Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 21

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “I will train you in the control of your magic,” he promised her. “I will also have you create the shield of protection when we are sleeping, for that is when we are most vulnerable to outside attacks.”

  “I know that your world is in danger, but I didn’t realize how personal it was,” Lexi admitted.

  “Cruelty and savagery are personal, Lexi,” Sebastian told her. His voice was filled with anger and pain. “The people who threaten us and the worlds that we protect are not honorable. They are singular in their purpose to annihilate us and take the riches of our worlds. They do not understand that the true riches of our worlds are the people.”

  Lexi pressed into Sebastian’s side, kissing his chest lightly as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She now knew why this man was a good king. He valued his people. She was proud of him.

  “I’m very lucky,” she whispered against his throat as she kissed it lightly. “I have a good man as mine.”

  Sebastian’s hold on her tightened just a little as pride surged through him. He did care about his people, but what was more important to him was that Lexi understood and valued his belief in his people and the people of the other worlds that he protected. She was going to be a good queen.

  He traced her cheek gently, enjoying her beauty and her strength. He loved the soft smile that she awarded him. He knew that she did not realize just how much every glance and every touch she gave him meant to him.

  “My magic is powerful,” he told her quietly. “Your magic is powerful.”

  “I have no magic,” Lexi protested.

  “Oh, my lady, you have no idea how strong the magic is within you,” he told her, laughing softly. “Now that we have bonded, our magics have joined. Together, we possess untold strengths, Lexi. Together, we will protect our people.”

  Lexi remained silent, trying to take in the words that Sebastian spoke with such conviction. She had to admit that she did feel different, more powerful. She could feel the magic surging within her. She could also feel the goodness and the rightness of that magic.

  “I can feel the magic growing within me, Sebastian, but I’m not sure if it’s strong enough.” She looked into the beautiful eyes of her man and was lost in the love that radiated from them as he looked at her. “You make me feel as if I’m strong enough.”

  “You are, my love. I have every faith in you.” He hesitated a moment, covering her hand with his as she caressed his cheek. “I will help you to learn how to focus and direct your magic.” He gripped her hand tightly, drawing it to his chest and looking at her very seriously. “Your shield of protection is crucial to your well-being. You must construct it whenever you feel danger. Do not argue this point with me, Lexi. It is a necessary precaution that you can never be lax in upholding.”

  “I understand, Sebastian, but you need to understand and accept something, too,” she told him firmly as she pushed herself from his arms and sat up to face him with determination. “I am perfectly capable of defending myself. So are my sisters, and so will my niece be when she grows up.”

  She couldn’t help but be proud of what she and her sisters had been trained to do. Sebastian needed to know and accept that they didn’t need anyone to protect them. They had come to the world of Altavesta to help protect others.

  Sebastian took a deep breath to calm himself. He fought with himself to keep his natural tendency to be in charge in check. Lexi was not of his world. She was a skilled warrior who deserved his respect and his admiration. He would not belittle her ability or her importance.

  He closed his eyes to focus himself. When he opened them, he saw her sitting before him with her arms defiantly crossed over her abdomen, causing him to groan at the sight of her gorgeous breasts.

  “Are you doing that to distract me, Lexi Gallagher?” he asked her, his right eyebrow raised slightly as he challenged her.

  “Doing what?”

  “That,” Sebastian told her, pointing to her arms and the way her breasts were presented to him. “If you are going to argue with me naked, it would not be honorable.”

  Lexi blushed profusely, covering her breasts with her arms as she realized what she had inadvertently done. “I’m not doing anything,” she protested, unable to keep the nervous flutter in her stomach from causing a moment of insecurity and embarrassment.

  “You may not think you are doing anything, but you are causing me to waver in my judgment,” he told her very seriously. “That is not something that I am ever allowed to do. Not if it means putting you at risk.”

  Sebastian reached out and gathered her within his embrace, turning her carefully and gently placing her beside him on the blanket. He pulled the edge of the blanket until it covered Lexi completely, keeping his arms beneath the warmth of the material so that he could continue to hold her within his arms. He ran his hand down the length of her side to settle upon her hip, loving her feminine curves.

  “How can I resist you?” he whispered, leaning forward and kissing her temple lightly. “You are more than desirable, my love. You are everything that I find attractive. You are the perfect combination of gentleness and strength. I am lost to you.”

  He sighed heavily. He would compromise whenever he could as long as it did not endanger his life mate. He had waited too long to find her, and he was not about to lose her to the very real dangers that surrounded them.

  “I understand that you are a skilled warrior, Lexi,” he said finally. “That does not change the fact that you must use the shield of protection when your safety is in question. You must trust your instincts. I know that you have them. You will be able to judge a situation or a person with complete accuracy. If you ever have any inkling of danger, you are to throw all magic at your shield to construct and strengthen it immediately. You are to surround yourself and your sisters and anyone else who needs protection without hesitation. You have enough power to do so without compromising the integrity of the shield.”

