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Trial by Fire (Sizzling Romantic Suspense) (All Fired Up)

Page 14

by Taylor Lee

  Kaitlin stood in the doorway bouncing Gabriel in her arms.

  “Connor, I have a suggestion. How about for once you don’t try to solve everything and let Erin have a little space?”

  Connor flushed. Erin knew Kaitlin agreed with Nate’s description of Connor as a wannabe therapist—ConnorfuckingFreud, and even though she loved him dearly, Erin was glad that Kaitlin stepped in. She didn’t want to think about what had happened, much less talk about it.

  Kaitlin reached up and kissed Connor’s cheek. “Sometimes we women like a little ‘girl time,’ sweetheart. Besides, Erin hasn’t seen how adorable Gabriel is in his bathtub. How about it, Erin? Want to help me get this little tiger ready for bed?”

  Erin gratefully followed Kaitlin as she carried the squirming little baby up the stairs. Passing by a solemn Connor, Erin gave him a quick peck on the cheek and whispered, “I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.”

  After Kaitlin bathed and dressed Gabriel in his red and white striped Jr. firefighter pajamas, she settled in a rocking chair to feed him. Erin sat across from Kaitlin watching her nurse Gabriel. It was a sweet sight. The baby’s gurgling slurping sounds made them both laugh.

  Kaitlin smiled and stroked the baby’s soft cheek, eliciting a contented sigh. “I swear he is just like his father. He can’t get enough of my boobs.”

  Erin laughed but couldn’t squash the wave of sadness that swept over her. She looked down not wanting Kaitlin to think she didn’t appreciate her joke or the baby.

  “Do you want to talk about it, Erin? You know you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just that you look… well, girlfriend, you look so sad it makes me want to cry.”

  Erin shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut determined not to let the tears burning her eyelids escape. Taking a deep breath she surprised Kaitlin and herself when she blurted, “It’s just that… just that I’d always wanted to have a baby. Maybe several of them.” She saw Kaitlin’s dismay and tried to soften her words. “But, now that I know that isn’t going to happen, I’m grateful that I have this time with you, and Connor, and Gabriel.”

  Kaitlin frowned. “What are you talking about, Erin? Nate loves kids and they adore him. God, Connor’s sisters follow him around like he’s the Pied Piper. Goodness, what other police detective do you know that plays ‘Barbies’ with a nine-year-old?”

  Erin smiled but demurred. “No, Kait, you don’t understand. Nate doesn’t ever want to get married again.”

  Kaitlin gave a dismissive wave of her hand as if flicking off a bothersome mosquito.

  “Right. Of course he said that. But that was before he met you, Erin. All men say that until they meet the right woman.”

  “No, Kait. Nate’s told me again and again how glad he is that we both had such bad marriages that neither one of us would ever do it again.”

  Kaitlin was fierce. “Honey, I know what a terrible marriage Nate had, and Erin, I wouldn’t be surprised if you never wanted to get married after the hideous marriage you had. But girlfriend, you two are so much in love it’s appalling. Good God, the rest of us have to duck just to avoid getting burned by the fireworks between you.”

  Erin gave her a watery smile. “You… you don’t understand, Kait. I know it seems that way now, but you know Nate’s track record. You know his reputation. And sure he thinks he’s in love with me now. But how long can that last? Especially when he isn’t willing to commit for the long term. You know as well as I do that there isn’t an unmarried woman in this town that wouldn’t jump at a chance to be with Nate—and probably most of the married women. And, now… now that Laura is free—”

  Kaitlin reared up so forcefully that Gabriel cried out. “Erin McFadden! Are you insane? Nate hates that woman. We all do. Good God, Erin, she’s a viper! She caused Nate so much pain. She’s shameless. Did you know that she even propositioned Connor, Nate’s own cousin—and best friend! And the minute Nate went overseas, when she decided she liked money more than fuck buddies, she went after Marcus. Can you imagine that, Erin? Nate’s uncle who helped raise him. All because she found out Marcus was wealthy. Can you imagine anyone being that brazen?”

  Erin bit her lip so hard that she tasted blood. A thousand emotions raged through her tortured mind, at the thought of the beautiful, evil woman, but she settled for a despairing shrug.

