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The Space Beyond (The Space Between Heartbeats #1.5)

Page 7

by Melissa Pearl

  "In order to protect his son, he tried to hide what happened. Dale discovered the truth and could have exposed them both, but never said a word."

  "That's a lie." The sheriff jumps from his chair. "Johnson, you shouldn't have to listen to this." He points to me. "Look at her track record. She's been nothing but trouble for this town, and now she's trying to dump my son in it. No doubt he didn't return her affections, and now she's after revenge. I won't stand for it. My son has done nothing wrong! I will not let him take the fall for this manipulative vixen. And as for the Finnigan kid, he's got another thing coming. I caught him trespassing on my property, trying to steal my wife’s car, but I decided to give him one last chance, show a little compassion."

  "What?" I bounce up from my seat. I can't help it. The sheriff is being such a dick. "You don't even know what the word compassion means! I bet you can't spell it, either." My right eyebrow arches.

  "Watch your mouth. You're speaking to an officer of the law." He points down at me, making me feel short and inferior.

  "Dad, stop." I can hear Adam in the background, trying to calm his father down.

  "I went out of my way for you, and this is how you repay me? By trying to drag my son through the mud? Is one tarnished reputation not enough for you?"

  His poisonous words bounce right off me. I'm too pissed to take any of them in. "You are so full of sh—"

  "Enough." The mayor raises his hand. "Sit down, both of you."

  Like reprimanded children, we slump into our seats. I'm fuming. The blood in my veins is surely at boiling point. My skin feels hot and red. I'm so glad I'm not near a mirror right now. Breaths puff from my nose, indignant and noisy.

  The mayor takes his time eyeing all three of us carefully. His gaze finally settles on Sheriff Hutton, his eyes taking on a hard sheen. "Gerry, you're the only one with a different story, and I guarantee if I bring in Dale Finnigan—who has been nothing but a star citizen since moving here—he'd probably verify exactly what these two have been saying."

  The sheriff scoffs, looking incredulous as he points at me then Adam. "You're going to believe a bunch of kids over me?"

  Mayor Stratham runs a hand down his thin tie and nods. "Yes. I am."

  "That's insane. I'm the town's sheriff."

  "I know." The mayor looks disturbed by this, his face puckering with a sad frown before glancing at Adam and me. "You two, I'd like you to wait out in the hall, please. I need to talk to the sheriff alone."

  It sounds so ominous, but I rise from the couch and make my way to the door. Adam follows me in robot mode, looking shell-shocked and afraid.

  We slump into the two seats farthest from the chipper receptionist, Janine. I feel a heavy sadness as I watch Adam pick at his jeans.

  On impulse, I reach for his hand and squeeze it.

  I'm expecting him to wriggle his fingers free, but instead he grips back and whispers, "Thank you."

  I shake my head and frown, barely able to talk. "I never meant to throw you in it like this. Your dad's gonna be pissed at you."

  "It's okay, Nicky." He rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. "It was time it all came out. Living with this has been killing me."

  I suck in a breath. "But what if your dad tries to hurt you?"

  "He won't." Adam swallows. "I won't let him this time. Besides, we have the mayor on our side now. Everything's going to be okay."

  I give him a shaky nod, finding it ironic that Adam's now the one trying to convince me to be brave. I think about the sheriff's threat against Dale and hope Adam's right. With the mayor on our side, hopefully Dale will come away from this none the wiser.

  The phone in the side of my bag beeps. I pull it out.

  Where are you? Are you okay?

  I look at my watch. Shit. I forgot all about Dale.

  Chapter Eleven

  I go to start texting him back, trying to figure out a good excuse for not meeting him after school like I said I would.

  "You should just call him." Adam nudges me with his elbow.

  "What am I supposed to say?" I flick my hand up then let it flop down to me knee.

  "Tell him the truth." Adam straightens his leg.

  I stare at his black Vans and shake my head. "I can't do that."

  "Why not?"

  "Because he'll...he'll know what I've been up to." I squeeze the phone in my hand and shift my gaze to the beige carpet beneath our feet.

  Adam’s finger taps on his leg. "And you don't want to tell him, because..."

