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Enemies on All Sides (Maraukian War Book 4)

Page 28

by Michael Chatfield

  Kovyas took a breath and continued forward. There was no going back now.

  Chapter Sixty

  The Crucible

  Ark, Emarl System


  “Maraukian insertion barges have been seen at the outer reaches of the Sacremon system. They are three weeks’ transit from the planet,” Sarah informed Mark.

  He was overlooking the training of the new candidates when she informed him.

  He let out a tired sigh, as old memories surfaced from his time on Sacremon. Some good, most bad.

  “There is nothing that we can do,” Mark said, feeling all of his years. “We are under attack ourselves and even when we found out about the first alert, our ships wouldn’t be fast enough to reach the planet and help them. We’ve sent them information through back channels so that they might make some kind of defense and survive.”

  He knew that the chances of the people from Sacremon surviving were extremely low. To the point that he had written off the Sacremon system.

  He only had the power to secure the Emarl system. It was not his job to look after everyone. He would hold Emarl against all attackers, and then they would go and see just what that damned signal was and see if they couldn’t put an end to this war against the Maraukians and whoever was commanding them.

  This was his promise to himself and the people under his command. He would put them first before others. They’d fought other people’s battles; it was time that they looked to their own. If others wanted to come to the Emarl system and join their cause, that was their choice.

  It was harsh but it was realistic.

  “In the meantime, we best prepare for the Luyten’s military forces.” Mark closed the hologram. He was in his office once again. On the wall, there were pictures: old ones recovered of Tyler and Alexis’s wedding, the Triple-Twos, when they had graduated training and become official troopers.

  So many of those goofy and smiling faces of those who had died all too soon.

  Mark looked at each and every one of them, just remembering them. A soft smile appeared on his lips.

  “Time to get back to work. There’s a lot to be done.” He walked around to his desk, feeling those pictures behind him as he started to work through the never-ending reports and information slips passed to him.

  They might not have had a place to call their own, but they’d had a family. Now he wanted to see those like them had a place to call their home, a safe harbor in the chaos.

  Chapter Sixty-One


  Tricticus, Emarl System


  High King Hael Desialias let out a sigh as the projection in his office that showed the movements of the Emarl system highlighted two more vessels that were entering the system from the outer reaches.

  “Is something the matter, my king?” General Orbel asked.

  “Nothing, Orbel. It’s just that when we started this agreement with the Victor Corporation, they were giving us good terms as we had the strength of numbers and people on our side. It is only now that I am realizing how kind they were being in their terms.” Hael moved to where the two EMFCs were cruising across the system for the Yard, where there were another ten EMFCs in various stages of refit.

  His eyes moved to the station. Its first ring was nearing completion. Docked to it, there were two upgraded troop transports. Another two orbited the planet as the troopers aboard went through training on the new ships and the new equipment they had.

  “I feel that I’m becoming obsolete,” Orbel joked.

  “I think you might be on Tricticus,” Hael said, commiserating with his general.

  “That’s fine with me,” Orbel reassured his friend. “They’ve got more advanced weapon systems, armor, and ships than the legion. It’s clear that they aren’t just readying themselves for the Luyten forces. They’re getting ready to invade.”

  “The Union?” Hael looked up from the hologram.

  “Nothing like that. It’s clear that they only want to have a say in the operation of Emarl. They’re done fighting meaningless wars.”

  “So the Maraukians? But the Maraukians are endless. Even the Union hasn’t defeated them in hundreds of years.” Hael frowned.

  “It’s the hunch of an old general.” Orbel shrugged.

  Hael looked to the Yard and the ships that lay there before moving his eyes to the roving patrols of ships around the system.

  Whatever they’re planning, it isn’t simple.

  Hael shook his head. He didn’t know what the future would bring, but he was sure of one thing: when the Luyten Conglomerate arrived, they would not be expecting what the Emarl system had to offer.

  Even he, watching it all, was surprised as mega freighters appeared from the black with all manner of resources and legionnaires. The Ark’s true nature had been revealed and Earth Military Force carriers had joined with the forces of Emarl, creating an influx of nearly two million people at this point. And more were coming. The Promise, Hope, and Novum were loaded with people and different items. The Fernix was just months away from returning with three refining stations and thousands of miners, as well as their families.

  There was still another nine EMFCs that were inbound for Emarl and a train of freighters to and from Osdal had been set up with freighters slated to go through the Masoul system to pick up materials and stragglers on their return journey.

  Thousands were being trained in the different skill schools, or joining the military branch of the Victor Corporation.

  The Yard was actually expanding as it pushed out its eighth mega freighter, creating more room to create supply ships, battleships, and carriers for the war effort.

  Then there was also the Aegean gardens that were hurtling through space toward them. With it all, Hael was feeling more and more that they were lucky to have made the deals they had with the Victor Corporation. Even a small slice of what was happening in the system would be a great benefit to them all.

