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Lucifer (Vampires in America: The Vampire Wars Book 11)

Page 33

by D. B. Reynolds

  Elle whimpered softly, but just kept writhing against his shaft, rubbing her pussy along the hard length as if seeking her own release. But that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Tell me what you want,” he repeated, demanding. “I need to hear it.”

  “I want,” she whispered, and then hiccupped a sobbing breath. “I want you to fuck me. I want—” A low, shuddering moan escaped her lips, making his already stiff cock swell until it ached. “I want your cock,” she cried at last. “Fuck me, damn you!”

  Lucifer didn’t wait any longer. Before the last syllable had left her lips, he’d slid his hands down to her thighs, easily prying her loose, before gripping her hips and flipping her over onto her belly. Lifting her ass into the air, he rammed his cock into her slippery sex, shoving her thighs apart so he could go even deeper.

  Eleanor cried out, arching her back, shoving her ass into his thrusts. She climaxed instantly, coming around his dick almost before he’d plunged his full length into her sweet body. Her pussy clamped down on him, her inner muscles rippling up and down his shaft. But he didn’t stop fucking her. He kept slamming in and out, determined to make this last, loving the feel of her around him, the way he had to drive his thick cock into her tight, tight pussy, loving the heat of her flesh, the creamy wetness of her arousal as it lubricated his passage until he hit the firm cone of her cervix. Loving Elle’s soft cry of pleasure every time he plunged into her again and again.

  Wanting to hear her scream, to feel the tight glove of her body as she came around him one more time, Lucifer splayed his fingers wide over her hips, and reached his thumbs down to spread the round globes of her ass until he could see the darkest rose of her anus. Using the slick liquid of her arousal, he eased one thumb into her ass, and then reached around with his other hand, and found the firm nub of her clit. Pressing hard, he trapped her between the searing pleasure of his fingers on her clit, his thumb stroking against the sensitive nerves of her ass, and his cock slamming in her pussy.

  Eleanor gave a full-body shudder as the orgasm rolled through her body with such force that he could see ripples beneath her skin, as her muscles contracted. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, squeezing hard enough to hurt before her body started to pulse, squeezing and releasing, the climax rolling in waves of sensation that was keeping time with her heart as she thrashed beneath him. Her arm was bloody, her fangs sinking into her own flesh as she sought to muffle her cries, until finally, she surrendered. She lifted her head, and screamed.

  Lucifer grinned, relishing her utter loss of control, the sweep of her orgasm as it crashed its way over her. He felt his own release growing, the heat building in his balls, his muscles flexing uncontrollably as excitement coursed through him, growing higher and higher, until . . . Fuck! His fingers dug into her hips hard enough to bruise, his eyes closed and his head thrown back as the climax claimed him, raging down his cock to spill deep in Eleanor’s luscious body as they convulsed together, their souls linked, their hearts pounding the same rhythm.

  When it was finally over, and his body was his own again, they collapsed together, struggling for breath, sweat cooling on their hot skin. Lucifer reached down and pulled the sheet over both of them, holding Eleanor close, soothing her still-trembling form.

  “You’re mean,” she muttered at last, her breath cool against his still-hot flesh.

  He smiled. “How’s that?”

  “You know how.”

  “I know how hard you came. Is that what you mean?”

  She pinched his chest, and he laughed.

  “I can’t move,” she moaned. “I don’t want to.”

  “I know,” he said soothingly, matching the stroke of his hands to his words. “But we have a meeting, bella. And I’ll need to feed before then. You’ve drained me utterly.”

  “Oh, you poor baby,” she said in a flat monotone.

  He laughed again. “Blood house or bag?”

  Eleanor groaned. “If we stick with a bag, I won’t have to move yet.”

  “Bag it is then,” he agreed, kissing her temple. “Cal brought in a fresh supply. He has connections.”

  “Oh, good,” she murmured lazily, and snuggled closer, leaving Lucifer with a contentment greater than any he’d ever known before.