  “That’s acceptable,” Lexi told him, nodding in agreement.

  “There is one more condition, Lexi,” he told her, stopping her from saying more.

  He eased up onto his forearm to recline beside her and face her seriously. He reached out, pushed aside the blanket, and touched her abdomen gently, lightly resting his open palm on the warmth of her skin.

  “When you are carrying our children, you will maintain the highest level of magic possible to protect you at all times. I will not risk any harm coming to you or our babies. Ever.” He eased forward and kissed her belly tenderly, turning his head and resting his cheek against her body. “Mayhap we have already created our first child.”

  “I think we have more to talk about before we decide to have a baby, Sebastian,” she told him softly.

  “I know,” he told her, accepting her caution. “Although this choice is still yours to make, you must know that the heavens may have already stepped in and made this decision for us.”

  Lexi looked down at his large hand covering her belly and couldn't help but feel joy over the possibility that they may have already created their child. She covered his hand gently and pushed it lightly against her body.

  “Do you think that we have already made our baby?” she whispered.

  He hesitated slightly, then smiled and rubbed her belly gently. “If we have, I would be very happy about it,” he said finally. “If not, I will be very happy to continue loving you and filling you with my seed until we create one.”

  Lexi laughed softly. “I think I would like that, too, Sebastian.”

  Sebastian smiled and brought her toward him, meeting her halfway to kiss her gently. He loved the gentle acceptance that she gave him. He was awed by the fact that this beautiful, gentle warrior gave him her heart and her body without hesitation.

  “I believe we have made the decision together,” he told her, his voice tender. “We have agreed to accept any child that we create.”

  Lexi nodded, smiling at Sebastian. She saw the truth in his eyes. His soul told
her that he would accept and love every child that they made together, just as he already accepted and loved every part of her. She didn’t need to worry that he was intimidated by her strength or her skills as a soldier. He was able to see the woman within the soldier. He was able to value and respect every aspect of her life.

  The wonderful thing was, she could tell that he found nothing unusual or wrong about her being both a woman and a warrior. What she was, was exactly what she was meant to be. There would be no criticism.

  She would offer no apology. She was a combination of many thing—because she had to be. Didn’t every woman wear many hats and embody many roles in order to survive?

  “The only promise I need you to make, is that you will use your magic to ensure that no harm will come to you or to our children,” Sebastian told her, his deep voice serious and his gaze intent as he looked at her. He hesitated a moment, searching her eyes for the promise that he desperately needed. “Please, my lady.”

  Lexi’s heart filled to near-bursting with the love that surged through her. The honest emotions and deep longing in Sebastian’s eyes touched her very soul.

  “I promise,” she whispered, placing her hand over his as he gently stroked her belly.

  Sebastian nodded and leaned in, resting his forehead against hers. “I thank you, my gentle warrior,” he told her softly.

  Lexi could only nod, unable to trust her voice. When she looked up to meet his gaze, she smiled at the sight of the violet within his golden eyes and felt a small thrill that a part of her was now a part of him.

  As his hand tenderly stroked her abdomen, she realized suddenly that she was truly entertaining the possibility of his baby already growing inside of her. She wanted that as much as she wanted a life filled with the love that she would share with this man.

  She wondered if they would be gifted with a baby boy or a baby girl. Would their child have her dark hair or his dark blond hair? Would they have her eyes or the golden color that Sebastian possessed before they had bonded? Maybe their babies would have the unique combined colors that Sebastian now possessed. That would be beautiful.

  Lexi didn’t really care who their children looked like. She only cared that they would be healthy and happy. She had never told anyone that she longed for a man to love and a family that they would create together.

  She wanted to experience the miracle of pregnancy and the birth of their baby. She wanted to hold that baby against her chest and nurse their sweet child. She wanted to be a mom.

  As she snuggled against Sebastian’s side and sighed when he pulled her tighter against his body, she couldn’t help but smile at the completely un-warrior thought.

  Chapter 14

  They walked along the pathway toward the encampment in silence. Lexi was a little saddened by the fact that their time together away from the responsibilities of their positions was coming to an end. She would always remember the brief, stolen moments spent alone with Sebastian by the beautiful waterfall. She considered that time with him their honeymoon. She couldn’t help but radiate happiness. She could sense that Sebastian was feeling the same joy.

  As they walked beside each other, she wondered about the customs of Sebastian’s world. She wanted to respect his customs, but she also wanted to have him know and respect hers. Perhaps he would be open to incorporating those customs into the culture of the world of Altavesta. She thought that he might. He had already proven himself to be an open and accepting king, and an understanding and caring man.

  “Sebastian, on your world, do life mates conduct a ceremony to commit themselves to each other?” she asked him, her voice strong despite her uncertainty.

  Sebastian turned to look at her as he walked, confused by the question. “A touch begins the bonding process between life mates. The need to be together is instant and does not waver. Once the two members decide to complete the bonding, the physical joining creates the bond. The two share their bodies and their gifts. This sharing of magic signifies the blessing of the heavens over their bond.”

