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Galactic Empire Wars: Insurrection (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 5)

Page 33

by Raymond L. Weil

  The great airlock doors finally gave way. From one of the Zaltule battlecruisers an antimatter missile launched and flew down the long tunnel. Moments later a fiery ball of energy exited the tunnel entrance and the surrounding ground shook from the underground blast. From the Zaltule battlecruisers, several hundred small attack shuttles exited airlocks and darted inside the smoking remains of the entrance.


  “We have Zaltule in the entrance tunnel,” reported Captain Davis from his console inside the Command Center. “They’ve destroyed the particle beam cannons and have blown a hole in the airlock.”

  “How did they get past the defensive sites on the surface?” demanded General Bailey with a concerned frown on his face. The large defensive sites were supposed to prevent this from happening. One of the sites was only a few kilometers from the tunnel entrance.

  “They came in low so our big weapons couldn’t target them,” Davis answered. “We took out a number of them out as they came in, but once they were down low enough we couldn’t bring the big ion cannons and particle beam cannons to bear.”

  The room suddenly seemed to shake.

  “What was that?” Bailey demanded.

  “Crap!” groaned Captain Davis. “The Zaltule fired a missile down the tunnel. It detonated against the energy shield protecting the inner airlock door. The energy shield is down and all the weapon emplacements in the tunnel have been destroyed.”

  “What about the explosives to bring down the tunnel?” demanded Bailey, his face turning pale. They had never considered the possibility of the Zaltule using an antimatter warhead inside the tunnel.

  “Nonfunctional,” answered Davis, looking over at the general.

  General Bailey shook his head in frustration. The battle was already going badly. “Communications, inform Colonel Nelson and Major Jeffries they have Zaltule coming their way; a lot of them.”


  Colonel Wade Nelson stood in his Type Three Command Suit inside the spacedock and just outside of the airlocks leading back to Smithfield. All the Marines under his command had been equipped with a new Energy Lance, which could cut through the armor of a Type Three battlesuit such as the ones the Zaltule would be wearing. Looking toward the four nearby assault ships, he saw their energy turrets swivel down and target the massive airlock doors. Already he could hear explosions battering against the outside armor. Wade knew that back home inside the Viridian habitat, Beth and his parents had gone to their shelter. If not for Erick, Wade knew Beth would have been fighting at his side. She had also insisted on having a Type Three battlesuit in the shelter so if it became necessary she could defend their family.


  Captain Ryan Nelson was standing next to Sergeant Casey Hunter. They were both holding their RG rifles at the ready knowing the Zaltule would shortly be through the airlock. Already they could see it buckling in several areas.

  “I’m scared, Ryan,” Casey said as she gazed worriedly at the large airlock. “What if we can’t stop the Zaltule?”

  “We all are,” answered Ryan. He greatly feared this could be the end of all of them. The Zaltule fleet was just too big and the mere fact they had already managed to reach the inner airlock doors hinted that the battle outside was going badly. “We have a lot of Marines and firepower inside both here and back in Smithfield. We’ll stop the Zaltule.”

  Casey nodded. She hoped Ryan was right, but she was worried he was only trying to ease her fears.

  Lauren stepped over close to the two. She had been released several days before from the medical center inside of Centerpoint and had demanded to take part in the battle to defend Vesta. “They’ll be through soon.” She gestured toward the airlock with one of her armor encased arms. The door was glowing cherry red in the center.

  Those words were barely out of her mouth when the huge doors blew apart, scattering pieces of metal across the spacedock. Fortunately, the atmospheric force field prevented the atmosphere from being sucked out, though the Marines being encased in their powerful battlesuits wouldn’t have been affected. Through the smoking opening in the airlock, Zaltule shuttles began entering.


  Detecting the inbound Zaltule shuttles, the four assault ships opened up with their energy beams, blowing the small shuttles apart in small fiery explosions. But there were hundreds of them, more than the assault ships could target at once. The defending hover tanks opened up with their energy cannons bringing down more of the small shuttles in flaming ruins, but some survived and managed to land. In only a few moments, armored Zaltule began swarming out, firing their weapons at the defending Human Marines. Weapons fire began impacting the assault ships since they couldn’t activate their energy shields inside the spacedock. Several of the turrets on the ships exploded as they were struck by powerful energy beams.