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  VCF Avenger

  Emarl System


  The plot started to resolve itself before Captain Marcelle.

  The bridge was quiet as the information rolled in about the system.

  “Looks like we found the party place,” Marcelle’s second-in-command, Bollard, said with a grin.

  “Looks like we have,” Marcelle said.

  “We have an incoming transmission from Admiral Hall.”

  “On screen,” Marcelle said, righting himself. He had served with Admiral Hall when taking the Osdal system. He had remained in support as Hall and other EMFCs charged off toward Fernix and then Earth.

  “Look what the cat dragged in.” Hall had a few more wrinkles but he was still the same person as he looked at the crew.

  Those who knew him smiled while others looked at the vaunted EMFC captain turned admiral with interest.

  “Admiral.” Marcelle smiled in greeting.

  “Good to see you, Marcelle. We’ll have to get together over a few cold ones. As you can see, things are a bit crazy here, but don’t worry—we didn’t forget about you guys. We’ve got a mooring location near the Yard, if you want to get that EMFC off your hands?”

  “We’ve agreed as the crew to sell the carrier over to the Victor Corporation,” Marcelle said.

  “Good! Then beers are on you!” Hall laughed.

  “Cheap bastard.” Marcelle laughed. It was good to see the other.

  “Frugal, my friend, frugal.” Hall winked. “Once we’ve completed the handover, then applicants to the skill schools will get a ride down to Tricticus. Those wanting to stay a trooper will be moved to the station or one of our newly upgraded troop transports. That might look a bit familiar to you all.” Hall’s tone dipped, as if letting them in on an inside joke.

  Marcelle rolled his eyes at Hall. His rank might have changed but his sense of humor was the same.

  “Then, for those looking to retire, we’ve got plenty of options. We’re going to send over t
he information pamphlets in just a few so don’t worry—you’ll have something to do on your flight over here! I’ve got to run, but see you soon!” Hall cut the channel as Marcelle received a private message.

  “Sorry about the smoke and mirrors but we will be checking over everyone on the ship. Don’t want any spies in the ranks.” Hall’s voice sounded in Marcelle’s ear.

  They had already removed most of the corporation supporters, either leaving them on ice or putting them on trial for any transgressions that they’d caused.

  Marcelle could understand Hall’s reasoning and continued on as if nothing had happened.

  “Navigation, take us in,” Marcelle ordered.

  The EMFC Avenger’s engines and thrusters fired as they followed the flight plan they had been given, guiding them into the system.

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  Shuttle 417

  Roma, Hellenic System


  It had been a hell of a journey so far into the depths of Hellenica, and Moretti had used all of his skills to get things started and moving. There were times he wished this wasn’t how it would happen. Everything was slow, laborious. But, it was the way things had to be. From the Wind Snapper to a station; from there, shuttle to shuttle, then to his first planet. Then closer and closer he had weaved his way and his operatives in toward his main goal: Roma.

  Now finally he stepped off the shuttle under someone else’s name, and the first thing he really needed to do was find somewhere secure to operate from.

  His contact there was an old retired legionnaire who Nerva had put him in touch with. He had to make his way across this city toward him and then to Roma.

  Seeing the city in these circumstances was difficult. The presence of the Union and the legionnaires who were almost casually walking about had him on edge. Checkpoints in and out were everywhere. Their reasons were validated. No one wanted the wrong person to get close to the senate or to the palace, but that made his job more difficult. His IDs would now either hold up, or once more he’d be discovered.

  Moretti followed the line off the shuttle platforms and out into the checkpoint system. He’d managed to move several key families away from where the shit would eventually hit. Now he needed to be in the central hub of where the Shadow Legion’s operations would take place. Every single person on the list Zedra had given him had two sets of operations on them. One of hers, and one of his. Together they’d managed to infiltrate every single major player’s office, house, and workers. Even Moretti had been impressed with the attention to detail from Zedra’s men. Getting to know and work with new tech, and sliding in un-noticed by those around him—they were not people to trifle with.

  The line moved slow and Moretti waited patiently, his nerves calm, his manners matching those of everyone around him.

  When he approached the guard at the gate, he smiled and held out his palm for ID. The guard scanned him, smiled back and let him through.

  No complications. Pulling up an image of the city, Moretti then made his way out into the street to get a shuttle bus to the other side, where his contact waited. It was little more than an hour before he entered the secure facility and was shown to an office door. Moretti knocked and waited to be called inside. When he sat, Sennia Caleta greeted him with a nod. She wore loose clothes, and her graying hair was tied neatly back. She didn’t look a day older than he was.

  “Good to finally meet you.” She held out a hand for him to shake and he did so briefly.

  “Agreed. We’ve been talking for over a month now. It’s nice to sit and converse for real.”

  “Has it been that long already?” She pulled up several files in front of her. Nothing was digital here; everything, it seemed, was old school. At the end of her desk sat an incinerator.

