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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 35

by Bernard, Lynnette

  Guilt filled her. She had lost her patience with Tristen, and she shouldn’t have. He didn’t know her and had no way of understanding that she would keep his secrets or help him with his pain—just as she always helped Daria. She hadn’t been fair to him.

  Tristen, please forgive me, she whispered in his mind. I did not understand your gift.

  Tristen was pulled from his vision and saw the woman who would be his, looking at him with compassion and sadness. Although he appreciated her compassion, he did not want her to be sad.

  Please, go and lie down until the pain is gone, she continued. I will help you if you’d like. I often help my sister Daria when she has her visions. Massaging her temples or her neck sometimes helps. What can I do for you?

  Before Tristen could answer, Sebastian came up beside him and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. He reluctantly pulled his attention from Gaiya to face his brother.

  “You are experiencing pain due to another vision, Tristen?” Sebastian asked him worriedly.

  “I am experiencing another vision, but there is no pain,” Tristen answered honestly.

  “Truly?” Sebastian was stunned. Although Tristen had never admitted the depth of his pain to him, Sebastian knew that his youngest brother suffered.

  “Truly,” Tristen told him, smiling. “I have seen my future with my life mate and the children she is going to gift me with.”

  “That is wonderful, brother,” Sebastian said quietly. “You have never experienced visions about your own future before. Mayhap it was meant to be that you would do so when you met the woman who was meant to be yours.”


  “I am greatly pleased.”

  Tristen laughed softly. “I am greatly pleased, as well.”

  Sebastian smiled as he pulled Tristen into his arms for a warm embrace. “You knew that you were sending me to my life mate when you sent me to the lagoon,” he whispered.


  “And you did not think it something that I should be made aware of?” Sebastian asked, pulling back and looking into Tristen’s eyes.

  “I sent you where you needed to be, Sebastian,” Tristen told him, his voice gentle and calm as always. “What you found was yours to discover.”

  “Why did you insist we make the journey on foot instead of using a transport shuttle?” Sebastian asked, confused.

  “It was necessary for you to spend time with your life mate,” Tristen explained. “You needed the time to speak with her and grow close to her. Do you regret that time?”

  Sebastian smiled softly. How could he regret the moments he spent with Lexi? Every moment with her, speaking with her, holding her, and loving her, had been beautiful. He treasured the time they had shared by the waterfall. It was the moment that they had committed themselves to each other as a bonded couple.

  “You are correct, Tristen,” he admitted quietly. “I would not have been able to achieve the same closeness with Lexi if we had traveled back home by way of the transport.” He looked across the Great Hall and smiled tenderly at the woman who held his heart. “Lexi is my bonded life mate because we were able to spend that time together.”

  Tristen hesitated a moment, looking back at Gaiya briefly, sadness flashing through him. “My visions are only a possibility. Choice comes into play. You and Lexi had the choice to commit to the bonding. It is obvious that you both chose well.”

  “I will be forever thankful that she has shared her heart with me,” Sebastian said honestly.

  Tristen turned to face Sebastian once again. “It is fortunate that your queen has found it within her heart to accept your arrogance,” Tristen deadpanned.

  Sebastian’s bark of laughter drew everyone’s attention. Their brother Bryden walked over to them with a smile on his face. He looked at Tristen and saw the sparkle of mischief within his brother’s golden eyes. Tristen was at it again. It had been a while since their youngest brother had teased Sebastian. It was good to see Tristen in such a mood.

  “What did you do, Tristen?” he asked him, crossing his arms across his chest and waiting for his brother’s denial.

  “Why do you assume that I have done something?” Tristen asked, looking as innocent as he could as he faced Bryden.

  “Tristen, it is always your goading that sends Sebastian into fits of laughter,” Bryden said, his own golden eyes sparkling with amusement. It had been so very long since Tristen had held lightness within his heart and had resorted to his old mischievous self. “It is good to see you enjoying yourself again, brother.” He looked at Sebastian in question. “What has caused this change in our baby brother, Sebastian?”

