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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 28

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “Oh, really,” Daria said, anger making her voice hard.

  “Yes. Really,” Landon said without hesitation. He leaned in and got as close to her left ear as he was able to without touching her. “You must take care, Lady Daria, or you will not be able to carry our children successfully.”

  “What?” Daria whispered, shocked.

  “I am going to enjoy filling you with my child, Darry. I can promise that you will enjoy it, as well.”

  Daria’s mouth snapped shut. His words had sufficiently taken the wind out of her sails. How bold he was! It didn’t matter that she had seen that they would be married. He didn’t even know her! He actually thought he had the right to tell her that she was going to carry his children. He was going to enjoy getting her pregnant. Of all the arrogant, egotistical men!

  “My name is not Darry. It’s Daria,” she said finally, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

  Landon eased away from her just slightly, loving the fire in her eyes as she looked at him. To have such a passionate woman in his life and in his bed was going to be a true gift.

  “I apologize, Lady Daria,” he said, bowing slightly. “I will refrain from calling you Darry except when we are in the privacy of our bedroom.”

  Daria’s face flamed red in an instant. To say that she was shocked didn’t cover it. She was shocked, embarrassed, pissed off, and turned on. Geez! She didn’t know what the hell she was feeling!

  “Go. Away.”

  It was all she could think of to say. That arrogant man just smiled at her, bowed once again, and took one step away from her. He crossed his arms across his chest and remained exactly where he was. He was determined to watch over Darry and Callie as they worked on each and every warrior that had been injured.

  “I will remain here until you are finished,” he said as Callie moved to the next warrior and covered his mangled and broken right hand with her own smaller, delicate one. “When you and Lady Callie are finished healing our warriors, I will escort you back to your tent so that you may rest.”

  “Landon,” Daria began.

  “Do not argue, Darry,” he warned her. “I will do what must be done, just as you will.”

  Daria turned away from him and concentrated on amplifying Callie’s power. She was glad that Landon couldn’t see the smile that came to her lips as she thought about the arrogant, pushy, and completely delicious man.

  Sebastian was pleased by the connection that Landon had made with Daria. He was determined to give them the space they should have in order to explore it privately.

  “And you, Lady Evie? What is your gift?” Sebastian questioned as he turned to face Evie.

  Evie stepped forward to stand before Sebastian. He was impressed by her confidence as she looked up at him with unwavering strength.

  “I have the same ability that Francie has with objects, but I have it with people,” she explained, hesitant in her revelation. She didn’t know how Sebastian and his warriors were going to react to what she could do. “I’m able to drop an enemy with my thoughts. I direct the energy through my hands. It doesn’t last long, but it’s long enough to gain advantage in a confrontation or a battle.”

  Sebastian was intrigued. This, he had to see. “Would you please demonstrate for us, my lady?” he asked her, his voice respectful.

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Evie hedged. “During battle, it’s different. It’s our lives or theirs, and I use the power without hesitation. But for a demonstration, I don’t know that I can pull back so that I won’t cause harm.”

  “I will volunteer for this demonstration,” a deep voice called out from behind Evie.

  Evie spun around at the sound of the masculine voice and nearly cried out in protest when she saw the warrior Browen standing before her. His raven black hair hung to his shoulders. Massive shoulders. Muscular shoulders. Shoulders she wanted to grab and hang onto and lick and bite. He had a close, dark beard that screamed sexiness to her. She had the sudden urge to rub her cheek along that beard and revel in the man’s masculinity.

  She looked into his amber eyes and saw that they were sparkling with mirth as he faced her. She had caught his eye several times at camp and was gifted with a rush of warmth deep within her chest each time. She also remembered their walk from the lagoon. She had walked behind him and had admired his tight, muscular, hot ass. Man! She needed a glass of cold water. Hell! She needed a cold shower!

