Obama's Enforcer
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Iraq War, 164–66
Issa, Darrell, 3, 113–14, 116, 121, 136, 140, 142, 143–44, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 167
Jackson, Amy Berman, 146
Jackson, Andrew, 216
Jackson, Lisa, 30
Jackson, Robert H., 6–7, 20
Jarrett, H. Marshall, 206
Jarrett, Valerie, 9
J&G Sales, 139
Johnson, Andrea, 25
Johnson, Hank, 175
Jones, Vivian Malone, 12
Jones; U.S. v., 53–54
Jordan, Vernon, 9
journalists, leak investigations, 169–78
Judgment Fund, 213–14
Judgment Fund Transparency Act (2013), 214
Judicial Watch, 119, 179
Judiciary Act (1789), 20
Justice Department
approach under Holder, 8
budget, 19
hiring practices, 74–78, 102, 156–60
Holder’s career, 11–12
litigation record, 50
Meese on, 215–16
motto, 21
number of employees, 19
preparation for congressional hearings, 125–26
role of, 19–20, 64–65
transparency issues, 199
See also specific divisions
Juszkiewicz, Henry, 23, 24, 27
Kagan, Elena, 82
Karlan, Pamela, 62–63
Karzai, Hamid, 184
Katsas, Greg, 162
Katyal, Neal K., 45
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 12
Kennedy, Anthony, 63
Kennedy, Robert F., 20
Kessler, Tamara, 75, 205–6
Khadr, Omar, 157
Kim, Stephen Jin-Woo, 173–74
Kindle case, 88–89
King, Loretta, 98–99
King, Steve, 109–10
Kinston, North Carolina, election law change, 93–94
Klayman, Larry, 169
Koehler, Mike, 184, 185
Krauthammer, Charles, 2
Labrador, Raul, 143
Lacey Act, 23–24, 25, 27
La Jeunesse, William, 116
Lamberth, Royce C., 175
Land v. Baptist Medical Center, 88
La Opinión, 140
Larkin, Paul, 26, 28, 52–53
Latour, Pascal, 187
LBJ Presidential Library, 90
Leahy, Patrick, 3, 122, 144, 207
leaks of classified information, 166–81
journalists involved in, 169–78
by White House and senior administration officials, 167–69, 178–81
Lee, Mike, 6–7
Lee, Steve, 193, 198
Leon, Richard, 188–89
Lesley University, 87
Lewis, John, 91
Lindh, John Walker, 158
Lindsey, Keith, 193, 198
Lindsey Manufacturing Company, 193–99
Lone Wolf Trading Company, 137–38, 139, 140
Lotomatica, 60
Louisiana, school voucher program case, 77–78
Lowry, Rich, 103, 111
Luban, David, 205
Luthiers Mercantile International, 27
Machen, Ronald, 120–21, 146
Madigan, Michael, 189
Madison, James, 68
Malone, Sharon, 12–13
mandatory minimum sentences, 61
Marchant, Ann Walker, 9
Margolis, David, 203, 205
marijuana, legalization of, 59–60
Marshall, John, 216
Masling, Mark, 75–76
mass incarceration, 13
Matz, A. Howard, 193–98
maximum achievable control technology (MACT), 38–39
McAllister, Hope, 137
McCain, John, 167, 169
McCarthy, Andrew, 116, 126, 156, 158, 159–60, 201
McConnell, Michael, 48
McMillen, Thomas, 154
Media Matters, 115–17
Medina, Joe, 137
Meese, Edwin, III, 20, 48, 211, 215–16
Melson, Ken, 141
Meltzer, Daniel J., 109
Menendez, Robert, 109
corruption in, 192
drug and gun trafficking, 132–34, 148
Mississippi, voter ID, 98
Mitchell, Andrea, 132
Mitchell, John, 22, 146, 201
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 152, 157
Mohawk Central School District, 84
Mora, Medina, 132
Morris, Layne, 157
MSNBC, 132–33
Mukasey, Michael, 152, 203, 204, 205, 216
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 11, 78
Napolitano, Janet, 134, 135
National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys, 61
National Association of Attorneys General, 67–68
National Drug Intelligence Center, 143
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 34
National Labor Relations Board, 47
National Review, 110, 111
National Security Agency, 153
national security cases
Blackwater shootings, 164–66
leaks of classified information, 166–81
See also terrorism and terrorists
National Security Council (NSC), 168
National Security Division, 156–57
National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), 89, 92–93
Natural Resources Defense Council, 35
Navy SEAL Team 6, 178–80
New Black Panther Party case, 73, 91, 93, 98, 99, 100, 117, 119, 206, 208
New Communities, Inc., 105
Newell, Bill, 131, 137
New Orleans police officers, prosecution of, 69–71
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 70
New Republic, 216
Newsday, 9
news media
leak investigations, 169–78