  SOPHIA HAD ORIGINALLY planned to sit behind her desk for this meeting. It was the position of power in the room, especially with her mate standing guard just over her left shoulder. Only a short time ago they’d been fucking each other senseless, not worrying about rival vampires or anything else, but now they were here, taking care of another kind of business.

  Colin gave her a reassuring hug, and kissed the top of her head. She was so fortunate to have him by her side. He was strong and powerful, and loyal to the death. He was also smart enough to understand the nuances of her current predicament, and a good enough tactician to leave his ego in the drawer when it came to doing what was necessary to defend her territory.

  And it was that necessity which had made her decide on the conversation group near the fireplace for her meeting with Lucifer and Eleanor, who hadn’t left his side since they’d arrived in Vancouver.

  Whether Sophia liked Lucifer or not, whether she approved of him for Eleanor or not, he’d more than proven his strength and his reliability in a fight. That fact was even more impressive considering that the fight had been one in which he had no obligation to help her. Of course, he’d also rescued Colin, and killed not only the traitorous Darren, but the European invader, Kasimir, as well. He’d certainly exceeded the parameters of the job assigned to him, and he would have been within his rights to fly directly home to Chicago from Montreal, skipping the Vancouver battle altogether.

  But instead, he’d arrived in time to back her up against Berkhard, and had proven his usefulness not only in that fight, but in stopping that faithless bitch Tambra, too.

  The big question, then, the one that needed to be answered tonight, was what happened next? Sophia didn’t believe for one minute that Lucifer was prepared to board his private jet, and disappear from her life and territory forever. But what exactly did he want?

  She and Colin had gone over the events of the last few weeks, dissecting not only what had happened, but why. And they had both agreed that changes were necessary. Her first mistake had been leaving Darren Yamanaka alive, a mistake compounded when she’d sought to ease the tension between them by appointing him as her lieutenant. Especially since Darren and everyone else knew that the appointment had been a formality only. Colin had been her true lieutenant, the only one she trusted enough to rely on.

  And maybe as a result of that, Darren had never accepted his fate, had never for one minute been loyal to her. A part of her had recognized the truth even back then, but there had been so much that was wrong with the territory that Lucien had bequeathed to her. And Darren had, at least, dealt efficiently with any problems that arose in the cities under his control. His loyalty, or its absence, had taken a back seat to far more pressing matters, like securing the Vancouver region and bringing in a whole new security apparatus. Or looking after the welfare of her many vampire subjects in the less populated parts of the territory, where too many of them had been ignored for decades, and were languishing under the neglect.

  She hadn’t counted on the Europeans and their greed for expansion. Even after Mathilde had gone after Raphael, Sophia had never imagined the invaders would be interested in her sparsely populated territory with its large swaths of empty land.

  That had been the second mistake on her part, and it was Colin who’d paid the price. She reached out blindly for his hand, needing the reassurance of his presence. His healthy, secure presence.

  “I’m fine, darlin’,” he murmured, understanding without the need for words. He kissed her upturned mouth, and she squeezed his fingers before letting go. It wouldn’t do for anyone, friend or enemy, to see how m
uch it had wounded her to know what Colin had been through. He’d glossed over the worst of it for her benefit, but she knew the truth. She’d read it in his uncensored thoughts. She was a woman in love, but she was also a damn powerful vampire lord.

  Something Lucifer would do well to remember.

  But just as she knew that changes were necessary, she also knew why Lucifer was coming here tonight. Oh, certainly, Eleanor had stressed that the meeting was for both of them, but Sophia understood power, specifically the kind bestowed by the vampire symbiote. She knew how it drove the strongest vampires, goading them to levels of rivalry and ambition that they might not have pursued otherwise. Tonight’s meeting was all about that kind of power, and Lucifer had it in spades. He was young, and still refining his skills, but he had all of the greed and avarice, all of the aggression, of a vampire lord.

  There was no doubt in her mind that Lucifer wanted power. But, apparently, he wanted Eleanor even more. And that was the real reason for tonight’s meeting. Because Lucifer wanted Eleanor to be happy.