  Sebastian could not contain his smile as Tristen’s uplifting mood affected them. He faced Bryden and saw the happiness that surrounded him, but there was a haze of sadness blanketing him, as well. Bryden was a strong and intelligent man and a skilled warrior who spent his time ensuring that their world was safe.

  It was Bryden’s ability to create technology to build their ships and guard their people that had given them any chance in fighting the Gorin. Sebastian knew that Bryden was frustrated by his inability to adapt their shields to the Gorin’s ever-changing technology. The fact that they had gotten through them to attack their encampment was proof that the Gorin had breached their shields once again.

  “Bryden? Is something amiss?” Sebastian asked him, reaching out and placing his right hand on Bryden’s left shoulder.

  He searched Bryden’s eyes and saw into his soul with the gift that Lexi had shared with him. There was frustration and guilt there. Sebastian knew that his brother was blaming himself for the Gorin’s presence in their world. But it was more than that. He saw his brother’s loneliness and sadness, and he saw his lack of hope. It concerned him greatly.

  A yelp of distress and the crash of glass drew the three brothers’ attention to the table where the women were sitting. One of the castle helpers stood in horror beside Francie. The tray that the helper had been carrying was being held tightly against the young server’s chest, and an expression of horror was on her face. The red glass goblets lay shattered on the gray slate tiles of the floor.

  Francie stood up quickly, pried the tray from the young woman’s clenched hands, and placed it on the table. She embraced the girl and hugged her gently.

  “It was an accident,” she told the young woman gently. “Don’t be upset. It’s not a big deal.”

  “But I have spilled the pornar juice all over you, my lady,” she whispered. “Please forgive me.”

  “What’s your name?” Francie asked her gently, concerned that this young woman was so upset. She didn’t like it. At all.


  “Jayna, please don’t worry about it. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve done the same thing and made a mess?” She waited until Jayna looked up at her. “More times than you can imagine. I’ve dropped things, smashed things, and covered my sisters in dirt and water. I’m a disaster waiting to happen.”

  She made a sweeping motion with her hands, allowing her power to gather the shards of glass and spilled liquid into an enclosed sphere. Lifting her hands, she directed the sphere toward the tray that she had placed on the table. Lowering her hands slowly, the entire contents of the sphere settled on the wooden tray and remained in a cluster of containment so that it would be easy to dispose of.

  “Thank you,” Jayna whispered, her eyes wide with surprise. “You are very powerful in your magic, my lady.”

  “My name is Francie,” she told the young woman, gently, laughing softly.

  Moving things with her gift had been something she had always been able to do. She remembered moving her favorite doll from her bureau to her bed when she had been just two years old. She never thought what she did was very special.

  “Francie,” Jayna whispered, stunned that this kind lady was offering her friendship. “I truly thank you for your kindness.”

  “You’re very welcome, Jayna.”

  Francie did her best t
o discreetly wipe at the pornar drink that had soaked the front of her white blouse, turning it a deep shade of purple. Wiping the dribble of liquid from her cheek, she licked the sweet juice from her fingertip and hummed in appreciation. It tasted exactly like peaches.

  “Jayna, may I trouble you to get me another glass of the pornar juice? It’s delicious.”

  Jayna’s unique golden and blue eyes sparkled with pleasure. She had beautiful brown hair that fell to the bottom of her back. It was gathered into a ponytail at the nape of her neck and tied by a deep red strip of material. Francie looked at her and saw Callie at that age and couldn’t help but think of Jayna as a little sister.

  “I think my sisters would enjoy the drink, as well,” Francie added. She turned to her sisters and smiled. “It tastes like peaches. It’s really good.”

  “I would be honored to serve you and your sisters, Lady Francie,” she answered at once.