letter protesting DOJ AP action, 170
See also specific organizations
Newsweek, 13
New Yorker, 62
New York Fire Department, 89
New York Post, 156–57
New York Times, 104, 106, 110, 111, 132, 167, 168, 180, 184
Nightline, 172
9/11/01, 152–53, 204
North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 39
North Carolina, voter ID law, 92
North Korea, State Department leaks, 125, 173–76
NPR (National Public Radio), 10
NSC (National Security Council), 168
NVRA (National Voter Registration Act), 89, 92–93
Obama, Barack
campaign donations, 5
executive orders, 6–8
Fast and Furious executive privilege over documents claim, 130, 145, 147
gun walking initiatives, 131
leaks of classified information, 167–69, 178–81
on MACT rule, 39
Mexico visit, 135
Pigford Claims Remedy Act (2007) sponsorship, 107
relationship with Holder, 8–9
voluntary settlement agreements, 212
ObamaCare, 6–7
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 13
Office of Inspector General (OIG), 208–10
Office of Justice, 19
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), 7, 43–49, 160, 203, 205
Office of Pardon Attorneys, 154–55
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), 202–9
Office of Solicitor General, 19
Ogden, David, 60, 135
Operation Fast and Furious. See Fast and Furious scandal
Operation Landslide, 186–88
Operation Wide Receiver, 131
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), 137
O’Shea, John, 190–93
Otis, Bill, 2–3, 61
Panetta, Leon, 161, 162
; FALN, 153–56
Rich, 17–18, 46, 118–19, 126, 155
Pelosi, Nancy, 145–46
Perez, Thomas, 72, 79–80, 88, 89–90, 93, 102, 113–14
Perrelli, Thomas J., 109
Phillips, Judson, 116
Pigford cases, 103–11
fraud allegations, 109–11
history, 103–5
payouts, 105–9
Pigford Claims Remedy Act (2007) (Pigford II), 107–8
Pine, Mary Susan, 81–82
Plame, Valerie, 5
police departments, 89
political campaign donations, 5
political speech, 15–16, 56–58
Popa, Ion Cornel, 14–16
Popper, Bob, 77, 97
Porteous, Thomas, 215
power plants, 38–40
presidential power. See executive power and privilege
Princeton University, 88–89
privacy, 53–54
Privacy Protection Act, 171, 174, 176
Proctor, Samuel D., 100
Project Gunrunner initiative, 130–31
pro-life movement, 80–82
Pruitt, Gary, 170
Public Affairs Office, 115–16
Quinn, Jack, 18, 118
race-neutral enforcement of civil rights, 93–102
racial quotas, 78, 89
racial views, 47, 78, 100–101
racism, 12–13
raids, Gibson Guitar, 23–29, 33–34
rails-to-trails lawsuits, 30–33
Randolph, Edmund Jennings, 20
Rausser, Gordon C., 108
Reagan, Ronald, 211
Redenbaugh, Russell, 88
regulations, creation of new, 35–40, 210–11, 213
Reid, Harry, 146–47, 214
Reid, Richard, 151–52
religion, hostility toward, 50–51, 82
Reno, Janet, 5, 17, 155
reparations, 103, 107, 111
reporters, leak investigations, 169–78
Reyes, Sean, 66
Rich, Marc, 17–18, 46, 118–19, 126, 155
Robert F. Kennedy Building, 21
Roberts, John, 57–58
Rodriguez, Ida, 154
Rohrabacher, Dana, 113
Roman, Khalil, 184
Romney, Mitt, 5
Rosen, James, 1–3, 8, 41, 125, 173–77
Rosenstein, Rod, 168
Rostenkowski, Dan, 14
Rowan, Carl, Jr., 14–15, 63
Rubin, Jennifer, 121
Rubio, Marco, 144
rule-making, 35–40, 210–11, 213
rule of law, 41, 64, 216–17
Ryan, Paul, 77
Sachtleben, Donald, 171–72
Sackett v. EPA, 51–53
same sex marriage, 64–68
San Francisco Chronicle, 109
Sanger, David, 167, 168, 180
Scalia, Antonin, 53
Schmaler, Tracy, 115–17
school vouchers, 77–78
Schuham, Aaron D., 51
SEAL Team 6, 178–80
search warrants, 1–3, 53, 171, 174–75, 195
Seitz, Virginia, 46–49
Senate, presidential appointment confirmation, 47–49
Senate Judiciary Committee
Fast and Furious investigation, 141–42, 144–45
IRS scandal investigation, 4–5
sentencing guidelines, 60–61
separation of powers, 41–42, 48–49, 58–68
September 11, 2001, 152–53, 204
settlement agreements and consent decrees
collusive arrangements with advocacy groups, 210–14
“sue and settle” process, 35–40
transparency, 212–14
sexual harassment, 84–87
Shapiro, Ilya, 56
Shelby, Robert, 66
Shelby County v. Holder, 92
Sherrod, Charles, 105
Sherrod, Shirley, 105
shoe bomber, 151–52
Sierra Club, 35
Sinaloa Cartel, 132
Siskel, Edward, 122
Slavery by Another Name, 12
