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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 41

by Bernard, Lynnette

  His bed was nothing like the four-poster beds with huge canopies that she knew were indicative of royal preferences. It was a bed with a beautifully carved headboard that ran the length of the massive bed. The craftsmanship was exquisite. The shape of it reminded Lexi of the sleigh headboards of Earth, except that the curve of the wood was more pronounced. She ran her hand over the front of the headboard, loving the cool smoothness of it. It was made of a deep color wood that reminded Lexi of mahogany.

  The bed was covered with an elegant golden brocade comforter that had violet threading woven through it in an intricate design that created a unique emblem of a shield that must have represented the Mathieson family. The massive blanket not only covered the width and the length of the bed, it was big enough to drape over the sides and the front of the bed. It was plush, the material soft beneath Lexi’s fingers. It soothed her, and she found herself sighing softly at the contact. She turned to face Sebastian and saw him watching her intently.

  “This is a beautiful bed,” she said softly. “Whoever crafted it is very talented.”

  “It was designed and made by a woman in the village,” Sebastian told her. “She has an incredible talent that she shares with all of us.”

  “Well, she’s amazing.”

  “She is. She took it as a personal challenge to give me a bed that would fit me comfortably,” Sebastian added. “My height is difficult to accommodate.”

  “I think your height is perfect,” Lexi told him without hesitation.

  “Thank you, my love,” Sebastian whispered, smiling softly at her.

  “Did you really need the bed to be this wide? How many people did you expect to share it with?”

  Lexi faced him, crossing her arms across her chest and raising her right eyebrow as she challenged him. If he had any thoughts about sleeping with anyone other than her, that thought was going to be discussed, and destroyed, right now.

  Sebastian chuckled softly as he stepped toward Lexi. He reached out and pried her arms loose from their defensive pose then pulled her toward him so he could wrap his arms around her back and hold her close. He kissed her forehead lightly and eased back to look down at her. He loved the fire in her eyes. He loved the way she was ready to fight for him.

  “My intention was to share this bed with my life mate. No other,” he told her honestly.

  “Then why is it so big? You can fit ten people in this bed,” Lexi challenged him.

  “If you would like to fill it with ten people, I am more than willing, my love,” he told her, laughing softly at the anger that was apparent on her face the moment he spoke the words.

  “You just said you only wanted to share this bed with me,” she challenged him. “You’ve already changed your mind?”

  “My love, I will only share this bed with you,” he told her very seriously. “I will never want another woman in my heart or in my bed.”


  “Lexi, I am willing to share this bed with eight other people if you desire to gift me with that many children,” he told her quietly. “I would enjoy our children climbing into bed with us and sharing late night storybooks or greeting each morning with us. I want us all to be together.” He kissed her lips lightly, sighing softly when he ended the kiss and pressed his lips to her temple. “I love you. I am looking forward to having a family with you.”

  The thought of their children cuddling in bed with them made Lexi smile. She could picture their children snuggled under the blankets and laughing with them. It was a nice thought.

  “Okay, you’re not in trouble,” she whispered, poking him in the stomach as he began to laugh.

  He reached up and slipped his hands into her hair at the nape of her neck, intending to draw her closer to claim her mouth once again. The feel of her matted hair made him freeze as he remembered her injury.

  Pulling away from her, he took her hand and led her to the connecting doorway of the suite. There would be enough time to talk and decide their future together once he had seen to her care.

  “The healing pool is through here,” he told her, turning the handle on the door to open it.

  Lexi was awed by the sight of the incredible bathroom before her. The pool enclosure was created with beautiful blue stones and in a way that reminded Lexi of the intricate designs used in a Roman bath house. To the right of the doorway was a long counter that held a double sink. A beautifully cut mirror ran the length of the counter. The bottom of it was etched with a design that looked like the lagoon where she had first met Sebastian. Each top corner of the mirror had a waterfall scored into it. That made her smile.

  “What is that smile for?” he asked her, reaching out and touching her lips with the index finger of his right hand.

  “I was just thinking that the etching on the mirror reminded me of the lagoon,” she told him. “I was thinking about the first time I saw you.”

  “That memory pleases you?”

  Lexi laughed softly. “Yeah. It pleases me,” she told him, her eyes sparkling with happiness. She hesitated a moment, turning and facing him very seriously. “Our waterfall is etched in the top corners. I’ll always think of that place as our spot.”

  Sebastian became very serious at her words. He had never really thought about the designs he had asked the craftsman to cut into the mirror. It occurred to him that he must have been given a glimpse into his future because he had chosen both places that meant the most to him and Lexi.

  It seemed as if that glimpse was also evident in the gold comforter that blanketed his bed that had threads of violet running through it. Everything in his life seemed to be pointing him toward the gentle warrior with violet eyes that he would first meet at the lagoon and bond with beside the beautiful waterfall.

  “I guess I’m a romantic at heart,” Lexi admitted. “Everything that we share means something special to me.”

  “As it should,” Sebastian told her gently. “Each and every moment that I share with you has taken its place within my heart, Lexi. You are not alone in your feelings.”

