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A Week for Love to Bloom

Page 10

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  Lauren frowned with uncertainty.

  “Get dressed, and we’ll go out for a while. You’ve used up all my energy, so to keep up with you I need food.”

  “Are you getting tired of me already?”

  “Oh, I haven’t even begun with you. You have no idea the amount of exploring left to do.”

  She beamed at him with excitement and yearning.


  Waiting on their lunch at “Momma’s Country Kitchen”, Justin reminded her she hadn’t told him about her dad. They stayed an hour while she filled him in on the bizarre and disturbing details. He repeatedly watched her fight back tears.

  Justin kept squeezing her hand as she opened up to him. He didn’t want to see her hurting, but he liked seeing a vulnerable side of her. He admired Lauren’s independence, but he also longed for her to need him, not just want him. He wanted to be her protector and her impenetrable shield from pain.

  “Lauren, you amaze me more with every conversation. You’ve been so strong through all of this. Your fortitude has made me realize I’ve been running from my problems for years. I’m not going to be that person anymore, but I wouldn’t go back and change the past because every walk on that road led me to you.”

  Justin’s frequent boyish grin spread across his face. “Literally, the walk on that road led me to you, and you better remember, no matter how sweet I am, you’ll get a swift kick in that all mine, sexy ass of yours if you ever pick up a hitchhiker again. Do you hear me, young lady?”

  “That was—hot.” Lauren bit the corner of her bottom lip and shifted in her chair.

  “If that’s the kind of thoughts running through that pretty head of yours, then I need to get you back into my bed.”

  The owner Betty was at the counter when Justin went up to pay for their meal.

  “Justin, so good to see you again. I’ve known you and Lauren a long time. With you being gone so long, I never would’ve thought of you two together, but now, seeing it with my own eyes, you two are perfect for each other.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so, and not to mention the heat sizzling between you two, it’s like my kitchen,” Betty said, cackling. “Not that I was being nosy or anything.”

  Justin cocked an eyebrow and smiled. “Thanks for another good meal, Ms. Betty.”

  “I was looking for a mint in my purse and saw that I’ve been carrying around money that I need to deposit for work. Do you mind taking me to the bank?” Lauren asked as she and Justin walked to his truck.

  “Of course not, I’ll drive you right over. Which bank do you use?”

  “Mason County, but don’t worry, you can wait in the car, so you don’t have to see her.”

  “Maybe I’d like her to see us together.”

  “This is our time. I don’t want her on your mind even in a negative way.”

  “No worries there, baby. You’re the only one on my mind, but I’ll wait in the truck if it’ll make you feel better.” Justin picked up her hand to kiss.


  Lauren was getting out of the truck when a black convertible tore into the parking lot with three guys inside. Brett, her part time employee got out of the passenger side.

  “Hi, Lauren.”

  “Hi, Brett. What are you up to?” she asked as they walked up to the bank doors.

  “My friends and I are out cruising around. It’s a ‘top down’ kind of day ... don’t you agree?” Brett asked slyly.

  Justin saw Brett talking to Lauren and instantly recognized him. He rolled his window down as his heartbeat accelerated.

  They both reached the door when Brett leaned into Lauren and whispered in her ear. “Wow, Lauren, I never get to see you outside of work. You look hot.”

  “Thanks for the compliment, but I think you’ve forgotten I’m your boss,” she said as she moved away from him.

  “I’ll quit my job right now if it means I have a shot with you,” he said seductively as they entered the bank.

  Not replying, Lauren went straight to Ashley’s booth.

  Justin tried to unclench his fists while taking a deep breath. He instinctively recognized Brett’s lustful attraction to Lauren. A blinding wrath came over him, and in his entire life, he couldn’t remember feeling that kind of anger. He decided if Brett followed Lauren out, he was getting out of the truck.

  “Hi, girl. I miss you. How’s it going with Justin?” Ashley asked.

  Lauren leaned over and spoke quietly.

  “Umm ... I’ve spent the last two nights with him.”


  “Ashley, hush,” Lauren said with a harsh whisper.

  “Girl, you have to tell me every juicy detail. I can’t believe you didn’t call me. This is a big deal since you haven’t ever … you know.”

  “I will tell you soon if you quiet down.” Lauren glanced at Brett. “I’ll be so glad when Brett leaves for college. He’s causing me problems. He was flirting with me outside, and I don’t want Justin to think I was flirting back.”

  After Ashley finished the deposit, Lauren walked to the door. Brett purposely hung around to open it for her. She stopped outside the bank and turned to him.

  “I have a boyfriend, Brett, and he’s sitting in that truck.” Lauren pointed at Justin. “I like you as a friend, and you’re a good employee, but it’s never going to happen between us, so you need to stop with all the flirting. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of college girls throwing themselves at you soon enough. Are we clear?” Lauren asked.

  Justin jumped out of the truck the second he saw Lauren point to him. Full of jealous rage, he stormed toward Brett. When he reached them, he stepped in front of Lauren and pushed Brett hard, almost knocking him to the ground.

  “I saw you whisper in her ear, asshole! You better never get that close to her again. Do you hear me?”