Somin, Ilya, 50
Sotomayor, Sonia, 53–54
South Carolina, voter ID law, 92
Spann, Mike, 158
special counsel appointments, 5, 6
special interest groups. See advocacy groups
Speer, Christopher, 157
Speulda, Philip, 16
State Department
Blackwater Worldwide, 164–66
State Department leaks, 125, 173–76
Stuxnet virus leaks, 168–69
state law and powers, 66–68
statute of limitations, 54–55
Stewart, Malcolm, 57
St. Paul, Minn. quid pro quo case, 79–80, 113–14
Strassel, Kim, 30
Stringfellow, John, 103, 107
Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), 10
Stuxnet virus leak, 167–69
“sue and settle” cases, 35–40
Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act, 213
Superior Court of District of Columbia, 13–14
Supreme Court, U.S., 50–58, 66–67, 79–80. See also specific cases
surveillance, 46, 53–54, 153
Swango, Natalie, 27
Sweizer, Donald, 60
takings of private property, 30–33, 54
Taliban, 158, 179, 180
taxation, 56
Tea Party Nation, 116
terrorism and terrorists
CIA enhanced interrogation techniques, 160–64
due process for, 151–53
FALN pardons, 153–56
lawyers hired by DOJ after pro bono work for, 156–60
Terry, Brian, 3, 122–23, 130, 140
Texas, voter ID law, 92
Thiessen, Marc, 163–64
Thomas, John, 28
Time, 17
Tobin, Charles, 177
Tolleson, Lee Allen, 190
torture, 160–61
transparency, 167, 199, 213–14
Treasury Department, 213–14
Turley, Jonathan, 41–42, 58
Twenty-third Amendment, 43
Uniform Relocation Assistance Act, 32
universities and colleges, 84–88
University of Montana, 85
Univision, 148
UN Security Council, 173
Urbina, Ricardo, 165–66
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, 54
U.S. Attorneys, 61, 138, 149
U.S. Court of Appeals, 30–31
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 104. See also Pigford cases
U.S. Department of Justice. See Justice Department
U.S. State Department. See State Department
U.S. Supreme Court, 50–58, 66–67, 79–80. See also specific cases
U.S. Treasury Department, 213–14
Utah, same-sex marriage, 66
Utility Air Regulatory Group, 39
Valentin, Carmen, 154
Vanderboegh, Mike, 116
Vaughn, Karen, 178
Vitter, David, 35
Volokh, Eugene, 16
von Spakovsky, Hans, 95–96, 116, 125–26
voter ID laws, 89, 90–92, 95, 98
voter registration, 89–90, 92–93
Voth, Dave, 137
voting rights, 42–46, 73, 89–94
Voting Rights Act (1965), 62–63, 90, 92, 93
Wall Street Journal, 17, 80, 118, 206
Walsh, Joe, 144
Walton, Reggie, 119
warrantless searches and surveillance, 46, 49, 153, 195
Washington, D.C., voting rights, 42–46
Washington Post, 77–78, 121, 138–40, 167, 171
Watergate scandal, 146, 147, 167, 201
Weich, Ronald, 142, 144, 145
Wertz, Becky, 76–77
West, Tony, 109, 157–58
Whelan, Ed, 44, 45, 63, 66–67
r /> whistleblowers, 141–42
Wichita abortion clinic case, 80–81
Wide Receiver ATF Operation, 131
WikiLeaks, 133
Wilkinson, Monty, 122–23
Williams, Seth, 64
Windsor, U.S. v., 66–67
women, USDA discrimination case, 108–9
Worcester v. Georgia, 216
World News Tonight, 172
Yemen bombing plot leak, 169–70
Yoo, John, 203–6
York, Byron, 69
Youngstown Sheet & Tube case, 6–7
Zero Dark Thirty, 179
JOHN FUND is a nationally recognized columnist and author whose work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Esquire, and the New Republic. He has written several books that touch on Justice Department issues, including Stealing Elections and Cleaning House. He has also collaborated with bestselling authors such as Rush Limbaugh on their books.
HANS VON SPAKOVSKY, now a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, is a former presidential appointee to the Federal Election Commission, serving there from 2006 to 2007. He is also a former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Justice Department. He is the coauthor (with John Fund) of Who’s Counting: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk.
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Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk
Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens
Our Democracy
OBAMA’S ENFORCER. Copyright © 2014 by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
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