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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 39

by Bernard, Lynnette

  Sebastian nodded, climbing to his feet. He never released his hold on Lexi, carrying her cradled against his body as he made his way to the transport. Taking his place in one of the seats behind Torin as he readied to pilot the transport home, he settled Lexi comfortably on his lap and held her tightly against his body.

  “You don’t have to hold me so tightly, Sebastian,” Lexi whispered, resting comfortably within his arms.

  “I do.”

  Lexi just laughed softly, understanding Sebastian’s need to keep her close, and secretly thrilled that he felt that way. Settling against him, she closed her eyes and rested. Callie’s gift had healed her, but she was incredibly tired.

  Sebastian caressed Lexi’s hair slowly, soothing her as she slept. He could sense her exhaustion. He needed her to rest and gain her energy back. When they got back to the castle, he was going to pamper her and insist that she allow him to care for her. The first thing he was going to do was soak her in the healing pool in his suite and wash the blood from her hair.

  He looked around the transport and was thankful that all of them were returning home alive. They were going to have to do major work in reconstructing the technological defenses of their world. The Gorin could not be allowed to enter their atmosphere or land on their world ever again.

  Looking at Verrick, he knew that his warrior was going to be instrumental in helping to create the new protection system. So was Bryden. Both men were beyond intelligent. Sebastian had hope that they would be able to figure things out. Now that both men had found their life mates, Sebastian expected their magics to increase, which would benefit all of them.

  The ancient prophecy was being fulfilled—one Gallagher woman at a time.

  Chapter 27

  “Lexi, please, allow me to carry you to our room,” Sebastian requested gently as they walked toward the suite of rooms that belonged to him that he would now share with his life mate.

  “I’m very capable of walking on my own, Sebastian,” Lexi told him, laughing softly as she easily avoided his attempt to scoop her up into his arms once again. “I feel much better. Sleeping in the transport helped a lot.”

  “The amount of time that you slept was not sufficient,” Sebastian told her. “You must take care.”

  Lexi stopped walking and turned to face him. She saw the concern he had for her displayed openly within his eyes. It touched her deeply. That need to nurture and care for others was an important trait to have. To Lexi, it meant that there would always be kindness in her life and in the lives of any children that she might have.

  Stepping toward him, she slid her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. She couldn’t stop the smile that came to her when he immediately embraced her and held her securely against him. It was the soft rumble of pleasure that escaped him that made her content and happy, though. Sebastian was so open in his delight with her touch, her conversation, or her ability as a warrior. He settled something within her that had always been searching for that place where she belonged.

  “I am pleased,” he whispered against the top of her head.

  “Yeah? Why is that?”

  He tightened his hold on her, laughing softly. “How can I not be pleased, my queen?” he asked her, his voice deep with the passion that Lexi ignited within him. “I have you as mine. I need nothing more.”

  Lexi pressed closer, closing her eyes and breathing in a slow breath. There was something about Sebastian’s scent that calmed her and excited her at the same time.

  Before she could say a word, she felt Sebastian lowering his hand to slip behind the back of her thighs. He swung her up into his hold so that she was cuddled against his chest. His right arm was supporting her back and his left arm was tucked securely beneath her legs at her knees. For the briefest of moments, she relaxed in his hold, knowing he would be able to hold her safely and with little effort. His strength was remarkable. His caring nature was even more extraordinary.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him as he started walking through the wide stone corridors.

  “I am carrying my wife to our suite of rooms,” he told her, looking down at her and laughing softly at the flash of fire in her eyes as she realized that he had gotten his way after all.

  Lexi pushed her legs against his left forearm, surprising him. He watched in amazement as she flipped up and over, her body tightening into a tucked position to execute a perfect backward flip before landing securely on her feet beside him.

  “Lexi, you must take care,” he admonished her, fear filling him despite her obvious talent and strength.

  “I told you, I’m fine,” she reminded him, sighing in frustration.

  “I know you say you are well, but I am still concerned that you have not regained your full strength.”

  Lexi was pleased by his concern, but she was also annoyed by the fact that he wasn’t believing her. She stepped toward him, pressing her side against his right hip, slipping her right hand around his waist, and gripping his right shoulder with her left hand.

  She waited until he relaxed into her touch then pressed her hip against his. When she sensed his comfort with the position, she pulled and twisted his body, sending him flying over her hip to land on the stone floor with a resounding thud. She covered him with her body instantly, straddling his hips and holding herself over him by settling her hands on his shoulders to keep him in place.

  “Do you still think I haven’t regained my strength?” she goaded him. Leaning down, she slipped her hands over his shoulders to rest on the floor on either side of his head to support herself. She lowered her body until her mouth was a hair’s breath away from his. “Not so tough now, are you, big guy?”

  Sebastian smiled up at the joy on Lexi’s face. Reaching up, he slipped his hands over her hips and caressed her back tenderly.

  “I am pleased that you are well, my love,” he told her honestly.

