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Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1)

Page 8

by K. T Fisher

  “Cade.” I growl.

  Caden pretends to gasp, standing in front of me. “You do?”

  I walk around him, standing behind my microphone and ignore Caden as he snickers. Finley watches him curiously and I just hope he doesn’t ask what’s making Caden act like a goof, because right now I have a feeling Caden will tell him and Finley does not need that information. It will probably make him worse with him flirting, but then again, he hasn’t been overbearing like he usually is and I’m actually missing it. Thankfully, Kenny begins his instructing and we start the second song, which is currently untitled.

  We go through the whole song three times together, before I step out and let the guys go through the instrumental. I take this spare time to check up on the two photos Finley uploaded. The one of all four of us on the bands social media is doing amazingly, it has everyone talking about what song we’re creating or if we’re fooling everyone. Then there’s the fans who think Finley and I are dating, but that is nothing compared to the number of people liking and commenting on the one Finley uploaded on his own Instagram. The activity on the photo of Finley and me is more than triple the number on the one of the band and me, it stuns me stupid. My fans are all over this photo too because Finley tagged me, they are marvelling at the photo and are desperate to know if we are an item and I actually feel sad that we aren’t right now, because I won’t give these fans what they seem so desperate to discover.

  “Apparently I have heat in my eyes for you Riley.” Finley sits next to me and I almost drop my phone from the shock.

  “Fucking hell Finley.” I scowl, looking back at my phone screen.

  “Daydreaming about being with me?” He taunts, but he doesn’t realise that he’s closer to the truth than he thinks.

  “There’s also a comment, thinking that I’m too good for you.” I laugh, and Finley frowns down at his phone, as he searches for the comment.

  “I can’t fucking find it.” He growls.

  “Riley.” Kenny asks, alerting me of my time.

  I stand, trying to hide my smile from Finley as I walk past him but he doesn’t even notice I’ve left my seat because his head is buried, looking for the comment. He won’t find it though and as I begin to sing my part, my mood is lifted and it suits the upbeat song. Just like before, I go through my lyrics three times before Kenny is done with me and decides that’s his work done for the day.

  “I can’t fucking find the comment,” Finley rushes to me as soon as I am done.

  “Oh really?” I slip into my jacket, getting ready to go.

  April waves us her goodbye as she makes her way to the elevator, Liam and Caden catch up with her, jumping in just in time. Now that it’s just me and Finley, this recording studio doesn’t feel so big.

  Finley watches me carefully. “You were lying.”

  I laugh loudly, and that’s his answer. Finley shakes his head, and reaches out to me. I freeze as his hand caresses my cheek. “What are you doing?”

  Finley smiles. “Our fans see what I see.”

  “And what’s that?” I ask, already knowing the answer but I want to hear him say it.

  “You’re beautiful Riley, and when I first saw you I wanted you in my bed.” His words don’t shock me, but I still gasp.

  “Oh my god Finley!” I back away.

  “Wait,” he closes the gap between us. “I know you now, and I want much more than just a fuck.”

  “You’re so good with words Finley.” I roll my eyes, trying to keep calm but inside my heart is beating so fast.

  Finley steps even closer, now both of his hands gently hold my face, his thumbs softly stroking my cheeks and I swear my heart skips a beat. “I am in my songs, but right now I can’t get the right fucking words out.”

  “And why is that?” I dare to ask.

  A rumble vibrates inside Finley’s chest and I’d be wrong if it didn’t turn me on a little. I need to create some space between us, but my feet don’t move. “I don’t know.” Finley admits. “But I want you Riley, it’s as simple as that and not just to have you under me, naked and wet but because you’re fucking cheeky and feisty.” Finley closes his eyes, breathing me in. “And unbelievably beautiful.”

  Finley rests his forehead on mine and my eyes close, the moment sweeping me up. Finley’s lips come dangerously close, barely touching mine but I lean closer. Finley’s hands gather in my hair, holding me close as his mouth claims mine, his tongue tasting mine and I moan into his mouth. The kiss is explosive and everything I thought it would be and more. I break away, gasping for breath and create some distance.