  “Yes, Kaitlin. In answer to your question, I can imagine how brazen she was—and is.”

  Kaitlin started to respond but stopped at that sound of heavy footsteps bounding up the staircase. They both turned to see Nate looming in the doorway, glaring at her, a dangerous predatory animal scenting his prey.

  Erin gasped. His tall, broad body filled the doorway. Nate pressed his hands against the sides of the doorframe as if to keep from barreling in the room. The muscles in his strong arms and chest rippled with the effort. His harsh midnight blue gaze ate through her pitiful resistance. Even from this distance she could smell his fierceness. His jaw was rigid. A tight smile curled the corners of his sensuous mouth but his eyes blazed with anger not mirth.

  He nodded to Kaitlin and glanced at the baby. A genuine smile flickered over his face. “Cute pajamas, Kait.”

  His smile died when he turned to Erin. Her heart pounded in her chest. She was sure he could hear it. Contradictory emotions stole her breath. He was so powerful, so compelling. Currents of electricity coursed over her. Her first impulse was to go to him, throw herself in his arms, and bury her crushing pain in his strength.

  But her longing turned to anger when he glared at her and shot her a peremptory nod.

  “Get your things.”

  Erin was stunned, for a moment unable to respond. At his arrogant demand, a powerful ball of fury rose in her gut, dashing any whiff of desire she might have felt. She leapt out of her chair and backed against the wall, her anger exploding.

  “Go to hell!”

  A genuine grin spread across his handsome face as he advanced on her.

  “Hmm, that may be exactly where we do go, darlin’.”

  Nodding to Kaitlin who was watching the scene with wide-eyed interest, he drawled, “What do you think, Kaitlin? What should I do with this little spitfire? Should I beat her ass? Isn’t that what you do with runaway little girls or should I tie her to our bed and fuck her for hours until she can’t stand up? Create our own special version of hell?”

  Erin’s heart was in her throat. She looked frantically for a place to run but he was on her before she could escape.

  Reaching out he swung her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, her head hanging down his back, her butt in the air.

  “C’mon, baby. We’re going home.”

  Erin shrieked in fury, kicking her feet and pounding him on his back.

  “Put me down, Nate. Dammit, put me down. Now!”

  Nate laughed and smacked her lightly on her ass, tightening his hold on her thighs, his other hand firmly on her bottom. “Settle down, darlin’. You’ll scare the baby. Say goodnight to Kaitlin and tell her you’ll call in the morning to describe your night in hell.”

  Chuckling at her furious shrieks, he bounded down the stairs passing by Connor who was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall, his lips quirked in a wary smile.

  Nate patted her derrière. “Say good night to your boss, Erin. Tell him you may be coming in late tomorrow.”

  Erin raised her head and shot Connor a fierce glare and snapped at him, “Traitor!”

  Connor’s lips lifted in a genuine smile, replacing his tentative one. “If you still feel that way in the morning, half-pint, call me and I’ll beat the crap out of him.”

  Nate roared. “She’ll be calling you all right Connor. I guarantee it. But she’ll want to kiss your feet, thank you for tellin’ me where to find her. Won’t, you darlin’? After I’m finished with you, Erin…”

  Erin pounded on his back, getting angrier by the minute. “You egotistical, arrogant asshole. Put me down. I don’t want to go with you. Connor, make him put me down! D
on’t you understand, Nate? I don’t want to talk to you….”

  Nate shifted her weight and tightened his hold on her legs.

  “That’s good, darlin’, because we’re not going to be doing much talking. At least until I’ve shown you exactly how I feel about your running away when you knew damn well I would be frantic looking for you…”

  He jerked his head at Connor in a silent thank you and patted Erin’s bottom.

  “Say good night, Erin.”

  At her shriek, he laughed and said. “Erin says good night, Connor, and thanks you for telling me where she was so I could come and haul her home with me where she belongs.”

  Connor shook his head and waved them out the doorway, a broad grin lighting his face.

  Nate ambled down the porch steps and headed to his car. He held her firmly. Surprised at her continuing efforts to free herself, he murmured more to himself than to her, “Sam might be right. Maybe I should put a collar on you. And after tonight, a leash—a short one!”

