No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2] Page 3

by Claire Adele

  He kissed the side of her jaw and continued placing kisses along her neck down to her shoulder. “Touch me, babe.”

  She loosened one hand from his hard-muscled back and cupped his bulging sex, smoothed her palm upward from his crotch, and stroked the stiffened length of his cock.

  “Sweet Jesus, Chloe. What you’re doin’ to me.”

  “Does that feel good?” She searched his dark-brown eyes for the answer. His eyes grew darker and took on that sort of almost feral glow. He must like what she was doing to him. She wanted to get her hand around his bare skin. She needed both hands to unfasten his jeans. She slipped her fingers inside his waistband. He inhaled deeply and grabbed hold of the pantry shelves on either side of where they stood. His chest tempted her as the muscles stretched the fabric of his blue chambray shirt.

  She changed her priorities. She wanted to explore a little and touch more. With his jeans unfastened, she cradled his balls in her fingers and smoothed her fingertips upward along his hard shaft, stopping below the head. Another low growl came from him. A narrow, dark line of hair led upward from his groin along the middle of his muscular belly. She wanted to see all of it.

  With her other hand, she reached up to his shirt placket and started unfastening his buttons. He wore a clean, white undershirt. She smiled at him as she lifted his undershirt upward to reveal the thin line of dark hair that trailed over his rippling abs, higher until his glorious chest sprinkled with dark hair was bared to her. She slipped her fingers through the soft, silky hair until she reached a place just below his shoulders. Leaning closer to him, she licked first one puckered nipple, and then she licked and gently squeezed the other with her teeth.

  His deep groan of pleasure filled her ears and echoed from the high ceiling of the pantry. She lowered her hand back to his cock and stroked around it as she swirled the fingers of her other hand through the drop of pre-cum on the head. His cock hardened even more and felt rigid beneath her hand. The head darkened.

  “Kiss me, babe,” he said softly, his voice a rough rasp.

  She looked up as he lowered his head. She met his lips with hers and tangled her tongue with his. He never let go of the shelves as they ravaged each other’s mouths, while she caressed up and down the length of his steel-hard cock.

  A deep growl started low in his chest and rose in volume until he broke the kiss. His body undulated, and with a shout he climaxed, his cock pumping hard over and over in her hands, his warm cum flowing across her fingers. His back arched, and his hips bucked again and again as his climax continued, longer than she’d thought possible. This guy seemed superhuman. A fantastic lover, he was a keeper, on many levels. She wanted him to stay with her. She wanted to get to know everything about him. She’d never experienced lovemaking like she had just now with him. Her fears and worries were washed away by his thorough loving.

  After a while his cock relaxed beneath her hands, and she gently released him with a quick kiss and a little lick along his lips. He brushed his lips across her cheek, down her throat, and moaned into the curve where her shoulder met her neck. The warm musky scent of sex filled the air around them.

  “That was amazing, Chloe.”

  She savored the heat of his skin against hers. “I’ve never had such a wonderful time before.”

  He raised his head and smiled at her as he let go of the shelves. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Where are your towels?”

  “Here.” She grabbed some tissues from a box on a nearby shelf. “These will do.” She wiped her hands, removed another handful, and gave him some.

  “Let me,” he offered. “Hold on to my shoulders and spread your legs.” He dropped to a squat again in front of her, his cock visible in the opening of his unfastened jeans. Though smaller now, it was still larger than others she’d seen.

  Her shyness had left her, but she wondered how he’d ever fit his cock inside her vagina. She grabbed his shoulders as he steadied her with one big callused hand cupping her thigh while he reached between her thighs and gently wiped the residue of her climax from her swollen flesh. This was a new experience, and his strokes felt good, too.

  He looked up at her. “Is that better, babe?”

  She smiled at him. “That’s perfect.”

