The Facility
Page 4
“You mean no one will...will penetrate me and I cannot...cannot touch myself?”
“No, never. While you are here, no one will touch you there except Miko when she applies the salve. No male will take you there nor will you receive any oral contact. You may never use your fingers to get yourself off. If you are able to earn an orgasm, it will be delivered by the mechanical device Miko is now preparing for you to wear. Your Masters will choose if you are to cum and when you are to cum.”
Miko had coated the upper part of Kathy’s pubic area with a sticky substance. Over this, she placed a small horseshoe shaped metal seal no thicker than a sheet of paper. The open end of the horseshoe faced downward. The metal seal quickly adhered to Kathy skin. Over the metal horseshoe, Miko placed the cap. Then, Miko pressed a button on the remote, which activated a magnetic field between the seal and the cap. There was a slight click as the surfaces met. As she had on that fateful night after Abul had left, Kathy now felt against her clitoris the soft circular brush.
“It will be your best friend while you are here,” Madam Khe said. “No,” she amended, “that’s wrong. It will be your only friend. As you can see, the cap covers your vaginal orifice and your clitoris. Your pee hole is unobstructed. During your stay, the cap will be removed only for treatments with the stimulating ointment.”
“But when...,” Kathy began.
“When will we let you cum?” Madam Khe interrupted. “When you have earned it. Tonight you may be given an opportunity to show us how great your need has become.”
“I...I’ll do anything,” Kathy pleaded.
“We will see, Mrs. Ryan, we will see.” The screen went blank. Kathy was fed a substantial meal, then a warm drink, which put her to sleep until late in the afternoon.
When she awakened, she was first given an enema, then told to take a bath. While she was bathing, Miko and Mi Jong, following Madam Khe’s instructions, laid out the cosmetics, the oil, the perfumes, and the clothes with which they were to prepare Kathy for the evening’s entertainment. Mi Jong held out to Miko a handful of the tiny hollow acupuncture needles. “How many?” she asked.
“For the punishment, none.”
“No needles?” Mi Jong was puzzled.
“Madam Khe want to see how much control we have over the woman with only the stimulator.” Mi Jong was about to put the needles away when Miko stopped her. “Keep out ten of them and fill two of those from the drug bottle. After the punishment, Abul might want the American woman taken to his quarters. For that, the needles will be necessary.”
“Yes,” Mi Jong agreed, “the woman’s spirit is strong. Without the needles, she would resist. Is she to receive only two that have been filled with the drug? She needs more, I think.”
“That’s true. If Abul requires much of her, two will not be enough. But these are Madam Khe’s orders.”
When Kathy came out of the bathroom, she looked at the preparations in surprise. “Miko, what is all of this for?”
“When we take to punishment place you must look like beautiful rich American woman.”
“Taken where? I don’t understand.”
“What you think punishment for running away will be?” Miko asked.
“I’m not sure. Working in the kitchen, maybe cleaning pots and pans, scrubbing floors, rubbing down the horses in the stable, something like that.”
Mi Jong laughed and Miko shook her head. “All day I wonder why you so calm. Sometimes it best to be stupid.”
“Well tell me, then. What kind of punishment?”
“In little while, you will know. Must get ready now.” She motioned for Kathy to lie down on the bed that had been fitted with a plastic sheet. Then she and Mi Jong rubbed her body and face with a milky white oil, which gave her pale skin a high sheen. After seating her at the table, they applied eye makeup and a vivid red lipstick and gloss.
Kathy’s fingernails and toenails had grown longer. “Please, Mi Jong, may I cut them?” she asked.
“No. Shape only and I do it.” She filed Kathy’s nails, removed the old polish and coated them again with a red lacquer. When Mi Jong was finished, Miko dipped a fine brush into a small pot of bright red body paint. She applied this to Kathy’s nipples, then brushed them with the lipstick gloss. Next, she made her bend over the chair. While Mi Jong held Kathy’s ass cheeks apart, Miko again dipped her brush into the pot and applied the red paint to the small pink puckered hole of Kathy’s anus. Kathy’s protest was answered with a hard, stinging slap. Miko then spread a thin film of oil over the red circle.