  Erin sputtered, “What? How… how dare you talk about me like that with Sam? Nate, I’m going to kill you if you don’t put me down. Now!”

  Nate swung her to the ground and hauled her up against his chest, trying to calm her fierce struggles. He thrust his finger under her chin and tilted her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “Baby, listen to me. You need to settle down. I’m warning you, Erin, I’ll toss you in the trunk if I have to.”

  Making good on his threat he pressed the release on his key and the trunk lid flew open. At the same time he opened the car door.

  “Your choice, baby.”

  She gave an angry sob and jerked out of his arms. Stomping over to the car, she climbed into the front seat, her head held high.

  Nate chuckled as he reached across Erin and strapped her in. Kissing her lightly, he said, “Good choice, spitfire. That trunk woulda been a tight fit.”

  Chapter 17

  As they roared through the streets, swerving around corners, speeding up on the straightaways, Erin stole a glance at Nate. He was no longer laughing. Dark shadows played across his stern face. A deep frown had replaced his grin. From his rigid jaw to his corded neck, the simmering anger rolling off of him was palpable. Nate always drove fast, knowing that his highway patrol buddies would recognize his black and silver Turbo 911 and the likelihood of anyone stopping him was nil. But, even so, he was driving faster, more recklessly than usual. His strong hands clenched the wheel so hard his knuckles were white. Erin edged back against the leather seat refusing to relinquish her anger, to give into the tension throbbing between them.

  Nate slammed on the brakes bringing the powerful car to a shuddering stop in front of the cabin. Nate was out his door and around the car before she could release her seat belt. He didn’t speak, just reached in and hauled her out of the car. Before she could protest, he scooped her up in his arms and strode up the field stone walk.

  “Put me down, Nate. Now. I can walk.”

  She could have been in another country as little attention as he paid her. He released the lock on the massive paneled door with his automated key and kicked the door open slamming it against the wall with a loud bang. He marched through the dark house into the bedroom, and tossed her onto the bed with such force that she bounced when she landed on the puffy duvet. Erin gasped and scurried back until she rested against the headboard, her knees drawn up protectively in front of her. She knew in her heart that Nate wouldn’t hurt her, but the fury on his face frightened her.

  He stood by the side of the bed glaring at her. His eyes were dark, a stormy sea of green. Erin tried to summon the anger that tormented her earlier but it paled compared to the emotion she saw in his eyes. Forcing herself to sit up straighter, she lifted her chin defiantly and scooted across the bed, away from him.

  “Nate, I don’t appreciate being hauled out of….”

  The words died in her throat as he dove for her. Capturing her in his arms, he held her shaking body against his chest. Dragging her in front of him across the room he stopped in front of the full length mirror. Threading his fingers in her hair he pulled her head back forcing her to look at their reflection. He’d wrapped one strong arm across her stomach, pinioning her against his towering frame. She looked small, fragile in comparison to his hard muscled body. His eyes were icy cold, his expression dark.


  When she didn’t answer, he repeated, “Why, Erin?”

  The heat flooding her body was reflected on her flushed cheeks. Before she could answer, he asked again, his voice as commanding as his presence.

  “Tell me, Erin. Tell me why you ran away? Why you left our house? Left me a note? A note that said you’d talk to me after the case was finished? When would that be, Erin? A week from now? A month? How about a fucking year? Is that when you would condescend to talk to me?”

  His voice was low, commanding. Danger wrapped in silk.

  “Didn’t you get my messages? Any of them? Any of the seven messages I left for you? Telling you how sorry I was that you misunderstood? How badly I felt? How upset I was that you were upset? No? You didn’t hear those messages, Erin? That we are being played by a master? And that you fell for it? Fell into her trap?”

  Erin swallowed hard, struggling to get by the golfball-sized lump in her throat. She’d heard his messages. Heard the desperation, the worry, and finally the angry pleas. But the image of Laura’s gorgeous body wrapped around Nate’s overrode his increasingly agitated messages. But now, as upset as she was, she allowed herself to see the pain in his eyes.

