Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 22

by Bernard, Lynnette

  He reached up and touched her left cheek lightly, running the back of his fingers over the feminine softness of it. The spark of magic that bonded them lit the area around their bodies. Lexi jumped away from him at once. He sighed heavily, wishing he knew the words to speak in order to allay her fears and worries.

  “Do you not want to share a home with me and raise a family?” he asked her gently.

  “I do.”

  “You do?”


  “I am pleased,” he whispered, the constriction within his chest easing slightly.

  “I’m glad.”

  Sebastian’s gentle smile soothed her. She never thought she would want to please a man, but she wanted to give Sebastian happiness. Despite his strength and his power, she knew in her heart that he was a man who valued gentleness and craved it in his life.

  “So. You have women warriors?”

  “Yes. There are many capable female warriors. They are strong and proud as every warrior is destined to be. They honor us with their dedication and service.”

  Lexi smiled at the formal cadence of Sebastian’s words. She was also pleased by the fact that she and her sisters were not going to be considered different or unusual. There were other women who had been trained as soldiers on this world.

  “You are different,” Sebastian told her, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Are you able to read my mind?” she asked him, taken aback by his words.

  “No, my love,” Sebastian told her, smiling gently down at her. He reached up and cautiously touched her shoulder, wanting to pull her into his arms but fearing that she was not ready to be held. He searched her eyes for any indication that she would not welcome his touch. He saw none.

  “Then how did you know what I was thinking?”

  “I spoke from my heart,” Sebastian told her, his deep voice gentle but certain. “I had a need to tell you that you are different from any woman I have ever known.”

  “Different good or different bad?”

  “There is nothing but good within you, Lexi.”

  Lexi actually snorted with laughter at his comment. She had been accused of being tough, brutal, and cold, but their enemies had never thought of her as being good. Only her parents, sisters, and niece thought of her as anything even remotely close to good.

  “The role of king comes with many responsibilities as well as many rewards,” he began. “I do not regret what my station in life affords me, but I do regret that I have never been able to meet a woman who sees me as a man who is like every other man. I have weaknesses and strengths. I have a temper that I work to control at every turn. I have needs like every other man, especially the need to find and bond with the one woman meant to be mine.”

  He hesitated a moment, trying to find the correct words to fully explain what he meant when he spoke of Lexi as different. He did not wish to offend her, but he needed to tell her that she was different in a very important way.

  “It was good that I did not feel the connection to any other woman before you came to my world,” he continued. “The heavens were waiting for me to find you. They knew that you would not be influenced by my role on Altavesta. They knew that you would see me as a man, not as a king, and would judge me worthy or not based upon what you saw within my heart.”

  Lexi nodded, unable to say a word.

  “That is my meaning of how you are different,” he continued. “I am thankful that you are different, for you were able to see me as I am. Not as a king, but as a man.”

  Sebastian let out a slow breath as guarded hope flared within him. Reaching up and tugging on the end of Lexi’s silky brown hair, he searched her face for acceptance of his words. He was pleased when she laughed softly. He wanted to give her many such moments of joy. Mayhap she would allow him to do exactly that.

  “I do see you as a man, Sebastian,” she admitted quietly. “I’m glad that I didn’t know that you were king.”

  “You would not have wanted me if you knew?”

  “No. It’s not that.”

  “What is it, Lexi?”

  She sighed softly, wiping at her eyes tiredly. When she returned her gaze to his face, she saw the worry in his eyes. Reaching out, she touched his forearm and slid her hand down it to take careful hold of his hand.

  “I probably would have kept myself from you,” she admitted.

  “Why, my love?”

  “Because I could identify with you if you were a soldier, but I wouldn’t have thought that I would be worthy enough to have a relationship with you if you were a king.”

  “It is I who are not worthy of you, Lexi Gallagher,” Sebastian told her, bringing her hand up to settle upon his chest and cover it with his own. “You are the warrior from our prophecy. You are meant to save us. I am nothing.”

  Lexi’s anger ignited her eyes. She pulled her hand free from his hold and crossed her arms across her chest as she glared at him.

  “You are king,” she told him calmly. “You are the protector of many worlds. You are goodness and light in a universe that is filled with evil and cruelty. Never doubt your importance, Sebastian.” She hesitated only a moment before she leaned in and gripped both of his hands. “And you are mine.”

  “I am,” Sebastian said softly, his heart filled with love at the support and acceptance that she gave him. She was truly his perfect match.

  Lexi saw the spark of magic that ignited around them when they touched and was brought back to the very beginning of their conversation. She looked up at Sebastian and pulled herself together. Thinking of him in a romantic way was not going to help them right now.

  “Are you sure that this spark of magic will fade?” Lexi asked him. “We can’t allow this to happen when we’re in a situation that would put our people in danger if it gives our position away.”

  Sebastian nodded, gripping Lexi’s hands firmly and pulling her closer. He looked directly into her eyes and concentrated on the power that they shared. Lexi felt, rather than saw, the magic that he strengthened around them. It felt constricting at first, before it eased off and left a subtle shield of containment around them.