  The spacedock rapidly began to fill with smoke and the sounds of battle. The four assault ships had managed to take out nearly half of the Zaltule shuttles emerging through the blown open airlock doors. Zaltule had emerged from the others and set up weapons that were now taking out the energy turrets on the assault ships. Hover tanks began firing both their energy cannons and RG cannons, killing many of the Zaltule before they could find cover.

  Suddenly twenty of the Zaltule shuttles rose up into the air and accelerated toward the assault ships. Twelve of them fell to the ground in balls of fire as the ships’ energy cannons found them. However, eight reached their targets and exploded against the hull armor of three of the assault ships.


  “Get back,” ordered Wade over the command channel as he saw that the small shuttles must have been loaded with some type of high explosives. Secondary explosions began rocking the three assault ships and several hatches suddenly opened as their crews hurriedly evacuated.

  Wade quickly directed them to one of the airlocks leading back to Smithfield. The crews of the assault ships were not wearing battlesuits and wouldn’t survive long inside the spacedock with all the weapons fire.

  “Zaltule are advancing,” warned Captain Jaime Stern over the comm channel. “There are also more of those shuttles coming in.”

  Wade looked up and saw the captain was right. With three of the assault ships disabled, the Zaltule were bringing in more warriors. The weapons fire between the Marines and the Zaltule was intensifying as the battlesuit encased arachnids rapidly closed the distance between themselves and the first defensive line of Marines. Wade saw Energy Lances suddenly ignite as the first Zaltule reached the blastcrete barriers.


  Ryan drew his Energy Lance as several Zaltule leaped over the blastcrete walls. He swung his Lance, decapitating the nearest Zaltule. He saw Casey step up and fire a dozen armor penetrating RG rounds into the helmet of the other.

  “There’s too many of them,” Lauren said as she used her Energy Lance to slice a Zaltule in two who had breached the blastcrete barrier next to her.

  Several sections of the wall suddenly exploded and collapsed. Swarms of the arachnid-shaped Zaltule began pouring through, overrunning the first line of defense.

  On Ryan’s command suit’s HUD, he saw numerous green icons begin turning amber and then red.

  “We can’t hold them,” called out Lieutenant Guthrie from the midst of a group of Zaltule her Marines were battling. “There’s too many of them! If we stay here, we’re going to be cut to pieces.”

  “Pull back to the second defensive line,” Colonel Nelson’s calm voice came over the command channel. “The hover tanks will lay down covering fire.”

  “Pull back,” ordered Ryan, as he heard the other commanding officers repeat the order.

  “Damn, there are spiders everywhere!” called out Alexander. “Where’s the exterminator when you need one?”

  “We’re the exterminators!” replied Lauren as she cleaved another Zaltule in two who was trying to pull her down. She untangled herself from his clutches and began backing away. She sheathed her Energy Lance and grabbed her RG rifle. Lauren began
firing into the horde of Zaltule, who were pouring over the now nearly demolished blastcrete wall.

  “We’re firing explosive rounds,” called out Sergeant McElroy from where he and his Marines were supporting forty hover tanks in the third and final defensive line.

  As Ryan pulled back, he saw the area between the first defensive line and the blown airlock hatch suddenly erupt in explosions as the hover tanks’ explosive rounds landed. Fire and smoke erupted, concealing much of the area around the airlock.

  “How many Zaltule are we facing?” asked Lieutenant Guthrie as she pulled back toward the next defensive line. She was still heavily engaged with the Zaltule. Some were still mixed in with her Marines in hand-to-hand combat.

  “Over a thousand,” Captain Stern’s voice came over the Command Channel. “Those damn little shuttles of theirs are also armed with small energy canons. They’ve managed to take out a number of our static defenses and they’re also using energy cannons to take down our blastcrete barriers.”