  Lexi’s heart swelled with the happiness that Sebastian’s admission gave her. She may be a romantic, but it was obvious to her that so was Sebastian.

  There was no shame in what she was feeling, but she was slightly overwhelmed by the depth of her emotions. Taking a calming breath, she tried to focus on something else. Looking around the bathroom, she realized that there was a lot for her to focus on.

  To the right of the counter area was another doorway that was open to a private area that contained a toilet and another sink. To the left of the counter was a shower that was the size of Lexi’s small bedroom in the Gallagher home. It was separated by a glass wall.

  She could see the many areas where water would flow from. Thinking about Sebastian standing there, naked, with water sliding down his body, sent her desire for him into overdrive. She was looking forward to sharing that shower with him.

  “Take off your clothes,” Sebastian told her.

  Lexi looked at him in surprise. “What?”

  “You need to get into the healing pool,” he told her firmly. “I am worried for you, Lexi.”

  Lexi looked at the sunken tub that Sebastian pointed to on the far side of the room and tried to hide the smile that came to her lips. His concern may have been expressed in a command, but it was a concern nonetheless.

  She walked over to the sunken bath, amazed by the sheer size of it. It could easily accommodate two of the beds from Sebastian’s bedroom. As she stood beside it, she could picture in her mind’s eye, sharing this beautiful pool of water with Sebastian and their children.

  The bath was more like a small swimming pool. She could see that it was shallow, wondering if it would even come up to her waist when she stood in it. The blue stones that the pool was created from were glowing softly, illuminating the area and presenting a calming atmosphere.

  There was a constant replenishing of the water from the small waterfalls that flowed from the three ornate columns in place
at the left wall of the room. She scented a fragrance coming from the water that was unknown to her. Whatever it was, it settled her. She took a deep breath and sighed as peace spread through her.

  “Remove your clothes, Lexi,” Sebastian repeated. “You need to soak in the healing pool. It will cleanse the blood from your hair and the pain from your body.”

  “I’m not in any pain, Sebastian,” Lexi told him honestly as she turned to face him.

  “You may not realize that you have pain, but you will notice the absence of it once you have soaked in the healing waters,” Sebastian told her gently. “The stones that line the bath release healing properties. Please, give them the chance to help you.”

  “You are a stubborn man, you know that, don’t you?” Lexi said, sighing as she reached for her weapon’s belt to remove the tech unit and unbuckle the belt and pull it from her waist. She handed it to him and watched as he turned to set her sword, dagger, and pulse weapon down on the counter with great care. He did the same to the tech unit.

  “I am aware,” Sebastian agreed. “I am also the man who loves you.”

  Lexi tried to remain annoyed, but Sebastian’s declaration made her melt. When he held out his hands, waiting patiently for her to continue, she removed her vest and handed it to him. She kicked off her boots and pushed them against the wall with her feet, sighing with relief. She loved being barefoot. If it were up to her, she would always be barefoot.

  When she removed her blouse and unhooked her bra, she saw the flash of desire that appeared within Sebastian’s eyes. Unbuttoning her pants and pushing them and her panties across her hips and down her legs, she stepped out of them carefully.

  Before she had the chance to pick them up, Sebastian reached for them. He took them, her blouse and bra, and her vest, and opened a panel beside the sink that led to a chute. He placed the clothing inside it and closed the panel.

  “Your clothes will be cleaned of the blood and soil from today’s fight,” he told her. “Everything will be returned to you on the morrow.”

  “Thank you,” Lexi whispered, hearing the emotional struggle within Sebastian’s voice to remain in control.

  “I cannot begin to tell you what it did to me to see your blood soaking the ground beneath you,” he said softly. “I truly thought I had lost you.”

  Lexi felt his anguish. She watched as he turned and waved his hand over the yellow sensor in front of the panel. She heard a whoosh of noise and a soft chime. She looked at Sebastian in question. Instead of answering her, he pulled his own shirt from his body then unlaced his breaches and pushed them down his legs. He toed off his heavy footwear and tugged the clothes from his body.

  He opened the panel once again, placed his clothes inside the chute, closed it, and activated the yellow sensor. Turning to face Lexi once again, he walked toward her slowly, reaching out to offer his hand to her. He was inordinately pleased when she placed her hand within his without hesitation.

  Leading her over to the handrail at the far side of the healing pool, he helped steady her as she walked down the three stone steps and submerged herself in the pool. He joined her quickly, leading her over to the ledge that ringed the pool and afforded a comfortable place to sit submerged beneath the water while healing took place.

  Lexi groaned with pleasure as the warm water enveloped her. She laughed softly as Sebastian gently pulled her toward him. She straddled his lap and rested against his chest, humming lightly as he immediately encircled her body with his strong arms. She felt his large hands caressing her back and tucked her face into his neck, happy to stay right where she was forever.

  The soft sounds of the gently rushing water from the waterfalls that ran from the three openings in the left wall helped her to relax even more. She trusted that Sebastian would hold her and keep her safe while she rested.

  She felt his soothing caresses on her back over and over again. Between his gentleness, the calming scent, and the soothing effect of the water and the healing stones, Lexi couldn’t be happier.

