No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2] Page 5

by Claire Adele

  Laughter and clapping came from a table near the pool where Darlene sat. She grinned and waved at Chloe. “Great game!”

  Lance and Mark had toweled off and slipped into shorts and T-shirts. They waved as they headed toward the house. “See you tomorrow,” Lance said.

  Chloe wondered if they were a couple. They seemed to always leave together.

  Beau slipped his hands down to her feet and cupped them. “Time to dismount, babe.” He raised her feet, causing her to tilt backward and splash into the water.

  She scrambled frantically to the surface and sputtered and gasped. “That wasn’t fair!” She jumped up and put her hands on Beau’s shoulders trying to push him under. It was impossible. He was too strong.

  “Need some help?” Ty asked, as he plowed through the water toward them.

  She pushed away from Beau since it was a lost cause trying to dunk him. She splashed him instead, swiping her hands through the water toward him over and over. Ty joined in, and soon she was ducking her face to avoid the water coming toward her. She felt Beau’s hands pull her toward him. He swept her up in his arms and spun away from Ty’s water attack. As he walked toward the side of the pool, she swiped water from her face and laughed.

  “You guys are in for it. I can give as good as I get,” she promised.

  “Is that so? You’ll have to prove it to us later,” Beau added, his low voice only for her ears.

  The flesh between her thighs ached with arousal as she thought about what Beau said. Sex with two guys would be completely new to her. She realized she looked forward to learning all about it.

  Chapter Four

  Chloe led the way into her house with Beau holding the door for her and Ty following.

  “How do you guys feel about having a little dessert?” she asked as she headed for the kitchen, turning on lights along the way.

  “Sounds good to me,” Ty said. “I’m always up for more.”

  “Love some,” Beau agreed. “What do you have in mind?”

  She smiled at them. “I was thinking that a big chocolate sundae with cherries on top would be just perfect. What do you think?”

  Beau and Ty looked at each other, their eyes widening. “Perfect,” Beau said.

  “Want to help me?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Ty said with enthusiasm.

  “Just tell us what you need us to do,” Beau added.

  She opened the freezer and took out the ice cream. “I need one of you to scoop the ice cream into the bowls and the other one to drizzle the chocolate syrup all over it. I’ll get the whipped cream and cherries for the topping.” After putting the box of ice cream on the counter, she took several bowls from the cabinet and set them down. She handed Beau the ice cream scoop, found the chocolate syrup container, and handed it to Ty. “Here you go. Use as much as you want.”

  “Oh yeah. I always like lots of chocolate syrup,” Ty said.

  While they took care of those jobs, she found the jar of cherries and the whipped cream. When the guys had finished covering the ice cream with plenty of syrup, she shook up the can of whipped cream and sprayed it on top of each mound. “Is that enough?” She looked at each of them. They nodded, looking hungry. She spooned some cherries on top of each serving. “How’s that?”

  “Great,” they both said at the same time and laughed at each other.

  She smiled at them. “Where would you like to eat? At the table or in the living room?”

  The guys surveyed those two areas. “How about we all sit on your bed and enjoy our dessert there?” Beau suggested.

  The implications were mind-boggling. “Fine, this way,” she said, striving to sound normal, and headed for her bedroom. The bed was large enough for all three of them to sit side by side. She scooted to the middle and leaned back against the pillows and headboard. They followed her, one of them on each side of her. As she began to eat her dessert, they followed her.

  “Yum, this is good,” Ty said, with a mouthful of ice cream.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Beau agreed.

  She watched them gobble up their dessert but couldn’t keep up with them. Soon, she just happened to notice them give each other a look and put their bowls on the bedside tables on either side of the bed. That was definitely a signal of theirs of some kind. Adrenaline kicked in her stomach. Just the thought of these two sexy guys showing her a new way to enjoy sex made the flesh around her vagina ache and her labia swell.

  Beau took her bowl from her. “I think you should take a little break and finish this later. There’s something else we want to do right now.”