  “You’re not serving us,” Francie stopped her, reaching out and taking her hand within hers. “You’re a friend who is offering a beverage to us, just as we will offer one to you whenever you visit us.”

  Jayna’s eyes filled with wonder as she looked up at Francie. “You are very kind, Lady Francie.”

  “You are very kind, too, Lady Jayna.”

  Jayna’s sweet blush attested to her shyness. It also told Francie that the young woman didn’t get compliments very often. Francie was going to see to it that Jayna became used to such things.

  “I will get the pornar juice,” Jayna said quietly, nodding to Francie and turning to go to the castle kitchen.

  Francie turned to look over her shoulder to search out Sebastian. She needed to make sure that he wouldn’t be upset with Jayna because of the accident. When she saw Sebastian smile and execute a formal bow, she knew that he would not speak to Jayna harshly. The relief she felt was immediate.

  Looking at the man who stood next to Sebastian, she saw the smile on his face and couldn’t help but smile and nod at him. Sebastian’s brother Bryden seemed like a good guy, just like his older brother.

  Sebastian heard the quick intake of Bryden’s breath and turned to look at him to find out what had happened to make him react in that way. He saw that Bryden’s eyes were locked on Francie.

  “She is wonderful,” Bryden whispered.

  “She is,” Sebastian agreed. “She is kind and caring. She is also a skilled warrior.”

  “She is my warrior,” Bryden told him, his voice firm.

  Sebastian turned to face his brother and was surprised to see the determination on Bryden’s face. Bryden was not a man to be so open with his feelings. He was someone who kept to himself and worked tirelessly on the technology of their world. It was Bryden who designed and helped build the protection shield around their world, their transports, and their weapons. He was brilliant. He was also withdrawn and isolated, usually keeping to himself or working on some technical problem with a focus that was admirable.

  There were often times that Sebastian found Bryden training with the warriors as he struggled to think through his problems. Both Bryden and Tristen were capable warriors who divided their time with other royal duties. Sebastian was so very proud of both of them.

  To see Bryden so taken with Lady Francie was astonishing. Bryden had never before been so determined in his pursuit of any woman. It made Sebastian happy to realize that he was witnessing the first connection between his brother Bryden and Francie Gallagher.

  “I do not doubt it, Bryden,” Sebastian answered him after a moment, doing his best to contain his wide smile. He could not contain the deep chuckles that suddenly escaped him, however.

  “Cease your laughter, Sebastian,” Bryden demanded, never taking his eyes off of Lady Francie.

  “I am not laughing, Bryden,” Sebastian protested.

  “It certainly sounds as if you are laughing, Sebastian,” Tristen pointed out calmly.

  “I am not laughing. I am enjoying myself.”

  Bryden and Tristen both turned to look at Sebastian in confusion.

  “What in the two moons of Altavesta does that mean?” Bryden asked, annoyed.

  “I am greatly pleased that my brothers have found their life mates,” Sebastian told them quietly, doing his best to control his humor when both of them bristled at his statement. “You must not deny what is before you, brothers. I am blessed by my bonding with Lexi. You will be equally blessed. Do not waste time with indecision or hesitance. Those women are destined to be yours.”

  Bryden returned his attention to Francie and saw that she was experiencing confusion because of the instant draw to him. Her eyes held his, narrowing slightly as she fought to understand.

  Sebastian was correct. He had to approach her and discuss their destiny. He started walking toward her but stopped when she turned and walked toward the cooking chamber of the castle. He wondered if she feared him and had to escape him, or if she meant to help Jayna retrieve refilled goblets of pornar juice. He hoped that she was not trying to leave his presence. The very thought of that being the case made a cold feeling of hurt settle within his chest.

  “I’m going to help Jayna,” Francie told her sisters softly, lifting the tray with the broken goblets and holding it carefully as she walked from the Great Hall. “That poor kid was so upset. I’m going to make sure she’s okay.”