  Ryan knew they were getting themselves into a bad situation. Looking toward the shattered airlock, he saw more of the small shuttles entering.


  Colonel Nelson was studying the current tactical situation. It was growing more apparent with every passing minute that they weren’t going to be able to hold the bay. A loud and violent explosion nearly knocked him off his feet. Looking to his left, he saw the last assault ship had been taken out.

  Calling up a different screen on his HUD, he was dismayed at how many green icons were now glowing a steady red. He knew all the Zaltule were in Type Three battlesuits equipped with RG rifles, energy cannons, and explosive rounds. They also knew how to use them as they had been trained as warriors their entire lives.

  “We need to withdraw to Smithfield,” Major Jeffries said over the private channel he had with Wade. “If we stay in the spacedock much longer we’re going to be overrun.”

  Wade looked out over the raging battle. Explosive rounds, energy cannons, and RG rounds were flying everywhere. Most of the embattled Marines had made it back to the second line of defense, but already the Zaltule were beginning to penetrate it in several locations. This was the first time the Marines had ever fought against so many Zaltule and Wade was beginning to see why they were so feared as warriors.

  “Major Jeffries right,” General Will Bailey’s voice came over the command link. “Pull back to Smithfield and blow the connecting tunnels. That will at least buy us some time.”

  Wade took in a deep breath. He knew that General Bailey and Major Jeffries were speaking the truth. The battle here was lost; there were just too many Zaltule.

  Activating the general communication frequency, he gave his next order. “All Marines, pull back to Smithfield. We’ll blow the tunnels connecting the habitat to the spacedock in an attempt to slow down the Zaltule advance.”

  “Wade, if we don’t attempt to delay the Zaltule, many of our Marines won’t make it out,” said Major Jeffries. “They’ll be overrun before they can get to the airlocks.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “I’ll fight a delaying action with the Hover tanks to cover the withdrawal. When everyone has gotten out, I’ll pull out with the tank crews.”

  “Do it,” ordered Wade, knowing it would save lives. “Just be damn careful. I want to see you in Smithfield when this is over.” He had already lost too many friends in this war; he wasn’t ready to lose more.


  For the next few minutes, the surviving Marines headed for and entered the small airlocks that led to the connecting tunnels to Smithfield. They were just large enough to accommodate a Marine in a Type Three battlesuit.

  Major Jeffries gradually pulled the hover tanks back toward the airlocks with Sergeant McElroy’s Marines providing cover fire. The Zaltule must have realized what was happening as a new and larger shuttle began entering the spacedock through the shattered airlock. These shuttles were armed with more powerful energy cannons and instantly began targeting the hover tanks. Tank after tank blew up in fiery explosions, often killing some of the nearby Marines that were supposed to be protecting them.

  Major Jeffries estimated there were still well over one thousand surviving Zaltule inside the spacedock even after all of their losses. He didn’t know how many hundreds lay dead across the bay. Most of the surviving Marines had reached the airlocks and vanished through the hatches. “It’s our turn now,” he said over his comm channel. “All tank crews get out and let’s exit this place.”

  The three-man crews hurriedly crawled out of their tanks and began running toward the nearest airlock hatch. The Zaltule must have realized what was happening as they began targeting the airlocks with their energy cannons. Major Jeffries was almost to an airlock when a Zaltule energy beam hit it, collapsing the tunnel and sealing the Marines with him inside the spacedock.

  “Damn,” said Sergeant McElroy as he gazed in horror at the ruined airlock. He turned toward Major Jeffries, who was standing next to him. “Now what?”

  Major Jeffries took a deep breath and drew his Energy Lance. “Now we fight and take as many of these damn spiders as we can with us.” Jeffries knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep his promise to Wade.

  Sergeant McElroy nodded. They weren’t getting out of this situation alive. “Let’s go, Marines!” he yelled, gesturing to the survivors of the four platoons he had been commanding.

  The surviving Marines with Major Jeffries and Sergeant McElroy in the lead charged the nearing horde of Zaltule warriors.


