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Playing Hardball, Part 1 (A Baseball Romance Serial) (Playing Hardball (A Baseball Romance Serial))

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by Sharon Cummin

  “You want to go outside and get some air?” I asked the quiet guy.

  “Sure,” he said.

  He put his arm around me and headed for the door. We'd walked around the corner of the bar and were standing against the building when I heard the front door swing open.

  “Where the fuck are you, Firecracker?” I heard a deep voice yell out.

  Oh shit, I thought. Who the hell did he think he was? He was in there with a woman grinding on his lap. I had every right to be standing outside talking to someone.

  “Is that for you?” the guy with me asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. As soon as the big pain-in-the-ass came around the corner, the guy with me took a few steps away. What the fuck? What if I didn't know the guy coming after me? Would the pussy just let him have me? I couldn't believe the guy stepped away from me.

  “I'm sorry man,” the guy said in a shaky tone.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I asked him. “What if I didn't know this guy? What if he came out here to hurt me? Would you really pussy out like that and just hand me over? What kind of man are you?”

  “Like you don't know me,” Lance barked out.

  His voice was deep and rough and had me shaking in my boots. I can't imagine how the little guy felt.

  “You see that jersey she's wearing?” Lance asked, and the guy looked and nodded. “It's fucking mine. Now back the fuck off.”

  “I had no idea,” the guy said, as he raised his hands and turned and walked away.

  “What the fuck was that?” I yelled, as I pushed my finger into his chest.

  That chest felt so hard and so good. It wasn't easy to find a body like that at the places I frequented. Back on topic, I thought to myself. Then I stood tall and looked at him with stern eyes.

  “Don't you have someone to be doing?” I asked.

  “I most certainly do,” he said, as he grabbed my arm.

  “Let me the fuck go,” I yelled, as I pushed hard against his chest.

  Just then Carrie and Scott walked out the door and to their car.

  “Excuse me,” I yelled out.

  Carrie turned and looked back at me.

  “A cab, woman,” I snapped. “You know better than that shit.”

  Carrie shook her head, pulled out her phone, and smiled back at me.

  “I'm on it,” she said.

  I turned back toward Lance as if we hadn't been interrupted.

  “Where's your whore?” I asked. “You know the one. You're the best, Lance. You know what to do with a ball, baby. Can you control that cock as well as you can a ball? Why don't you fuck me, so I can say I had Lance Smith inside of me. I'll play with your balls. You're such a great pitcher. I'd love to go out with you.”

  “Knock that shit off,” he snapped.

  “You were eating that shit up like you hadn't eaten in days,” I said. “Is it that easy to get to you? Are you that big of a pansy?”

  “There is nothing fucking pansy about me, woman,” he growled.

  I watched Carrie and Scott get into the cab and leave.

  “Shit!” I yelled out, and pushed against his chest again.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I should have gone with them since you chased my guy away,” I said.

  “Do you really want a man that's going to pass you off to just anyone because he's too afraid to stand up to someone?” he asked.

  “I don't want a man for anything other than his dick,” I said.

  Then I pulled out my phone to call a cab.

  “I'm taking you home,” he said, as he snatched my phone from my hands.

  I was glad it was locked. He had no business playing with my phone.

  “No you're not,” I said. “I need to call a cab.”

  “I'm fine. I only had two damn drinks in there. You were the one pounding them back like they were water.”

  “Doesn't matter,” I said, as I shook my head. “I need a cab.”

  “Why?” he asked. “What's the big deal?”

  “It is a big deal, okay,” I snapped, as I grabbed my phone back and made the call. “It's important to me. I don't want anyone drinking and driving, even if I can't stand them.”

  “Fine,” he said. “I'm riding with you. You're not getting in a cab drunk and alone.”

  “You think I'm going to fuck the driver on the way?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he snapped. “Do you ever close your mouth?”

  “Only when there's a cock in it,” I said, before bursting into laughter.

  He shook his head at me.