  “Let us test this,” Sebastian said softly, having faith that his magic had done what it must do in order to keep his life mate safe.

  He would never survive the isolation if he had to keep himself from his woman. He needed the constant reminder that she was there, that she was real, and that she was his.

  He released his hold on her hands, stepping away from her one step to ensure that their physical connection had been broken. He looked into her violet eyes and saw that she was equally concerned that she would not be able to touch him. It settled him somewhat to know that she did not want to lose the ability to offer him tenderness at any time and at any place without fear that they would put others in danger. Nothing but the proof that their magic had kept them safe would alleviate it completely.

  “Concentrate,” he told her gently.

  Lexi nodded, centering her attention on the gold within Sebastian’s eyes. It helped her to focus.

  “I’m kind of sad that others won’t be able to see that you and I are bonded,” she whispered.

  Sebastian smiled at the slight blush that rose to Lexi’s cheeks. Despite her embarrassment, she looked at him directly, fire in her eyes as she faced him. He wondered if she thought he would think her words foolish. He did not. He wanted others to see and understand that they were bonded life mates, as well.

  “It will be my greatest honor to have everyone know that we belong to each other, Lexi,” he told her very seriously. “This manifestation only occurs because our bonding is new. It will eventually fade from view.”

  Lexi stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Sebastian’s waist. She rested her head upon his chest and hugged him tightly. There were so many emotions filling her, and they were all good.

  “Look at me, Lexi,” he told her, his voice filled with command.

  Lexi looked up at him without hesitation. She sa
w the power of his magic swirling within his eyes, making the golden and violet colors blend in a beautiful mixture of hue and power.

  “Your eyes are swirling with color,” Lexi told him in a whisper.

  “I am using our combined magic to give us both the ability to keep the containment shield in place,” he told her. “It will not be necessary once the sun has set and the moons have risen.”

  He released his hold on her and stepped away. Looking directly into Lexi’s eyes, he could feel the connection to her. Lexi was a powerful woman with magic of her own.

  “Touch me, my lady,” he told her, holding out his hand and waiting for her to reach out to him. She did so without hesitation, making him smile with great satisfaction.

  Lexi waited for the spark of magic to flash. It didn’t. She looked up at Sebastian with surprise.

  “It worked!”


  “You did a good job, Sebastian,” Lexi told him, her eyes wide with wonder as pride filled her.

  “ We did it, Lexi,” he corrected her as he released his hold on her hand.

  “I don’t think we did anything. I think it was all you.”

  “I drew from your magic,” Sebastian told her honestly. “I could not have done it without the combination of our power.”

  Lexi felt the truth of his words. Although she was hesitant to take credit for the powerful magic that he had just used, she couldn’t deny the power that she was now feeling deep within her.

  “I ask you to do the same, my lady,” he told her with confidence. “Concentrate on the magic within you as you touch me.”

  Lexi took a calming breath, closed her eyes, and centered her focus on the spark of magic that called to her. She touched the golden aura that was bright within her and fanned it with her thoughts. It glowed brightly. A violet hue that was a soft barrier around it swirled and mixed with it. As the colors merged, Lexi felt a rush of power. Sebastian was correct. She could feel the magic. It made her believe that together, they could harness unimaginable power.

  She opened her eyes and looked directly into the golden and violet swirl that was being reflected back at her from his eyes. She wasn’t drawing from his magic. She was using the beautiful colors of his eyes to help her focus.

  She centered her power on both of them as she stepped forward and reached out to touch Sebastian’s forearm. She felt his warmth beneath her palm and was immediately settled. The touch was good, it was right, and it caused no spark of magic between them. Lexi was stunned that she had been able to contain the display of their bonded magic.

  “I did it,” she whispered, almost afraid to voice it.

  “You did, my love,” Sebastian told her, smiling.

  “I want to take away the containment field so I can see our spark of magic,” Lexi said firmly, needing to see that she could control what was happening.

  Sebastian was filled with joy as he sensed and saw his life mate’s determination. He watched her in silence as she drew upon the magic within her. The happiness displayed within her eyes was stunning. So was her power. When she reached out to place her hand upon his forearm once again, he had no doubt that the spark of magic that would attest to their bonding would be apparent once again.

  Lexi laughed with delight as the magical energy crackled around them. She should be embarrassed by her reaction, but she wasn’t. Not one bit.

  “Do not doubt your power, my gentle warrior,” he told her, gathering her within his arms and kissing her forehead lightly. “You have complete control over your magic.”

  Lexi eased back and gazed up at Sebastian. She saw the way he looked at her with pride and was empowered by his faith in her.

  “Thank you, Sebastian.”

  “Why do you thank me, my love?”

  “Because you believe in me.”

  “I do.”


  “I do not understand your question.”

  “Why do you have such faith in me?” Lexi asked, needing to know why he had such unshakable belief in her.

  “I can do nothing else,” Sebastian told her calmly. “I knew from the moment that your pure soul called to mine and you touched me that you were a good woman. Your heart is filled with caring. I trust your strength. I respect your abilities. I value your love.”