  A long, relieved sigh escaped him as he looked up at her. She was a strong and capable warrior—that much was very true. But she was also his life mate. He could not help but want to protect her and shield her from the horrors and pains of the world.

  “I do not question your ability, Lexi. I only worry for you. I cannot help but want to protect and care for you, nor am I willing to change this need in me to do so. Please understand.”

  Lexi’s heart softened even more toward him. She couldn’t fault him for his protective instincts. She had the same instincts when it came to her family. Those instincts to protect and care for others now extended to Sebastian, his warriors, and the people of this world.

  “I don’t want you to change, Sebastian,” Lexi told him, her voice barely above a whisper. “Why would I ask you to be who you’re not?” She leaned forward and kissed his lips lightly. “Do you know why?”

  “Why, Lexi?”

  “Because, the man you are, is the man I love.”

  The magic that exploded around the two of them was instant. Lexi jumped in surprise then looked in awe at the golden and violet curtain of power that surrounded them. Sebastian’s arms held her close, pulling her tighter against him as he kissed her passionately. The kiss was both gentle and strong, and everything that Lexi wanted in the tender closeness that it afforded her. It gave her a thrill to be the recipient of Sebastian’s caring as well as his need. She wanted him to need her. It was only fair. She needed him, too.

  Sebastian took his time tasting Lexi’s lips, loving the flavor of her. Her declaration of her love for him filled him with power unlike any he had ever known. There was nothing better than knowing that the woman who was destined to be yours found it within her heart to gift you with her love.

  Lexi’s heart was open to him. Her soul was joined with his. Reaching up, he slipped his hands over her shoulders and brought her down so that she was lying completely on top of him. The way she relaxed against him and kissed his neck before snuggling tighter against him gave him great satisfaction.

  “It would be nice to hear you say it,
too, Sebastian,” Lexi told him as she pressed her lips to his ear. Sometimes, a woman just needed to hear the words.

  Before she could think about it any further, she found herself being lifted as Sebastian stood, carrying her with him. He settled her securely on her feet before him, looking down at her with a fierce expression on his face that concerned her.

  “Sebastian?” she asked gently, reaching up and touching his cheek lightly.

  “Lexi,” he said firmly, looking down at her and doing his best to control the emotions that were rolling through him.

  He took her hands in his and squeezed them gently as he lowered himself to one knee before her. He brought her hands to his chest and looked deep into the beauty of her eyes and the goodness of her soul.

  “You mean more to me than my life,” he began. “I am blessed by your kindness. I am honored by your support. I respect your warrior skills. I am in awe of your intelligence and the depth of your capacity to love. I am not, nor will I ever be, worthy of all that you have brought into my life because of your presence and your love.” He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed the backs of each of them tenderly. “It is not in my power to put into words how much you mean to me and how much I care about you.”

  He searched her face, bidding her to look into his soul to see the honesty of his words and his feelings. She could use her gift to see the truth of his declaration, but he hoped that she would use her heart instead.

  “I love you. I value you. I want you beside me every moment for the rest of our lives. Please, search your heart and know the truth of my words.”

  Lexi knelt down in front of him, her smile gentle as she looked at him. There was no need to search his soul. She felt his love surrounding her and filling her.

  She stood slowly and tugged on Sebastian’s hands to have him stand before her. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she hugged him tightly.

  “I know,” she whispered.

  She couldn’t help but laugh at the soft grunt of satisfaction that escaped him. She could feel his relief that she accepted what he wanted her to know. Leaning forward, she kissed the exposed skin of his chest, rubbing her face against the dark hair that was liberally sprinkled there. Taking a slow, deep breath, she allowed his calming presence to settle her. She was looking forward to spending her future with this man.

  She released her hold on his right hand and turned to continue walking down the wide, stone corridor. Sebastian reached out and captured her hand within his once again, holding it gently as he walked beside her.

  His physical support was obvious in the way he held her hand so sweetly, but it was the emotional support that filled every fiber of her being that truly touched Lexi’s heart. It was obvious to her that the men of this world valued their life mates and looked upon their bondings as a blessing.

  “It is my wish that you will find happiness within our home, Lexi,” Sebastian told her as they walked. “My family is proud of our legacy of love. For generations, the blessing of finding our life mates has been cherished.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Lexi said quietly.

  “There is nothing more important than our families, friends, and the worlds that are under our guardianship,” Sebastian continued. “You are the perfect addition to our world and our family.”

  Lexi was overwhelmed with feelings that his sincere words gave her. She wanted to take her place beside him, not only as his wife, but also as his queen in order to help him with his duties to the people who now belonged to her, as well.

  “Our people already respect you, Lexi,” he told her calmly.

  “How could they? They don’t know me, Sebastian.”

  “They know that you have stolen my heart.”

  He tugged on her hand to stop her forward movement. When she faced him, he saw the worry that was taking up residence deep within her soul.

  “Magic cannot be fooled, Lexi. The person you are is reflected in the magic that protects you. The people of Altavesta see the goodness of that magic.”

  “That’s amazing,” Lexi whispered. “Does the magic that surrounds me also mirror how I feel about you?”