  "He's really protective of me.” I brush my bangs aside and my knee starts to bob. “He'll be annoyed that I've put myself in this position."

  "Since when have you ever been afraid of someone getting annoyed with you?"

  I can't help a smile. "Dale's different. I don't want to lose him."

  Adam's chuckle is soft. "Bravery's a choice, remember?"

  I flick the guy a very droll look before pushing myself out of the chair and limping into the corridor. My finger hovers over the screen as I take in a quick breath. My phone beeps again with a second message.

  Where are you? I’m getting worried.

  Dale picks up after one ring. "Hey, are you okay? I've been looking for you everywhere."

  "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I nibble on my thumbnail.

  "We were supposed to be at the gym twenty minutes ago. Where are you right now?" Dale’s speaking quickly, something he always does when he’s agitated.

  "I'm..." I glance around me and take in the walls of City Hall then close my eyes and lie, "I'm at home."

  "Are you okay?" His voice softens.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I’ve just got a really bad headache and I needed to come home and lie down. Um, Mom picked me up." I swallow. Man, I hate lying to Dale.

  "Babe, you should have told me. I would have driven you. I knew something was up when you didn't join me for lunch."

  I wince. "Sorry, I didn't want to bother you."

  "Seriously?" Dale sounds surprised. "That's so not your style."

  "Haha.” My reply is dry and sarcastic.

  He chuckles, completely oblivious to my deception. Guilt singes my center, but I push it away.

  "So, do you want me to come over?" His voice is so sweet and adorable I nearly say yes.

  Thankfully, my brain kicks in before I totally screw it all up.

  "Actually, I just really want to go to sleep. Mom's given me some meds and I'll probably be out in a few minutes anyway."

  "Okay.” Dale sounds a little disappointed. “Have you called the physical therapist?"

  "Oh, crap! I forgot."

  "Don't worry. I'll do it." I can hear the smile in his voice. "I might just head down there and work out anyway."

  "Okay." I try not to sound miffed that I'm going to miss out on seeing that. I need to sound poorly, not pissed.

  "Call me later if you need anything, okay? I can come over whenever. Even if it's to help you study or read you a book or...kiss your forehead better."

  Melt my heart. "You’re so sweet." I love you! Man, I want to say it so bad. Instead, I suffice with, "Have a good workout."

  “Kiss you later.” He hangs up after his adorable farewell and I’m left feeling empty.

  I walk back to the reception area and find Adam’s chair vacant.

  "Where's Adam?" I spin to look at the receptionist.

  She glances up with a smile. "He and his father just left."

  My heart feels ready to explode. I'm about to hobble down the corridor to make sure the sheriff isn't trying to slay his son in the bathrooms or something when the mayor’s voice stops me.

  "Nicole, you got a minute?" He’s standing at his office door, smiling at me.

  "I, um…" I look down the hallway. "I…"

  "Don't you worry about Adam. He's going to be fine."

  The mayor's expression is so full of confidence that I can't help believing him. I reach for my bag and slowly make my way into his office.

  "Is everything…" I swallow. "How did
everything go?"

  The mayor doesn't say anything, just points to the box of tissues on the low table by the couches. I think that's a good sign…maybe.

  Hitching up his pant legs, the mayor takes a seat on the couch and points to the armchair adjacent to his.

  I slip into it, placing my bag at my feet.

  "I know everything now. Everything Adam told me, the sheriff verified…albeit reluctantly." His voice is heavy and low, his sharp features made more severe by his disappointed frown.

  "Is he…what's going to happen to them?"

  "I'm not at liberty to disclose the whole conversation, but according to Adam, you're refusing to press charges.” He bores me with an unrelenting stare. “Is that right?"

  I nod, tentatively at first, but then I bob my head more firmly and look him in the eye.

  "Well then, I think the sheriff and I have come to an agreement that will work for everybody." I want to ask what it is, but the mayor keeps talking, stealing my chance. "It's sad, really." The mayor scratches his eyebrow. "Sheriff Hutton loves his son. All he was trying to do was protect him, but in a really stupid way."

  "People do stupid things for the ones they love." I shrug.

