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A Week for Love to Bloom

Page 4

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  Chapter Seven

  Lauren woke up Sunday morning with joy in her heart. Behind her curtain, she looked out at the property. Beyond the backyard, colorful wildflowers were blooming on rolling hills. Behind that were woods that turned a brilliant red and orange in the fall. Lauren never took her home for granted. She enjoyed every season and knew she was blessed to get to work among nature every day.

  Seeing her mom busy outside watering the plants, she decided to do some paper work before they opened. As she sorted through papers, Lauren picked up Justin’s brother’s receipt and glanced at the name.

  Jonathan Garrison. Ugh, he’s a Garrison. I knew he was out of my league. Andrew was right. I know absolutely nothing about the man who I let stick his tongue in my mouth!

  She threw the receipt back into the wire bin before slamming the door behind her as she sulked outside.

  At nine o’clock, Ashley arrived to work. She found Lauren picking off the wilted, soft petals of purple Dianthus before she moved them out for display.

  “Lauren, you have to tell me all about last night. Did he kiss you again? When are you going to see him next?” Lauren continued to work while Ashley probed. “I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed a kiss that hot and heavy.”

  “We’re getting busy, Ash. I’ll tell you the details at lunch, but yes, I’m supposed to see him again this evening.”

  “I knew it. Andrew told Justin to stay away from you if he was leaving town again. He didn’t even listen for five minutes. He better not hurt you, Lauren. I’ll go to California myself and find that damn oilrig,” Ashley said.


  “Yes, oilrig. Weird, huh? I thought so, too. Andrew claims he dropped out of college with only one year left and took off to California to work with their friend Max on an oilrig. Justin seems to be the rebel of the family. His brother Jonathan is like his dad, all wrapped up in the law business. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Lauren stopped working and looked at Ashley. “Like I told you last night, I’m a big girl. It’s my life, and I’ll determine how far to let it go. I mean, does Andrew know for sure that he’s going back to California?”

  “He said they didn’t get a chance to discuss it, but I know from the past he never stays.”

  “I can’t believe he’s a Garrison. I hardly see his brother, but I should have recognized him from that stupid billboard in town with his picture on it. I was so shocked to see Justin ‘the hitchhiker’ here that I didn’t make the connection. Will it make you feel better if I get some answers from him?” Lauren asked.

  Ashley pointed a finger at her. “Yes, and I’ll be waiting to hear the details.”


  Justin awoke from Jack yelling “mama” and “dada” throughout different parts of the house. Little Jack looked just like Jonathan, and Justin couldn’t help but wonder if his own kids would look just like him. His mind flashed to Lauren, and he became flustered for painting her picture in his mind when he thought of having children. Having showered the night before to “cool himself off”, Justin dressed and walked into the kitchen.

  Jonathan was at the table reading the Sunday paper when he peered over it to speak to Justin. “So, were you with Beth last night? I really doubt you were at the store buying snacks until wee hours of the morning.”

  “I went out with Andrew.”

  “How is Andrew? Is he still working at the cardboard factory?”

  “I guess so, I didn’t get to talk to him about it.”

  “How’s that if you were with him?”

  “We um, ended up meeting his fiancé Ashley and her friend out somewhere.”

  “Who’s her friend? Anyone we know?”

  “Believe it or not, she was that girl from the garden place, Lauren Evans. Once again it was a surprise, but what’s with the twenty questions this morning?”

  “It’s odd you ran into her again. Look, I haven’t heard much good about her family recently.”

  “Like what? I thought Emily loved the place?”

  “She does, but you know nothing about that woman.”

  “Yeah, and I won’t know anything if I don’t talk to her. Stop trying to tell me what to do and what not to do. I like her. God, you started, and it’s not even ten o’clock.”

  “I’ll shut up. Just sit down and eat. What do you want to do today?”

  “I want to go fishing,” Justin answered.

  “Sure, where?”

  Justin paused. “My place.”


  “I’m surprised you want to go fishing at your property. You never want to go there,” Jonathan said as he and Justin gathered fishing supplies from the garage.

  “I know, but now I do. I didn’t want to tell you yet because I know you’ll get a hundred steps ahead of me, but I quit my job and enrolled back into Vanderbilt for the fall semester.”

  Jonathan grabbed the back of Justin’s shoulder. “That’s so good to hear, bro. I’ve never understood your appeal to that job. Does this mean you’re considering building on your property?”

  “I thought about it some last night, but it’s doubtful, so like I tell you all the time, don’t start harassing me about it.”

  “I’ll try to back off. I’m relieved you left that place. Now let’s go catch some damn fish.”


  “I forgot how peaceful it is out here,” Justin said as he looked around at the panoramic piece of land.

  “A house would look awesome up on that hill right there,” Jonathan said, pointing to a hilltop that made way for a spectacular view of the lake and meadow. “Grandpa and Gran left you this spot because they pictured you here with a family. They wanted you to settle down in Masonville. Dad pays for the upkeep of this land every summer in hopes you’ll come back for good.”

