, loving the manly scent that filled her. It was a combination of musk and the sea. She loved the ocean. Maybe that was why her destined mate smelled the way he did.

  “So good,” she whispered as she took one more deep breath before kissing his erect shaft.

  She held the hard length in her right hand, holding it carefully as she licked up the underside, tracing the heavy vein to the mushroomed cap. Wrapping her lips around the spongy head, she sucked carefully as she ran her tongue along the ridge.

  Gathering his heavy sac in her left hand, she lifted it slightly so she could lick it slowly. Sebastian’s low grunt made her smile. He was enjoying what she was doing. She was determined to make him crazy with need before she was through with him.

  Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she sucked his sac into her mouth and traced the delicate orbs within it with her tongue. The thought of those orbs containing his seed made her womb clench in need. She wanted his seed to fill her and make the children that he promised he would love.

  Pulling back, she released his sac and kissed it once again before taking his hard shaft and rubbing her right cheek against the velvet heat of him. Kissing her way up his impressive length and girth, she had a moment of worry that he would fit inside of her. Sebastian had assured her that she would be ready to take him and his magic would aid in the joining. Easing back slightly, she viewed his manhood and couldn’t help but release her own soft growl of need.

  Opening her mouth, she took the head of his shaft inside and pressed down, doing her best to take as much of him as she could. Pulling off just a bit, she pressed back down and swallowed slowly. Sebastian’s deep, guttural groan urged her on.

  Pulling off slowly, she sucked hard and swallowed the fluid that escaped him. It was delicious. She was already addicted to it, to Sebastian, and to the life that was promised to her by her gentle man.

  She was about to press down once again when she felt Sebastian grip her arms and pull her up his body. She couldn’t help but release a gasp of surpri
se. His strength was controlled, as always, but there was no choice in the fact that he was going to pull her away from his shaft.

  “Sebastian, I wasn’t finished,” she protested, laughing against his mouth when he growled and kissed her soundly.

  “You are finished, my lady,” he told her between kisses. “I will not release in your mouth. I will only release deep inside of you.” He pushed her from him so that he could look directly into her eyes. “I will fill your womb and pray that my seed will take root.”

  “Sebastian,” Lexi whispered.

  “I want to have a child with you, Lexi,” he told her gently. “I know that this is very sudden, and if you do not want this yet, I will understand.”

  Lexi was quiet for a moment. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted. Well, she did want a family with Sebastian. She just didn’t know if she wanted to have one so quickly.

  “I want to have a family with you, Sebastian,” she said softly, looking down at him as he held her above him with sure hands. “Let’s put our future children in the hands of the heavens. What will be, will be.”

  Sebastian smiled warmly at his life mate. To know that she wanted what he wanted was a glorious thing. To also know that she trusted him enough to want him to be the sire of her children was the ultimate honor. He would not disappoint her. He would be a loving mate and a loving father to their children.

  “Sebastian, you’re making me wait,” Lexi reminded him, laughing softly when she saw Sebastian’s golden eyes flash with desire as his focus was drawn to her face once again.

  She let out a squeal of surprise when he gripped her hips and dragged her up his body so that she straddled his shoulders. She tried to move away, suddenly very embarrassed by the way she was spread wide open in front of his mouth, but his hands only tightened on her hips to hold her in place.


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