  “Don't shake your head at me. I'm not the one that had someone grinding on my lap in front of everyone. Do you fuck everyone that walks by?”

  “No,” he said. “I'm not a relationship kind of guy. I am far too busy for that shit. I also have no interest in being tied down to one woman. They are clingy and annoying. I like having fun. That I'll admit. I don't mind sticking my dick in a sexy woman and blowing off steam. I think we all need a little stress reliever now and then. From the sounds of you, I'd say you could use some relief.”

  “Oh, I get plenty of dick,” I said. “That is definitely not something I am lacking.”

  “Then what's with the bitchy mouth you have?” he asked.

  “Look,” I snapped, as I rammed my finger into his chest. “I was out here talking to my dick for the night when you so rudely interrupted and chased him away like a giant ogre. I didn't cock block you when it came to the whore grinding on you in there.”

  I wasn't finished going off on him when the cab pulled up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. I smacked and his hand and growled out at him.

  “Don't touch me unless you have permission.”

  “Then get your sassy ass into the cab, Firecracker,” he said, as he stood so I was between him and the cab.

  I pulled the door open and grumbled as I climbed in. He moved to get in right behind me. I sat holding the seat, but it did nothing to stop him. He used his hip to give me a giant bump, and my ass slid across the seat.

  “Can't you sit up there?” I asked.

  “Tell the driver where to go and then zip your mouth shut,” he said.

  “I don't want you to know where I live,” I said.

  “Why not?” he asked. “I can assure you I won't be coming back to see you anytime soon with that smart mouth.”

  I blurted out my address to the driver and turned to look out the window without another word.

  “Do you hear that?” Lance asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Silence,” he said. “I'm not sure you've ever heard it before.”

  “You are such an asshole,” I mumbled.

  The second the driver pulled up in front of my apartment, I threw money into the front seat and jumped out of the car. I didn't notice until the car was pulling away that Lance was right behind me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I'm walking you to the door,” he said. “As much as you had to drink, your ass would probably sleep outside in the grass.”

  “How you getting home?” I asked.

  I let out a loud laugh when he turned to watch the cab pull out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 8


  “Shit!” I yelled out just as the cab turned the corner.

  “See ya,” she said with a laugh.

  “Hold up,” I said.

  We'd just reached her door, and she was fumbling with her key in the lock.

  “You have something to say, Ballplayer?” she asked.

  “You think this shit is funny?” I asked.

  “I sure do,” she said.

  “You're really beginning to piss me off,” I said.

  She pulled her key back out and flung the door open. I walked through after her and slammed it shut.

  “Did I invite you in?” she asked.

  I walked by her and turned. She turned with me. I knew she wasn't going to keep her back to me. It m
ade me smile inside. I took a step forward which put her back against that door. Not a smart move on her part, I thought.

  “No,” I said. “You have something of mine, and I want it back. I don't just give those away. I save those for the special people.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” she asked.

  “My jersey and hat,” I said. “I want them back. If I left them with you, your ass would probably sell them or something.”

  “You really think you're special enough that anyone would want them. Give me a break. I sure don't think you are.”

  Then she shocked the shit out of me. The woman took the hat off her head and shoved it on mine. When she reached down, grabbed the hem of the shirt, and pulled it over her head, I couldn't believe it. My eyes went right to her tits. They were so damn perfect. I knew they'd fit perfectly in my hands. She shoved the shirt at my chest.

  “Fucking take it,” she said.

  I was going to take it alright. The shirt hit the floor just as my hand wrapped around the back of her neck. Then my lips crashed down on hers with force. They opened with a gasp, and my tongue dove right in. Her tongue fought mine for control just like I knew it would. That was her, the damn little firecracker. Her fingers went straight for my hair. She couldn't grip it like she wanted and I could tell it irritated her. My hair was pretty short. I felt her tug at the ends and laughed into her mouth. Then I pushed my body against hers, so there wasn't an inch of space between us. She threw the hat from my head to the side, reached for my shirt, and pulled it off. With my lower half plastered against her, I let my chest rub against her bra. Her fingers moved up and down my abs and chest. I pulled just my head back and scraped her bottom lip with my teeth on the way.