  “I know, and I’m grateful for that. It was generous of them to leave us property.” Justin turned and eyed the hilltop. He imagined a house with a big wrap around porch and rocking chairs. Once again, he pictured Lauren. This time she was rocking on the porch.

  He became anxious as his mind started racing with “what ifs”. He decided it was time to leave. “Are you ready to head out?”

  “I’m ready if you are,” Jonathan answered before they packed up their stuff and climbed into the truck.

  “I try to give Emily a break from cooking on Sunday's, so I’m going to light up the grill. What sounds good?”

  “Actually, I already have plans with Lauren. I think I’m going to move over to the guest house at Mom and Dad’s tomorrow since I plan on sticking around for a while.”

  “I’m glad you’re home, Justin, but I’ll be happy to see you leave in a couple of months for college, so don't let that chick side track you from your goals.”

  “You make an excellent attorney, but I’m thinking dictatorship might’ve been a loftier goal. It suits you better.”

  Jonathan reached over and put his hand on the side of Justin’s face before he shoved it toward the passenger window.

  “I know you think you’re all buff now, but I can still kick your ass if necessary, little bro.”

  “Yeah, you wish.”

  A truck drove toward them as they made their way down the gravel road.

  “Who the hell is that? Nobody is supposed to be out here,” Jonathan said as he pulled a pistol out from under the seat.

  “Whoa, when did you start packin?”

  “When I got a wife and kid to protect.”

  “Just stay here, and I’ll go talk to him,” Justin said.

  “I got your back, bro.”

  “Then don’t point that thing toward my back.” Justin walked in front of the truck. About that time, a man got out and met him half way. Justin guessed him to be in his seventies.

  “Howdy. Sorry to disturb you, but do you own this land?”

  “I sure do. What can I help you with?”

  “My name is Sam, and I’m your neighbor over there.” The man was pointing to the right. “Would you be i
nterested in selling this place? If so, I’d really be interested in buying it. I saw you were leaving, so I drove over. I never see anyone out here.”

  “I’ve thought about it many times, but I think I’m going to hold on to it for now. I know where I can find you if I change my mind.”

  “How many acres do you have here?”

  “There’s five, sir.”

  “Keep me in mind,” Sam said, tilting his ball cap before he walked back to his truck.

  Jonathan was anxiously waiting for Justin to fill him in.

  “He’s just interested in buying the property. He’s a neighbor.”

  “You told him it’ll never be for sale in his lifetime, right?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Justin couldn’t guarantee he’d keep the property, but he wasn’t in the mood for an argument, especially after such a good day with his brother.

  Riding home, Justin was feeling nervous about his date with Lauren. “How did you know Emily was the one?”

  “I knew because every time I told her goodbye, I missed her instantly. I wanted her the first second I saw her. It’s mushy shit, but I had to be near her. Don’t you remember? I acted like a desperate fool trying to win her over.”

  Justin became light-headed. He felt that same way about Lauren, and he recalled how he missed her the night before after he took her home. He wanted to talk to Jonathan about it, but after some of his brother’s comments about Lauren, he didn’t feel it was the right time.

  Chapter Eight

  Lauren finished the workday and went to shower. Her mother was going to church and then over to her friend’s to do some quilting, so Lauren didn't have to tell her about Justin yet, which is how she wanted it.

  The day was much warmer, so she decided to wear navy shorts, a white tank top, and her hair in a ponytail. She smiled in the mirror with excitement as she applied her make-up. Marching downstairs, Lauren prayed that after their date, she wouldn’t feel out of his league.

  She tried not to drool over how hot he looked in his dark brown cargo shorts that hung low on his hips. The light blue t-shirt he was wearing allowed the contour of his biceps to show through the sleeves. He had on tennis shoes and black shades. Lauren began chuckling when she recognized the food bags he was carrying. They were from “Momma’s Country Kitchen”. The restaurant had been on the town square for years.

  Justin walked up the steps of her porch. “Hi, are you already laughing at me?”

  Lauren felt the butterflies stirring when she saw his charming grin. “No, just laughing about our supper. I think everyone in this town enjoys her cooking.”

  “Betty is getting up there in age. She was there when I was a little boy. I didn't know what you liked, so I bought a few different things.”

  Lauren showed Justin to the kitchen that stretched across the back of the house. She wondered what he was thinking as she watched him admire the property with intensity.

  She smiled at him. “Would you mind eating outside? The flowers in the field are blooming, and they’re lovely to look at.”

  “Sounds great.”

  Lauren fixed drinks and grabbed a blanket before she led them far from the house to a tree. He laid out a few different sandwiches, French fries and fried okra. He also bought a small container of cut up fruit at the market.

  It wasn’t going unnoticed that Justin was being particularly thoughtful. “All this looks great. Thanks for bringing it. My mom usually cooks while I finish up outside, but she’s at church and then she’s going to a friend’s tonight.”

  “If we’re going to share meals, we should know a little more about each other, so start talking,” he said.

  Did he say meals—plural?

  Lauren caught herself staring into his forget-me-not flower colored eyes. “I’m an only child…” Lauren proceeded to tell Justin about her upbringing. She shared with him the history of the property and about her passion for horticulture.