  Sebastian nodded. “Our magics have blended since our bonding. My magic presents itself as golden. Yours appears as the same color of your eyes.”

  Sebastian raised his right hand and indicated the magical shield that surrounded them. The golden curtain of protection glowed brightly, pulses of violet sparkling brightly within it.

  “It’s beautiful,” Lexi told him honestly.

  “It is,” Sebastian agreed. “So, you see, Lexi, our people will see the trueness of your heart within your magic. They will also see your strength and your caring. Do not think that they do not know you. They do.”

  Lexi accepted what Sebastian had to say. It was obvious to her that this world of Altavesta afforded so many things that were not a possibility on Earth. No one on Earth knew their mate by their touch. No one on Earth wielded magic or displayed shields that gave a glimpse into someone’s soul. This world was so much nicer and held such possibilities for a better future. Earth only held pain and destruction and a bleak future.

  None of the Gallagher sisters had any desire to go back and live under the cruelty of the people who had taken over every aspect of existence there. Their father had given his life so that his daughters and his granddaughter could launch their ship and reach Altavesta. His sacrifice had given them the possibility of a happy future. Neither he nor their mother had wanted them to remain on Earth. Earth was on a quick path to destruction.

  It was the reason their father had helped the team of scientists escape more than five years earlier. Thinking about the scientists that had been so hopeful in their journey, Lexi was concerned that Millie and the group that had left Earth on their ship New Beginnings still hadn’t arrived on Altavesta.

  “Sebastian, is it possible for you to search for our friends?” she asked him, concerned. “Their ship was scheduled to arrive before ours, but we haven’t heard from them. I’m worried that something might have happened to them.”

  “I will ask Bryden to search for them,” Sebastian told her. “Do you have the ship’s signature information?”

  “I do.”

  “Would you prefer to give Bryden the information now or wait until morning?”

  Lexi hesitated. If Millie and her crew hadn’t arrived by now, it made her believe that they might be in trouble. She didn’t know if waiting until morning would make a difference. She just knew that if she waited, and something happened to Millie or her people because of the delay, she would never be able to live with herself.

  “I would like to tell Bryden now,” she said finally. “Is it too late to disturb him?”

  “No. Bryden is often up late working on the technology of our world,” Sebastian said softly. “He tells me that it helps him to focus.”

  “He needs help to focus?” Lexi asked, confused.

  “Not in the way you are thinking.” He hesitated a moment, wanting to be honest with his life mate but concerned with keeping his brother’s confidence, as well.

  “You don’t have to tell me, Sebastian,” Lexi offered, touching his forearm lightly. “I have the same responsibility with my sisters. I would not betray them by speaking about what they’ve told me, and I expect that you are the same with your brothers.”

  Sebastian nodded. Relief filled him that Lexi not only understood his predicament, she supported his decision to keep the truth of Bryden’s loneliness to himself. He would not tell Lexi that his brother thought himself destined to live his life without love.

  Seeing the way Bryden had reacted to Francie, Sebastian wasn’t so certain that Bryden felt that way any longer. For all his brilliance, sometimes Bryden was very hard-headed. Sebastian recognized the beginning bond between his brother and Lexi’s sister. It would just be a matter of time before the two of them not only recognized it, but accepted it, as well.

  “When we get to our suite, I will contact him.”

  Lexi couldn’t help but sigh with relief. She reached for Sebastian’s hand, squeezing it firmly. She couldn’t express how much it meant to her that he was so helpful and supportive to her and her family.

  “We will find them, Lexi. You have my vow.”

  “Thank you,” she said finally, glad for the advanced technology that was very much a part of their world.

  It amazed Lexi that despite the technology available, and the obvious power of the magic that the people of Altavesta possessed, they lived in a relatively simple manner. Well, not exactly simple. It was a castle after all. It looked like the castles of old, but it didn’t feel like the cold and austere place it could have been. It felt warm and welcoming. When Lexi entered it, she felt as if she was coming home.

  The castle’s interior was illuminated with torches placed high along the corridor in wall sconces on both sides of every pathway. It looked like fire lit each torch, but Lexi saw the sparks of magic that crackled around each flame. It was both beautiful and romantic, but it also gave evidence to the magic of the world.

  Above all, Lexi could sense the goodness of the magic. It sounded weird to her to use that word to describe the power, but no other word could explain it better. The people, the warriors, the magic, and the king, were prime examples of goodness. So was the castle.

  “Your home is really beautiful, Sebastian,” she told him as he led her through the wide hallway and off to the right through an archway that was shielded by another curtain of magic.

  She felt the tingle of the magic kissing her skin and couldn’t help but smile at the greeting. It sent a surge of emotions through her that were deep and pure. It was as if the castle was welcoming her and infusing her with love.

  “You feel it, do you not?” Sebastian asked her quietly.

  “Feel what?”

  Lexi didn’t want to explain what she had just experienced. She needed him to tell her. It was something that she knew was important—to both of them.


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