  “Don’t do that.” Finley moans, reaching for me.

  “I can’t do this.” I grab my bag, and quickly make my way to the elevator. My body shakes from the moment I just shared with Finley and I can hear him cursing from the spot I left him on.

  Finley slowly approaches, waiting beside me for the elevator to makes it way to us, on the top floor. We step inside together, an awkward silence has created and I can’t take anymore.

  “I’m sorry.” I begin. “It’s nothing to do with you.”

  Finley snickers. “Doesn’t feel like that.”

  Memories of my ex-boyfriend, TJ flash through my mind and I fight the tears and force them away. “Trust me.”

  Finley looks to me, observing me closely. “Riley?”

  The elevator doors open and I rush outside, but I run straight into a crowd of paparazzi with their flashing cameras.

  “Stay beside me.” Finley orders, holding my hand and guiding me through a sea of men, calling our names and pushing their cameras in our faces but Finley helps me into his waiting car.

  Chapter Nine

  I don’t understand what set Riley off last night, but I do know she was keeping something from me and a little bit of my protectiveness came forward and I’ve been thinking about her all night. I want Riley so fucking bad, but I don’t want to hurt her at the same time. I’ve looked at the photos I shared yesterday again, and I can’t stop looking at the one of me and Riley together. It’s had millions and millions of hits and even the one and only, Riley James has liked it. That spurs me on to go one step further and I find the photo I took. It’s of Riley while she was singing, and she looks as sexy as ever. Her blonde hair whipping from side to side as she gives the song her own version of rock and roll. Her eyes are closed, lost in the lyrics and seeing her like that yesterday turned me the fuck on.

  I share it, with the caption, ‘My Woman Crush Wednesday.’ I even tag her and I know it’s going to create more gossip than the one yesterday and I couldn’t give a shit. Riley needs to know that I am genuine and I want her so fucking bad it hurts.

  My phone then rings, and it’s my dad. “Hey dad.” I answer.

  “Fin.” He greets. “I heard you have a woman now.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You know what the gossipers are like dad.”

  “More than you know.” He grumbles. “Anyway, I’ve heard the song and I gotta say it’s great!”

  “You think?” I ask and even though I’ve been doing this for a while now with my own band, it always means a lot to get my dad’s approval.

  “Fuck yeah!” He shouts.

  “Jax!” My mother scolds in the background and I don’t hold back my laugh.

  Dad clears his throat. “Even the guys have had a listen and they’re sure you have a hit on your hands.”

  By ‘guys’ he means his bandmates and best friends, Leo, Max and Rhys. They’ve been together for most of their own lives and I think of them as my uncles rather than just my dad’s band. The fact that they heard my song and thought it was good, makes me feel fucking emotional.

  “Riley’s voice fits well with you guys,” my dad continues. “Anyone would think you were a band.”

  “Yeah, she’s great.” I reply, thinking of Riley yet again. Is it wrong that my dick twitches at the thought of her while I’m on the phone to my dad?

  My dad’s laughter snaps me out of it. “I know what t
hat sounds like.”

  “Dad.” I warn.

  “Kenny tells me the song is ready to be released.” My dad adds, thankfully dropping his teasing. “You need to start hinting, send out a song teaser or two or have Riley do some of her own. I’ve seen how she promotes her music and it works well.”

  The way that Riley promotes her latest music is her silly snapchat stories. She hints with a couple short videos and animal filters to get her fans excited. Along with the posing photos and hints she posts, she does great. Riley looks fucking gorgeous in each and every one too, so she doesn’t just get the attention of her music fans, but also the greedy, male attention. I don’t enjoy seeing too much of that. Fucking perverts.

  “Trust me dad, I know how to do this and I’m sure Riley will be doing her own thing to help.” I assure him.

  We say our goodbyes, and I agree to come over for dinner soon. When I get off the phone, the screen returns to my Instagram account where I shared my ‘Woman Crush Wednesday’ only minutes ago and I’m not surprised to see so many likes and comments. All of them are guessing what this means, if I’m being honest and I am with Riley, or I’m just going along with it all and teasing them.