  “Can I touch you?” I asked.

  “What?” she asked confused.

  “You said not to touch you without permission,” I said. “Do you want me to touch you, Firecracker? Do you want me to grab your breasts in my hands before sucking them? Do you want my mouth on that sweet pussy? Do you want my cock buried so fucking deep inside of you?”

  “Fuck,” she whimpered.

  I shoved my knee between her legs and ground it against her clothed pussy.

  “Well,” I said. “Do you want me to give you the fucking you deserve?”

  She grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth down to hers. I wanted that kiss as much as she did, but she hadn't given me that permission yet.

  I pulled away and took a small step back.

  “Lance,” she yelped.

  “Need permission, woman,” I said.

  She narrowed her eyes at me. Then she hit the floor on her knees. When she reached up, undid my pants, and pulled them down with my boxers, she shocked my ass again. I couldn't believe her. She was like no woman I'd ever met. Sure, tons of them kissed my ass and bent over for me. Firecracker was different. It didn't have a damn thing to do with who I was and everything to do with getting what she wanted.

  She wrapped one hand around my cock and the other around my balls. Then her tongue slid from my base to my tip, and I moaned. Yep, I sure did. She knew what the fuck she was doing. When her mouth opened wide and slid me into her throat one inch at a time, I caught myself wondering how many cocks had been in her mouth. I quickly brushed that thought away. That wasn't who I was. I didn't care about that shit. All I cared was that my cock was in her mouth in that moment. I wrapped my hands in her hair and fucked her mouth hard. She was so damn amazing. It was happening too fast, and I wasn't having that shit.

  I reached down, grabbed under her arms, and pulled her into the air with no effort at all. Her legs wrapped around my waist. I grabbed her hair and tugged so she was looking up at me. Then I shoved my hard shaft against her.

  “Can I touch you?” I said in a rough tone.

  She nodded her head and closed her eyes.

  “Need your words, Firecracker,” I said.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Hurry that shit up.”

  I let out a laugh, as I undid her bra and threw it to the side. Then I let her feet touch the floor. My hands went to her breasts and my fingers rolled her nipples through them. She was moaning and shoving her jeans and panties down her legs at the same time. There was no wasting time for her. Before I could do anything, she jumped up, and I caught her as her legs moved around my hips. My cock was right there at her entrance. I thrust up just as she held my shoulders and moved down my shaft.

  “Fuck,” I groaned once I was deep inside of her. “Perfect.”

  Her head fell back and smacked off of the door. I watched her eyes close, and I was done. My hands held her ass tight as I lifted her and then dropped her hard on my dick. She cried out without even trying to stop herself.

  “Harder,” she moaned.

  I lifted her again. When I dropped her down, I thrust up hard. It was fucking great. She cried out loud again. I knew I wanted to hear it a million more times before I'd let go of her. Her back was moving up and down the door, as I pummeled her harder than I had anyone in so long. My firecracker liked it rough. Shit! Not my firecracker. Then I started slamming into her even harder. She needed to feel my cock there for days. I wanted to be watching her while we shot the commercial that Friday, knowing she was thinking of me being inside of her. She was going to be ruined for any other cock that came her way, I was going to make sure of it.

  I pulled her toward me, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She was tired, but I wasn't done with her. I walked into her room and leaned forward. Her back hit that mattress, and we never once lost connection. I lifted her legs and fucked her hard. Her hands clutched the sheets, as she cried out over and over. When my name left her lips, I felt it through my entire body. I pounded into her even harder. When I leaned down to kiss her, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I fell forward, and our chests connected. She flipped me onto my back. How that little body had the strength to flip me over, I had no idea.