  He stood. His clothes all undone, she reached for his cock and gently wiped him as he had done for her. He carefully pulled her clothing back into place. She tossed the tissues in the wastebasket and turned back to him. He’d already tucked his penis inside his briefs and pulled them up. His undershirt was still up around the top of his chest. She couldn’t help admiring his ripped abs and sculpted chest one more time before she reached up and gently and slowly lowered his undershirt and buttoned his shirt. He stuffed his shirt beneath the opening of his jeans. She even enjoyed watching him do that. She looked up to find him watching her, and she smiled.

  “We should decide on something for dinner.” All of a sudden she felt shy. How silly when they’d just had incredible sex. What would they do the rest of the evening? She wanted to know so much more about him. Would he want to stay all night? She hoped so.

  He fastened his jeans. “How about some hamburger and macaroni?” He reached for the box on the shelf beside him.

  “That’s fine with me.” She led the way to the kitchen counter, and he followed with their dinner. How she loved a guy who knew how to cook.

  * * * *

  While they ate their dinner at the kitchen table, she learned more about Beau. He’d been the foreman of his Wolford family’s ranch since he’d been a freshman in high school. That was a lot of responsibility to give a young man. It told her so much about his work ethic, and she was even more impressed. As the oldest of his siblings, he’d always been the one to look out for them, as well as some of his cousins, one of whom was Ty Wolfgang who worked on the Wolfgang family’s ranch nearby.

  Beau helped her clean up the dishes, and they moved to the sofa in the main living area of the old house. He continued to tell her about his friends. She was glad to know whatever he wanted to tell her and learn about Beau in the process.

  “Now that Ty’s older brother Rafe is married, Ty has been hanging out more with me. We have a good time together. He’s a good guy, the kind of friend that looks out for his buds. He’s always been that way, someone you can count on, whether it’s work or play, or a scuffle. He may act like life is a game, but inside he’s actually more serious and responsible.”

  She smiled, remembering Ty. “I liked him when I had a chance to talk with him at lunch. In fact I liked all the guys who were with you today after I got to know them. I felt well protected when those goons of Cinco’s walked in.”

  “Don’t worry about Cinco’s guys.” He met her gaze with a serious look. “They won’t bother you again. I’ll see to it. Tonight, I want you to enjoy yourself, and I want to enjoy you, all night. What do you think?”

  “That sounds wonderful to me.” She smiled at him.

  “Would you think badly of me if I asked to use your shower? In fact I’d love to shower with you.” He pulled her close and brushed his firm lips over hers in a quick kiss.

  When he pulled back and gazed at her, she said, “I think that would be fun. I have a couple of really comfortable robes we can wear after we shower.”

  “Sounds good. I say we go for it.” He stood and reached down to pull her up. Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her close for another kiss. She loved the feel of his body against hers and the way in which he kissed her. It felt just perfect.

  When their lips parted, she led the way to the bedroom. “Just let me grab the robes.” She opened the small closet and snatched two robes from their hooks. Giving him a white terry-cloth robe to wear, she took the satin flower-print robe for herself. He followed her into the bathroom, and she turned on the shower to the setting she liked. She heard his boots drop one at a time in quick succession to the floor. When she turned around, he was half undressed and unfastening his jeans. His muscles bulged in his arms, shoulders, a
nd chest as he continued removing his clothes. He must work hard every day on that ranch.

  He shucked his jeans and socks as she removed her clothing and stepped into the shower. She took a turn under the shower spray and turned to face him as he moved inside. His cock was already stiff and erect with his arousal. She inhaled deeply, breathing in his intoxicating male scent and a hint of citrus. He put his hands on her waist and shifted her to the other end of the shower stall as he ducked under the water. He rinsed water all over his upper body as she watched, fascinated, wanting to touch him. Finally, he washed below his trim waist. He took his cock in his hands and rubbed up and down, removing any residue of their previous sex play, and cupped his balls, rinsing himself there as well. It was one of the sexiest things she’d ever watched, and aching heat swelled between her legs.

  After he swished water over his thighs, he took her hand to pull her close for a watery kiss.