  My phone vibrates in my hand. It’s a text from Emma, the girl I met up with not long after I came back from being on tour. We’re casual and only meet up for sex, so I’m not surprised at what is said on her message.

  Emma: Hey Fin! I get back in the UK tomorrow, do you fancy meeting? X

  Before, I would jump at the chance for a night with Emma. She loves sex, and sometimes she would bring a friend along, but this time around her invite isn’t very appealing.

  Me: I can’t Em, sorry x

  She immediately texts me back.

  Emma: The weekend then? X

  Me: I’m not available for a long time, to be honest I’m trying to win a girl over.

  I don’t know how else to explain what’s going on between me and Riley, but thankfully Emma understands.

  Emma: Ah, so the rumours are true. Finley Parker is actually going to settle down. I’m proud and I completely understand. Good luck! X

  Me: Thanks Em x

  I knew Emma would understand, she’s pretty laid back and I have no doubt she has a whole line up of men and women that she has available for her one night hook ups. The fact that I just blew off a night full of pleasure, for a chance of not ruining my plans of making Riley mine makes me realise how serious I am about her. I continue to scroll through Instagram and see Riley has posted a little video. Her pretty face fills my screen as I listen.

  “Hey guys!” She waves. “So I’m guessing you’ve seen me spending some time with the Lunacy boys,” Riley adds a cheeky smile. “and I’m exclusively letting you all know that I will be featuring on their brand new album! You will be hearing some of our songs pretty soon! So keep an eye out.” She blows a kiss, and the video ends.

  I like the video, and comment, ‘Enjoyed every second.’

  Dad then sends me a text.

  Dad: Kenny just rang, your song is exclusively releasing on iTunes next week. You need to make a video soon, so I’m taking care of it

  I thank him and then I see an email from the record label, they have sent the address of the video shoot and I see at the top, it has been sent to the guy’s as well as Riley. At least now I also have her email address.

  “Riley!” Cassie runs into my room, bouncing on my bed and waking me from my sleep. “Riley!”

  “What?” I grumble, hiding my face under the covers, but Cassie rips them back down again and grins down at me.

  “Girl get up!” She shouts. “Don’t you know?”

  “Know what?” I rub my eyes, the brightness causing me to wince.

  “Honestly Riley.” Cassie shakes her head and passes me her phone. On the screen I see a list of songs and my sleepy brain doesn’t register what is right in front of me. “You and Lunacy are number one!”

  I frown up at my best friend, then back to her phone screen and sure enough I see beside the number one spot, is our song. “We’re number one!”

  I leap from my bed, laughing as loud as I can and grab my phone from my bedside table. Without thinking, I call Finley and he answers straight away. “You seeing what I’m seeing Riles?”

  “We’re number one Finley!” I cheer and Finley laughs. “We did it!”

  “We sure did beautiful.” Finley’s voice is deep and husky, shit he sounds so sexy. “Did I wake you up?”

  A picture of Finley lying in bed takes over my imagination, and I can’t help but wonder if he sleeps naked? This is Finley Parker, he definitely sleeps naked!

  “No, I was at a party last night.” I can’t ignore the fact that my heart drops just a little when he tells me this.

  “Oh right.” I answer, and I realise that my slight disappointment is clear to hear through my voice, so I quickly add, “celebrating the song release?”

  Finley laughs. “You could say that, but I came back so late I thought I might as well stay awake and hear the charts.”

  Oh my god, has Finley got a woman in bed beside him?

  Trying to forget my thought, I move on. “I just can’t believe we have number one.”

  “Riley,” he giggles. “We all knew the song was going to do great, why are you so surprised?”

  “I don’t know.” I sigh, “I guess it’s because this is my first number one.”

  “Fuck off!” Finley shouts and Cassie’s shocked face lets me know she heard him. “You’ve never had a number one?”

  “No.” I shake my head, even though he can’t see me.

  “That’s fucking shocking.” Finley grumbles. “At least we can say I was your first.”

