Dragon Born
Page 5
She looked over Darubai from her where she stood. The hospital wasn’t that far up the mountain face, but it did afford her a view of the tops of the buildings. From her vantage it wasn’t hard to imagine nothing had happened to the city. The tops of the buildings looked whole from where she stood.
She could make out scouts here and there in some of the domed tops of buildings—sentries keeping watch for another dragon attack. It had been weeks since dragons tried to take the city and had been fought back. They had barely made it through the assault. Even still they’d lost a good number of soldiers in the fight and a few wyverns had been carried away…for whatever reason. Millie imagined the dragons had feasted on them well that night.
Her gaze wandered over the handful of wyverns drifting through currents of air high above the city, watching for hostile wyrms. She saw Josef approach. He was small as far as wyverns went, and blue which meant he had control of water and they wouldn’t go thirsty on their voyage. She wondered if that’s why he’d been selected. It was strange that Josef, a common soldier among wyverns, had been selected to go with her. She hadn’t questioned it though; she didn’t know what qualifications he might have or what other reasons the clutch commander had for choosing him. In his back talons, he carried a travel pack and a sword.
Millie called to the wyvern soul within her. She felt the wyrm answer her call. Invisible wings enveloped her as a shiver of power ran up her spine. The wyvern came forth and like shedding a pair of clothes, Millie transformed from human to wyvern. She stretched her arms wide and felt the play of air over her green scales.
Gripping her travel pack and sword in her back talons, she pushed off from the rock cut. A few powerful wing strokes later, she had joined Josef and they headed south-east.
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