  “I don’t think you should be the volunteer, Browen,” she told him hesitantly, knowing she would have enough trouble controlling her emotions around him. She couldn’t risk being unable to concentrate and possibly hurt him because of her lack of focus.

  Browen was surprised that she had remembered his name. A slow smile spread across his lips as he advanced toward her. He looked down at her and pictured holding her sweet curves against his body. He wanted to slide his fingers into her long brunette hair and grip the silky tresses to hold her still to accept his kiss. He wanted to do that and much more. Judging by the hot flames of desire that shot from Evie’s violet eyes, he could tell that she wanted those things, as well.

  “Do your worst, my Lady Evie,” he challenged her as he closed the distance between them. “You will not harm me.”

  “You don’t know that, Browen,” Evie told him hesitantly. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Sweet Evie,” Browen whispered, something within his chest seizing at her tender and heartfelt words.

  “Do it, Lady Evie,” Torin called out to her. “Show this warrior that he has much to learn about respecting a woman.”

  Torin smiled one of his rare smiles as he saw Browen at a loss to know what to do. His friend and fellow warrior was a strong man who had dedicated his life to the protection of others. To see him smitten with Evie was a sight to behold. He could not help but enjoy ribbing him. Browen knew that he was not serious. Browen was one of the most respectful men he had ever known. All of his warriors were. Women were precious to each and every one of them.

  Evie was surprised by Torin’s words. Did Browen hold no respect for her? Was he laughing at her? She watched as he stepped toward her and knew a moment of panic that he was not being sincere and was playing with her. She didn’t want him to be a player. She wanted him to be hers.

  She raised her hand and swept it in a controlled motion from his shoulder to the ground in an effort to drop him. Evie was precise in her movement, never failing whenever she needed to use her gift. She watched as Browen stumbled slightly, his brow creasing temporarily as she sensed the moment when pain flew through his body. He didn’t go down. He also didn’t stop in his advancement. She lifted her hand again, focusing her gift, and dropped it to the ground with her palm facing downward.

  Browen felt the pull of Evie’s power as she lifted and dropped her hand over and over again. His body was consumed with pressure that bordered on pain, but he was not going to allow Evie to know it. He continued forward, determined to reach the amazing woman.

  To Browen’s left, a warrior named Kierryn started walking toward Evie. She knew his intent. He was going to challenge her gift. Well, this warrior was going down. She hoped. Raising her right hand, she brought it down to the ground, gasping in surprise as Kierryn fell quickly to the forest floor. She faced Browen and tried again. Once again, he stumbled and deep concentration crossed his features, but he still remained standing.

  “Again, Evie,” Browen demanded, stalking toward her. “You must try again.”

  Evie felt her nerves stretching tight within her. She feared that her gift was defective. She worried that her lack of control would cause serious damage to the man who challenged her. Despite her lack of knowledge about the man, she couldn’t help but be drawn to him. It made her stomach hurt to think that she would be the cause of his pain.

  “I won’t hurt you,” Evie told Browen softly, dropping to her knees before him, her shoulders sagging with exhaustion as she lowered her head in defeat.

  Browen knelt before her as close a
s he could get without touching her. How he wanted to gather her within his arms and comfort her. It took all the strength within him to remain still before her.

  “It is all right, sweet Evie,” he told her calmly, hoping his voice soothed her.

  “No, it’s not. Something is wrong,” Evie said as she looked up at him and did her best to keep the panic from her voice. “If my ability isn’t working, I’m putting my family in danger.” She covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath, doing her best to gain control over her emotions.

  “Mayhap you cannot drop the man that you care about?” he offered, smiling down at her when she snapped her head up to face him. He loved the surprised look on her face. He also was pleased by her huff of disgust. “Do you have something to say, Lady Evie?”

  “Who says I care about you?” she challenged him, her back stiffening as she tried to remain cool and distant.

  “I say that you do,” he said quietly, his blue eyes flashing with determination as he looked at her.