  She wondered what he had in mind but didn’t have to wait long to find out as he took hold of the hem of her top.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes, babe.”

  On the other side of her, Ty joined in helping Beau lift her shirt up and off over her head. Ty’s touch was as gentle and light as the touch of a butterfly’s wings. He made her shiver as he brushed against sensitive pleasure points around her breasts and upper arms. How did he know about those places? He must be well practiced in the art of lovemaking just like Beau was.

  Beau unhooked her bra in the front, and Ty stared at her, his eyes glittering with his intent. A soft, male hum of appreciation came from him.

  “You’re beautiful, darlin’. Your breasts are the most gorgeous globes I’ve ever seen. No lie. I love that pearly color and those pale, blue veins. I want to lick those rosy nipples.” He cupped one breast in his callused hand. “May I?”

  “Yes,” she said, her body quivering in anticipation. She’d never had sex with two guys before, and the reality of it shook her with the excitement of the unknown. She anticipated lots of touching.

  Ty lowered his head and touched the tip of his tongue to her nipple. He licked and then closed over the nub with his lips and drew hard, suckling and titillating her.

  She inhaled swiftly at the aching heat that streamed through her body all the way to the sensitive flesh between her thighs, all along her slit, and over every heated inch even into her tight, little hole. She moaned as he continued to tantalize her, brushing his fingers over her other nipple across some of the most delicate nerve endings in her body.

  “Let’s get the rest of your clothes off, babe,” Beau said, his voice a deep growl. “I want to taste you.”

  He’d been watching. Having an audience was new to her. “You two get naked, too. Fair’s fair.” She crossed her arms and waited.

  “No problem,” Ty said, grinning as he eased her clothes down her hips and off her legs with Beau’s help. “I want to see all of you, darlin’.” He placed his hands on her knees and pushed them apart.

  She leaned back on the pillows behind her against the headboard and spread her legs for him, trying hard to act like having sex with two guys was nothing unusual. Already, she felt her cream filling her opening.

  Ty’s eyes flared with a glow of light just as Beau’s had done yesterday. She watched Ty as he gazed at her bared private parts. His nostrils widened, and his face took on a look of hot, ravenous hunger. His erection strained against his jeans. “I want to taste your sweet pussy, darlin’.”

  She smiled at Ty’s eagerness. “You may as soon as both of you guys finish taking off all your clothes.” Giving herself a small measure of control pleased her, until she realized she’d outsmarted herself this time. As she watched them undress, waiting impatiently for Beau’s and Ty’s arousing touch, her sensitive flesh swelled and pulsed around her opening. She could feel her fluids trickling slowly along her slit, and she was wide open and totally naked for these two sweet-talking cowboys. They could easily see how aroused and wet they made her. They probably knew that her vaginal opening clenched and pulsed. Still, she refused to let her legs close and reveal her nervousness. She trembled all over with sexual need. She couldn’t keep from imagining Ty’s fingers touching her slick pussy. Just the thought of Ty sliding a finger slowly inside her hole made her back arch and her hips writhe. Her opening contracted again with hun
ger for his touch.

  It didn’t take them long to get completely naked. They both sported stiff, erect cocks. Ty was as tall as Beau but just slightly more slender. Muscles rippled along his cut abs and muscular shoulders, bulging in his arms and thighs as he lowered himself onto the bed and positioned his shoulders under her spread legs. She could feel his heat and soft breath against her thighs and her pussy. He made her shiver.

  He met her gaze and spread her thighs wider. “I’m going to eat you up, darlin’.”

  She smiled nervously. “Go ahead.”

  Ty lowered his head and nuzzled her outer folds right over her clit. Her hips jerked upward. He gave a soft, deep growl and moved lower. All she could see was his dark-brown, short, straight hair. His hot tongue swiped long and gently between her folds. He pulled back a little. “Darlin’, your juices are flowing so sweet. I love the taste of you.”