  Sophia knew the moment her guests stepped into the hallway outside her office. Eleanor’s power signature was familiar and welcome, a friend as well as a protector, her loyalties unaffected by recent events. Lucifer, on the other hand, was like a simmering cauldron of energy, sparking with the magic of Vampire. He might be young, but he’d spent years under the tutelage of Aden and his lieutenant, Bastien. Those two knew power, and they knew how to use it.

  Sophia nodded at Colin, who crossed the room and opened the door before anyone could knock. A petty display of power on her part, but one any visitor would expect.

  “My lady.” Eleanor was the first one through the door. Wearing a broad smile as she strode across the room, she stopped herself at the last minute from hugging Sophia, settling instead for a more dignified greeting, taking Sophia’s proffered hand and dipping low in a move that was half bow and half curtsey.

  Sophia squeezed Eleanor’s hand in return, putting as much affection as she could into that fragile connection. If they’d been alone, or with only Colin present, the two women would have hugged. But Lucifer changed the equation. “Eleanor,” she said affectionately. “A job well done, child. I can never thank you enough.”

  “It was an honor, my lady.” She looked up at Colin then, and gave him a grin. “You’re looking better,” she told him.

  “Feeling better, too, babe. But then, so are you, I’m guessing.”

  Sophia bit her lip to keep from laughing, when Eleanor blushed a bright pink at the sexual innuendo. She’d been aware of her bodyguard’s sexual celibacy over the years, and, while she had her doubts about Lucifer, she had to admit that Eleanor seemed much happier now that she’d been reunited with her long lost lover.

  That reluctant admission made Sophia lift her gaze to the cause of both Eleanor’s blush and Sophia’s problem. “Lucifer,” she said, her voice considerably cooler than when she’d greeted Eleanor. “Welcome to Vancouver.”

  He dipped his head slightly, a knowing little smile playing around his lips.

  “Arrogant bastard,” Sophia thought sourly.

  “Thank you, Lady Sophia. I was pleased to be of service,” he said. It was a greeting calculated to remind her of just how much of a service he’d been.

  “Right,” she said sharply, suddenly tired of all the vampire bullshit. “Let’s get to it, shall we? What do you want?”

  He tipped his head sideways, acknowledging the point, as he took a seat on the short sofa opposite hers, without waiting for an invitation. Probably because he was smart enough to know she wasn’t going to offer one.

  “What I want, my lady—” He reached up and lent Eleanor a hand as she stepped over his legs and sat next to him, and then lifted her hand and kissed her fingers where they were twined with his. “—is Eleanor.”

  “Lucifer,” Eleanor whispered, scandalized by his statement. As she should have been. Eleanor wasn’t a pawn to be bartered.

  “But does she want you?” Sophia snapped, and saw the first flash of anger in Lucifer’s odd-colored eyes.

  “Why don’t you ask her?” he responded silkily, throwing the query back in her face.

  Eleanor looked between them, and made a loud tsking noise. But when she spoke it was to Lucifer, not Sophia. “Play nice,” she scolded, but then leaned her weight against his arm, and touched her cheek to his broad shoulder. Which told Sophia everything she needed to know. She could tell Lucifer to take a hike, to leave her territory and never come back. And he’d probably go, but when he left, he’d take Eleanor with him. Because just as much as Lucifer wanted her, Eleanor wanted him, too. She might not want to choose, but if forced into it, she would choose Lucifer.

  Lucifer’s eyes never left Sophia, as she contemplated the full ramifications of the choices before her, and there was nothing but smug assurance on his handsome face.

  “It would seem you have her already,” Sophia said, and it was an effort to keep her tone neutral. She was pissed as hell that this arrogant ass had stolen Eleanor away from her. And, yes, she realized what a foolish thought that was. She’d encouraged Eleanor to follow her heart. But she couldn’t help how she felt. Eleanor was the closest thing Sophia had to a friend, other than Colin.