  “Who said I love you?” Lexi protested, a blush beginning from her shoulders and quickly creeping up her neck to her forehead.

  “You do not need to say the words,” Sebastian told her gently, stopping her from protesting further. “I feel your love in every touch. I see the caring in your eyes when you look at me. Mayhap, someday, you will find it within your heart to speak the words out loud. Until then, know that you are mine.” He slid his fingers through her hair at her temples and held her head still. Leaning forward, he rested his forehead against hers and took a calming breath. “You. Are. Mine.”

  Lexi agreed. There was no doubt that she belonged to him, but he belonged to her, as well. She had an overwhelming need to claim him and present him to the world as hers.

  She eased back and looked up at him. She knew he wouldn’t understand what she was going to ask of him, but she needed him to. It was important.

  “In my world, two people commit themselves to each other in what is called a marriage ceremony that usually takes place in front of their families and friends who act as witnesses to the formal joining. The ceremony would make me your wife and would make you my husband.”

  Sebastian searched her eyes, looking for the key to her feelings as he connected to her soul. He knew there was great importance in her sharing this information with him.

  “Do you wish to conduct this ceremony in front of our families and our friends?”

  Lexi hesitated briefly before nodding. “I would like to call you my husband,” she told him finally.

  “And you would like me to call you my wife?” he asked her seriously.

  “Only if you want to.”

  “Life mates are bound by the heavens. Each mate acknowledges the other, and our people accept this as fact. If you would like to have a ceremony to solidify this commitment, I want that, as well.”

  “You do?”

  Sebastian pulled her gently into his embrace and kissed her lips softly. “I want to do whatever it takes to make you mine in both your world and in mine. We will complete this ceremony when we return to our home. I would like my brothers to be in attendance, along with my warriors, and the people of Altavesta.”

  Lexi smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with love. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Stop looking at me like that or we will not make it back to the camp,” he told her with a growl in his voice.


  “Seeing the love in your eyes makes me need to make you mine again, Lexi,” he told her, his deep voice holding the strength of his feelings.

  “Sebastian,” she whispered.

  “Do not speak, Lexi. If I hear your beautiful voice, it will do something to me that I will not be able to control,” he warned her. “I am a newly bonded male who needs to make love to his life mate.”

  “Maybe I need the same,” she countered, loving the spark of gold and violet that burst around them at her words.

  “Do not tempt me, Lexi.”

  “Do I tempt you, Sebastian?” Lexi asked him, loving the way he looked at her in astonishment at her question.

  “Never doubt your importance to me,” he told her. “Never doubt that I want to touch you and love you every moment of every day.”

  “I could live with that,” she told him honestly.

  She jumped in surprise as he emitted a low growl and pulled her toward him even closer. His kiss was immediate, demanding, and possessive. Her heart beat furiously within her chest as her own need ramped up within her. This man pulled incredible feelings from her. She would never understand how it could be this way, but she was inordinately thankful that it was.

  Sebastian ended the kiss and rested his cheek against the
top of her head, rubbing against the softness of her hair as he fought to calm his desire for this incredible woman. He had always been told that to find one’s life mate would be a wonderful thing. What he felt with this gentle warrior far surpassed any thoughts or hopes that he had ever entertained. She was truly magical in all ways.

  “We need to get moving back to camp,” he told her quietly. “If we stay here any longer I will tear the clothes from your body and ravish you all day and well into the night, wife.”

  The warning was very clear in his tone. Lexi had no doubt that he would do exactly as he promised. She honestly didn’t think that would be such a bad thing.

  He released his hold on her then took firm possession of her hand. He turned and began walking back to camp, his pace brisk and sure.

  “Promises, promises, husband,” she teased him, a satisfied hum escaping from her as she saw the smile that tugged at his mouth as he led the way through the forest.

  She had a little trouble keeping up with his long, powerful strides, but she didn’t care. He wasn’t coddling her. He was respecting her as both a warrior and a woman.

  More importantly—she was honored and thrilled that he had called her his wife.

  Chapter 15

  “I need to train you,” Sebastian told her as they walked along the forest path.

  “Train me?”

  “Yes. It is necessary that you know how to control your magic,” Sebastian told her, turning to face her and touching her shoulder lightly with his right hand. “You must be ready to fight our enemies.”

  Lexi nodded in agreement. As a trained soldier, she knew that it was important to be ready to take on any attack. She didn’t know the enemies of Sebastian’s world. She needed to learn as much as she could about them and their weaknesses.

  “The Gorin are dangerous, Lexi,” he told her as he settled her in place before him then stepped a short distance away from her. “They move without sound. They are difficult to locate. Their attacks are swift and deadly.”

  “Where are they from, Sebastian?”

  “Their origin is not known, but we have located a planet just beyond the Melek System where they have settled,” Sebastian told her, thinking about the many worlds that had fallen because of their enemy. “They have no conscience. They have no soul. They are calculated murderers. They look for the easiest way to acquire what they want.”


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