  “Does this bond get announced? Is that how others will know that two people have bonded?”

  “In some instances, an announcement is made when family homes are not close to each other, but in most cases, the joining of magic is evident when the two are touching,” Sebastian explained.

  “You mean others will see our shield? You said no one else would see it unless I allow it,” Lexi said, not happy that their privacy would be compromised.

  “No, my love,” Sebastian told her, reaching out and taking her hands in his. In that instant, a spark of gold and violet lit the area around them. “The spark of magic that joins us manifests as a spark of power that is but a moment of revelation. It is the way that our magics join and grow with each touch.”

  “That would be dangerous if we’re trying to sneak up on an enemy and you happen to touch me, Sebastian,” Lexi told him, her voice hushed with worry. “That’s not good at all.”

  “You are correct, Lexi,” Sebastian said, thinking on this new set of problems. “It has never occurred in battle before. We would be the first bonded couple to experience this situation.”

  Lexi pulled her hands from his and stepped back. His words actually surprised her. No couple had ever been bonded and fought together to protect their world?

  “Are you telling me that no woman holds the position of soldier in your world?” she asked him, doing her best to remain calm as she took another step away from him.

  Sebastian was confused by her distance. “Lexi…” he began.

  “Does your world prevent women from choosing their roles?” Lexi continued, stopping him from speaking further. “Do you keep your women safe at home, tending the children, and having tea parties?” A sick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. “Is that what you expect of me?”

  “My lady, I expect nothing of you,” Sebastian told her quietly. “I only hope that you will enjoy being with me and will find it within your heart to come to love me.”

  He reached out to take her hand once again, but thought better of it when he realized how angry she had become. He clenched his hand into a fist and pulled back, knowing she would not welcome his touch right then.

  “Women of this world are equal to men in all things. They are free to choose their life’s path,” he told her. “Some have chosen to work within the ranks of my warriors and are strong, capable fighters who are trained under Torin’s guidance. Some choose to work as diplomats with my brother Tristen, become healers to aid our people and work with Landon, design and implement technology for our world with my brother Bryden, or become teachers to challenge the minds of our children. Some choose to remain at home to raise a family, or select countless other honorable professions. No one choice is looked upon as more important than another. Each is vital and contributes to the health and welfare of our people.”

  “But, you said that no warrior had ever been in this position before,” Lexi reminded him.

  “They have not,” Sebastian told her firmly. “None of our warriors have been lucky enough to have found their life mate within our ranks.” He hesitated briefly then stepped forward to stand directly in front of his gentle warrior. “I did not mean to give you the false impression that the women of our world are only allowed to remain at home to raise our children. I do not know what a tea party is, but it sounds to me as if you do not like it. I will not allow anyone to insist that you participate in one.”

  The corner of Lexi’s mouth quirked as humor took hold. Her concern eased almost at once. Looking into Sebastian’s golden and violet eyes, she saw that he was telling her the truth. He couldn’t hide from her what was in his heart.

  “Thank you, but I do like tea,” she told him, laughing softly at the confusion that immediately clouded his eyes.

  “You do? I do not understand, Lexi.”

  “Sebastian, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t going to be forced to stay at home and act all proper and delicate,” she told him, her voice
gentle as she opened her heart to him. “I’m not that person. I can’t be that person.”

  “The person you are, is more than I could have hoped for.”

  “You won’t be disappointed by my lack of skills in the art of diplomacy?”

  Sebastian laughed softly. “Lexi, you have more skills in that area than you credit yourself for.”

  “I do what I have to do, in order to help others,” Lexi explained, trying to get this royal to understand her inability to be what he needed.

  “I do, as well, my queen,” he told her gently. “Do you not understand that to be skilled in diplomacy is to evaluate a situation and act accordingly so that all involved are respected and will remain calm and safe?”

  “It’s more than just that, Sebastian. You also need to know how to act with new people and not insult or threaten them.”

  “You mean the way you and your sisters did with me and my warriors?”

  Lexi looked up at him and huffed in annoyance. “Now you’re just being obstinate,” she told him, her voice tinged with the frustration that she was feeling.

  “I am not, Lexi. I am being honest.”

  “No. You’re being biased.”

  Sebastian could not prevent the soft chuckle that escaped him. He saw the fire in Lexi’s eyes. He also saw the fear. Fear that she did not need to feel. She was a caring and giving woman who would be able to assess any situation within his kingdom and act with complete honesty. He trusted her warrior instincts. He also valued her tenderness. She was exactly what the people of Altavesta, and the neighboring worlds that they protected, needed. She was exactly what he needed.

  “I may be biased in my feelings for you, my lady, but I know a true warrior and a good person when I see one. You are both. You will use your skills to help me protect our worlds. You will use your tenderness to give caring and support to our people who will thrive because of it. Have no doubts, my queen. You are exactly as you need to be in order to bless our worlds. You are exactly as I need you to be in order to bless our life together.”


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