  “I’ve been collecting data as you asked and I’ve scheduled you to meet with Legate Zedra’s second-in-command, Sertoria. Once you’re there, she will fill you in more on the goings-on at Rimateus’s science base.”

  Moretti felt the shiver up his spine. There’d been many thoughts and nightmares for what could happen if Rimateus could create mergers. No matter how much they’d all been assured it was impossible, Moretti was not one for believing in “impossible.” He’d pulled that off more times than he’d counted. So now, he—no, they—had to get this right. Rimateus could not do this. Seeing the facility and meeting with Sertoria was paramount to all their next moves. Then all he had to do was get into the palace, where things would really start to come together. Talking with Zedra happened more often than he thought it would. But the network was extra secure and he hadn’t worried once about information getting across to the wrong people.

  But Rimateus was watching everything around them. Bringing out the Shadow Legion had his back up and although he was occupied with Emarl, Moretti also knew he would never let his guard down on Roma. As long as this was taking to maneuver into place, it was at a pace where no one was suspected. Getting into the palace, though, was going to be his toughest challenge yet. Every person was scrutinized beyond anything Moretti’d witnessed before. Rimateus and those who helped him had this same kind of clampdown in the last month or so. Food shortages and rations, it seemed, brought out the worst in everyone.

  Sennia passed him the paper file and he took it. He read through her schedule. “We’re on task, that’s all I need to know.” And then into the incinerator it went.

  “You can stay at the safe house. No one will question you in and out.” She passed him the address.

  “Thank you. We’ll talk again.”

  Moretti made to leave, but she stopped him with nothing but a look. “Don’t fret. It will all be over soon enough. This internal rot will not spread any further.”

  “Good. There are over two billion people here depending on you that it doesn’t.” Moretti turned away. He couldn’t let her see the sudden fear that gripped him. When he left, though, that fear had gone. He knew his strengths and doing this was possible—no, destined.

  Rimateus would not win.

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  VCF Fernix

  Emarl System


  Johnny waved away his quibbling descendants as he moved up to the observation deck. He was already in better health as he had been able to get some age-aiding treatments from Captain Grild.

  “Looks like you made it out as well.” Felicia walked up beside him.

  “You want to keep it down?” Carly complained from where she sat.

  The three of them smiled at one another as they embarked on another adventure.

  They only had to look out of the observation glass to see that they were in a new system, with different stars around.

  Johnny sent a command to the observation bubble, showing a map of the system.

  “So now the important stuff?” Carly half asked/complained.

  “I’ll leave that all up to you guys. I’m off,” Felicia said.

  “Off?” Johnny asked.

  “There be asteroids out there. I’ve got a ship, sensor data, and an allotment to fill. I ain’t going to be doing that from here,” Felicia said with her hands on her hips. Hints of her rebellious youth came back through.

  Johnny smiled and raised a hand. “Good luck out there.”

  Felicia took his hand with a smile on her face. “Keep the lights on, old man. I’ll be back with a big haul soon enough!”

  “Looking forward to it. Big haulers are my best customers,” Johnny said. The blood in his body started to boil as the pressures of the last few months and years fell away.

  He could get back to doing what he loved without a worry for the corporations.

  “That’s what I like to hear!” Felicia walked away, heading for her old Gold Runner and the fleet of mining ships that she had built up over the years.

  “Grild says it will take a month in total before we’re able to get all of the refineries where they’re supposed to be,” Carly said.

  “I heard,” Johnny said. They�
�d been reviewing information ever since they entered the system. They’d found the positions that looked to have both short-term and long-term viability, when talking to the mining crews who were already mining and the others who had come with them from Osdal.

  Those that had made it into Emarl beforehand already had their new mining ships from the Victor Corporation and were making out what they thought were the best asteroids to mine.

  It was a whole new system, abound with opportunities.

  Johnny couldn’t help but smile, excited to see what would happen.

  Chapter Sixty-Five

  Generic Bar

  Roma, Hellenic System


  Sertoria was also not someone to be messed with. Moretti learned that the first time he met her, although unlike Zedra, she had a wicked sense of humor.

  Their scheduled meeting hadn’t happened as planned because she was stuck inside the facility.

  He instead had to wait for her to surface. Another week or so had passed. Moretti hadn’t let it bother him; he had to be patient. No communication would happen till she was fully clear. The information he knew she would have was paramount.

  It was while he contemplated his next move, sitting and drinking a local homebrew, that she showed up. He’d picked a random bar, a place where people met for all sorts of reasons, mostly sex. And his nights there had been spent fending off the odd drunken woman or two, or actually taking them up on their offers of a good time. Blending in was both hard work and fun.

  Tonight, though, he’d spotted her across the room and made eye contact, and eventually after having a few drinks, some shots and a dance or two, she made a couple of passes at random strangers, then she made it to his table.


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