  She pushed off of my chest and leaned back. Her hands landed on my thighs, and she began lifting off my cock and slamming me inside of her. I groaned out. My dick was like a steel rod hitting deep inside of her. She was fucking tight. Her pussy sucked me in perfectly. I reached up and grabbed her breasts. She continued fucking me hard. When I rolled her nipples with my fingers, her head fell back and she cried out. I could feel how close she was. Just as she went to slam herself down on me, I pinched and tugged her nipples. Instantly, I felt her pussy clamp down tight. She screamed out my name as she pulsed around me over and over. When her body fell forward against my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and rolled her onto her back.

  One hand went next to her head and the other gripped her hip. I rocked into her hard and deep. Her fingers dug into my back so deep, I thought she drew blood. As I continued pumping deep inside her pussy, all I could think about was all of the things I wanted to do to her. I knew I wanted to taste that sweet pussy. I wanted to spank her ass. I wanted to take her from behind while she pushed back against me. I wanted to handcuff her. I wanted to take her over and over, and what the fuck. I stilled inside of her. Get your shit together, Lance, I told myself. One and done. You will not be going back for more. She is too fucking cocky for you, and she doesn't even like the game.

  “Fuck me right now,” she barked out from beneath me.

  I was instantly back to reality. Yes, I was fucking the smart-mouth firecracker, and it was all about the fun. She didn't want a man, and I didn't want a woman.

  My fingers dug into her hip, and I did exactly as she asked. I fucked her hard. We were both calling out. I was reaching so damn deep inside of her. As soon as I felt her clamp down on me again, I released into her with so much power. We were both panting and trying to catch our breath. My body fell down next to hers. We were both covered in sweat. That was the last thing I remembered before my eyes closed.

  The next thing I knew, I was wrapped around something and it was struggling to be free. I opened my eyes to hear Lucy crying out and flailing in my arms. I let go a
nd waited for her to say something. She was asleep. I didn't move. About ten minutes later, she opened her eyes. When they connected with mine, she jumped out of the bed.

  “You have to go,” she said.

  “Were you fucking dreaming?” I asked. “You scared the shit out of me for a second.”

  “What?” she asked.

  She didn't even realize she was moving around like crazy and crying out. What the fuck was really going on inside of her head, I wondered?

  When she walked out into her living room, I got up and followed her. She scooped the clothes I had been wearing up and was tossing them at me.

  “You shouldn't be here,” she said.

  “Why not?” I asked. “Is your husband coming home or something?”

  “Go,” she yelled. “Now.”

  I was getting more pissed by the second. Who the fuck did she think she was throwing me out? Did she know how many women would have loved to have had me in their bed? There she was, shoving my clothes at me like I was the worst mistake she'd ever made. That was total bullshit.

  I pulled on my boxers, pants, and t-shirt. Then I shoved my feet in my shoes. When I pulled her door open hard, it smacked off the back of the wall.

  “I don't do overnights,” she said in a quiet voice.

  For a split second I saw a softer side of that mouthy woman.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Me neither.”

  “Exactly,” she said. “Thanks for the fun.”

  There it was. I must have been mistaken. That woman irritated the shit out of me.

  “Whatever,” I said, as I pulled the door shut behind me with a slam.

  I pulled out my phone and called a cab. Then I realized I'd left my damn jersey and hat behind. She didn't fucking deserve them, but there was no way I was going back. Fuck that.

  Chapter 9


  That day at work, I kept to myself. When Carrie tried to talk to me, I kept telling her I was busy and wasn't feeling well. When the clock finally hit that perfect time, I took off out the door for home. It was where I needed to be. I should have known her ass would be ringing my phone off the hook. When I finally answered, she wasn't about to let me go without an explanation of “why my mouth wasn't sassy today.” I had to laugh. She did give me the details about her and Scott after that meeting, so I knew I owed her something. All I told her was that I'd slept with Lance. I didn't give her anything more than that. She really didn't need to know I had a mini meltdown and kicked him out like a total bitch. Everything I said was true though. I didn't do overnight booty calls. It freaked me out that I fell asleep next to him. I had a nightmare and was so glad he didn't push when he asked about my dream. There was no way I was explaining anything to that player.


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