  “I have fond memories of playing in this yard and helping my grandparents plant flowers in little, black, plastic containers. They were preparing me to take over the business from a young age.” Lauren looked out toward the wildflowers solemnly. “I had no idea they were planting a seed in my soul.”

  “You miss them,” Justin said as he placed her hand into his.

  “Yes, very much. I was really close to them. There’s been a lot of changes in my life the last five years.”

  “I miss mine, too. They were great.”

  Lauren didn’t mention her father. She was stunned she confessed such personal feelings about her grandparents. She never spoke about missing them to anyone.

  Justin squeezed her hand tighter. The touch from Justin’s warm, calloused hand excited her as she pictured him doing some sort of physical labor. She got the same warm feeling she had in the shower when she envisioned his manly hands touching her all over.

  I have to think about something else. Why do I want him so badly?

  “Tell me about this oilrig you’ve been working on,” she said.

  Justin shared what it was like, and Lauren felt so much respect for him after hearing how hard and dangerous of a job it was. She wanted to ask him if he was going back to California but couldn’t get the nerve. Also, she was enjoying his funny stories about his buddies too much to talk about something so serious. They discussed music, movies, favorite foods, and they laughed a lot. It was getting dark, so Lauren asked Justin if he wanted to go inside.

  They were almost facing each other as they sat sideways on the sofa. The only light in the room was from the television on mute.

  His face is beautiful. So is his mouth. He needs to kiss me with it—everywhere. What the hell?? You horny, teenager! Stop it!

  “You’re easy to talk to, Lauren.”

  “Thank you. I’ve been thinking the same about you.”

  And other things you can do with your mouth besides speak.

  Lauren noticed the same lust in Justin’s hooded eyes as the night before. He tugged gently on a piece of the front of her tank top near her waist. “It’s a real turn on how independent you are. I’ve never had the privilege of knowing a woman like you.”

  She reached up and ran her hand through the back of his hair. The sides and back were cut short, but she loved how the top had a messy, tangled look. She imagined it would look that way for sure after they made love. Leaning in slowly with a sensual gaze, she gave him a soft, lingering kiss.

  Lauren pulled back just enough to take a shallow breath.

  “The sweet things you say … turn me on,” she whispered.

  Swiftly, Justin lowered her down on the other end of the couch and laid on top of her, cupping both sides of her flushed face. His cool tongue from the ice he chewed was in her mouth fast, sweeping it provocatively.

  The chill of his tongue mixed with the warmth of his breath stimulated her senses. She taste his mouth, saw the burning hunger in his gaze, and heard his harsh breathing. She kissed him back with complete freedom, reveling in the manly scent of his cologne as a wave of tingling pleasure traveled through her body, leaving her throbbing in her pleasure spots. The next thing Lauren felt was him hard against her.

  Justin stopped abruptly and pushed himself up with the arm of the sofa. Now he was standing above her with one knee on the couch next to her and his other leg planted on the floor.

  “I'm sorry. I—I’m sorry I lost control.” He closed his eyes and blew out a deep breath. “You’re just … you’re so sexy and extremely hard to resist.”

  Hearing his hot compliment only fueled her craving. Lauren reached up and grabbed the back of his neck with both hands. “Then don't,” she said assertively as she pulled him back down on top of her, blowing in his ear and teasing it between her teeth.

  Justin let out a low but long growl as he buried his face in her neck, licking and sucking it. With one hand he gripped the arm of the couch, and with fervor he shoved the other one behind her back and down to her ass, squeezing it hard. She felt his erection pressing d
eeper against her shorts.

  “If you don’t stop us, Lauren, I’m not going to be able to,” he whispered into her ear.

  His mouth moved to hers, and he gently grabbed hold of her bottom lip with his teeth, slowly sucking it in before letting go.

  “I have wanted to devour your sweet mouth all evening,” he said.

  Defenseless against his erotic words, she kissed him hard, flooding him with frenzied passion. Lauren twisted his hair with her clutching fingers, wholly lost in lust.

  He squeezed her ass harder, pushing it upward against his erection. She tried to stop but could only remove her lips from his long enough to get out a few sentences.

  “Shit. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I mean, I know, but it’s not like me,” she said between ragged breaths.

  He began kissing her softly and moved his hand up from her bottom to her lower back, rubbing it gently under her shirt as he slowed his breathing.

  Lauren could feel that he was stopping them from going any further and could plainly see that it was taking all the strength he had. She was making him do all the work, unable to do it herself. They kissed gently and sensuously for several minutes, only stopping occasionally to relish in the others stunning eyes.

  She felt a wave of emotion welling up inside of her. Never having experienced that kind of passion before, she didn’t know how to articulate in her mind what her body was feeling. Lauren realized she was giving a piece of her heart away to a man she knew for two days, and it scared the shit out of her. She couldn’t imagine feeling that kind of chemistry and desire again in her lifetime—only with him.

  “I’m sorry, but you should go. I haven't had a chance to tell my mom about you, and this wouldn’t make the best first impression.”

  He kissed her forehead and pushed himself up to sit on the couch. She sat up next to him, trying to regain her composure.


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