  Wade reached Smithfield with his surviving Marines and began rapidly to deploy them. There were also reinforcements waiting for them as another six hundred Marines in Type Three battlesuits had been held back in Smithfield just in case the battle in the spacedock was lost.

  After the last Marine had exited the tunnels, Wade stared for several long moments before he finally accepted Major Jeffries wasn’t coming. With an icy chill running down his back, he gave the necessary order. “Blow the connecting tunnels.”

  Moments later fire and smoke erupted from the tunnels, sealing the habitat off from the spacedock.

  Stepping back, Wade wondered how long the collapsed tunnels would hold back the Zaltule. He had no doubt that at some point the Zaltule were going to break through.


  Ryan gazed at his HUD dismally, seeing how few green icons remained. He had lost nearly half of his Marines in the battle. From the report he had just received from Wade, Sergeant McElroy and all of his Marines had failed to make it out of the spacedock. Ryan hoped the sergeant had taken a hell of a lot of Zaltule with him. He also saw that Private Camden Richards and Corporal Mary Hatterson had been lost as well. Mary had been very close to Casey for years.

  “We’re to pull back to the middle of Smithfield,” Lieutenant Guthrie said as she walked over to Ryan. Her battlesuit was covered in blood from using her Energy Lance against the Zaltule.

  Ryan nodded. He had just received those orders also. Gathering his Marines, they began heading toward the city. Wade wanted them to set up a crossfire in the city’s main intersection. Blastcrete walls had been constructed in a number of streets to provide cover for the defending Marines.

  A number of platoons under the command of Captain Stern and Lieutenant Guthrie were remaining behind to attack the Zaltule as they exited the connecting tunnels. They were waiting behind a number of thick blastcrete walls that had been built for just that purpose.

  “Mary’s gone,” Casey said over the private channel she had with Ryan. “I saw it happen and there was nothing I could do. She got cut off from the rest of us and was killed before I could send help.”

  “A lot of Marines died today,” replied Ryan, feeling Casey’s pain. “There will probably be more if the Zaltule make it into Smithfield.”

  Casey didn’t reply. She knew if the Zaltule made it into Smithfield, the Marines would have a hard time holding the large habitat. If the Zaltule took Smithfield, then
there would be nothing left to prevent them from reaching the other habitats.


  Time passed and occasionally Wade could feel the ground shake slightly. He suspected this was probably from the surface battle and antimatter missiles detonating upon the energy shields of the ten defensive weapon sites.

  “Colonel Nelson, this is General Bailey. We’ve been detecting a series of explosions in the tunnels connecting Smithfield with the spacedock. We believe the Zaltule are blasting their way toward you.”

  “We’ve got our defenses set up,” Wade answered over the command channel. “We’re going to try to hold them at the airlocks. I’ve also set up a second blocking force in Smithfield itself. If we’re defeated, we’ll pull back to the entrance to the next habitat and make our final stand there.”

  General Bailey became strangely quiet and then his concerned voice returned. “Wade, our remote sensors are detecting antimatter in one of the connecting tunnels between Smithfield and the spacedock.”


  “It’s a bomb!” General Bailey said in a highly agitated voice.

  “Crap,” Wade said, realizing the significance. The Zaltule weren’t trying to get into Smithfield; they were going to destroy it. He instantly switched his comm to the general frequency. “Everyone take cover immediately! We have reason to believe the Zaltule are preparing to detonate an antimatter warhead inside one of the tunnels. Take whatever shelter you can find!”

  Marines everywhere took off and ran toward the nearest shelters. There were a number of shelters in Smithfield not in use by the civilians as they were too close to the airlocks. The problem was that for many of the Marines, they might not be able to reach the shelters in time.


  Two minutes later, a massive explosion shook Smithfield and the spacedock. The airlocks into Smithfield blew open as superheated air vaporized the blockages and a deadly burning blast wave swept toward the city. Buildings toppled and the deadly heat caused fires to erupt. Trees were uprooted and the animals on the outlying farms died almost instantly.


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