  She laughed as water trickled over their faces and lips. He wrapped his arms around her and slid one large, warm hand down her spine and lower over her backside. When he smoothed his long fingers between her butt cheeks, she shivered. He smiled at her and brushed his lips over hers. She was enthralled by him. That was all there was to it. He could do most anything he wanted with her, and she’d welcome his touch.

  He bent and swished water up her legs and between her thighs. “Change places with me, babe.” Moving to stand behind her so she was closer to the flow of water and facing it, he caressed her breasts and cupped one, tweaking the nipple as his other hand skimmed down her torso and between her legs in a tantalizing way. She rested her head back against his chest. He parted her labia and let water run over her sensitive skin, washing every part of her, including her sensitive clit.

  “How’s that for a quick shower?” He turned her to face him again, leaned down and gave her a little kiss.

  She gazed up at him as rivulets of water trickled down both of them. “That’s fabulous.”

  He turned the water off for her. “I’m ready to dry off if you are.”

  She gestured to the towel rack. “There’s a fresh towel by the sink.” She followed him out of the shower. She wanted to have sex with him again right now.

  They dried off and put on the robes. “Would you like to join me and stretch out on the bed?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Lead the way, babe. You’re in charge.”

  She might be in charge, but she was definitely at his mercy. She led the way to her bed and stretched out with a couple of pillows behind her. He walked to the other side and did the same. “I’m sorry I don’t have a TV in here. The landlord only has the one in the living area. But I hate to sit in there with just a robe on. I’m afraid the curtains reveal too much at night.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m just happy to be with you.” He moved closer and urged her to do the same with his warm hand on her waist.

  His turgid cock bumped against her belly. She smoothed her fingers over his handsome face, and he lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers, delving inside with his tongue and stroking every surface. He turned to lean over her and slipped one leg between the opening of her robe, pressing his thigh against her most sensitive flesh. His gentle kisses and touches had her undulating against him and panting for more in no time.

  She watched him, his dark eyes intent on her. He moved down her body, pushed apart the neckline of her robe, and kissed her breasts. Moving lower, he untied her robe’s sash, pushed aside the fabric, and delved into her belly button with his tickling tongue. “I want to taste you again, babe. Is that all right with you?”

  “Yes. I’d love it.”

  He shifted to the end of the bed and took hold of her ankles, spreading her legs apart until he could position his body between them. He pressed his warm lips to her already damp, swollen folds. Her pussy clenched. Suddenly, she felt the tip of his tongue tease her clit. “Beau!”

  “You like that?”

  She smiled at him. “Yes. I love it.” It was hard to get words out as she panted. “You know I do.”

  He parted her labia with his long fingers and stroked between with a long swipe of his tongue until he found and licked her sensitive nub again.

  “Oh, God. Beau.” She heard his wicked chuckle. “You know exactly how you’re affecting me.”

  “Raise your knees, babe.” He slid his hands beneath her butt cheeks.

  She’d never done this before but did as he asked, knowing she bared her sensitive flesh to him. He could see all of her private parts in this position, and she didn’t care. Beau could do anything he wanted with her.

  “You’re beautiful, babe. Your pussy is all rosy pink and wet with your juices. I want to eat you up.”

  “You sound like the big bad wolf.” She grinned at him.

  Another low chuckle came from him as he lowered his head and gently closed his teeth on her labia. She tried to force her body to stay still. He nibbled his way to her clit and licked and sucked until she lifted her hips in pleasure against him, wanting even more. His hands slid further beneath her cheeks, and he held her hips.

  She couldn’t help herself. The sensation he invoked in her body made her push her heels against the bed, lifting her hips even higher to his talented, tormenting lips and tongue and teeth. He licked from her aching, needy hole upward through her labia to her sensitive clit, one side and then the other, giving equal attention to all areas. He kissed his way back down between her shaking thighs, and she could only see the top of his head and his wavy, dark hair. She felt his tongue at the entrance to her vagina, and he speared inside her passage with the hot length of it. She curled her fingers in his hair as he stroked in and out, in and out, fucking her with that wicked tongue.

