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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

Page 47

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “You are mine,” he whispered against her temple, gathering her carefully within his arms and turning them both so that she lay on top of him.

  A sigh of contentment left him as Lexi tucked her head against his neck, smiling when she kissed the area where she had bitten him. Such a tender woman.

  Reaching down, he pulled the blankets up and settled them over her back, tucking them carefully around her body so that she would not become chilled. Sliding his hands up her back, he caressed it in small circles, kissing her forehead as she snuggled against him.

  “I love you, my gentle warrior,” he whispered.

  Chapter 36

  Lexi stood on the balcony outside their bedroom, looking out over the beautiful view of Altavesta. She loved being out here. She especially loved it when Sebastian shared this stunning view with her.

  “Are you well, my love?” Sebastian called to her as he stepped through the open doorway to join her.

  He walked over to her and stood beside her, gathering her within his arms and kissing her temple lightly. When she turned to face him and smile up at him, he felt like the most powerful man that ever existed.

  “I’m good,” she told him without hesitation. “I was just enjoying your world.”

  “ Our world,” he corrected her.

  “Yes. Our world.”

  He pulled her closer and kissed her lips then rested his forehead against hers. Feeling her belly pressed up against him, he was once again blessed with the feeling of their baby’s connection to him. Going to his knees before her, he lifted her golden tunic and pressed kisses against her belly.

  “I love you, Lexi,” he whispered, resting his cheek against her belly and laughing softly when their daughter’s white light of magic touched him again. “I love you, too, little one.”

  Lexi sighed with happiness and tugged on his hands to get him to stand. When he did, she slipped her fingers into his hair at his temples and drew him closer, loving the way his hair curtained them in privacy.

  “I love you,” she told him as he leaned closer and took the kiss she offered him. She remembered the beautiful vision she had experienced as a young girl that showed her this moment in time. She had thought it wonderful when she had been gifted the glimpse, but it was pale in comparison to the actual beauty of it happening.

  Sebastian’s kiss was tender, sweet, and soft. Lexi couldn’t help but sigh against his lips. When he pulled away, she moaned softly. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “You must eat, my love,” he told her gently. “I need to be certain that you are eating enough to keep up your strength. I am concerned that you are tired.”

  “It’s normal for a woman to be tired at the beginning of her pregnancy, Sebastian,” she told him calmly. “I think you worry too much.”

  “Mayhap,” Sebastian allowed. “I believe it is my right to do so, wife.”

  He kissed her forehead lightly then turned and carefully pulled her with him as he walked back into their suite, closing the glass door behind them. Lexi could explain as much as she liked, but he was still going to insist that she take care of herself.

  He always shared the morning meal with his people. His father had taught him by example to be a king who was a man who was truly interested in their lives and their welfare. He held Lexi’s hand as they walked toward the Great Hall. She had shared this with him from the moment she had arrived at the castle. The people appreciated her, just as he did.

  Sebastian had always been able to bond with his people. He knew each of them, taking the time to visit their homes and farms to show how much he valued them. It was how he got to know their strengths and expressed his appreciation for their hard work.

  Now that Lexi was his queen, he already saw that she had the same level of comfort with his warriors and the people who lived on Altavesta. He knew that she would be equally as adept at bonding with the people of the many worlds that they protected.

  “Sebastian,” Lexi said, tugging on his hand and pulling him to a stop.

  He turned to face her and smiled at the beauty that glowed from her. She was positively radiant.

  “Yes, Lexi?”

  “I want to keep my pregnancy a secret for now,” she told him, biting at her bottom lip as she thought about it.

  “Why, my love?”

  “I’m just afraid that something will happen and I’ll lose the baby,” she told him honestly. “I think we should wait until I’m further along before we share the news.”

  “Do you feel ill? I must take you back to the healing pool.”

  Lexi couldn’t help but laugh. She took a step away from him and crossed her arms across her chest as she looked at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “Sebastian, you’ve put me in the pool more times than I can count. I’m turning into a prune.”

  “I do not know what that means, Lexi, but you must go back to the healing pool if you are feeling as if you are losing our child,” Sebastian told her firmly.

  “I don’t feel like I’m losing our child,” she told him, gripping his arms and stopping him from attempting to lift her and carry her back to their suite. “I just worry.”

  Sebastian could feel her deep concern behind her joy. It was not something he wanted her to be overwhelmed with. Her violet eyes were filled with the need for reassurance. She was looking to him for help. The magic within him soared to life, burning brighter as his love for her and their child filled him.

  He reached up and touched her cheek lightly. “Listen to me, Lexi,” he told her gently. “Our daughter is healthy. Her magic is strong. She is filled with light and goodness. You need not worry about carrying her successfully. All will be well.”

  “You don’t know that,” Lexi protested.

  “I do.” His eyes flashed golden and violet as the magic within him spiked. “I am connected to our child just as you are. Search within yourself. You will feel the strength of our daughter.”

  Lexi closed her eyes and concentrated. She honestly didn’t know how she was supposed to do what Sebastian told her to do. She couldn’t find their child.

  “I can’t,” she whispered, covering her stomach with her hands and pressing against the material of her pants that prevented her from touching her skin.