  "So it seems." The mayor's gaze is so piercing I shrink back into my seat. His thin lips twitch then rise into an amused smirk. "Did you really threaten our town sheriff?"

  I swallow then bite the edge of my lip and with a wince. "Yes."

  Mayor Stratham shakes his head then starts to snicker. "You must really love your boyfriend."

  "It’s pretty hard not to,” I admit, my cheeks flaming red.

  The mayor gives me a smile. "Dale's a lucky guy."

  "Not if his police record stops him from getting what he wants." I frown, wondering if my initial mission has now been completely thwarted. Yes, it’s good that the truth has all come out, but what about Dale?

  "Sometimes, we have to live with the consequences of our choices." The mayor shrugs.

  "But what about redemption?” I tip my head, my eyes smarting with tears. “Dale is such an amazing guy. He's changed so much, and he won't ever revert back to who he was. He's proved that. I'm just so sad that his past is hindering his future and there's nothing he can do about it." My face crumples. "And there's nothing I can do about it now, either. The sheriff's going to call his brother tonight and tell him not to bother with the whole Columbia thing. I just know it. And that reference letter may as well be dust."

  I blink at my stinging tears.

  The mayor’s smile is kind as he passes me the Kleenex box. "Why don't you tell me the whole story. Maybe there's something I can do to help."

  Chapter Twelve

  It's been eight days since my little jaunt to City Hall. Six days since rumors tore through Big Bear about Sheriff Hutton resigning from his position. Five days since it was all confirmed. Three days since I bumped into a sullen-looking Adam. He wouldn't talk to me, and that's why today, when I spotted him in the library, I left my table and crept down the aisle after him. I have something I want to give him. It's been sitting in my bag all week.


  He turns at my quiet call. “Hey, Nicole.”

  He looks tempted to run away, but then stops and lets me approach him.

  "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

  "I'm good." He nods.

  "Really?” I wrinkle my nose. “Because you don't look it."

  A grin flits across his face. "I'm doing okay."

  I nod, still unconvinced. My fingers feel twitchy and nervous as I hold out the folded pages in my hand.

  "What's this?" His brows bunch with confusion as he slowly takes them.

  I chew my lip while he unfolds them and starts reading my printouts on how to become a Navy SEAL. His expression doesn't flinch for what seems an age.

  Eventually, I can’t stand the silence and whisper, "I hope you don't mind. I just thought I'd check into it for you."

  He folds the pages back up and taps them against his leg, finally giving me a small grin. "I knew you'd get my ass into gear, Nicky Tepper."

  I smile. "Those are just a few pages of information; there’s plenty more you’ll need to research. It's going to take you a while, but I know you can do it." I point to the papers. "I'm pretty sure you can apply online, but you might want to call and ask about it all first. The contact info's on the last page."

  He nods, his grateful grin morphing to a frown. "I told Dad what I wanted to do last night."

  I lose my breath for a second "What'd he say?"

  Adam shrugged. "He wasn't happy about it, told me I could do better.”

  “Better than wanting to protect your country?” I don’t get that. You’d think the sheriff would be beaming with pride.

  “I don’t know. Maybe he’s afraid I’ll get hurt.” He grips the papers. "They're looking to sell the house. Once I'm gone, there'll be no one left at home, so…"

  I step forward and reach for his free hand. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah.” He nods, giving my fingers a light squeeze. “Yeah, I think so. Dad's not really talking to me anymore."

  "That could be a good thing." I chuckle, but it’s breathy and short-lived.

  "Maybe." Adam clears his throat, letting go of my hand and re-opening the pages I printed for him. "He'll always be my dad, though, you know? He loved being sheriff, and I basically ruined it for him."

  "He didn't have to take the fall for you.” I scan the rows of book beside me. In spite of the librarian’s efforts, the Hunger Games series is looking pretty tatty now. I run my finger down the crinkled spine of Catching Fire.

  "Yeah, I guess," Adam murmurs.

  I look down at my freshly painted nails, now a chocolate brown, and think about what my mom said. "I know this might be hard to understand, but there's more than one way to say, I love you. When your dad resigned to cover your ass, I think that's what he was trying to tell you. Even when he wanted to bury me so you wouldn't get in trouble. No matter how strict or scary he's been to live with, deep down, beneath all his bullshit, I think he really loves you, Adam."