  “I don’t,” she denied.

  “Lady Evie, you do,” he told her so that only she could hear him. “Do not feel that you have lost your ability. You dropped Kierryn with little effort. You affected me, as well. I felt your strength. I experienced momentary pressure against my body as you tried to move me. I just did not crumble under your power.”

  “You shouldn’t have been able to fight my gift, Browen,” Evie told him firmly. “That’s just it. I should have been able to send you to the ground in an instant.”

  Browen hesitated a moment. He thought through the situation and knew there had to be only one reason why he had been able to resist her power. He did not know if she would accept his explanation, but he had to tell her what he thought. He would not allow her to feel that she was not strong enough to contribute to the safety of her family or the people of Altavesta. She was a capable fighter. He had watched her fight the Gorin with skill and precision. She was indeed a strong warrior. She had to know that this was true.

  “I believe that we are meant to be bonded as life mates, Evie. The heavens have given me the ability to resist your gift. How would it be if our babies saw their mother throwing their father around our home?”

  Evie couldn’t help but laugh. She looked at him and shook her head as she tried to deny his words, but she had a pretty good feeling that they were true. She had felt the draw to him almost at once. But, he didn’t need to know that. Yet.

  “I’m sorry I caused you pain,” she whispered. “I’ll try to take the hurt away.” She raised her right hand and waved from the ground up to Browen’s shoulder.

  Browen felt the immediate relief of the pressure he was experiencing. In its place, a warmth of healing filled him. He could feel the caring that was coming from Evie. His Evie.

  “Is that better? Do you have any discomfort or pain?” she asked, her anguish evident in her voice.

  She turned toward Kierryn and made the same motion with her hands to remove his pain. She was not happy with this demonstration of her gift. She didn’t want to be the cause of hurt for these caring people.

  Browen watched Evie, seeing her reaching out to ease Kierryn’s pain. She was truly a wonderful, caring woman. Gone was the flirt who hid behind the façade of teasing. All that was left was the woman who truly cared about the pain of others. Browen felt the connection he already had with her soul deepen in that moment. It gave him insight into her caring heart.

  She had used her gift to help him. He had felt warmth radiate throughout his body, taking away the pressure in his chest and in his head that he had been fighting. Her gentle kindness had done that for him. He looked into the violet depths of Evie’s eyes and smiled.

  “I am much better, thank you, Evie,” he told her quietly. “I believe Kierryn is better, as well.”

  Evie looked at Kierryn and saw that he was doing well. He bowed to her in thanks. She sighed softly in relief. Returning her attention to Browen, she reached out to touch him, but he stood and stepped back from her immediately.

  Browen had a moment of panic as he pulled away from Evie. The disappointment in her eyes was mirrored within his own, but he had promised Torin that he would not touch any of the maidens, and he would honor that promise.

  As much as he wanted to take this woman into his arms and hold her forever, he would bide his time. If the heavens had destined her for him, their bonding would happen. Nothing could come between their mating. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer that it would happen soon. He was drawn to her gentle spirit and wanted her in his life.

  He looked up, pulling his attention away from Evie, and saw the understanding in Sebastian’s eyes. The golden of his eyes swirled with violet just before the power of his king’s magic filled him. It was always that way. Their king knew when each of the warriors needed his strength and support. It was the same with every person of their world or the worlds that they protected.

  King Sebastian Mathieson gave of himself and of his magic freely in order to help everyone in whatever capacity they needed him. Browen counted his blessings to serve such a good king. Sebastian’s brothers were the same. Each of them would lay down their life for their people. That was why it was so very easy to fight for them and beside them.

  He nodded his acceptance of Sebastian’s gift of support and placed his fisted hand over his heart to show his pledge of loyalty to his king. Sebastian bowed slightly and stepped forward.

  “My warriors have found hope with your sisters, Lexi,” Sebastian said quietly, reaching out and taking Lexi’s hand within his own. He drew it toward his mouth and kissed her knuckles lightly.