  “You have the ability. Seek out the love our daughter has for you.”

  Lexi shook her head, about to protest when she felt a stirring within her body. She concentrated on that slight movement and was drawn to the white light of goodness that was glowing brightly. She followed it with her mind and felt the tug of love and happiness on her heart.

  A soft smile crossed her lips as she felt the warmth of their baby’s hug. She wanted that baby in her arms right then. She wanted to look into the beauty of her innocent face and see how much she looked like her father. She wanted to see Sebastian holding her and spoiling her—because Lexi knew with everything in her that he was going to spoil their daughter.

  “Can you feel her strength and her goodness?” he whispered.

  Lexi nodded, laughing softly as the warm hug engulfed her. “I already love her so much,” she told him as she opened her eyes and looked at him with eyes filled with wonder.

  “As do I,” he told her, smiling.

  Kneeling before her, he lifted the golden tunic that she wore and tugged down the waistband of her pants. He placed a gentle kiss to her belly before turning his head and resting his cheek against it.

  “You are strong,” he said, speaking to their child. “You are filled with goodness. Please allow your mother to know you are well each day, little one. Let her know that you love her. She needs to feel your presence.”

  Lexi gasped as she felt a small flutter within her womb. It was as if their baby was giving her a kiss. It was a glorious feeling. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the white light and covered it with the violet veil of magic that she was learning to control more and more each day. When the violet blanketed the white, their baby’s life force glowed brighter. It seeme
d that their daughter needed the contact just as much as she did. Lexi was going to make sure that she gave their baby love and attention every day with the hug of magic that she could control so easily.

  “Thank you, Sebastian,” she said as she slipped her fingers through his long hair and tugged lightly. “Our baby listened to her daddy.”

  Sebastian looked up at her and smiled. “She did?”

  “Yes. She let me know that she was strong and happy.”

  She leaned down and kissed Sebastian’s lips lightly, laughing as he stood up and crushed her to him in order to intensify the kiss. He pressed her against the stone wall of the corridor, needing to get closer.

  Only being inside of her again would satisfy him, but now was not the time. He pulled away and looked down at her, loving the softness of her gaze she looked up at him. He saw the sparkle in her violet eyes and was reminded once again of the beauty of the love they had for each other. Now, they had their baby daughter to add to their love.

  “I think everyone is waiting for us,” Lexi whispered, smiling up at him.

  “They are waiting to share morning meal with their queen,” Sebastian told her, feeling the sense of panic that suddenly spiked within her. “Do not worry, Lexi. Your reputation as a warrior and as a loving woman has already spread throughout our kingdom.”

  Lexi snorted, pushing at his chest and starting to walk down the wide corridor. “Yeah, right.”

  Sebastian’s long strides easily caught up with hers as she walked toward the Great Hall. He took her hand in his once again and smiled as she squeezed his lightly.

  “Lexi, you have a glow about you that tells me you are carrying,” Sebastian told her. “As our child grows, so will the white shield that surrounds you. Our people will soon be able to see the magic of our baby.”

  “Okay. Good to know,” Lexi said, nodding. “I just want this to be between us for now. I’ll tell my sisters when I’m ready.”

  “You will tell me when you are comfortable with me telling my warriors,” Sebastian said quietly as they entered the Great Hall. “I want to share my happiness with them.”

  Lexi turned to him and took gentle hold of his forearm. When Sebastian turned to face her, his right eyebrow lifted in question, she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

  “I love you, Sebastian Mathieson,” she whispered, against his ear, laughing softly as the golden glow of his magic surrounded them. “You’re doing it again.”

  “What am I doing?”

  “You’re surrounding us with your magic.”

  “You are, as well, my queen,” he told her gently. “So is our baby.”

  Lexi looked above them and saw her violet shield surrounding his, but it was the white sparkles that were within their combined shields that made her know the miracle of their love. Their baby was protecting them.

  “She’s wonderful,” Lexi whispered.

  “Yes. She is,” Sebastian agreed, kissing her lips lightly and hugging her.

  He took Lexi’s hand and led her toward the stone hearth to the table beside it. He remained standing in front of the chair at the head of the table, waiting until she took her place in front of the seat to his right before he turned to face the group of people who were watching them.

  His brothers, Torin, his warriors and their families, Lexi’s family, and quite a few of the people who worked within the castle were all watching them. Seeing the smiles on their faces, it was obvious to him that all of them were greatly pleased for their king’s happiness.

  “Good day to all of you,” he called out, nodding at them and smiling at the happy faces that greeted him. “Enjoy your morning meal.”

  He sat and accepted the platter of food that Jayna offered him. He turned and offered the platter to Lexi, waiting for her to take a portion of the food before serving himself.

  “I thank you, Jayna,” he told the young maiden, smiling at the sweetness of the young woman. “Please bring Queen Lexi some pornar juice.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Jayna said, curtseying before turning and obtaining the large pitcher of pornar juice from the serving table beside them and bringing it back to their new queen. “Queen Lexi, it is an honor to serve you.”