“Red is favorite color of the men who are waiting for you,” she said. Together she and Mi Jong dressed Kathy in a navy blue blazer, a matching wool skirt, and dark blue pumps with a very high heel. She wore no undergarments, no blouse, and no jewelry. “Abul want you to look like rich American, just like first time. His guest is Mr. Narimov, big politician who does business in America. Same as Abul, he hates American women.”
“You say I was dressed like this the first time but Miko, I don’t remember it at all. Why can’t I remember?”
Miko ignored her question. “It is on tape. Someday we show you.”
“The punishment,” Kathy said, “I know Abul will be there, but Madam Khe is in charge of it, isn’t she?”
“No, she just watch on TV monitor in her room.”
“Are you saying that Abul will...will...”
“What you think?” Miko said.
“Oh God, Miko,” Kathy gripped the edge of the chair. “That disgusting man...he frightens me. Just the thought of him looking at me...touching me. I’m afraid, Miko!”
“Should have thought of that before running away.” Miko fastened the collar around Kathy’s neck and snapped a thin four-foot length of silver chain to it. “Time to go,” she said. “You know how to greet Abul and his guest?”
Kathy had not stood up. “I...I...don’t remember,” she said.
“You get on knees, crawl to them, head bowed. You say nothing. You kiss their feet then back away. Not look up.”
Kathy shook her head. “Kiss Abul’s feet?! No, I can’t do that! I don’t care what they do. I swear to you, I will not ever touch that horrible man’s dirty feet. I can’t stand to look at him. To get on my knees and crawl to him and kiss his feet...never! You must be crazy!”
Miko and Mi Jong exchanged looks and smiled. “You have much to learn, American woman, much to learn,” Miko said. She jerked on the chain. Mi Jong gripped Kathy’s arm. They led her along the hall and down a long flight of stairs. The door at the bottom swung open to admit them to a circular room with walls made of huge square cut gray stones. In the center of the room stood a thick wooden post. Above it hung two chains attached to ropes, which ran through pulleys and were secured to a railing against the far wall. A bright circle of light shown down on the post.
In the shadows facing the post were two ornate chairs. One was occupied by Abul. In the other sat a bearded fat man several years older than his companion. Both men wore white caftans. Next to them stood what at first appeared to be a stocky very black Negro child. When the three women got closer, Kathy gasped. What she had taken to be a child was, in reality, a grotesquely misshapen dwarf. His bare arms were thick and muscular. They hung down below his knees. His huge round head was bald. The left side of his face was horribly scarred. Where his left eye should have been there was nothing but a livid red socket from which seeped yellow mucus. His lower jaw jutted out and his thick lips were drawn back in a perpetual grin exposing large yellow teeth. His massive chest and back, as well as his arms, glistened with oil. He wore tight black leather pants and black boots. The front of the pants were cut so that his testicles and his long black penis were exposed. The knobby head of his flaccid penis dangled obscenely between his legs. Kathy turned her head away and shut her eyes.
When the women were ten feet from the three men, they stopped. Miko and Mi Jong stepped back. Kathy, her eyes still closed, bowed her head, not out of deference to Abul, but so she wou
ldn’t have to look at him. The fat man stared at her with tiny rat-like eyes. “She is as you described her, Abul.” His voice was high-pitched, effeminate. “I am forced to do business with her kind in America. They are all the same. Arrogant...arrogant bitches who don’t know their place. They look down on me or they act as if I’m invisible. I despise them.”
“This one is learning her place, my friend. I can assure you of that.” Abul gestured toward Kathy and pointed to his bare feet. “The respectful greeting, Mrs. Ryan. On your knees and crawl to me.”
Kathy opened her eyes and looked at his crooked toes with their long blackened toenails. She shook her head and started to back away.
“My God, Abul!” Narimov cried. “She refuses!”
Abul’s face turned crimson, the veins stood out on his neck. “Take her to the post!” he shouted in a rage. “Strip her and take her to the post!”
Quickly, Miko and Mi Jong rushed forward and grabbed Kathy, forcing her back to the center of the room. Although she struggled, she was no match for the two powerful women. “Turn her to face us and rip the clothes from her!” Abul shouted. In a few moments they had roughly torn off her blazer and skirt. Each of the women twisted one of Kathy’s arms up behind her back until she thought she might faint. Her head hung down. Her red painted nipples glistened under the harsh light. “Cuff her,” Abul ordered. “Take off her shoes. We’ll see how she dances on the tips of her toes.”