  Where the hell is this coming from?

  I don't even know how I manage to keep my voice so calm and sincere. The sheriff is such a jerk. But no matter how much of a jerk he’s been, I still can't deny the fact that I really think he did all this for Adam. He wants his son to have the best…because he loves him.

  "Thanks, Nicky," Adam mumbles, lightly slapping me on the head with the papers.

  I chuckle. "Now, go become the best damn Navy SEAL there is, and prove to your dad how much you love him back."

  I think he likes that I said that, because his blue eyes sparkle and the side of his mouth jerks with a little smile. "Get out of here, Tepper. Stop bossing me around."

  With a cheeky grin, I turn and walk to the end of the aisle. Just before I duck out of sight, I turn one last time. I can't help myself. Clearing my throat, I stand to attention and give him a salute. Before he can throw anything at me, I nip back to my desk, but I'm sure I hear him chuckling.

  Dale's at the table, looking at my stuff sprawled across it. He looks up to scan the library and spots me. His face doesn’t light with his usual smile and my stomach jerks.

  "Where'd you go?" His voice is quiet.

  "Oh." I glance over my shoulder. "I was just looking for a book."

  He looks at my empty hands with a frown.

  I rub my fingers together and smile at him. “I didn’t find it.”

  His frown takes a while to dissipate. Things haven't been the same between us since I lied to him at City Hall. I can't put my finger on what it is. Dale's been edgy, I've been nervous and neither of us can talk about it. He was away all weekend, which didn't help, and the times we've been spending together recently have been of the silent type.

  This worries me. I'm scared he wants to break up with me before he heads off to college, but doesn't want to hurt my feelings. The thought is like a butcher's knife through my heart, so I block
it out and continue smiling. "What are you doing here?"

  "Mr. Attley let us out early, so I thought I'd come find you…walk you to lunch." He would usually grab my hand at this point, or give me a kiss. Today, he does neither. His hands are in his pockets, which tarnishes his sweet sentiment. I wish he'd tell me why this silent distance seems to be growing between us. I could ask him, but I'm not sure I want to hear the answer. It's not like I'm doing much to fill the silence with anything.

  My hands are shaking as I pack away my stuff. I'm sure my cheeks are flushed from lying to him. I keep my eyes down, feeling his steady gaze on the back of my head.

  Adam walks past us as I lift my bag onto my shoulder. Our eyes connect for a brief moment, but he quickly glances away. Dale's frown is marked as we silently follow him. I thread my fingers through his and give them a squeeze. He kind of squeezes back, but then his hand goes limp in mine. It's the longest walk out of the library ever.

  As soon as we're in the corridor, Dale pulls me into a quiet classroom. We stop between the straight rows of desk all facing the clean whiteboard and he dumps his bag on the floor. The florescent lights make the room bright and stark. I glance at the Good Grammar poster on the back wall and slide my bag off, perching it on the desk in front of me.

  "I can't do this anymore," Dale mutters.

  "What?" My voice is breathy and pathetic as I jerk my head to look at him.

  He's breaking up with me now?

  "Nicky, what's going on?" Dale's scar looks red as his cheeks go taut. "I know something's up. You're lying to me."

  "I—" Squeezing my arm, I then start rubbing my elbow.

  "Don't say you're not." He sighs and runs a hand over his short hair. "Is—is something going on with you and Adam? I heard someone say they saw you getting into his car last week…the day you bailed on me." He grips the back of his neck, looking pained and frustrated. "Are you…are you guys…" He's struggling to form the words because I think he's about to accuse me of cheating.

  I blanch and grip the strap of my bag. "No. What are you talking about? No, of course not."

  He raises his hands, his usual attempt at stopping a verbal onslaught from me. I wasn't actually about to get mad with him, but whatever. If anything, he's probably entitled to assume those things. I lied to him. I did sneak off with Adam, and my reputation is hardly sparkling. But I would never…on Dale? He has no idea how lucky I feel just being with him.


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