  She grabbed the bed covers in her fists as he lowered his head again and his wicked tongue lapped at her opening, delving to the sensitive flesh below. She bucked uncontrollably, and her swollen folds bumped his face. She heard his deep, warm chuckle as he continued to drive her need higher with his talented mouth. “Ty!” She writhed beneath his firm hold.

  “What, sweetheart? What do you need?”

  “I need you inside me,” she whispered.

  The mattress dipped at her side, and she opened her eyes to watch Beau ease his naked body’s full length at her side. His impressive erection jutted toward her. He cupped one breast and scraped the callused pads of his fingers over her taut nipple. The burning ache in her sensitive nipple struck her already tormented pussy as fast as lightning. Her hips curved upward against Ty’s mouth. She whimpered and panted with the rising tide of sexual need, so desperate to climax.

  Just as more aching heat raced from the nipple Beau suckled to her swollen labia, Ty speared his tongue deep inside her hole. She cried out from the intense sensation and jerked, but he held her hips still and delved in and out with his hot, wet, tormenting caresses. Beau squeezed and rolled her other nipple. Ty pressed down on her clit with his fingers and circled the swollen nub, never ceasing to fuck her with his tongue, increasing her need. She cried out and let her legs fall open wider. Ty moved upward and suckled her clit as Beau took her nipple between his teeth and squeezed gently.

  The sight of both of those dark heads licking and teasing her most sensitive flesh was an overwhelmingly sexy vision she’d never seen before, and it heightened her need even more. A rising moan escaped her as she trembled all over with prickly sensations. Her back arched and her climax kicked in. Even held prisoner by her body’s orgasm, she wanted only to offer up more of her most sensitive flesh to Ty’s continuing torment. Her hips lifted off the bed with the strength of her orgasm and her need for more.

  “That’s the way, babe,” Beau said softly as he continued to roll her nipples, helping to prolong the exquisite pleasure.

  Ty growled from deep in his chest, never ceasing to devour her aching pussy. More cries escaped her as her hips bucked uncontrollably.

  At last she came down from the orgasmic high, her body calming, the contractions in her lower belly lessening in strength.

  “God, you’re amazing,” Ty said, awe in his rasping voice as she met his heated gaze between her thighs. “I love to feel those silky pulses around my tongue.” He gave her a slow, wicked grin.

  She smiled back at him. “That was pretty incredible.”

  “That’s just a sample, babe,” Beau said beside her.

  Chloe glanced down his beautiful body and stared at his raging hard-on. She shifted her gaze to Ty who now knelt at the foot of the bed. His cock was just as hard as Beau’s from the look of it.

  “You didn’t find your releases yet. How are we going to take care of that?” She glanced from Ty to Beau.

  Beau grinned at her. “I have the perfect solution if you’re up for it.”

  “Tell me.” She looked forward to anything Beau and Ty had in mind. She trusted them.

  “Have you given a guy oral sex before?” Beau asked.

  “Yes, but there are two of you,” she pointed out.

  Ty and Beau took hold of her body and turned her onto her stomach, working smoothly together. Ty pulled her hips up until she was kneeling.

  “I’m going to take you from behind, hon,” Ty said.

  She looked at Beau, and he smiled at her as she thought about what Ty wanted to do to her. She’d only ever done that with Beau before.

  “Don’t worry, I think you’ll like it,” Beau said. “And I’d love for you to give me oral sex. But it’s whatever you want to do. I’d love to feel your lips and tongue on my cock if you want to.”

  “Yes. I’d like to,” she said.

  She heard a package open and twisted to look back at Ty. She saw a glistening drop of pre-cum on the head of his cock just before he sheathed himself.

  “Let’s try it this way.” Beau shifted across the bed. She looked at Beau to find him positioning himself so his legs were spread on either side of her. She would have easy access to his cock and his sac.

  Anxious to get started on him, she braced herself with a hand on the bed and close to his side and grasped his cock with her other hand. She leaned down and touched the tip of her tongue to the velvety skin on the long, hard shaft. She heard his deep-chested moan as she licked the length of his cock and tasted him.