  Lauren jumped between them. “Justin stop! I was handling this on my own.”

  “Dude, I’m sorry,” Brett said, holding his hands up in surrender after getting his balance back. “I had no clue she had a boyfriend.” Brett’s best friend, Matt, who was driving yelled out to him.

  “Get your ass in the car, Brett. She’s hot but not enough to fight over.”

  Justin spun around and snapped his hands back into fists. He started tearing toward the car, pointing at the driver. “You—get out now!”

  Lauren ran after him and grabbed his arm.

  “Justin, I’m begging you to stop!”

  In the meantime, Brett jumped into the passenger seat, and Matt peeled out of the parking lot. Beth and Ashley went outside to see what was happening when they first heard Justin yelling, so they’d witnessed most of the episode.

  Lauren’s plea finally registered with Justin. She grabbed him by the shoulders. “Look at me.” He was taking harsh breaths as he looked into Lauren’s desperate eyes.

  “Get back in the truck. Let’s go, now.”

  “Lauren, I’m so—”

  “Don’t. We can talk about it when we get home. I need to calm down first.”

  Justin liked the way “when we get home” sounded from her mouth, but he couldn’t miss her anger and tears.

  Fuck, I’ve screwed up big time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Neither of them spoke on the way back to Justin’s. He recalled the only serious fight he’d been in. When he first began working on the rig, a coworker had picked a fight with him. Being gentle at heart, he tried everything to keep it from becoming physical, but when the other guy threw the first punch he defended himself. He received a busted lip, but the other guy didn’t fare so well.

  Lauren walked straight to the restroom.

  Justin threw his keys on the table and sat on the bed. Resting his elbows on his knees, he buried his face in his hands, fearing he screwed things up for good. Lauren wiped tears away as she came out of the restroom.

  “We have to talk about this,” he said, feeling a tightening in his chest from seeing her c

  “Oh, now you want to talk like a civil human being?”

  “OK, I deserved that.” Justin nervously ran his hand through his hair.

  “I was in the middle of telling Brett about you. I told him I had a boyfriend. I also told him not to flirt with me anymore. I didn’t need your help.”

  “I saw him whisper in your ear before you went into the bank, and then I had several minutes to relive it in my head. When you two came out, he still had that fucking grin on his face. I was pissed he got that close to you. The anger I felt thinking he might’ve touched you in the bank went right through me.”

  Justin clenched the comforter. He could still feel the adrenaline pumping through him. “I know what he wants. Anyone watching him would’ve seen it.”

  “You can’t react that way again. I’m certain in the past you dated beautiful women who were eyed by other men. Is this how you behaved when you were jealous then?”

  “I’ve never been jealous, only with you. I never noticed anyone admiring who I dated in the past, so I guess I didn’t care enough to see it. This hasn’t happened before, so I didn’t know how to control it. I swear, Lauren, it’s the truth. I’ve never known that kind of fury.”

  “God, Justin, you’re going to have to get a grip. I’ve never thought of myself as beautiful, but guys flirt with me from time to time. I love you, and you’re going to have to trust that I’m not going to flirt back.”

  “He took it a step further than just talking to you, and you know it. For a second I thought he was going to kiss you. I regret pushing him and yelling, but I’m not sorry I told him to stay away from you. It’s going to kill me knowing he’s working with you, but I know I don’t get a say in it, and I don’t want to be that kind of boyfriend.” Justin’s voice softened with his last sentence.

  Lauren sat next to him on the bed and took his hand. Justin turned to her and watched the anger vanish from her eyes. Relief washed over him as the knot in his stomach waned.

  “Brett looked terrified. I’ll probably have to plead with him to return to work. I like the roller coaster we’ve been on, but since I haven’t been on it before, I’m not familiar with the next turn. You really scared me,” she said softly.

  “I don’t know the next turn, either, and I have a feeling this is far from the last surprise. I’m sorry. Please tell me you’ll forgive me.”

  “I love you, and I’m not going anywhere. Thank you for looking out for me. I have to admit, as embarrassed as I am about returning to the bank and facing Brett at the nursery, I’m truly flattered. I like knowing if someone tried to hurt me, you’d protect me.”

  He gently ran the back of his hand down her cheek before taking hold of her chin. He drew a line across her bottom lip with his thumb as the rosy fullness lit the match on his desire. His other hand slowly slid up behind her neck and into her hair, massaging her scalp as he seduced her back to him with the most sensual, heartmelting kiss.

  “I love you, Lauren. Again, I’m so sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention, and I hope you can forgive me.”

  “I already have. Now, there’s something that has to happen next.”

  “What?” He was puzzled.

  “Make-up sex.”

  “Could you be more perfect?” he said as he laid her back on the bed.


  Justin rolled off of Lauren and let out a breath. “You’re so good at that. Can I please hold you hostage?”

  “If I let you then you’re not holding me hostage. I have a hunch though, that if I don’t leave soon, your parents are going to be pounding on the door. I’m really worried about your family accepting me. I can’t imagine I’m the type of girl they want you with.”