  “Nate, I’m sorry—”

  “No, Erin. Don’t. I don’t want to hear your apologies. Uh uh, baby. This isn’t the time for talking. I want you to look in this mirror, Erin. What do you see?”

  His expression was as harsh as his demanding question.

  “Do you see a man who loves you? Do you, Erin? Or aren’t words enough for you? What do you need from me, Erin? To believe that I love you more than anything in the world? That I will never let you go? That I will never allow a wicked, vicious woman to come between us?”

  At the pain in his eyes, a giant hand squeezed her heart. She’d never seen him like this. His intensity frightened her. She tried to free her arms. She wanted to touch him, reach out to him. But he shoved her hand away. His grip tightened.

  “Uh uh, darlin’. I’m not done. I’ve told you in words how much I love you, but that’s not enough, is it? Fine. Now I’m going to show you. I want you to pay attention. Pay attention to what your body does, Erin, when I make love to you. If you won’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to your body.”

  A flash of heat flared through her body at his sexy threat. Her heart leapt when he grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and in one swift move pulled it over her head. His eyes gleamed at the sight of her lace-covered breasts. A breathy moan escaped her lips as her nipples hardened and poked against the satiny fabric.

  At her response, a wicked smile flickered across his lips. Still holding her tight with one strong arm, with his other hand he tugged at one taut nipple then the other. She whimpered at the sensations pouring over her at that simple touch. She grabbed at his hands, and pressed them against her breasts, silently begging for more.

  He huffed out a sharp laugh.

  “What’s your body saying, Erin? Are your breasts swollen, aching for my touch? For my mouth, my tongue? My teeth?”

  With an expert flick of his fingers he unhooked the clasp on her bra freeing her breasts. Erin startled at the rush of cool air on her heated flesh. Nate cupped the rounded globes in his big hands, expertly rolling the tender tips between his fingers and thumbs. Erin gasped as a current of sensation ran from the peaked nubs straight to her core.

  He murmured in her ear, his hot breath raspy against the sensitive skin on her throat.

  “What do you want, Erin? Tell me, baby. No, darlin’, not in words. Let your body tell me. Look at your breasts, Erin. See how they swell at my touch? You see
how much your luscious breasts love my fingers, Erin. Are they hungry for my mouth?”

  He chuckled at her whimpering cry.

  Plucking at the tender tips, he crooned, “Look at your nipples. They’re as hard as berries. Tight, sensitive nubs aching for my mouth, aren’t they darlin’?”

  Erin arched her back desperately wanting his lips, his mouth on her. Tugging at his head, she pulled him closer. With a harsh groan, he leaned over, capturing one puckered tip between his teeth. She cried out when he nipped at the tender flesh. Ignoring her cry he bit down harder, and gave the other nipple a sharp pinch.

  At her shriek, his voice was soft, taunting. “I think you like that, don’t you Erin? In fact, Erin, I think you like it so much that you might come from this alone. How about it, Erin, if I suck on you like this… and this… will you come for me?”

  Her breasts throbbed, aching for release. She clutched at his hair, trying to hold him tight, trying to push her swollen tips into his mouth.

  He growled, low, deep in his throat.

  “Do you want to come, baby, is that what you want?”

  “Yes, please, Nate! Please, don’t stop!”

  He moved from breast to breast, flicking his devilish tongue over the tortured tips, nipping, licking, teasing her, tormenting her. Every sweep of his lips drove her higher. She was unraveling, but he held her back kept her fighting for more. When she was sure she would break apart, shatter if he didn’t let her come, a tidal wave of passion surged over her and she wailed at the excruciating ecstasy.

  Nate rocked her in his arms as wave after wave of sensation raked her shuddering body. Erin struggled to stay standing. A particularly hard tremor shook her slender body and her knees buckled. She would have fallen if Nate hadn’t caught her.

  When she could breathe without gasping for air, he lifted her so that she faced the mirror and whispered in her ear.

  “Look at you, darlin’. Your face is flushed, and just look at your breasts. They are the most beautiful shade of pink. This is what I am telling you, Erin. Your body knows who loves you. Who craves you. Who can’t live without you!”


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