  “Oh god.” I cringe.

  Cassie raises her eyebrows, “I’m going to give you two some privacy.”

  I’m about to stop her, when Finley adds, “we need to shoot the video, my dad has it all planned for tomorrow.”

  “Sooner the better.” I agree.

  We say our goodbyes, because Finley needs his sleep and I need to get ready. As soon as I am, I head straight to my Snapchat and post some silly videos, dancing to mine and Lunacy’s song. I also post them on my Instagram and make sure to thank everyone else on Twitter and Facebook. There’s a mixture of comments, most of them congratulating us and some asking about Finley. Honestly, I don’t think I will ever escape the romance rumours.

  I shouldn’t be shocked by the story line of the video, because ‘You Have To Be Mine’ is a love story but I didn’t think that it would be me and Finley playing the lovers for the music video. I assumed that we would have actors, but apparently not.

  “Ok.” Ralph, the video director approaches me. “In this shot, you’re with your ‘boyfriend’,” He makes a quotation gesture with his fingers, “You will be walking along, laughing and having a good time. Finley will be walking innocently, when he spots the two of you and eventually you will spot him and you will look at each other. You can’t take your eyes off one another, and your ‘boyfriend’,” He makes the quotation marks again and it’s starting to piss me off. “Well, he’s clueless.”

  “I still don’t understand why we haven’t got actors to do this.” I sigh.

  “I don’t understand why I’m playing the ‘clueless boyfriend’.” Liam joins, using the same annoying quotation marks. “Why can’t I be the jealous one?”

  “Because that’s my job.” Finley smirks. “I get the girl.”

  “At least you get a part.” Caden frowns. “I’m just a ‘friend’ of Finley’s.”

  Caden uses his fingers to quote himself too, and I snap. “Can everyone stop doing ‘this’.” I mock the quoting fingers. “It’s annoying the hell out of me!”

  “I think someone’s nervous.” Finley jokes.

  “Nervous?” I ask, spinning to face him.

  “To kiss me.” He smirks and my heart drops.

  “Kiss?” I ask, looking to Ralph for conformation.

  “Yes, you will kiss at t
he end.” Ralph nods.

  “But that’s unprofessional.” I complain.

  “Riley, the fans will love it!” Finley interrupts. “They want us to be together. This video is for them.”

  “Really?” I ask, “because I suspect the kiss is your idea.”

  Finley pretends he’s shocked at this, his mouth hangs open and his eyes wide, but then he winks. “You’re smart.”

  I shake my head. Finley is unbelievable.

  “Come on Riles.” Finley steps closer, his hand on my shoulder. “You won’t let me have you for myself, so let me give the fans this for the song.”

  “For the fans?” I laugh and Finley shrugs.

  “I’m a generous man.”

  As much as Finley can annoy me at times, I can never stay mad at him for too long and that worries me. A lot.

  Riley storms off, her little fists adorably clenched and Liam raises his eyebrows. “She really does not want to kiss you.”

  “Maybe we could switch places?” Caden winks. “She might prefer to kiss me.”

  “Fuck off Cade.” And he holds his hands up surrender.

  The filming begins and Liam runs to catch up with Riley as she gets into position, Ralph slowly follows. I hope he knows what he’s getting himself into, Riley is no pushover. I watch as Liam and Riley film their close ups, and as much as I love Liam, I hate seeing his hands on Riley. I’m happy to be kissing her at the end, but I didn’t realise I would have to watch this. I don’t have to wait long until I have to join the filming. Caden and I have to walk along, as if we’re just walking around with nothing else to do, when I notice Riley and Liam walking towards us. Both me and Riley have to walk towards a camera, looking into it as if it’s the other person and then another shot of us watching each other as we pass. Ralph didn’t say much else, so I send Riley a wink as I turn to watch her walk away, and I don’t know if she’s acting or not, but she sweetly smiles before walking away with Liam. I scowl as I watch them go, committing to my jealous role.

  “That was perfect.” Beams Ralph, “now it’s time for the break up scene and then Finley you’re up.”


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