  “I told you they’re going to love you. We’re a package deal now, so if they want me in their lives then they’ll be kind to you.”

  “I love you, but I won’t interfere with you mending things with your family. I won’t allow it.”

  “Stop, it’ll work out fine. Please, don’t worry about it.”

  “I better go. If you don’t mind, I thought we could try not to see each other for a few days, so you can spend time with them. I really need to focus on the nursery, and I have to call my dad and force him to explain some financial stuff to me,” she said as she dressed.

  Justin sighed. “I do need to spend time with my family and the few friends I have left in this town, but it will be hard for me to go without seeing your gorgeous face. I love you, Lauren.”

  “I love you, too. Now, stop spoiling me with all this attention, or I’ll be hiding in your trunk on your way to Nashville.” Lauren leaned over the bed and gave Justin one last kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jonathan stopped to speak to his father in the hallway of their office. “We have to intervene with this Lauren situation. I was just humiliated at the bank. Beth Humphrey informed me that Justin got into a fight over Lauren with some guy in their parking lot yesterday.”

  “I think it’s time we have her over for dinner,” Jeffrey said.

  “How is that going to help?” Jonathan asked.

  “My main concern is this business deal. I want to see if she has an inkling of what lies ahead and if she has the funds to bail herself out.”

  “I seriously doubt she knows, or she would’ve paid up already.”

  “I just want to be sure she isn’t holding out for her father to do it first. I’ll have your mother arrange dinner for this weekend.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Lauren called Brett to apologize and pleaded with him to return to work on Saturday. She also called her father to ask him some questions.

  “Dad, it’s Lauren.”

  “Hi, honey. How’s my girl?”

  “I’m good, but I really need you to answer some questions for me. I’m worried about making it through the winter months. I can’t see from the journal entries how we had enough money to float us the last few years. What’s written in the books doesn’t seem like enough.”

  “Um, Lauren, your mom and I were frugal when it came to the extra’s.”

  “I don’t understand. I’ve never noticed a change in anything we do around here. I only saw a change once you left, and I need your support in figuring out what I’m doing wrong. The income is roughly the same, but once I pay expenses, there isn’t much left. I can’t see how you made it stretch.”

  “Bring the books up here one day, and we can go over them.”

  “Dad, I don’t have time. I took off two weeks ago on one of our busiest days, and you didn’t help me then. After everything, you owe me this.”

  “I’m sorry, Lauren, but it’s kind of hard to do over the phone.”

  “Then come here for a day. I need your help, and I want you to meet someone.”

  “Is it a man?” Tom asked.

  “Yes, his name is Justin Garrison.” There was a long stretch of silence. “Dad, did you hear me?”

  “Is he a son of Jeffrey Garrison?”

  “Yes, but he’s so down to earth. You’ll love him.”

  “Lauren, I can’t see you with a Garrison. I mean, I can’t see you blending with that family.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She didn’t want anyone acknowledging what she feared was true.

  “Nothing. I just feel you deserve better. Look, I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to come down. Let me know when you can make it up here again.”

  “Dad, I—”

  “I have to go, honey. Bye,” Tom said before he hung up on her.

  Lauren was furious. She wondered what alien nation had abducted the father she once knew.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The next morning, Lauren felt something on her face. When she opened her eyes, Justin was leaning over her and running his thumb down her cheek.

  “Justin, what are you doing in my room?”

  “Your mom’s a pretty cool lady. She was determined I was coming up here to see you and would not take no for an answer. I brou
ght you bagels.” Justin held up a small paper bag for Lauren to see before he sat it on her dresser. “I waited the three days, but you should know I wouldn’t wait a minute longer. Now scoot your butt over, so I can feel your warm body.”

  “I’m not doing it with my mom downstairs.”

  “I’m offended. I just want to cuddle, but I like the way you’re thinking, so maybe you need to come over and get into my bed instead.”

  Lauren pulled back the covers. “OK, but you asked for it.”

  Justin took a step back. “Shit, Lauren. I didn’t think ahead about what you’d be wearing under the sheets. I guess I thought you’d have pajamas on. This wasn’t a good idea.”

  Lauren was wearing a thin white tank top and purple panties. “Oh no, you wanted to invade my bed and cuddle, so you’re just going to have to deal with it.”

  Justin curled up with her, keeping the lower half of his body away from her skin as much as possible.

  “You know I have to get ready for work soon, right?”

  “I know, and I’m here to work, too.”

  “Oh yes, that. I forgot.”

  “Um, Lauren, I need to ask you something. My parents want to know if you’ll come over for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Already?” Lauren sat up in bed. Apprehension settled in the pit of her stomach.

  “Are you here this morning to butter me up?”

  “No, but if you’re into kinky shit then I’m sure I can find something to do with you and butter,” Justin said, laughing.

  Lauren flipped the blankets back and straddled him.

  “Whoa, get off Lauren—Now—Shit.” Justin couldn’t help but grab her hips and squeeze them right at the top of her panties. “Damn, you look so fucking hot. Now I’m getting an erection, and it doesn’t feel good with you on top of it in these jeans. You know I can’t control myself for long, so cut it out.”


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