  Her body tightened, and she shivered with prickly sensations. “Beau,” she cried as her back arched.

  He held her still in his strong hands and licked from her hole to her clit again and tormented her even more. Her climax slammed through her, her hips bucking against his hold. He pressed down on her with his mouth, never releasing her most sensitive flesh from his lips and tongue, but continuing to tantalize her. The sweet orgasm pulsed hard and long. It was the most delightful physical pleasure she’d ever felt.

  Gradually, the pulses grew softer. But when he gave her clit another swipe, her hips bucked against him.

  He chuckled.

  “Beau, you’re undoing me.” She laughed softly. “I’m completely at your mercy.”

  “You’re fuckin’ incredible, lady. I love tasting you.”

  His deep, sexy voice sent vibrations through her body. “You did way more than taste me.” She chuckled at his understatement.

  “I want to be inside you, Chloe. If that’s all right with you, I’ll get a condom.”

  Could she withstand one more climax with Beau tonight? Because based on what he’d already done to her, he’d bring her to climax again if she let him. “Yes, I’d like that.” She couldn’t say no to him even though she suspected she would feel completely limp afterward.

  He piled pillows up, one on top of the other, in the middle of the bed. “Stretch out, stomach down, on these pillows.”

  As she followed his directions, he grabbed the two other pillows and put them under her midriff and her head.

  “Is that comfortable?”

  “Yes.” What did he have in mind? She turned her head and raised her shoulders, trying to see what he planned. He’d definitely piqued her curiosity. He slipped a condom over his jutting cock. He was more than ready.

  “Okay. Put your head back down. I think you’ll like this. You don’t have to do anything but relax and feel.”

  He took hold of her ankles with his warm hands and urged her to spread her legs. “Keep your legs open, babe.” He slipped his hands beneath her hip joints and lifted her a little bit above the pillow.

  “I’ve never done it this way before.” Her voice revealed her uncertainty, and that made her frustrated with herself.

  Another dark chuc
kle came from him. “I know a few more ways that you’ve probably never tried.” His voice was deep and soft, at the same time filled with the promise of the unknown and tempting. “What do you think? Are you game for some different kinds of mind-blowing sex?”

  Just the thought of his promise of new and exciting lovemaking with him intrigued her and increased the pleasurable ache between her thighs. “Yes, I’m definitely interested in it.”

  She shivered as he spread her butt cheeks and slid a finger along her slit through her fluids. “Beau! What are you doing?”

  “Just making sure you’re ready, babe.”

  At his finger’s slow slide into her passage, the muscles around her entrance contracted, squeezing him. Her hips bucked, and a low moan escaped her. Between her thighs where he knelt, his lightly furred legs brushed against her delicate flesh.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Good. It feels so good,” she whispered, panting to catch her breath after holding it to concentrate on the sensations he created.

  He slowly pulled his finger out, swirled the blunt tip around her dripping opening, and caressed her slit, tantalizing her from her backside. It was absolutely decadent, and she liked it. He returned his finger to her opening, delved a little way inside, and stopped. Oh, God. She was going to come already. “Beau! I can’t wait!”

  He slid his finger out, and the broad head of his cock pushed against her opening. “Are you all right? I’m not hurting you?”

  “No. Come inside me. Now!” She grabbed the bedding.

  “Easy, hon.” He slowly pushed the length of his cock deep into her passage until she felt his balls hit the inside of her spread thighs. The tip of his stiffened cock touched her womb. The walls of her vagina welcomed the long, thick hardness of him, and her little convulsions squeezed him. She moaned deep in her throat. She wanted to writhe and move against him. With her hips raised, the angle of his penis created even more friction along the length of her passage. Finally, with a whimper of frustration, she raised her hips and pushed back against him. His balls slapped against her.


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