  “Babe, that feels incredible,” Beau said, his voice rasping.

  Ty’s hands grasped her hips and held them still. “You’re the sexiest little thing I’ve ever seen, darlin’. Stay right like that, and don’t move.”

  Bent forward as she was over Beau’s cock, with her butt cheeks and private parts presented to Ty rather blatantly, she had a feeling that nothing was hidden from Ty. As if in answer to her suspicions, he circled a finger at her opening and spread her fluids up and down her slit from her clit to her anus. The sensation made her shiver and almost curl her hips and squeeze her butt cheeks together.

  As Ty caressed her, she had to focus to lick Beau’s cock. She learned the tastes and textures of him. She traced the shape of the dusky, rose head of his shaft, felt the slit on top with the tip of her tongue, and tasted a drop of pre-cum. She brought another groaning moan, almost a feral growl, from Beau.

  “God, babe, you’re killing me,” Beau said, softly.

  “That’s the way, hon,” Ty said, his voice a soft growl as well. When he parted her labia and circled her clit with his capable fingers, she couldn’t help moving her hips and arching her back as she swirled her tongue around the moist tip of Beau’s jutting cock.

  Ty pressed the blunt head of his penis against the entrance to her vagina. Even as she anticipated this new feeling of being taken by Ty, she took Beau’s cock between her lips and slid her mouth over him, easing the firm head deep into her mouth. She sucked him and swirled her tongue all around the head, discovering the shape and size.

  “God, yes,” Beau said, his voice a rasping growl.

  Ty pushed into her passage slowly, firmly, and gently. He pulled out of her and pushed back inside deeper. Worried she’d climax too soon, she forced herself to focus on Beau as much as she could in spite of what Ty was doing to her and how her body was responding to him. She took Beau’s cock deeper. Holding tight to the base, she moved up and down his shaft. With her other hand, she caressed his smooth sac and weighed his balls with her fingertips.

  “Babe, I can’t take much more,” he said, panting. “Let go before I come in your mouth.”

  She gave her head a little shake in answer.

  Ty pushed deeper, and when he pulled a little way out, he touched that oh-so-sensitive place inside her channel. A sharp moan escaped her, and she shivered, her thigh muscles clenching. With his fingers tormenting her swollen clit, he leaned over her and thrust inside faster, holding her steady with an arm around her hips, and driving her closer to her orgasm.

  She took as much of Beau’s cock as she could and stroked h
im with her tongue. Holding the base in one hand, she continued to caress his balls. They were drawn up tight.

  “Release me, Chloe!”

  She shook her head again. He growled deep in his chest and took hold of her head and lifted her off his cock. As she released his cock, she felt him shiver as he climaxed. A deep growl came from his chest. His cock surged, and his cum spurted over his torso. She watched enthralled as he continued to ejaculate, his climax taking complete control of him as his cum spurted in streams across his torso over and over.

  At last his cock quieted.

  Holding her tight, Ty plunged deep inside her vagina again and touched her womb. Beau cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples gently, his eyes dark with his pleasure. Her climax kicked in, and she cried out with the ecstasy of the hard orgasmic contractions. More cries escaped her as Ty climaxed, a low growl rumbling from his chest, his surging cock caressing her most sensitive flesh. Beau brushed the rough pads of his fingers over her hardened nipples, sending more aching heat to her pussy. Gripping her hips, Ty ejaculated so forcefully she could feel it against the walls of her vagina even though he wore a condom. A moan escaped her as more contractions pleasured her. Their deep moans mingled until their bodies quieted at long last, completely relaxed.

  Ty slowly pulled out of her passage. The friction gave her more pleasure and more sharp contractions. He lowered her hips gently as she gratefully collapsed into Beau’s waiting embrace, her bare breasts brushing over his damp, lightly furred chest. Ty lowered his body over her legs. The damp warmth of their bodies melded together. She was cradled and protected by Beau and Ty and felt safe and at ease in their embraces, her body lethargic.

  Chapter Five


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