  “I have her heart, my lady,” Lucifer said. “Just as she has mine, and always will. But I need more than that to make her happy. And you need what I can give you,” he added, spearing her with a sharp look. He kissed the side of Eleanor’s head, but drew his hand away from hers as he sat forward on the sofa. It was almost as if he was putting some distance between them, protecting her from whatever attack Sophia might launch his way, whether verbal or something far more dangerous. “You need a lieutenant, Sophia. Not to replace Yamanaka, who was never truly yours, but to replace Murphy,” he said bluntly, with a nod in Colin’s direction.

  Sophia raised her power enough to be felt, but kept it banked. For now. “I’d think very carefully about my next words, Lucifer Scuderi,” she said mildly. “I am lord here, not you, and I will say who serves—”

  “You are lord,” he agreed, daring to interrupt her. “But not even Raphael has undertaken to rule a territory as large as Canada all by himself. Perhaps it made sense when the territorial lines were drawn more than a century ago, but it doesn’t any longer.”

  “So I should just hand a chunk of it over to you?” she growled.

  He shrugged. “You could do worse. But, no, I have no desire to rule a territory . . . yet.” He leaned back, and stretched his arm out behind Eleanor, the very picture of a vampire at ease. It was almost insulting, except that Sophia could feel the power hovering just below his outward calm. “What I’m offering is what you need, my lady. A vampire lieutenant.”

  “I had one of those, and look how that turned out.”

  Lucifer shrugged. “Yamanaka was never committed to your rule. I was in his head when he died, when I killed him. He’s been planning this revolt from almost the moment you took control of the territory. But I suspect you know that already.”

  “Darren and I were always rivals, so, no, his betrayal wasn’t a surprise. But what does that have to do with you selecting yourself as my next lieutenant?”

  “Because you need a loyal vampire lieutenant. Murphy’s one hell of a warrior, and he has my utmost respect,” he said, tipping his head Colin’s way. “But he doesn’t bring you any real power. Yesterday’s battle with Berkhard proved that, if nothing else.”

  “Perhaps. But of all the vampires in North America, why would I choose you?”

  Lucifer gave her a flat stare. “Darren Yamanaka called himself master over three cities—Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City. By vampire law, those cities are now mine. We keep what we win, Sophia. That’s the only law we recognize. And, like it or not, winning usually means killing.”

  “What Darren claimed is irrelev
ant. Those three cities, and everything else in this territory, belong to me, not Darren. And not you either.”

  Lucifer glanced at Eleanor, and shrugged slightly, as if to say, “I tried.” Then he took her hand and started to rise.

  But Colin’s voice stopped him. “He’s right, Sophie.”

  Sophia looked up at him in surprise.

  Colin came around to sit on the sofa arm closest to her, and took her hand. “I will support and defend you to my last breath,” he said gently. “But I’m no vampire, and yesterday’s battle proved what Lucifer is saying. I can’t sense the ebb and flow of power, but I know tactics, and I know you. You were pushed to your limits out there, trying to support your fighters on two fronts and defeat Berkhard at the same time. You needed a good lieutenant yesterday. Someone who could free you to concentrate on the greatest danger, while providing a reservoir of power for you to draw upon, far more power than I could ever give you. And, most importantly, someone to cover your back, to recognize and negate traitors like Tambra before they could act.”

  “I’m not asking for anything more than what you freely gave to Yamanaka, my lady,” Lucifer interjected softly. “But with far greater return to you in terms of power and stability.”

  “You want to be the new Darren?” she mocked, and regretted it almost immediately.

  Lucifer’s handsome face tightened with anger. “Darren Yamanaka was nothing compared to me, and you know it. For Eleanor’s sake, I will take oath to you. My power, my loyalty will be yours to rely on. But understand, my lady, that while the entire territory is yours, the province of Ontario and everything east of it will be mine to rule as I see fit, within the bounds of your sovereignty.”

  Sophia stared at him. Then she glanced at Eleanor, who was looking very worried and a little sick. But her emotions told the whole story. She was still loyal to Sophia, but her love for Lucifer burned as bright as a full moon in summertime.


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