  Lexi reached out, removing the pitcher from her hands and placing it on the table before standing and taking the young girl’s hands in hers. Jayna’s beautiful golden eyes with shades of blue within them widened in surprise. Lexi had never seen such a swirl of color before. It was beautiful.

  “Jayna,” she said quietly. “I’m very thankful for your thoughtfulness.”

  “My Lady Queen, you are too kind,” Jayna whispered, overwhelmed by the genuine appreciation of their king’s life mate.

  “No, Jayna. You’re the one who is kind. You were welcoming to all of us when we arrived. I will never forget how you helped my sister Francie feel comfortable in your world,” Lexi told her sincerely. “Were it not for you, Francie would not have found a place to relax. By allowing her to cook beside you in your kitchen, you gave her a place of acceptance where she could enjoy herself.” Lexi wrapped her arms around the young woman, hugging her carefully. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lady Jayna.”

  The words were whispered, but heartfelt. Lexi felt the surprise of the young woman and worried that she had done something wrong. She was about to let go when she felt the hesitant return of her hug.

  “Thank you, my queen,” Jayna whispered.

  “Jayna, I want you to call me Lexi.”

  “Oh, no, my queen. I cannot,” Jayna stammered as she stepped out of her embrace. She looked to King Sebastian for guidance. “Please, my king, I cannot be so bold.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, Jayna, you’re now one of my sisters,” Lexi said before Sebastian could say one word. She didn’t need him speaking for her. “I understand the need for formality, but we’re family. All of us.”

  She looked out at the group of people in the Great Hall. Every one of them was looking back at her. Bree smiled and nodded, the knowing twinkle in her eyes something that Lexi had often seen.

  “We’re family,” Lexi repeated, her voice firm as it carried throughout the hall.

  She saw the nods of the warriors and the smiles of the rest of the people there. It was the right thing to say because it was exactly how she felt. Family was what was important. It always was, and it always would be.

  She sat down and waited for everyone to take their places at the huge table that filled the hall. Once they were seated and she saw that they were beginning to eat, she picked up the small bread in front of her and took a bite. The sweetness of it made her moan with pleasure.

  “This is delicious,” she said, taking another bite.

  Sebastian smiled at her, his heart filled with love for his queen. With her declaration that they were all family, she had succeeded in capturing the hearts of everyone within the hall. Word would soon spread that his queen was a good and kind woman who had welcomed all of them into her heart.

  “Drink the pornar juice, my love,” he told her, pushing the filled goblet toward her. “It is important for you to have the benefits of this fruit.”

  Lexi lifted the glass and drank the juice, humming with pleasure. “Why is this juice so important?”

  “It will nourish both you and our baby,” Sebastian whispered against her temple. “Know this, my queen, I will ensure that you eat and drink what you must in order to carry our children safely and in good health. Each night you will soak in the healing pool to revitalize your magic and ease your aches.”

  He kissed her cheek then, resting his chin on her shoulder as he pulled her toward him and rested his hand on her belly. He slid his hand beneath her tunic and touched the warmth of her skin, sighing softly at the connection.

  “You will not argue with me on this, Lexi. It is for your good, and for the good of our child.”

  Lexi covered his hand with her own and pressed it closer against her body. She loved the way he touched her. She ch
erished the way his caring was so true and so constant.

  Turning within his embrace, she faced him, worry still very much a part of her. He reached up and touched her forehead to smooth away her worries.

  “What concerns you?” he whispered.

  “Sebastian, does everyone in your kingdom have access to a healing pool?” she asked quietly. “Everyone should have the same chance to be healed and revitalized.”

  “The clonar stones are found in great abundance on Altavesta as well as on most of the worlds that we watch over. Every home has a healing pool,” Sebastian told her, kissing her cheek lightly. “The castle contains one in every suite. All homes within castle grounds and the homes of each of the families of our world also have healing pools. They are not held apart from our people.”

  “Thank goodness,” Lexi whispered. “I want everyone to have access to the same help that we have.”

  “I know, my love. This is further proof that you were destined to be queen.”

  Bryden stood up suddenly, upsetting the plate of food in front of him. All eyes turned to him. It was unusual for the quiet man to draw attention to himself.

  “Bryden?” Sebastian asked, rising to face his brother.

  “The signature for New Beginnings has just been identified,” Bryden said, referring to the science ship that had escaped from Earth preceding the Gallaghers’ ship. “The ship has just entered our atmosphere.”

  “Have they communicated with us?” Sebastian asked.

  “No. Nothing yet.”

  “Millie won’t break radio silence,” Lexi told them, standing and nodding at her sisters. “She’ll wait for our communication telling her that it’s safe to approach and land.”

  “Our warriors will welcome them,” Sebastian said as he started walking toward the entrance of the Great Hall. “Torin, have your warriors come with me.”

  “My sisters and I need to meet them, Sebastian,” Lexi told him as she walked beside him out of the hall.


  “We need to get to our ship,” Francie said as she followed her sisters.

  “I will go with you,” Bryden announced firmly, pulling the communications device from his belt and speaking into it. “Activate the homing beacon on ship Scorpio . We are on our way to the docking station and require one transport immediately. Be certain to sweep the area with the new searching technology to ascertain that there are no Gorin approaching.”


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