  “It seems that some of my sisters have found their intended life mates,” Lexi whispered. “I need you to promise me that they won’t be pressured into accepting any of your men.”

  “You have my vow,” Sebastian answered without hesitation. “My warriors are honorable men who will value and respect their life mates. Each bonding will happen as it was destined. Your sisters and your niece must agree. No bonding will take place without their acceptance.”

  Lexi knew what the response would be before Sebastian even answered her. How could she not? Her mother’s visions had paved the way to this world. Sebastian’s goodness had sealed the deal. Neither she nor her sisters would be seen as anything but strong warriors and good women in this world. The men that they would love would be understanding, honorable men. Those men would wait for them to make their choices.

  “We have one last sister to speak to,” Sebastian whispered.

  “Bree,” Lexi told him, concern for her sister evident in her voice.

  “I will not ask for more than she is willing to share, wife,” he promised.

  “Thank you,” Lexi told him as she leaned into his body and pressed her face into his neck. She kissed him lightly, loving the way he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

  “You are making it difficult for me to concentrate,” he warned her.


  Sebastian pulled back in surprise, unable to keep the slow smile that came to him as he saw the twinkle of mischief in Lexi’s violet eyes. He was pleased to see the teasing joy in her eyes and know that she was so happy.

  Reluctantly stepping away from her, he stood before Bree Gallagher and crossed his arms across his chest as he looked down at her with his right eyebrow raised in question. He saw the way Bree straightened and tightened her hands into fists by her sides. She was a strong warrior, but it was obvious that she held some nervousness. He was determined not to cause her reason to fear him.

  “And you, Lady Bree?” Sebastian’s deep voice drew everyone’s attention. He lowered his arms and stepped closer to her, hoping that she could sense his support. “What is your gift?”

  Bree looked to Lexi for guidance. How could she tell Sebastian what her gift was without making everyone leery of ever being near her again?

  “Bree is an empath,” Lexi explained. “She is able to feel what other people aro
und her are feeling.”

  “You are able to feel those emotions at all times?” Sebastian asked her, sympathy rushing forward as he realized how much Bree had to deal with from everyone, every moment of her life.

  “My mother showed me how to shield myself so that I only open myself to other’s feelings by choice,” Bree explained carefully. “I am unable to function without the shields. It’s too much.”

  “You sensed the emotions of the Gorin,” Sebastian said, finally understanding what had happened. “That was how you knew that they were close to our encampment.”

  Bree nodded, a chill running through her body as she remembered the cold hatred that she had felt as the Gorin had advanced upon them. The intensity of it had nearly made her vomit.

  “I felt their hatred,” she told Sebastian. “I felt their need to torture and kill.”

  Concern for Bree filled Torin. To have to live your life shielding yourself from the emotions of others had to be very difficult for her. To experience the cold-blooded violence that existed in the minds of the Gorin was not something he would wish upon anyone—especially not Bree. It was no wonder that she kept herself protected behind a shield of magic that her mother had taught her how to put in place.

  Now that he knew what Bree’s gift was, Torin was hit with the reality of how it affected him. Bree was privy to his emotions. He had done much to keep those emotions hidden from others from the time his little sister had been ripped from his life. He could not be an effective commander to his warriors if he allowed them to see his weaknesses. Being ruled by one’s emotions was a quick path to destruction. He had learned that lesson, and he had learned it well.

  He caught Sebastian’s attention and nodded to the area away from the main encampment. He began walking toward it, knowing his king would understand and follow him. When he was far enough away from the women, Torin turned and found Sebastian standing before him.

  “Sebastian, we must help her,” Torin told his friend, knowing that Sebastian would understand what he meant. He looked to his king for guidance, hoping that he would be able to do something for Bree that would ease her torment, while at the same time protecting the privacy that he had fought so hard to keep.


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