Miko and Mi Jong dragged her to the whipping post. They buckled thick leather cuffs to each wrist, then clipped them to the chains. Then they hurried to the rail and pulled on the ropes until Kathy was lifted almost off the ground. They secured the ropes and came back to remove her shoes. Her back was toward the two men. Under the glare of the light, her oiled skin seemed ever whiter than before. The men could see the red dot of her painted anus.
“You need to learn respect, American bitch,” Abul spoke in a loud voice, trying to bring his anger under control. “We have someone here who is anxious to teach you. His name is Swart.”
“Let me down!” Kathy cried. “You have no right! Mr. Satomi promised!”
“Mr. Satomi promised nothing!” Abul yelled, his anger mounting. “Mr. Satomi gave you to me with orders that you are to be trained. And this is your first real lesson.” He gestured to the dwarf who picked up a long stiff leather whip from the floor, which he coiled as he lurched toward Kathy. “Let the pupil see her mullah,” Abul said.
Swart shuffled to the other side of the pole. Grinning, he looked up at Kathy and held out the coiled whip. “Make her kiss the handle,” Narimov yelled. The dwarf lifted the intricately carved handle to Kathy’s lips. She spit on it. Swart made a guttural hissing sound in his throat and reaching up, he dug his fingernails into one of her painted nipples and twisted it viciously. Kathy cried out. Only her toes touched the floor, so she could not turn away from him. She felt as if her arms were being pulled from their sockets.
She still believed they were only trying to frighten her so that she would obey Abul’s obscene order. Satomi had said nothing about the possibility of physical punishment. In her entire life no one had ever struck her. She had never been given more than a mild verbal rebuke. It was true that when she agreed to come here, she’d expected to be humiliated if she disobeyed, but to be strung up and beaten by a sub-human creature was beyond imagining. Even now, she felt she would awaken from this nightmare and find herself at home, warm and comfortable in her own bed. There was still something terribly unreal about how she had come to this place.
She had only the vaguest memory of Abul in her house. After that, there was the need to get away. The flight to London. Then, being intercepted by Satomi’s men. She recalled going with them to an airplane. Miko and Mi Jong were on it. Then, it seemed, some time passed before she was taken to Madam Khe’s quarters. But even that came back to her as a hazy dream. It was clear now that they had been drugging her. She could not imagine what they might have made her do when she had no will of her own. But the mindless woman who obeyed them was not Kathy Ryan. Kathy Ryan would never submit to Abul. He was an ugly, filthy, foul smelling animal. She was glad she had defied him. She was glad she had spit on the precious handle of the pygmy's silly whip.
Kathy looked up. Directly in front of her stood Miko, who held in her hand the remote control that activated the stimulator cup. Kathy had forgotten it. She’d concluded Miko was there to release her. She opened her mouth to speak but screamed instead.
The whip whistled before it struck her flesh with a loud crack. Before her, Miko’s face became a blur. Miko turned the dial on the remote just as the next blow landed. Through a red haze of pain, Kathy felt a momentary sensation of pleasure as the tiny circular brush spun against her clitoris. Ten seconds passed before the whip cracked a third time. But again, as the shooting pain of the lash caused her to scream, she felt the quick buzz of the stimulator. A ten second wait before Kathy’s shriek once more echoed off the stone walls as Miko quickly turned the dial on and off.
Behind her, Kathy heard Swart grunting. Silently, she counted. At ten the whip whistled through the air and raised another long red welt on the pale quivering cheek of her ass. She tried not to scream, but the searing pain tore a cry from her throat just as the stimulator sent an electric shock of pleasure to her brain. The blows came faster now, at five-second intervals. With each crack of the whip, Kathy tried desperately to twist away, but since only the tips of her toes touched the floor, she could not. Tears streamed down her face. The pain was unbearable, but just as bad was her need to cum. Miko watched her carefully, bringing her to the edge of an orgasm each time the dwarf struck. There were now more than twenty welts crisscrossing her ass cheeks.