  Looking at Bryden briefly, she couldn’t stop the sudden fear that filled her as she realized just how drawn to him she was. It was probably for the best that she put space between them until she could figure things out.

  Bryden’s chest eased at once. Francie’s words of concern and compassion touched him deeply. Hope filled him. She was a caring woman. He had found a tender woman to share his life with.

  Her look of interest when she faced him before walking away had been very telling. It seemed that his sweet woman felt fear when she faced him. Mayhap it was a little of both. He was not certain, but he was determined to find out and enjoy the journey of discovery.

  As he followed her retreating form with his gaze, he realized that he had not felt such excitement over the thought of having a happy future in a very long time. He knew in his heart that Francie Gallagher was the key to that happiness.

  Chapter 24

  Francie’s retreat into the castle kitchen didn’t surprise any of her sisters. To see her fight so powerfully and use her telekinetic ability precisely was certainly awe-inspiring. She was a warrior with strength and ability. She was a woman who possessed a gentle heart and was kind. She was also someone who helped others without hesitation.

  One of her passions was cooking. She loved to bake, losing herself in the creativity of the craft. She loved creating delicious dishes to serve to her sisters. It was her way of spoiling them. It was also her way to unwind. It had always been that way for her. Cooking and baking soothed her and gave her the quiet time to think through whatever was bothering her.

  “Stubborn man,” Gaiya muttered, looking at Tristen and becoming annoyed all over again when she saw him looking at her with a smile on his face.

  She could still feel the pain in his head, although it wasn’t as severe as it had been. Her need to help him kicked in so powerfully, she was taken aback by the feelings that he pulled from her.

  “He needs to go lie down and rest.”

  Lexi looked at Gaiya and was confused. She turned to face Bree and saw that her sister was equally concerned by Gaiya’s behavior. Bree shook her head just once, letting Lexi know that this was not the time to push or ask Gaiya to explain what she was thinking or feeling. Whatever was going to be discussed would be done in the privacy of the rooms that they would be assigned.

  “Do you want anything to eat?” Lexi asked Gaiya, indicating the trays of food that had been brought out to them and had been placed on the large dining table. “Everything smells delicious.”

  “It does,” Gaiya agreed, reaching out and selecting a small blue fruit that looked like a plum. She bit into it and groaned at the sweetness of it, la
ughing softly as the juices dribbled down her chin. “It’s messy, but it’s really sweet. The taste is a combination of strawberry and watermelon.”

  “That sounds really good,” Daria said, sitting down beside Gaiya and reaching for the small fruit. A tired sigh left her as she brought the fruit to her mouth and took a small bite.

  “You’re not back up to speed yet, are you, Daria?” Gaiya asked her, concerned.

  “Not yet,” Daria admitted, looking at Callie and seeing that her sister wasn’t doing well either. Healing all those warriors had taken a toll on both of them.

  “You are not well, Darry?” Landon asked as he stepped closer to her and knelt by her side.

  “My name is Daria,” she told him through clenched teeth. This man’s stubbornness was really starting to get to her.

  Landon smiled, wanting very much to gather her within his embrace and kiss her. She was full of fire, yet the gentleness within her also glowed brightly. Her tenderness soothed his soul. She was everything that he ached for.

  “I offer you my apology, Lady Daria,” he told her gently. “Please forgive me.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Daria told him softly, doing her best not to smile at the expression of relief that crossed Landon’s features.

  She didn’t know what it was about Landon that called to her, but the call was definitely there. She knew he didn’t mean to insult her. Actually, she kind of liked that he called her Darry, but she would not give him the satisfaction of knowing it.

  “These are very good,” she said as she picked up another piece of fruit. “Would you like one?”

  She offered Landon the small fruit and was surprised by the heat that filled his eyes as he looked at her. There was raw need in those blue eyes. No one had ever looked at her like that in her entire life. Looking back at him, she wondered if he saw the same thing mirrored in her own eyes. Goodness, she hoped not! She couldn’t be that open to him.


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