  “Lean back, Lexi,” he told her quietly after a while, smiling when she slowly eased away from him and smiled sleepily at him before she did as he instructed.

  Enjoying the view of Lexi arching her back and displaying her full breasts for his enjoyment as she moved back to float in the water, he could not help but desire her. The sight of her, naked and trusting, caused his body to harden with need.

  He wanted her. He needed her. He wanted to fill her with his seed and create a baby with their love, but that would have to wait. He needed to take care of her and make certain that she was well first.

  He held her securely as she floated just below the surface of the water, her naked body glistening in the soft lighting. His desire for her was strong. His need to have her as his for the rest of their lives together was deep. He could not imagine a better woman to be queen, his life mate, the mother of his children, or a better warrior to fight beside him.

  Standing slowly, he held her waist and supported the back of her neck as he guided her toward the edge of the pool. Slipping his hands through her hair beginning at the base of her skull, he massaged her head, his heart pounding with renewed worry as he saw the blood that had soaked her hair releasing into the water.

  Reaching for the small blue bottle on the lip of the bath, he eased the stopper from the top and set it on the ledge. Pouring a small amount of the liquid within it over Lexi’s hair, he set it aside and concentrated on rubbing it into the thickness of her light brown mane.

  He scrubbed her hair carefully, being certain to clean all the blood from it. He watched the water around her, gauging the healing that was occurring. Once he felt her hair was completely free from any dirt and blood, relief filled him. The filtering system of the pool cleansed the water quickly, removing the frightening stain of blood from it and allowing Sebastian to finally relax.

  He felt the healing property of the stones working as they filled the water with rejuvenating energy, his own body finding relief as the clonar stones affected the tired muscles of his arms and back. He knew that the same relief had to be happening to Lexi.

  “Are you feeling better, my love?” he asked her quietly, running his hands over her hair one last time to rid her of the last of the cleaning liquid. He took his place on the stone bench below the surface of the water before gathering her within his arms and slowly pulling her toward him so that she was seated sideways upon his lap.

  Lexi rested against Sebastian’s chest, letting her body remain weightless in the water. She felt wonderful. Aches that she didn’t even realize were a part of her tired muscles had been relieved. She felt relaxed and revitalized.

  “Nice,” she whispered against his neck, taking her last bit of strength to press against him and kiss him lightly.

  “It is,” he agreed. “Sleep if you are able to, Lexi. I will stay here with you until you have been completely healed.”

  “How will you know when I’m healed?”

  “The stones will glow golden.”

  Lexi eased her head back and looked up at him through tired eyes. “Why will they do that?”

  “It has always been that way for me,” Sebastian told her, shrugging lightly as he reached up and tucked her head into the crook of his neck once again. “Whenever I accept the gifts of healing within this pool, I find that the clonar stones glow blue when I am being physically healed. Once that has occurred, the stones glow golden. That is when I feel the renewal of my magic.”

  Lexi digested Sebastian’s information. She filed it away and did her best to remember his words. She was going to make sure that he was always safe. If spending time in this healing pool with the clonar stones would keep him healthy and rejuvenate his magic, she would be sure to spend time with him here. She smiled lazily, thinking that it would be no hardship at all to spend time in the small pool with this sexy, naked, and wonderful man.

  “I’ll remember,” she whispered before sleep claimed her.

  She wasn’t aware of the
way Sebastian held her for a very long time as the clonar stones healed all injury and weakness from her body. She was asleep when the stones glowed golden and filled Sebastian with renewed magic, unaware that her own magic was being strengthened, too. She moved closer to Sebastian’s warmth as he carried her out of the pool and wrapped her in a warm towel that covered her completely. She didn’t even realize the care he took with her to dry her body and brush the tangles from her hair before he placed her carefully within his bed.

  The only thing that truly registered within her mind was the way Sebastian held her as he lay beside her. She snuggled against his warmth and lifted her leg to settled it over his hip and pull him closer.

  “Love you,” she whispered, kissing his shoulder lightly before she relaxed completely, trusting that he would watch over her and keep her safe.

  “My Lady Lexi,” he whispered as he kissed the top of her head and pulled the blankets closer around her naked body. “Thank the heavens that I have found you.”

  Closing his eyes, he willed his body to relax. When Lexi dragged him closer with her leg, he could not help but groan as his body lit on fire. He was hard, his shaft pulsing with need, but he had never felt more at peace in his life.

  He was lying in his bed, his life mate was naked in his arms, and she had whispered words of love to him.

  His life was complete now that his Lexi was with him.

  Chapter 29

  Lexi opened her eyes slowly. Searching her surroundings, she squinted to try to make out what was before her. The room held a gentle glow of subtle light from the magical flames in the sconces on either side of the beautiful stone fireplace that was the focal point of the far wall. She gazed at it silently, determined not to disturb the tender man who held her. The fireplace was gorgeous in its craftsmanship. The mantle above it was of the same dark wood that the headboard was made of. She was going to ask to meet the woman who was responsible for the creations so she could tell her how much she admired her work.


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