Suddenly, the blows stopped. Kathy’s head hung down. Her body twitched and trembled. Miko moved forward to hold the remote up to Kathy’s face. “You want to cum?” It was a moment before Kathy realized what she had asked.
“Oh God, yes, please.” Kathy’s voice was a raspy whisper.
“Two things you must do.” Kathy nodded. “Must push ass out. Invite the whip. Wiggle ass. Beg for whip. Next, if I let you cum must ask dwarf to fuck your ass.” Miko quickly turned the stimulator on and off. Kathy gasped and groaned. “Agree or not?” Miko asked.
Kathy nodded. “Agree,” she murmured.
Miko signaled to Mi Jong who paid out enough rope to allow Kathy to stand. Then she let out more slack so Kathy could lean forward and hold onto the whipping post. “Stand on toes, bend back, push ass out,” Miko said. Kathy bent her knees slightly and did as Miko had directed. “Shake ass,” Miko ordered. She gave Kathy another instant of pleasure. “Beg for whip,” Miko smiled down at her.
Hardly able to speak, the tears streaming down her face, Kathy began to move her ass from side to side, then in a circular motion. “Please,” she croaked, “whip me.”
Abul and Narimov laughed. Swart, whose stiff cock now swung back and forth like an ebony stick, drew back his arm and brought the whip down hard. Miko turned the dial. Again the crack of the whip and the jolt of pleasure. Again and again the whip whistled then bit into Kathy’s tender flesh until she passed over the threshold of pain and could only feel her first orgasm building.
At a signal from Miko, Mi Jong released the ropes. Kathy placed her hands on her knees and bent lower, raising her ass and wiggling it while the whip began to draw beads of blood from the welts it had already made. Miko turned the dial on the remote as far as it would go. In a moment, Kathy’s orgasm erupted violently. Fiery spasms of intense pleasure wracked her body. She held on to the whipping post oblivious to everything but the hot blinding frenzy that she thought surely would consume her. Never had an orgasm affected her like this. As it subsided, she crumpled to the floor, her breath coming in choking sobs.
They allowed her a few minutes to recover, then Miko gestured to the dwarf who dragged Kathy’s limp body across the floor where she laid facing Abul and Narimov. Swart took her by the hair and jerked her head up. He
held the whip handle in front of her face. She leaned forward to kiss it. “Thank him for whipping you,” Abul said.
“Thank you for whipping me,” Kathy whispered.
“Isn’t there something else you want him to do for you?” Abul asked.
“I...I...don’t think I...”
“Then maybe we will have Swart whip you again. Maybe we will have him cut your painted nipples with his whip.”
Painfully Kathy got to her knees. Then, lowering her head to the stone floor, she said, “Please, Swart, fu...fu...fuck” The dwarf squatted down in front of her holding his stiff cock in one hand. With the other, he again grabbed her hair and yanked her head up. She saw that his black penis was scarred with raised ridges. She recoiled from the smell. It was slimy with sweat. He jerked her head forward. She parted her lips, and he pushed the swollen knob of his cockhead between them.
Abul and Narimov looked down at them and laughed. The foul matter under the dwarf’s foreskin mixed with the sweat and her saliva. She wanted desperately to spit it out, but was afraid. Not opening her eyes, she swallowed. He fucked her mouth slowly for a few minutes. Narimov leaned forward to watch the slimy black prick slide between her swollen lips.
Suddenly the dwarf stepped back and pushed her head to the floor. He scrambled behind her making grunting noises. When he grabbed her lacerated ass cheeks to spread them, she cried out in pain. Again, the men laughed. “Ram her, my boy!” Narimov shouted. Swart drove his prick into the tiny red painted hole. Kathy tried to scream. Nothing came out but a guttural hissing sound. After five hard strokes, the dwarf came in her ass.
When he finished, Kathy crawled back toward the post where Miko and Mi Jong stood waiting. Kathy was sure they would help her back to her room. Instead, Miko knelt down beside her. “You must show respect. You must do now what you refused to do before.” Kathy shook her head. “If you refuse a second time, Abul will have you whipped until you pass out. When you come to, he will have you whipped again. Maybe all night you feel the whip.” Once more, the tears flowed down Kathy’s cheeks. Her ass felt as if it were on fire. A sharp pain throbbed in her rectal passage. She wanted to vomit.